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"India is inspiring the world in TB elimination. Every country should have the Ni-kshay Mitra initiative. I salute the way it is happening at sub-nationals too, not in pilot mode but at scale"- Dr @LucicaDitiu at 'One World TB Summit', Varanasi.

@PMOIndia @narendramodi
Ms. Lucica Ditiu, Executive Director @StopTB applauds the strong political leadership of India under PM Shri
@narendramodi to #EndTB by 2025

@PIB_India @TBHDJ @TbDivision @AmritMahotsav
The World Needs One Leader, PM
@NarendraModi Ji: Dr. @LucicaDitiu

#WorldTBDay #TBMuktBharat
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World TB Day 2023.

“Another year of both progress and setbacks for tuberculosis research and control efforts”, write @LancetRespirMed editors.

We begin this #WorldTBDay thread with an Editorial 🧵
Tuberculosis (TB) remains one of the world’s deadliest—yet preventable and curable—infectious killers.

In 2021, 1.6 million deaths were caused by the disease, and a further 10.6 million people fell ill with TB. #EndTB
According to WHO, estimated TB incidence and deaths have increased for the first time in over a decade.

“It is important to find hope and keep the fight going”, state @TerezaKasaeva and colleagues.

They outline 10 priorities for accelerating progress: Panel: Ten crucial prioriti...
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LIVE: Media briefing on global health issues with @DrTedros…
"On Tuesday, #Tanzania confirmed its first known cases of #Marburg virus disease. So far, 8 cases have been confirmed, including 5 deaths. More than 160 contacts have been identified and are being monitored"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "National responders trained jointly by WHO and the @CDCgov have been deployed to the affected region to carry out further investigations, monitor contacts and provide clinical care"-@DrTedros #Tanzania #Marburg
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LIVE: Opening of 152nd WHO Executive Board meeting…
"Three years ago today, I declared a public health emergency of international concern over the global spread of #COVID19 – the highest level of alarm under the International Health Regulations, and for the moment, the only level of alarm"-@DrTedros #EB152
@DrTedros "As you know, on Friday the Emergency Committee met to consider whether that remains the case. The committee has advised me that in its view, #COVID19 remains a global health emergency, and I agree"-@DrTedros #EB152
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🆕 WHO 2022 Global TB report 🧵

For the first time in many years, an increase has been reported in the number of people falling ill with #tuberculosis (TB) and drug-resistant TB.

📌 Three doctors are looking at an X-ray of a patients lungs.
In 2021, #tuberculosis was on the rise ↗️:
🔸10.6 million people fell ill with TB, an increase of 4.5% from 2020.
🔸1.6 million people died from TB.
🔸Drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) increased by 3%, with 450 000 new cases of rifampicin-resistant TB (RR-TB).

Reasons for increase in #tuberculosis cases:

🔸Disruption of essential TB services due to the #COVID19 pandemic.

🔸Ongoing conflicts across Eastern Europe, Africa & the Middle East have further worsened the situation for vulnerable populations.

📌 Illustration of the letters "TB" whit a clock goin
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🧵When resources are limited, the question of what knowledge is needed and when — the ‘decision gate’ analogy — becomes the principal strategic consideration in determining the priority of activities during early drug development
@NatRevDrugDisc #biotech…
Evidence showing ligands & receptors to be variable and discerning instigators of signals, and translators of information, respectively, have illustrated the fallacy of assuming that the surrogate host cell is an inert vessel-Terry Kenakin @NatRevDrugDisc…
Stepping back from the rather safe HTS paradigm to discovery in virtual space which is still not yet fully developed, certainly needs courageous management decisions not only in terms of financial investments, but also in organizational evolution @Aalanine…
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LIVE: Second Plenary meeting at #WHA75…
"Yesterday, I made my remarks on the theme of health for peace and peace for health, which Member States will discuss in the general debate. I want to start today by looking back, to where we have been over the past five years"-@DrTedros #WHA75
@DrTedros "You elected me 5 short years ago, with an ambitious agenda for universal health coverage; health emergencies; women's, children's and adolescents' health; the health impacts of climate and environmental change; and a transformed WHO"-@DrTedros #WHA75
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LIVE: Media briefing on #Ukraine, #COVID19 and other global health issues with @DrTedros…
@DrTedros "The global increase in #COVID19 cases continues, driven by large outbreaks in Asia and a fresh wave in Europe. Several countries are now seeing their highest death rates since the beginning of the pandemic"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "This reflects the speed with which Omicron spreads, and the heightened risk of death for those who are not vaccinated, especially older people"-@DrTedros #COVID19

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🆕 WHO's Global TB Report reveals deaths from #tuberculosis rise for the first time in more than a decade due to the #COVID19 pandemic.

1.5 million people died in 2020 & the number will continue to rise unless urgent action is taken 👉 #EndTB
In 2O20, the #COVID19 pandemic has

🚨 disrupted access to #tuberculosis services
🚨 reduced financial resources in many countries
🚨 limited the availability of essential tB services

🆕 Global TB report explains more 👉 #EndTB
People have also struggled to seek tuberculosis care during #COVID19 lockdowns, reversing years of global progress to #endTB.
More investments & innovation are needed to ensure access to care for the millions of people affected by tuberculosis 👉
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🔴 𝕋ℍℝ𝔼𝔸𝔻 du 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒄𝒉 03

1. [OMS]

L'#OMS, cette structure régulièrement critiquée pour son manque de transparence, se définit comme « l’autorité directrice dans le domaine de la santé international au sein du système des Nations Unies ».

VIDÉO 1/12 ⬇️
2. Bien qu’elle ait toujours été financée par des mécènes privés, cette part ne s’élevait qu’à 20% dans les années 1970, 80% provenaient des États membres des Nations Unies.
Or, aujourd'hui la situation s'est inversée.
Avec, à la clé, des "contributions volontaires spécifiées".
3. L'indépendance de l’#OMS fait doute. En effet, contre toute attente, la structure est de plus en plus dépendante de fonds privés, comme #BillGates, car elle manque d’aides publiques.
De quoi laisser craindre une prise d’influence sur des questions de santé publique.
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It's #WorldTBDay

Even as we battle #COVID19, we must not ease up the fight against #Tuberculosis, which remains the 🌎🌍🌏’s deadliest infectious killer. Each day this preventable & curable disease causes:
🔸>4000 deaths
🔸~28000 new cases

Let's #EndTB
Only 2⃣ in 3⃣ people with #tuberculosis are known to be getting quality care and #COVID19 is making this worse. We need to scale up systematic screening and access to essential TB services to #EndTB.

It's #WorldTBDay
Only 1️⃣ in 3️⃣ people with drug-resistant #tuberculosis are known to be getting the treatment they need. We need to expand access to WHO-recommended fully-oral treatment regimens that improve treatment outcomes and save lives.
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63 million lives have been saved since 2000 by global efforts to #EndTB—efforts at risk from #COVID19. Achieving @WHO's #EndTB Strategy targets requires urgent action and investment.

On #WorldTBDay, access related content from across The Lancet titles 👇
Every day, nearly 4000 people die from #tuberculosis. Although considered a public health emergency for over 25 years, only modest progress has been made.

On #WorldTBDay, explore how recent advances could revolutionise #TB control & care in this Seminar:
An estimated 568,000 missing childhood #tuberculosis cases in 2019 were neither diagnosed nor adequately treated. With childhood TB cases on the rise, the case detection gap must be narrowed, writes @Esinofils, @TogunToyin, and @BeateKampmann. Read how:
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"This Wednesday is #WorldTBDay.

In the past year, the #COVID19 pandemic has caused severe disruption to services for many diseases, including tuberculosis"-@DrTedros #EndTB
"An estimated 1.4 million fewer people received care for #tuberculosis in 2020 compared with 2019, and we fear that more than half a million more people may have died"-@DrTedros #EndTB
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"We published the first global report on the burden of #sepsis, and a charter on health worker safety"-@DrTedros #HealthForAll #WHA73

"We’ve drawn new & much-needed attention to #mentalhealth, with new guidelines on stress management & adolescent & mental health, & we hosted the Big Event for Mental Health, a global advocacy event seen by more than 600,000 people"-@DrTedros #WHA73

"On maternal & child health, we’ve published new standards for improving the quality of care for small & sick newborns & provided intensive support for 20 countries to address the indirect impact of #COVID19 on mothers & children"-@DrTedros #HealthForAll
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About to start the session about the study that shows that High-dose rifapentine with moxifloxacin can shorten treatment time by a third for people with pulmonary #TB #UnionConf Image
📣 The #s31tb session starts!

#s31tb is the largest drug-sensitive #tb treatment trial in decades. It tested two arms vs. control aiming to shorten treatment to 4 months:
👉🏽substituting rifampicin with high-dose of rifapentine, &
👉🏽same + ethambutol for moxifloxacin ImageImage
🧫Innovation: the #S31TB enrolled 2,500 participants in 13 countries and included adolescents over 12, people living with HIV and people with cavitary #TB.

🤝Collaboration! #S31TB was an effort by two US-funded research networks: TBTC (at @CDC_TB) and @ACTGNetwork (at @NIH) Image
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The 🌏🌍🌏 has made steady progress in tackling tuberculosis (TB), with a 1⃣4⃣% drop in deaths between 2015 and 2019.

🚨 #COVID19 will lead to setbacks if no action is taken urgently, according to 🆕 WHO report 👉
About 4⃣6⃣5⃣0⃣0⃣0⃣ people were newly diagnosed with drug-resistant tuberculosis in 2019 and, of these, less than 40% were able to access treatment.

What can be done to change this 👉
In 2019, we reached & provided more people who developed tuberculosis with quality care but there are still those who were left behind. According to 🆕 WHO report,

✅Better reporting
✅Better diagnosis
✅Better access to care

will help close the gap.👉
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Progress and multisectoral action towards achieving global targets to #EndTB with @DrTedros. #UNGA…
"The number of people treated for #tuberculosis (TB) has grown since the @UN High Level meeting [in 2018], with over 14 million people reached with TB care"-@DrTedros #EndTB #UNGA
"The number of people provided with #tuberculosis preventive treatment has increased 4 times, from 1 million in 2015 to over 4 million in 2019.

These are impressive achievements that we must celebrate"-@DrTedros #EndTB #UNGA
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'Community actors and initiatives have helped fill the void left by services disruption and confinement this spring due to #COVID19.'
Ian Hodgson presenting results from EATG's COVID-19 Rapid Assessment Bulletins
Recognise their role and support them as integral part of the response to HIV, TB and hepatitis epidemic as well as COVID-19 to ensure that no one is left behind.
As incidence numbers are on the rise again, we must work together across all sectors so that the situation we have witnessed in and since spring does not hurt the most vulnerable most.
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In our @LancetMicrobe paper we report 671 Mtb genomes 🧬from 391 patients with drug #resistant #tuberculosis in KwaZulu-Natal South Africa sampled over 6 years.

We screened for resistance to #bedaquiline, a drug now central to effective #TB treatment.

We found ~4% of patients harboured #Mtb with variants in genes known to mediate #resistance to bedaquiline/clofazimine.

Phylogenetic analyses show repeated & independent acquisitions of resistance variants, including onward transmission of resistant strains across South Africa.
Bedaquiline is a reasonably new, but now cornerstone, drug in the fight against #DRTB.

The lack of routine #bedaquiline susceptibility testing may allow these #resistant strains to continue to spread, unwatched, posing further significant challenges to #TB treatment & control.
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1/8 #COVID19 key concerns in 🇨🇦: Today, in lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, a Wednesday statement has been issued. You can read in full here:…
2/8 As we continue to fight #COVID19, we are also moving forward in our fight against another infectious disease #tuberculosis (#TB). TB is preventable and curable, yet it remains one of the most common infectious diseases worldwide. #EndTB
3/8 #TB is caused by certain bacteria, which spread person-to-person through the air when a case of active TB disease coughs or sneezes. Unlike #COVID19, TB bacteria can stay airborne for several hours.
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Today, @WHO recognizes #WorldTBDay in order to end the stigma surrounding the disease and to #EndTB internationally. Former White House residents have suffered from the disease, including First Lady Eliza Johnson. #WomensHistoryMonth 1/9

Image Credit: Library of Congress Image
Though an often overlooked first lady, Eliza Johnson was a fascinating, well-educated woman. Unlike many of her peers in rural Tennessee, Eliza received an education at Rhea Academy in Greeneville, where she nurtured what would become a lifelong love of learning. 2/9
She met her future husband, Andrew Johnson, in Greeneville and managed the family finances and raised their five children while Andrew ran for office. 3/9
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Today is #WorldTBDay.

Tuberculosis remains the 🌎🌍🌏’s deadliest infectious killer. Each day, over 4000 people lose their lives to TB and close to 30,000 people fall ill with this preventable & curable disease.

#ItsTime to #EndTB
This #WorldTBDay’s theme is ‘It’s time’.
#ItsTime to translate commitments to #endTB into urgent action.
Ending the TB epidemic by 2⃣0⃣3⃣0⃣ is an important target in the @GlobalGoalsUN.
Ending TB by 2030 needs:
☑️ political will
☑️ financial resources
☑️ multisectoral engagement
☑️ community ownership
It's time to be accountable and ensure that we are on track to reach our goal.
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"Less than 6 months ago, WHO & @FIFAcom signed an agreement to work together to promote health through football. We didn’t know then what we know now – that a new virus would emerge that would bring many parts of society to a standstill – including the beautiful game"-@DrTedros
"Many football ⚽ matches have stopped – but our collaboration has become even more important during this difficult times. In fact, it’s given us the opportunity of working together more closely than we imagined"-@DrTedros #COVID19 #coronavirus
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Happy International Women’s Day! We’re celebrating some of the amazing #ScienceSHEroes working to #endTB across the UK. 🇬🇧 We’ve picked just one from each @UKAPTB institution but there are so many more. Who is your #ScienceSHEro? #IWD2020 #AidWorks 👩‍🔬🔬♀️ @PATHtweets @dsw_intl
To kick us off, we’re heading North to @QMUniversity in #Edinburgh where Dr Karina Kielmann is a medical anthropologist working to make health systems more responsive and accountable to people with #TB 🙋‍♀‍👩‍👩‍👧‍👦🩺👍👨‍💼✅ read more about her work here:
Across the road at @EdinburghUni @EdinUniUsher Associate Prof @hr_stagg is an epidemiologist striving to improve TB treatment outcomes, both in the @NHSuk and around the world. 📈🌍👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 #IWD2020 #ScienceSHEroes #EndTB Read more about her research here
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