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Jun 6th 2023
I keep seeing people ask #StopCopCity activists the same question:

“bUt IsN’t MoRe TrAiNiNg A gOoD tHiNg?”

The short answer is, of course, NO! #AbolishThePolice

Let’s do a quick THREAD 🧵🪡 about the person who heads up training for Atlanta Police Department:

Fred Watson. Portrait photo of Fred Johnson
Major Fred Watson is the APD “Training Academy Director” in charge of all training for Atlanta Police. He is also on the GA POST advisory board.

Watson oversees the “Police Curriculum” sub-group for the South River Forest Cop City Task Force— he’s very involved in Cop City. Major Watson listed on the ...
Watson was an early member of the notoriously violent & corrupt RED DOG Unit, focused on narcotics.

Anyone who KNOWS about RED DOG knows this is a huge 🚩— it had to be disbanded in 2011.

RED DOG was similar to the SCORPION unit that killed #TyreNichols…
Read 14 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
NEW: A Minneapolis Public Schools teacher talked to Unicorn Riot about the Minneapolis Police Department’s newly created PEACE Recruitment Program and the teachers union’s recent decision to oppose it. 🧵……
“The police are desperate now and they’re coming for our kids.” Minneapolis Public School Special Ed Teacher & Union Member Jessica Garraway brought a proposal to @MFT59 opposing the MPD’s PEACE Recruitment Plan targeting high school students & helped draft a resolution. ↕️
On Dec. 16, 2022, @MFT59 passed Garraway’s resolution opposing the MPD’s high school student recruitment program. This comes more than two years after the Minneapolis School Board voted to end its contract with MPD and take school resource officers (SROs)……
Read 23 tweets
Feb 26th 2023
I spoke with @kamaufranklin, who co-founded @CommunityMvt after years with @MXGMNyc in NYC, about Cop City in Atlanta and what it means for liberation movements in the US and worldwide

“We’ve got to get to a place in our movement where we’re winning some of these struggles, but we can only have that when the lulls happen and we’re not falling apart”

@kamaufranklin on what we can learn from #StopCopCity — even if we *don’t* win

@kamaufranklin “You will catch hell if you continue to work on this project. It will be the hardest work you’ve ever done” - @kamaufranklin to the city, corporations and developers behind Cop City

Want to #StopCopCity? Here’s what *you* can do — wherever you live

Read 7 tweets
Feb 3rd 2023
🧵 This is Benjamin Foster.
Tuesday, he died by suicide in a stand off with Oregon police. Foster met a woman on Bumble, went on a “date”, held her captive, beat, tortured & assaulted her for 5 days over Christmas. Her? Hospitalized, still unconscious, in critical condition 1/ Image
Police said when they found her it was “an absolutely disgusting scene.” Foster allegedly killed two people before the stand off and before committing suicide. He was on dating sites, trying to find new victims. And, Foster had done this before 2/
.@NPR reported Foster, in 2019, held his then-girlfriend captive in her Las Vegas apartment for 2 weeks. She had 7 broken ribs, 2 black eyes and injuries from being bound at the wrists and ankles with zip ties and duct tape. She said Foster forced her to eat lye, choked her 3/
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Feb 1st 2023
“All he wanted to do was get home,” Reverend Al Sharpton said of #TyreNichols.
“Home is not just a physical location. Home is where you are at peace. Home is where you’re not vulnerable. Home is where everything is alright."
“He said, all I want to do is get home. I come to Memphis to say the reason I keep going is, all I’m trying to do is get home… I want to get where they can’t treat me with a double standard — I’m trying to get home. I want to get where they can’t call me names no more — "
— I want to get home. I want to get where they can’t shoot and ask questions later — I’m trying to get home. Every Black in America stands up every day trying to get home.”--Rev. Al Sharpton
Read 4 tweets
Jan 31st 2023
5 articles ou sujets de l'actualité états-unienne qui ont retenu mon attention ce mardi 31 janvier 23 au matin.
#USNews #Actualités #EtatsUnis
(Elèves du lycée George Washington Carver, Miami, c1950s, collection Bob Simms, University of Miami Libraries)
1. La purge et l'enquête continuent au sein des forces de l'ordre et de secours de #Memphis #Tennessee après le tabassage mortel de #TyreNichols au début du mois: 1 officier suspendu & 2 pompiers renvoyés.…
2. Quelle histoire enseigner en #Floride ? Pour @jelani9 #DeSantis propose une histoire "pour les Floridiens blancs dès le plus jeune age avec laquelle ils pourront être à l'aise"…
Read 6 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
5 articles ou sujets de l'actualité états-unienne qui ont retenu mon attention ce lundi 30 janvier 23 au matin.
#EtatsUnis #Actualités #USNews
(Manifestants et policiers à #Memphis #Tennessee pendant une grève en 1968, University of Memphis Digital Commons)
1. Les suites de la mort de #TyreNichols après son tabassage par la police de #Memphis au début du mois.
Bon papier de l'AP qui dresse fait le bilan après la mise en examen des suspects et la diffusion des images terribles de ce lynchage…
Dans le #NYT papier intéressant sur l'unité "scorpion" dont sont issus les meurtriers présumés: cela ressemble fort à une BAC a qui on aurait que tous les coups sont permis dans un contexte de grande insécurité…
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Jan 30th 2023
When you deliberately hire the dumbest applicants to be cops you get exactly what you’d expect—just another criminal gang. The cops in Memphis were as much victims of that stuff as Tyre Nichols and they were “trained” by hostile intel.…
Let’s review the video. The dumb cops discuss using a taser on Tyre. Who manufactures that? That would be Axon which is currently suing the FTC over its own lawless conduct.…
I tried to get Axon — which manufactures tasers and the body cameras — to work with me on facial recognition. They weren’t interested. But it’s obviously true that if a smart cop had facially recognized Tyre Nichols he’d still be alive.
Read 14 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
Memphis officer Desmond Mills, one of the killers of #TyreNichols has already made it to the Brady List of misconduct cops. His Brady report linked below.… Image
Memphis officer Demetrius Haley, one of the killers of #TyreNichols has already made it to the Brady List of misconduct cops. His Brady report linked… Image
Memphis officer Tadarrius Bean, one of the killers of #TyreNichols has already made it to the Brady List of misconduct cops. His Brady report linked… Image
Read 6 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
"Be willing to kill"

Rose City #Antifa member Luis Marquez took to Twitter to incite deadly violence over the death of #TyreNichols. He lies about the race of the Memphis ex-cops accused of killing Nichols. He regularly uses Twitter to incite criminality. ImageImageImageImage
Rose City Antifa member Luis Marquez has a long history of violent extremism in the Pacific Northwest. He was one of the militants who made a pilgrimage to CHAZ in 2020:
In 2021, Rose City Antifa member Luis Marquez was at the violent waterfront occupation in Portland shortly before a shooting involving one of the militants. He was recorded assaulting people and stealing their property. @PortlandPolice did not charge him.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
A small thread

I have to guard my mental health, this makes me nervous

His name is #TyreNichols

And this is how I will remember him

Do you really get it now?


Different location, situation and person produce the same result - a dead black man who begged for his life

“It’s not black men, it’s the police training and culture”. - anonymous

The only common denominator is “police”

Censorship is everywhere when citizens try to discuss real issues


America just need to start producing #Justiceforblackpeople without excuses
Read 9 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
CN rassistische Polizeigewalt, Mord

Wieder ein Mord. Wieder ist das Opfer Schwarz.

Ein Video zeigt den grausamen Mord an #TyreNichols. 5 Polizisten prügeln auf ihn ein, bis er komplett unkenntlich ist.
Vorsätzlicher Mord. Die Bodycams schalten die Cops aus. Die Tonaufnahmen passen überhaupt nicht zu den Aufnahmen, die eine Straßenkamera gefilmt hat.

Es sollte eine Verkehrskontrolle sein und endete im Mord an einem Menschen.
Wir sind in Trauer, aber wir sind auch wütend. Die Polizei besitzt das Gewaltmonopol. Und sie nutzt es. Immer und immer wieder. Seit 2015 hat die Polizei in den Staaten 8166 Menschen ermordet. Doppelt soviele Schwarze, obwohl sie nur 14% der Bevölkerung ausmachen.
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Jan 28th 2023
Today at Grady

Them: "Did you watch it?"
Me: "I saw a part of it this morning. But that was too much so I stopped."


Me: "Did you?"
Them: "I ain't gon' even lie. I did. I kept saying I wasn't but I did."


Me: "You okay?"
Them: "Define 'okay.'"
Me: "I hear you. Retract that."


Them: "Know what? I actually don't even recommend you watch it. 'Specially not the real bad parts."
Me: *listening*
Them: "Plus you got manchildren. It'll fuck you up too much." *covers mouth* "I mean, mess you up."
Me: *nods*
Them: "Dude was a hunned-forty pounds. Prob'ly soaking wet!" *shaking head*
Me: "Even if he was 3-fifty he didn't deserve that."
Them: "But got damn! A hunned-forty? Maaaaane. That's fucked up." *raises brow* "I mean messed up."
Me: "Nah, fam. It's just what you said."
Read 7 tweets
Jan 28th 2023
#TyreNichols should still be alive.
#BreonnaTaylor should be alive.
#GeorgeFloyd should be alive.
#DuanteWright should be alive.
#FantaBility should be alive.
#TamirRice should be alive.
#LaquanMcDonald should be alive.
#SandraBland should be alive.


#AtatianaJefferson should still be alive.
#StephonClark should be alive.
#FreddieGray should be alive.
#BothamJean should be alive.
#PhilandoCastille should be alive.
#MichaelBrown should be alive.
#EricGarner should be alive.
#AltonSterling should be alive.


All these people in mental health crises I reported on should still be alive today. They or their families called police for help.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 28th 2023
I have not seen the video. Those who love me most have urged me not to. One of the truths playing Kunta Kinte taught me is that the dehumanization of Black people was necessary to the success of our enslavement.
Throughout every stage of the prodigious growth and advancement of this Nation that core belief; the less than human nature of my people, Black people, has consistently remained a constant component of our national identity. I doubt that this will ever change.
Like many of you I am hurting today. And although I recognize my rage and despair to be appropriate responses to this waking nightmare, I am frightened by their power.
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Jan 28th 2023
Je ne diffuserai pas la vidéo insoutenable du tabassage odieux de #TyreNichols par 5 « policiers » de #Memphis #TN
Après le meurtre de #GeorgeFloyd en mai 202 il s’agit d’un drame supplémentaire pour rappeler la crise de l’institution policière aux #EtatsUnis
Comme l’écrit parfaitement @CharlesMBlow l’affaire rejaillit sur tous et notamment sur le Congrès qui n’a pas su voter une vraie réforme de la police après le meurtre de #GeorgeFloyd…
Et évitons également de faire de la situation états-unienne un cas exotique.
Les forces de l’ordre en France dérapent également fréquemment et les noms de Rémy Fraisse, Steve Caniço ou Cédric Chouviat nous le rappellent facilement.
#police #bavures #violence
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Jan 28th 2023
1/Even hours after watching the Memphis videos of the police brutally beating #TyreNichols, I am angry and sad and unsure what to say. Many cannot -- and should not -- watch this because of its senseless violence, but we must talk about how to prevent this from repeating again.
2/It shows the cultural problem of the police in a new light. We cannot blame the racism and the violence on White officers. Here 5 Black officers beat to death a Black man, alleged to have committed a traffic offense -- which I didn't see on the videos. Where is it?
3/But even if it was a legitimate traffic stop, chasing Tyre, an employed 29 year old father, & beating him can never be justified. Worse, standing around & offering no aid. Waiting more than 20 minutes for an ambulance cruel and criminal. Why didn't police drive him to hospital?
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Jan 28th 2023
So I’m on the train home after doing shows for @LawCrimeDaily @ABCNewsLive and @Nightline where I discussed the killing of #TyreNichols so I decide to watch the entire #TyreNicholsVideo … is anyone catching some of the very telling things in the body worn camera video?
In “first traffic stop by Memphis Poloce (1), it’s the 11 minute video where the White officer pulls up behind Tyre’s car. Around the 10 mins mark. The Black officer says something that starts with “I hope” and the White officer says “I hope they stomp his ass!”
If this behavior isn’t part of this unit, then why are they quick to hope violence on him? And these aren’t the officers who assaulted him, they didn’t know what happened. So either this is just ironic that they predicted what would happen. Or this is what they do after they run?
Read 20 tweets
Jan 28th 2023
#Memphis police chief Cerelyn Davis, under whose purview #TyreNichols was murdered, was once fired from the Atlanta Police Department for attempting to cover up a case involving the husband of another officer.

#StopCopCity is not just a local struggle.…
#Memphis chief, Davis, also led Atlanta’s REDDOG unit, which was disbanded after being sued for excessive force.…
The RED DOG unit was responsible for the murder of Kathryn Johnson and the violent raid on the Eagle bar.
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Jan 28th 2023
If you don’t understand the weight of the brutal murder of #TyreNichols on the Black community, this would be a good moment to press in & pay attention, to sit in & sit with the grief, & to try to comprehend that many know they could’ve been in the same situation.
They’ve seen and experienced this since they can remember. Police brutality existed since the days of chattel slavery.

I can’t tell you the number and type of Black people who have experienced some form of harassment, profiling, mistreatment, and violence at the hands of police.
Those who are supposed to protect and serve, end up being the ones who cause the most terror because their weapons are given to them by the state and their violence is often justified.

Sadly, in corrupt systems, even the good cops get penalized for standing up for what is right.
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Jan 28th 2023
Tonight, a protest turns violent just outside of Times Square in New York when on man stomps on the windscreen of a cop car, shattering it. Video shot by me. #tyrenichols
Soon after, a women attempts to hit a police officer and a man graffiti’s the police car, resulting in a brawl. Video shot by me. #NYPD #TyreNichols
I also would like to add that apart from these two isolated incidents, the rest of the protest was peaceful and it was a really nice evening. My full report that will be released tomorrow explains all this.
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Jan 28th 2023
🚨1/BREAKING: Video released showing police officers beating #TyreNichols. He died three days after the confrontation with police officers.

The five officers, were charged with second-degree murder on Thursday - ImageImage
2/After officers roughly pull him from his car, Nichols can be heard saying, “I didn’t do anything"

Moments later, an officer yells, "Put your hands behind your back before I break them.” #TyreNicholsVideo
3/The officers are seen brutally beating #TyreNichols while he screamed for his mother 😢
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Jan 28th 2023
Since we just celebrated Dr. King and everyone in the news keeps calling for peace about the killing #TyreNichols, here's some words from MLK on peace and protests:

This text is saying in substance Peace is not merely the absence of some negative force—war, tensions, confusion
but it is the presence of some positive force—justice, goodwill, the power of the kingdom of God.

I had a long talk the other day with a man about this bus situation. He discussed the peace being destroyed in the community, the destroying of good race relations.
I agreed that it is more tension now. But peace is not merely to absence of this tension, but the presence of justice. And even if we didn’t have this tension, we still wouldn’t have positive peace. Yes it is true that if the Negro accept his place, accepts exploitation,
Read 27 tweets
Jan 27th 2023
#PoliceReform #TyreNichols #Tyre #Video #Riots - Bodycam footage pf Tyre Nichols' murder by 5 police officers is due for release tonight. Police across USA are bracing for riots and violence. But violence will only harm and destroy communities with NO benefit. Please don't do it.
#RodneyKing #TyreNichols + Memphis, HELL NO trend. 1992's Los Angeles Rodney King riots did great harm. This was both the immediate damage and massive subsequent economic devastation as companies and customers stayed away. What do #riots do to the communities they devastate?
3/ #PoliceBrutality #TyreNichols: People have every right to be angry. I'm angry. 😠😠😠But for once, the system actually seems to be working. The five #Memphis #police officers have been fired and arrested. Quickly.

1992 Rodney King Riots #StopTheViolence:
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