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Dr. Dena Grayson @DrDenaGrayson
7 years ago, 13 tweets, 8 min read Read on Twitter

@GOP Congressman/fmr CIA Will @HurdOnTheHill: “Over the course of my career as an undercover officer in the CIA, I saw Russian intelligence manipulate many people. I never thought I would see the day when an American @POTUS would be one of them.”…
🔥Trump’s “failure to defend the USIC’s unanimous conclusions of #Russian meddling... & condemn #Russian covert counterinfluence campaigns and his standing idle on the world stage while a Russian dictator spouted lies confused many but should **concern all Americans**.”🇺🇸

“As a member of Congress, a coequal branch of government designed by our founders to provide checks & balances on the executive branch, I believe that lawmakers must *fulfill our oversight duty* (and) keep the American people informed of the current DANGER.”🔥
“Somehow many Americans have forgotten that #Russia🇷🇺is our adversary, not our ally... and has meddled in elections around the world, supported brutal dictators and invaded sovereign nations — all to the detriment of United States interests.“

#CountryOverParty 🇺🇸

#Russia🇷🇺is an adversary not just of the US but of freedom-loving people everywhere. Disinformation & chaos is a Russian art form...updated using modern tools. The result has been Russian disinformation spreading like a virus throughout the Western world.”😳
🔥This op-ed in the @nytimes is written by a *#Republican* congressman, who is utterly DESTROYING @realDonaldTrump.

I am live tweeting this as I read.🧐

“In this dangerous geopolitical environment, we must be both vigilant & strong in responding to foreign threats. The challenges posed by #Russia are no different...”
“...and I hope the president shares my conviction that American strength, not weakness, is the best way to preserve a secure world in the face of adversaries like #Russia🇷🇺.
Spoiler: Donald Trump does NOT share @GOP Congressman Will Hurd’s viewpoint that #Russia🇷🇺is a threat.

Instead, Trump says, “We’ll get along well with Russia.”🙄


🔥This is an utterly stunning — and exceedingly well-deserved — rebuke of a sitting president by a member of his own party.

@GOP Rep. Hurd stated publicly that he believes that Trump is being manipulated by #Russian🇷🇺intelligence.

Fact check: TRUE✅

How fitting that Will Hurd, a former #CIA officer, would be the first of the elected @GOP to publicly call out Trump for what he is: a Kremlin🇷🇺pawn.

👏🏼THANK YOU, Will Hurd👏🏼

#CountryOverParty 🇺🇸

MANY elected #Republicans feel the exact same way as Hurd, but lack the visceral fortitude (guts) to say so publicly, b/c they’re afraid of Trump’s “base.”🙄
We should applaud Rep. Hurd for speaking the TRUTH about the DANGER of @realDonaldTrump. Let’s FLOOD his office tomorrow with calls of SUPPORT‼️

📞 Call (202) 225-4511 and tell him THANK YOU for putting #CountryOverParty 🇺🇸

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