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May 24th 2023
@KristaKiuru #Tedros Adhanom: #WHO chief may face #genocide charges | Dec 14
- David #Steinman accused Tedros, 55, who took over at the WHO three years ago, of being one of three officials in control of the Ethiopian security services from 2013 to 2015.
@KristaKiuru 27 years, the #TPLF dominated and controlled every walk of life in every corner of #Ethiopia.
- #HumanRights abuses were rampant, independent media and journalists were non-existent and arrest and intimidation of opposition politicians was commonplace.
Read 11 tweets
May 2nd 2023
Le « traité pandémique » de l’OMS @WHO
Une personne non élue et non responsable @DrTedros qui prend des décisions qui pourraient avoir un impact sur des milliards de vies. C’est une concentration de pouvoir tout simplement inimaginable.

Déroulez, un fil…
le directeur général de l'#OMS, #Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a été sur les réseaux sociaux pour essayer de nous rassurer que ce nouveau traité ne piétinera pas la souveraineté de chaque pays ’.
⚠️il y a aussi des modifications sournoises au Règlement sanitaire international ( 2005 ) qui sont proposées. Et ces changements pourraient céder une autorité sans précédent à l'#OMS, laissant de sérieuses questions sur la souveraineté des États.
Read 12 tweets
Apr 12th 2023
#Rothschilds family funded most wars on both sides starting from Napoleon period.

They first established banks in Germany, London, France, Austria and Italy and later started to spread their wings. 164 central banks are owned & operated by them.

The fact that none of these countries have a #Rothschilds controlled central bank shows how powerful these guys are. Image
Read 71 tweets
Mar 30th 2023
#WEF and the globalist bureaucrats are not your friends. A 🧵👇

▪️ I will not eat the insects.
▪️ I will not get rid of my car.
▪️ I will not use digital currency.
▪️ I will not get the mRNA shots.
▪️ I will not be a vaccine subscriber.
▪️ I will not be masked by their will.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
Some say corrupt billionaires are the problem. Some say the corrupt #government is the root of all problems. I’d say corrupt billionaires are literally running the corrupt government.

If you are wealthy, you can do no wrong. You are a ruler without any rules… a 🧵 for awareness…… Image
PNC Bank seem biased to me, if the reasons it gave don’t hold merit. Image
Read 41 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
@IPiikki @turnusband "PEG-nanokantajat pääsevät kulkemaan elimistön biologisten esteiden läpi. Ne menevät rasvaliukoisina nanokantajina myös [1]veri-aivoesteen läpi ja jos ne läpäisevät veri-aivoesteen, ne läpäisevät myös istukan."
@IPiikki @turnusband #PEGylated lipids; #ALC135
ALC-135 is functional Cationic lipid of the vaxx.
-introduction of an aquenos #RNA solution.. at a specific pH leads to an #electrostatic interaction between #negatively charged RNA backbone and #positively charged Cationic lipid
@IPiikki @turnusband #SINOPEG #China Pat. #CN112220919A
Nano #coronavirus recombinant vaccine taking #GrapheneOxide as carrier
- The invention; field of nano materials and biomedicine, and relates to a vaccine, to devt of #2019nCoV #coronavirus nuclear recombinant nano vaccine
Read 24 tweets
Oct 31st 2022
#MinkGate. #Martians attack.
#Poultry #Lockdown Looms in England to Thwart Spread of #BirdFlu | 2h ago
- New #mandatory measures will require all poultry and captive birds to be kept indoors,
- Orson #Welles cannot explain the phenomenom.…
The War of the #Variants ImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Jan 14th 2022

If @MSF @MSF_Espana @MSF_EastAfrica do really want to know the whole story that led to the execution of their 3 staffs in #Tigray in June 2021, I'm more than willing to put you in touch with a medical doctor who'd been working with #MSF_Spain under the leadership of #Maria.

Needless to say that the medical doctor had survived repeated murder attempts at the hands of the Ethiopian troops before he finally fled Abi Adi hospital because he felt death was imminent for him.
@LaetitiaBader @jbgallopin @GerrySimpsonHRW @KenRoth @LABailey @ZekuZelalem

He is more than willing to testify if @MSF @MSF_Espana @MSF_EastAfrica are willing. So far, he has given his testimony to @hrw.

Again, I say that I am more than willing to put in touch if @MSF want to learn the truth behind the execution of #Maria, #Tedros, & #Yohannes.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 12th 2021
🔴 Pese a sus contínuas contradicciones desde que se comenzó a hablar de #Covid19, de las sospechas de “contactos poco claros con el Xi Jinping”:
¿Cómo se mantiene al frente de la #OMS el biólogo y político etíope?
¿En cuantos días se desdice?
👇 🤦‍♂️
#Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Ojalá que no “Don Tedros”, pero es usted y su #OMS, quienes generaron muchísimas dudas.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 29th 2021
These video scenes of #brutal #LawEnforcement are from around the world and Australia figures prominently.
It is #dehumanising and mentally debilitating to see this and to comprehend the #inhumanity
Is it right to assault citizens like this?
The #G7summit was a cosy affair. Social distancing for the cameras and free-for-all off-it. #Scomo was in the midst of this #Cornwall retreat to plan the next phase of #Lockstep.
Do any of them appear concerned about the “pannddemmic” ?
#Scomo returns from his #G7Summit2021 all buoyed in #Lockstep and then NSW goes into #Lockdown followed by restrictions in other states.
Do you see fingerprints on this?
Is #GladysCluster trying too hard to convince?
See where we are on cases curve??
Read 38 tweets
Apr 16th 2021
Watch @NickHudsonCT from @PanData19 talk about the “Ugly Truth of COVID-19”
Actuary and data analytics expert.

The false narrative
The unjustifiable fear
The reality

#timetoreopen… Image
2/- #Tedros from @WHO presented a false #Covid19 and #Flu mortality comparison on 3 March 2020 by conflating Case Fatality Rate CFR of Covid mortality with Infection Fatality Rate IFR of Flu mortality which created worldwide fear and panic. This was deliberate. Image
3/- #JohnIoannidis @StanfordMed debunked and refuted #Tedros statement saying CFR 3.4% figure causes horror and was meaningless.
He proved this clinically and @WHO had to publish his paper in Oct 2020.
His results #Covid19 IRF 0.23% and 0.05% for those below 70.
@NickHudsonCT Image
Read 58 tweets
Apr 5th 2021
🔴 𝕋ℍℝ𝔼𝔸𝔻 du 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒄𝒉 03

1. [OMS]

L'#OMS, cette structure régulièrement critiquée pour son manque de transparence, se définit comme « l’autorité directrice dans le domaine de la santé international au sein du système des Nations Unies ».

VIDÉO 1/12 ⬇️
2. Bien qu’elle ait toujours été financée par des mécènes privés, cette part ne s’élevait qu’à 20% dans les années 1970, 80% provenaient des États membres des Nations Unies.
Or, aujourd'hui la situation s'est inversée.
Avec, à la clé, des "contributions volontaires spécifiées".
3. L'indépendance de l’#OMS fait doute. En effet, contre toute attente, la structure est de plus en plus dépendante de fonds privés, comme #BillGates, car elle manque d’aides publiques.
De quoi laisser craindre une prise d’influence sur des questions de santé publique.
Read 13 tweets
Mar 30th 2021
#BREAKING WHO chief urges deeper probe into lab leak Covid origins theory
#BREAKING WHO chief criticises lack of data access from China for Covid origins investigators
#UPDATE World Health Organization (#WHO) chief #Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Tuesday urged a deeper investigation into whether the #coronavirus outbreak originated with a lab leak, as world leaders pushed for a treaty to prepare for future pandemics
Read 5 tweets
Mar 15th 2021
#BREAKING: Iraq records 37 #COVID19 deaths and 4,901 new cases
#BREAKING: Palestine confirms 25 #coronavirus deaths and 2,298 new cases
#BREAKING: Jordan reports 82 #COVID19 deaths and 9,417 new cases in highest one-day tally since start of pandemic a year ago - health ministry Image
Read 13 tweets
Aug 14th 2020
One of the directors of Ghislaine Maxwell's fake ocean charity #Terramar is Amir Dossal who has been an executive for the UN for over 25 years.

Dossal played a key role in integrating the serial child sex predator into the UN and related globalist organizations.

#DefundTheUN ImageImageImage
#Terramar director Amir Dossal managed a $1 billion donation to the UN from Ted Turner, as the executive director for the UN's Office for Partnerships.

Just another reason why @CNN continually fails to report the Epstein/Maxwell crimes Image
Ghislaine's partner Amir Dossal also sits on the board of directors of Harvard's Humpty Dumpty Institute alongside Jeffrey Epstein brother, Mark Epstein.

HDI is another UN backed org pushing the #Agenda21 sustainable development BS
Read 6 tweets
Feb 24th 2020
#BREAKING South Korea biggest #coronavirus centre outside China, 161 new cases
#UPDATE South Korea reports 161 more #coronavirus cases, taking the nationwide total to 763 and making it the world's largest total outside China
#BREAKING China reports 150 more virus deaths
Read 31 tweets

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