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Jun 2nd 2023
Long Thread:

Life is limping back to #Manipur but not yet completely normal. Intellects are busy giving all kind of futile advices to Govt because they fail to understand that MEITEIS TOO HAVE RIGHTS.

I need to take you back to history to make understand better.


Today #Manipur is MADE to sit on Volcano. Who is responsible? Has it happened in last few years or decades?

NO!! It is a grievous outcome of Nehruvian folly of outsourcing North-east to Missionaries!

A beautiful State is brought on verge of collapse by historical sins!!

Not only #Manipur, but entire North-east has been a victim of Verrier Elwin’s conspiracy to keep region into “ISOLATION”, to allow Missionaries harvest their souls with Rice-bags. Those who didn't relent....were forcibly uprooted and pushed away from National Mainstream.

Read 22 tweets
May 7th 2023
Long Thread:

Was #ManipurViolence vi0lece by Christians against Hindus? Was it only a targeted religion based Vi0£ence or there is more to it? What was the real cause?

Let me give you Full Details. Only Facts. No Narratives. No Propoganda.


Manipur is a beautiful State with rich ethnic culture and suddenly it was MADE to burn.

What was the reason?

It all started After #Manipur High Court's order to State Govt on including Meitei community in the ST category.

Now you will say what is Meitei Community! Right?

So, to proceed 1st on Demographic Composition of #Manipur

Manipur is home to Meiteis who're Original Residents of State. They form 53% of State population (including Meitei Mu$lims).They are mainly concentrated in Imphal Valley.
They present REAL Ethnic Culture of Manipur.

Read 21 tweets
Mar 26th 2023
#PMModi addresses 99th edition of Mann Ki Baat

Mann Ki Baat live updates:…
Awareness about organ donation in the country is increasing: #PMModi
#PMModi urges everyone to contribute suggestions for the upcoming 100th episode next month.…
Read 20 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
24. SIKKIM thali #Sikkim
Read 9 tweets
Dec 17th 2022
"Growing up in a humble situation & being the eldest among five siblings, life was always hard and challenging. I did not want to depend on my parent’s income anymore & needed to stand on my own. ⁠

#Respect #RealLifeHero #Inspiration #Entrepreneurs #NorthEastIndia
So I decided to take up mending shoes which I was good at,” says Swuro.⁠

A cobbler in #Nagaland's Phek town, young Toyi Swuro has been helping underprivileged kids by repairing their footwear for free.⁠
We may not be able to help the needy students to buy them new school shoes, but atleast we can help repair their shoes,” he says, but his journey hasn't been easy.⁠

“When I started out, there were evenings when I would close my shop without earning a single penny."⁠
Read 4 tweets
Nov 21st 2022
THREAD: At a function earlier this month, #Nagaland CM Neiphiu Rio said he would not be campaigning for the assembly elections, due to take place early next year. Instead, Rio said, he would prioritise the resolution of the “Naga political issue”.…
In Nagaland, this refers to the long-running demand for a sovereign Naga homeland, which spawned India’s oldest insurgency.

The question of addressing these political demands inevitably crops up before assembly elections.
Before the 2018 polls,civil society, tribal bodies, backed by various armed groups, had agitated for an election boycott until peace talks yielded results. For a while, 11 parties signed a bond saying they would not field candidates – the plan fell apart when the BJP backtracked.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 23rd 2022
As only 145 days left to celebrate 75th anniversary of Indian Independence and I am starting an an initiative of #Dekhoapnadesh with #philately on the ocassion of #AzadiKaAmritMahotsav
"Rashtrapati Bhawan,New Delhi- Official Residence of President of India #indianstamps Image
#DekhoApnaDesh (see the India) with #philately to celebrate #AzadiKaAmritMahotsav
Day 2 : Kayang - A folk dance from Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh,India #indianstamps #indianphilately Image
Day 3 :Darjeeling Himalayan Railway or"Toy train" runs between New Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling in West Bengal which is one of the iconic mountain railways of India and in 1999,it was declared as UNESCO world heritage site
#DekhoApnaDesh with #philately #AzadiKaAmritMahotsav Image
Read 75 tweets
Feb 16th 2022
The 10th Indian edition of the global Great Backyard Bird Count starts on Friday! The #GBBC is a 4-day event (18-21 Feb) to celebrate our birds by documenting them across the country. Just look for birds as often as you can, and upload your lists to eBird.
Last year (2021), 2954 birders in India uploaded 31,355 lists during the GBBC, clocking nearly 17,000 hours of birding & recording 965 species – 72 % of the total number of species known to occur in the country!…

Can we cross 1,000 species this year?
Great Backyard Bird Count and Campus Bird Count in #Meghalaya
Read 14 tweets
Dec 31st 2021
So, an "emergency" law that is an instrument of discrimination and high handedness continues to be imposed indefinitely in #Nagaland,
even after 17 Naga coal miners recently joined the long list of innocents killed by the armed forces.
Modeled after the colonial-era Ordinance to suppress the Quit India movement, #AFSPA was first enforced in 1958 by Pandit Nehru to battle the Naga separatists in the then undivided state of Assam.

The then Home Minister, Pt. GB Pant (Congress) explained the reason for the Bill:
"This is a very simple measure. It only seeks to protect the steps that the armed forces might have to take in disturbed areas."

(a "simple measure" when an army personnel can fire on mere suspicion and no prosecution or legal proceedings shall be instituted, except with the
Read 8 tweets
Dec 7th 2021
1. A most unfortunate incident occurred in Mon Distt of Nagaland leading to death of 13 civs at the hands of our SFs.
2. The op was launched based on confirmed int input. Obviously something seems to have gone wrong. Enquiries will clarify the situation.
3. What was most disturbing was the crescendo of condemnation of the Army and a demand for imdt removal of AFSPA. People used such terms as ' cold blooded murder' and 'murderers'.
4. Not very long back CO of an AR Bn was killed in an ambush in neighbouring Manipur.
Don't recollect the term 'cold blooded murder' being used against the terrorists by this same gentry. At best they condemned it or remained quiet.
5. Point is why in the first place is the army operating in Nagaland.
Read 10 tweets
Dec 7th 2021
Not many might know that in 2017 during an op near #Oting village, Mon district, #Nagaland we had lost MAJ DAVID (awarded #KirtiChakra).

The EXACT same place where violence broke out on 4th dec 2021.

Mon is along d routes of infiltration & exfiltration to & frm Myanmmar
They say Major David Manlun fought like a TIGER to keep his men away from harm’s way. 👍

The fire fight had taken place btwn combined group of ULFA + NSCN(K) & 12 #ParaSF.

The “insurgents” attacked from inside an AUTO-RICKSHAW. Believe it or not!!!
Pics frm the op! 👇
That day 4 “insurgents” were killed.
On our side— 3 soldiers of Para SF wr wounded and we lost Maj David, who was to join #NSG in 2 weeks.

Replugging an article we had published on @Resonant_News earlier this year. By @Balidan10para!
Read 7 tweets
Dec 5th 2021
The paradoxical tag.

Lost count of the times I’ve been asked how ‘dangerous’ my homeland is. In my initial years of studying outside Nagaland, downplaying this stereotype was a trait I carefully nurtured. I was insanely frustrated and ashamed of the ‘tag’ our state bore. (1/5)
Over the years, I’ve come to realise how insanely naive it was on my part. Coming from a place of privilege, from the comfort of my home, I was disgustingly oblivious to the wider spectrum of the underlying issues taking place. Taking place in my own backyard. (2/5)
Today I am saddened but not ashamed anymore, to acknowledge that, yes, it is indeed a ‘dangerous’ place and one is right to tag it a ‘disturbed area’.

But on what context? That it is a disturbed area to the people of Nagaland. (3/5)
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Dec 5th 2021
13 civilians have been killed by security forces in Nagaland’s Mon district. The men were daily wage labourers.#Nagaland 1/n
Army’s 3 Corps in Dimapur has issued a statement owning responsibility for the killings. Court of Inquiry has been ordered. Govt has ordered an SIT probe. 2/n
The labourers were returning home to Oting village from a coal mine, about 15 kilometres away in Tiru when they were attacked by security forces. #Nagaland 3/n
Read 11 tweets
Jul 4th 2021
This cartoon from @thetoonguy today in @TheHinduMag today, which captures the reality of knowledge supremacy, triggered an old memory that had been buried deep inside for 13 years.
The Children's #Science Congress was taking place in Baramati, Maharashtra in 2008. I had travelled with an incredible bunch of geohydrologists from ACWADAM, Pune, to see how #science was being encouraged for school goers.
I landed up in a room where children from across the country were making presentations on #biological #sciences. One presenter was from #Nagaland & she made a fantastic presentation on local #rice varieties in her village.
Read 9 tweets
Nov 24th 2020
24 November 2020: #Weather Warning

Source: @Indiametdept

Heavy to very #rainfall with extremely heavy falls very likely at isolated places over #Tamilnadu, #Puducherry & #Karaikal and heavy rainfall at isolated places over Coastal #AndhraPradesh & #Yanam and #Rayalaseema.
24 November 2020: #Weather Warning

Source: @Indiametdept

Dense #fog very likely at isolated places over #Nagaland, #Manipur, #Mizoram & #Tripura and Moderate fog at isolated places over #Odisha, #ArunachalPradesh and #Assam & #Meghalaya.
24 November 2020: #Weather Warning


(1) Squally weather (wind speed reaching 65-75 kmph gusting to 85 kmph) likely to prevail over Southwest & adjoining Westcentral #BayofBengal
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Aug 16th 2020
It is quite perplexing to note that #Nagaland governor in his independence day speech has been castigating the elected govt of Nagaland in a vitriolic manner
The then interlocutor of Naga peace talks, the man elevated to the post of governor of Nagaland, while the Modi govt billed the Naga peace accord on 3rd August 2015 as a glorious feat which only "Modi ji can do".
The insurgents are celebrating the Naga independence day while sticking to their arguments of shared sovereignty between India and Naga nation, India and Nagaland can coexist but can not merge, apart from separate flag and constitution.
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Apr 15th 2020
Paid a visit to the designated #COVID19 Hospital, amidst claims and counter claims in regards to the preparedness of the Hospital. Concluded that, the tall claims of the Govt is not in synced with the ground reality vis-a-vis the preparedness to treat COVID19 patients 1/-
The number of ICU beds with ventilators are just a mere 4 Nos. There is a shortage of PPEs even for working Doctors which makes it a challenge to equipped the nurses.Regarding the substandard and poor quality of the available PPEs, the government promptly replaced them. 2/-
The quick response in this regard is much appreciated, however the question remains if all the hospitals in other districts have also been replaced/provided with quality PPEs. Also quality WHO recommended N-95 masks is yet to be made available for use. 3/-
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Feb 25th 2020
Plastic waste is growing at a rapid rate. With cities being flooded with single-use plastic, Himalayan region is facing a similar crisis. A quick look at where all the Himalayan states stand with respect to plastic waste management. Follow this #TwitterThread!
@WasteAid @aplastic_planet @WorldResources @Anoopnautiyal1 @down2earthindia @CPCB_OFFICIAL @icimod @IMI_Info The estimated plastic waste generation in #ArunachalPradesh is approx. 3787 T/Y during 2018-19. There are no plastic manufacturing or recycling units in the state. There is a partial ban on the use of plastic carry bags in East Siang, Tawang, Leparada Changlang, Kameng & Tirap.
@WasteAid @aplastic_planet @WorldResources @Anoopnautiyal1 @down2earthindia @CPCB_OFFICIAL @icimod @IMI_Info @ChintanIndia #HimachalPradesh: The estimated plastic waste generation is approx. 3672 T/A during 2018-19. Statewide ban on plastic carry bags. Door to door waste collection system & the collected plastic waste utilized in WTE plants, road construction & co-processing in cement kilns.
Read 13 tweets
Oct 12th 2019

You know #Nagaland is 'Falcon capital of the world'. Yearly around 1 million Amur falcons visit #Nagaland for roosting, from Mongolia en route to final destination­­­­ South Africa. They Travel up to 22,000 km; one of longest distance migration of birds.
Recently a study was conducted. Where a male Amur Falcon named ”Naga”, flew from Nagaland in India to Somalia in eastern Africa, crossing the entire Indian subcontinent and the Arabian Sea, for five days and 10 hours non-stop and covering a distance of some 5,600km.
In one study three Amur falcons were radio tagged named as Naga, Pangati & Wokha. By 13 November they left Nagaland & by 25th December all three were in Southern Africa. With some halts in India. They took longest over water jounrey. The idea was to study their behaviour.
Read 5 tweets

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