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Jun 19th 2023
🧵 We're now in concurrent sessions at #CDIC2023, and we're live tweeting from Concurrent Session 2F, on 'Social and behavioural aspects of vaccination'. #PublicHealth
Dr @JessicaJKaufman from @MCRI_for_kids is now presenting to a packed room on 'Persuasive messaging’s effect on parents’ COVID-19 vaccine intentions for primary school children'. #CDIC2023
@JessicaJKaufman @MCRI_for_kids Dr Kaufman discusses results from a parallel-group randomised controlled online experiment, which tested a range of different types of messages. #CDIC2023 @COSSI_Vaccine
Read 11 tweets
Jun 19th 2023
🧵 Hello from day 1 of the Communicable Diseases & Immunisation Conference 2023. The Opening Plenary, starting now, is titled 'Whole of society: future approach to infectious diseases prevention and control'. #CDIC2023 River in Perth. Sunny day.
@BizEventsPerth @terryslevin @tarunw @HelenSMarshall @abcperth @healthgovau @_PHAA_WA Sandra Harben is now giving the Welcome to Country. We're on Whadjuk Noongar land today. #CDIC2023 Sandra Harben speaking at l...
Read 25 tweets
Jun 16th 2023
A funny thing is happening as I regain parts of my life as a result of receiving #HBOT after a 14 month battle with #LongCovid. While I'm incredibly grateful to be one of the lucky ones who found a treatment they respond to I'm also trying to come to terms with the possibility
That some of the damage maybe permanent. For example the other day I was taking the boat out after a spin up the river, there is a winch on the stern that keeps the boat on the trailer. I couldn't figure out how it works. I've been using those winches for years. Literally like
Second nature to me. It operates in such a way as you have to have several things lined up so it will tighten properly. Not matter what I did I could not put the pieces together. #Brainfog means I am unable to do tasks which require multiple areas of focus.
Read 8 tweets
Jun 6th 2023
EMA's last regular press briefing on #PublicHealth emergencies…
Watch live 🔴

We are now starting our final regular press briefing on EMA’s response to #COVID19 pandemic and other public health emergencies. Don’t miss our tweets during the press briefing.

Follow #EMAPresser.

During the pandemic media have helped us maintain trust in our work. Through their questions about #Covid19vaccines and #science, their follow-up of citizens' concerns, the public was kept informed about the approval process and the role of the medicines regulator. #EMAPresser
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May 22nd 2023
1/9) Humans are naturally social beings, with a tendency to follow the crowd, also known as 'herd mentality'. This psychological phenomenon can unfortunately extend to health practices, such as mask-wearing during the COVID-19 pandemic. #COVID19 #MaskUp
2/9) Following the crowd provides a sense of security and belonging. When a significant number of people neglect mask-wearing, others may feel compelled to do the same, despite the risks, to maintain social cohesion. #COVID19 #HerdMentality
3/9) Misinformation about masks often circulates on social media and can spread quickly, influencing public opinion. This misinformation can discourage people from wearing masks. Always check facts with reliable sources. #FakeNews #COVID19
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May 22nd 2023
#Paxlovid - mal wieder. Nach einem bemerkenswerten Tweet eines auf Twitter weithin bekannten Anwaltes über seinen unter Paxlovid halbwegs freundlichen Covid-Verlaufes (ja es wurden im Vorfeld auch benutzte Tampons erwähnt...) fand sich im Laufe des sonnigen Sonntag-Nachmittages⬇️
Deutschlands #MedtwitterElite im Thread zur fröhlichen Studieninterpretation ein um festzustellen, daß es "null Daten gäbe" die den Zusammenhang von Herr Juns freundlichem Verlauf und der Einnahme von Paxlovid stützen würden. Alles nur anekdotische Evidenz - also keine Evidenz.⬇️
Bis nach Amerika hat sich diese Erkenntnis offensichtlich noch nicht herumgesprochen.
Siehe hier:…


oder hier:…
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May 17th 2023
📢 We’re out here at the SF @EPA office for our Rally and Press Conference for Our Lives #BayArea w/ @SunflowerAction @WOEIP @EnvDefenseFund!

Follow our thread below 🧵 ⬇️ for updates as we urge authorities to clean up CA's dirty ocean #shipping! 🚢
We’re calling on the U.S. @EPA to APPROVE ✅ life-saving #CleanAir amendments by @AirResources that are needed to clean up dirty ocean shipping & protect our health from #FossilFuel ship pollution. 🔥

Let's get started!
.@CityofRichmond Mayor Eduardo Martinez shares about #FossilFuel shipping: 👇

“We know we need to stop all these diesel guzzling ships from coming in and out of our ports — and that’s what we’re going to do in Richmond.”

#RuleOutShipPollution Image
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May 12th 2023
🧵 1/4 The #mpox prevention toolkit. 🌈 #publichealth #LGBTQ #LGBTQI #prevention #pride
🧵 2/4 Get up to date on the mpox vaccine. Both doses! It’s not too late! Read more and find your two shots 👉…
🧵 3/4 If you have a rash or don’t feel well avoid events and sex. Get tested even if you have been vaccinated or had #mpox before. Go you your health care provider or #sexualhealth clinic for mpox tests & other services (like HIV and STI) Find them at👉…
Read 4 tweets
May 11th 2023
So #Covid19 is no longer a Public Health Event of International Concern #PHEIC . It is important to understand this DOES NOT mean it has stopped spreading or that it no longer represents a #publichealth risk or that covid related burden of disease is over. A quick explainer : 1/6
There are 3 criteria for @WHO to declare a #pheic according to the 2005 International Health Regulation: 1) an extraordinary event, 2) a public health risk to other States through the international spread, and 3) potentially requires a coordinated international response 2/6
All three criteria need to be fulfilled- once declared it triggers a specific response level globally, regionally and nationally. The status is reviewed regularly 3/6
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Apr 28th 2023
Let's have a good old fashioned Mask Conference rater!

I haven't done one in quite a while, but since @RWalensky is killing the map?

Send me your best photos/videos of the nation's best (at infecting the nation).

While Walensky is a political employee? Not one fought for

To start? The CDC letting us know that "Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) officers investigate and respond to disease outbreaks and other #PublicHealth threats. "


They said not to call it an outbreak regarding their own outbreak.


I wonder where we can find a definition of outbreak, @CDCMMWR ?  CDC official said the agen...
Read 9 tweets
Apr 27th 2023
🧵Please RT this #PublicHealth thread for internally displaced people & refugees in Sudan on how to disinfect drinking water.💦 You can kill pathogens in Sudanese surface water by boiling it for one minute.🔥 But another safe method uses the sun.☀️ #KeepEyesOnSudan #SudanUpdates
The @WHO recommends solar disinfection (SODIS) to disinfect drinking water when you cannot boil water. All you need is clear, plastic bottles, such as 1-liter or 2-liter bottles that previously held soda or juice. Place the bottles on a roof or in full sunlight for 6 hours.☀️ ImageImage
Six hours of exposure in full sunlight (or two days of exposure if the weather is cloudy) will pasteurize the water. The UV-A solar radiation combined with the heat from the sun for 6+ hours will destroy or deactivate most pathogens, making your water much safer to drink. ImageImage
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Apr 25th 2023
The @usnews rankings are always questionable at best, but this year's newly released version, which rank #publichealth sub-disciplines, is particularly egregious. Time for a 🧵.
For the first time, the rankings include not only an overall ranking of schools of public health, but also of disciplines within public health including biostatistics, epidemiology, environmental health, health policy, and social/behavioral sciences.
Sounds great, right? Except instead of being ranked by, you know, experts within each of these disciplines, the rankings were done primarily by deans and "other academics". Image
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Apr 11th 2023
#PIMS #Nierenschäden #Lungenembolie

1/ Verschweigt das #RKI in seinem #Aufklärungsmerkblatt zu den #mRNA-Vakzinen potentielle Impfkomplikationen?

Das aktuelle Aufklärungsmerkblatt von #RKI und Deutschem Grünen Kreuz e. V. (Stand 09.02.23) scheint …… Image
2/ … die Informationen aller bislang verfügbaren mRNA-Impfstoffe zu vereinen (unterschiedl. Hersteller, unterschiedl. Varianten, unterschiedl. Dosierungen Kind/Erwachsener).

Unter der Überschrift „Sind Impfkomplikationen möglich?“ (S. 6/6) listet das Merkblatt: …
3/ Akute Gesichtslähmung, Nesselsucht, Gesichtsschwellungen, anaphylaktische Reaktionen, Myokarditis und Perikarditis. … Image
Read 13 tweets
Apr 6th 2023
Our research team @ActionResear just completed the first phase of our water quality mapping project in Lahore. We collected and analyzed water samples from over 400 locations and discovered 6 major E.coli hotspots in the city. A 🧵. #waterquality #Lahore Image
Fecal contamination detected in water samples from Chungi Ammar Sidhu, Charar, Kirianwala, Kharas Mohalla, Mustafaabad, and Kot Khawaja Saeed. #WaterContamination #Pakistan ImageImageImageImage
Our team is moving on to the next phase of research to assess water quality in these areas by collecting a larger number of samples. We've already conducted an extensive study of Chungi Ammar Sidhu and found that 45% of the 72 samples we collected were contaminated with E.coli.
Read 7 tweets
Apr 5th 2023
Autumn #vaccination campaigns focused on older age groups and other high-risk populations are key to decrease impact of #COVID19.

Read full report:
Press release:
To decrease the impact of #COVID19 hospitalisations and mortality, countries should plan for a continued roll-out of #COVID19vaccines.

Efforts should focus on protecting older adults & other vulnerable groups, such as those with underlying comorbidities & the immunocompromised.
According to #ECDC surveillance data, with every new wave of #COVID19 infection, individuals in older age groups are more likely to be hospitalised.

Data suggests persisting #SARSCoV2 transmission in EU/EEA & therefore, a continuous risk of severe disease for vulnerable groups.
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Apr 1st 2023
My friend @GitaPensaMD just published this brilliant piece in @TIME about the unspoken fear that is driving many docs, nurses, & other #healthcare providers out of clinical care. It’s not what you think. Take a read.…
In tandem, I learned that UCSF nurses are protesting exactly the same conditions that Gita describes: overcrowding, insufficient staffing, a place in which it is IMPOSSIBLE to provide high quality care.…
And last night I had a conversation with a non-medical friend who is experiencing the misery of emergency department overcrowding, first-hand.

➡️Patients & providers, together, must call for better.
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Mar 31st 2023
Avec des vaccins à l'efficacité de plus en plus limitée (50% au mieux face à XBB 1.5 contre plus de 90% sur les premiers variants)…

> face à l'échappement immunitaire, quelle logique de l'obligation vaccinale si d'ici l'été la protection tombe à 25/30% ?
On peut aussi noter le variant BQ.1.1 Cerberus...

À chaque mutation de + en + sélectionnée par la pression immunitaire et vaccinale, le virus mutant résistant est sélectionné et diminue l'efficacité vaccinale car la vitesse d'évolution et complexité du virus va + vite ImageImageImage
De + chaque réinfection ⬆️ les risques de décès, d'hospitalisation, mais aussi de + en + kde séquelles, notamment pulmonaires, troubles cardiovasculaires, hématologiques, diabétiques, gastro-intestinaux, rénaux, de santé mentale, musculo-squelettiques et neurologiques.
Read 14 tweets
Mar 28th 2023
New report: ‘What happens in English generalist #daycentres for #olderpeople? Findings from case study research’ by @katitao @JillManthorpe & Anthea Tinker
@hscwru @DunhillMedical @NIHR_S_L
1/6 Image
The report aims to improve understandings of #daycentres among social care/health professionals & potential collaborators. It showcases the complexity of these services & their diversity, shedding light on what makes them multi-faceted ‘interventions’. 2/6
The Covid-19 pandemic led to a greater appreciation of the need for in-person contact and the difficulties facing some older people when they could no longer meet other people in their #daycentre when these closed temporarily. 3/6
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Mar 27th 2023
None of us - NONE OF US - are immune to our American epidemic of #gunviolence. Worse, the effects of the daily trauma on our children - on ALL of us - are nearly unimaginable.

We need hope.

Which means: we need change. What got us here, will not get us to a better space.
PS: I do a LOT of work with firearm owners, with communities affected by daily #gunviolence, and with communities affected by suicides.

It is worth highlighting that the extremist positions of a few, are not the beliefs of the many.
None of us want people who are hate-filled, intent on hurting themselves & others, and with a history of felonies to have access to a firearm.

None of us want this type of murder, to be glorified.

None of us want our public spaces to feel unsafe.
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Mar 27th 2023
Happening NOW!

Follow this🧵for live tweets of the #Barnraising panel discussion feat. @DrCMBoraas @UshmaU @ajeanstevenson Dr. Suzanne Bell & Dr. Siri Suh! @minnpop #abortion #healthequity
Dr. Siri Suh is faculty at @BrandeisU & teaches Sociology of Reproduction.

Last fall after the #Dobbs decision, enrollment in this class doubled. Shows interest but also alarm in the aftermath of overturn of #RoevWade. @minnpop #Barnraising #abortion
Dr. Siri Suh's research area is post-#abortion care in Senegal, which is a country where abortion is prohibited.

Recently, she has focused on use of misoprostol & working to decolonize reproductive health knowledge in Sub-Saharan Africa. @minnpop #Barnraising #healthequity
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Mar 27th 2023
2022 official statistics update from @OHID

#Dental health of 5 year old children in England

One third of 5 yr olds have tooth decay (29.3%)

Those in the most deprived areas of England are 2.5 times more likely to have decay than in the least deprived (35.1% Vs 13.5%)

From 2008 to 2017 there was a clear trend of significant improvement in the prevalence of tooth decay in 5 year olds in England (from 30.9% to 23.3%)

**There have been no further significant improvements in oral health since 2017**

#dentistry #Health #oralhealth

#Oralhealth inequalities have previously been highlighted as a #publichealth problem

There is a positive association between decay experience and deprivation, as deprivation increases so does decay experience

#inequality #dentistry

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Mar 16th 2023
Did you know that #India's 🇮🇳 Universal Immunization Programme is one of the world's most cost-effective #publichealth interventions?💡

It's been instrumental in reducing vaccine-preventable diseases and under-5 child mortality rates.

Here's how it works: 🧵 Image
Despite efforts,unvaccinated children in India still run high.

LODOR (Left-out,Drop-out,Resistant) families are especially at risk.

That's why #UNICEF partner with civil society organizations & community-based groups(CBOs) to ensure full immunization coverage #foreverychild.
Strengthening the system through community outreach!

Civil society organizations are key partners in implementing immunization programs. They disseminate crucial information, provide health system support, and train frontline workers to ensure seamless logistics.
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Mar 13th 2023
🧵While walking to VU this morning to teach class for #SystemsThinking in #PublicHealth, I began pondering the challenges I experienced. Also how designing & teaching this unit has taught me much about #LearningDesign & #teaching more broadly.

All pics in this thread by me!
It does feel risky to write this thread but here we go...

The interaction of studying the Graduate Cert in #TeritaryEducation & designing & teaching a unit in #SystemsThinking in #PublicHealth has really altered the way I think about Public Health teaching & learning @CAPHIA1
It has been transformative but also I have felt profoundly alone & unsure of where there was space - apart from here - where I could safely bounce ideas around about how to address the challenges experienced in the classroom. The #LearningDesigner I work has been phenomenal...
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Mar 12th 2023
Good afternoon from #Naarm

Featured in this tweet and the one following are all pieces of street art from Naarm (some legal, some sneaky) that celebrate First Nations Australians. Perhaps some of you recognise where they are from?
The tram one should be familar to most Victorians and is part of @risingmelbourne 2022 First Peoples art trams… It is called Blak Love and is by Dr Paola Balla (Wemba Wemba-Gunditjmara)
This afternoon I want to start by saying that both illness & lack of internet coverage down in Somers (on Bunurong Country) threw a real spanner in the works for my @WePublicHealth tweeting 😥

Read 16 tweets

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