JC “You can smell the #GOPCorruption from the growing insider trading scandal a mile from the Potomac.
Word on the street is that up to a dozen Republican members of Congress will be implicated, w/ HUGE implications for the midterm elections.”

TedLieu: Under our Constitution, the duty of Congress is not to clear the President. The duty of Congress is to be a check & balance on the Executive Branch & to pursue the facts wherever they may lead.
Devin Nunes should resign for perverting the oath he took
Mueller signals that Gates may be assisting the investigation into RU interference in the 16 elex beyond the case against Manafort
‘It would reveal substantive evidence pertaining to the Gov’t’s ongoing inv’n..relevant aspect of the inv’n is revealed publicly”
Nunes says in audio that Republicans need majority to protect Trump (from potential criminal prosecution.)
Let that sink in....
Nunes has suggested pushing through nomination of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is of high priority for Senate #Desperation

Puerto Rico cites Hurricane Maria’s storm death toll of 1,427 in damage report
.Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV channel reported that the cease-fire had taken hold "on the basis of mutual calm"
U.S. Officials Scrambled Behind the Scenes to Shield NATO Deal From Trump
Pence launches Space Force, says US needs to prepare for 'next battlefield'
AJ: “Hey @VP Pence, why don’t you secure our elections 1st b/4 declaring war on the Klingon Empire?”
Tribune w/draws from Sinclair merger, sues for $1B in damages over ‘breach of K’
JS: “True Mueller can open the door to Trump’s impeachment and prosecution.
However Putin can do worse and does not need to play by any legal rules.”
U.S. sanctions slam Russian ruble, Turkey's lira tumbles, but doesn’t cause a ripple in the markets.
U.S. built Mercedes-Benz SUV's held up by Chinese customs
Microsoft Threatens to Pull Gab Services Over Anti-Semitic Posts
Critics say that the Nord Stream 2 natural-gas pipeline will strengthen Russia’s hand in Europe and isolates Ukraine
Rusal a Blacklisted Russian Firm Won (and Lost) a Break From Trump’s Tariffs
“The Russians want to implant themselves in the Central African Republic so they have an axis of influence through Sudan in the north and southwards into Angola,’
Judge orders plane carrying deported mother and child turned around, blocks more removals
The court learned that the Trump administration had put a mother and a daughter who are plaintiffs in the lawsuit on a flight to Central America.
Nunes has suggested pushing through nom of Sup Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is of high priority for Senate
H/T @tundraeatsyou
Goodlatte set to issue Steele dossier subpoenas 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Rep. Ted Lieu:
H/T @TundraEatsYou
Two years after Trump’s election and the Brexit referendum, a small, transatlantic faction of pinstripe-clad populists is under international scrutiny for its role in both votes—and for its shadowy ties to Russia.
H/t @manchucandidte
Let that sink in....
H/T @tundraeatsyou
Trump’s nightmare isn’t Robert Mueller. True Mueller can open the door to Trump’s impeachment and prosecution. However Putin can do worse and does not need to play by any legal rules.
By @20committee
Funny that coinky dink don’t you think?
@aliasvaugn brilliant explainer re the Nunes tape which is by the way far superior to any article published so far:
Tom Price, Doug Lamborn among those who hold or sold Innate Immunotherapeutics stock
@aliasvaugn brilliant explainer re the Nines tape which is by the way far superior to any article published so far:
Tom Price, Doug Lamborn among those who hold or sold Innate Immunotherapeutics stock
The first member of Congress to endorse Trump’s presidential campaign allegedly committed felony insider trading while standing on the White House lawn.
‘It would reveal substantive evidence pertaining to the Government’s ongoing investigation..relevant aspect of the investigation is revealed publicly”
The court learned that the Trump administration had put a mother and a daughter who are plaintiffs in the lawsuit on a flight to Central America.
Reps. Conaway, C. Stewart &
Devin Nunes leave a meeting of the House Intelligence Committee after their vote against a hearing with the CEOs of Facebook & other tech companies about their role in the 2016 election.
An account owned by Rep Mike Conaway’s wife made two purchases of UnitedHealth stock, worth as much as $30,000, on March 24th, the day the legislation to eviscerate the ACA advanced in the House Rules Committee, according to disclosures.
‘It would reveal substantive evidence pertaining to the Government’s ongoing investigation..relevant aspect of the investigation is revealed publicly”
Critics say that the natural-gas pipeline will strengthen Russia’s hand in Europe and isolates Ukraine
🇺🇸TeamPatriot honors & respects the SC,FBI &!DOJ.
🇺🇸America thanks the SC,FBI &!DOJ for their exemplary service in preserving & protecting the Rule of Law from all criminals foreign and domestic.
📌Nunes’ tape shows that Republicans “are now part & parcel to an organized conspiracy to obstruct” Mueller’s probe.
📌In other words has Nunes’ tape revealed the intent needed to meet the legal standard of ‘Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice?’” Hmmm...
No one gets to the end of their life and says, “I wish I stayed angry longer.”
One day, you’ll know it’s time to let go. Why not make that time now?
August 9, 2018
Rest well #TeamPatriot #USVIA #BohemSquad