-Causing DC Chaos Over Border Wall
-Acknowledges ISIS Not Defeated
-Putin Welcomes Syrian Withdrawal
-Rebuked by Mattis in Resignation
-Whitaker Rejected Call 4 Recusal
-Firing HIV-Positive Service Members
-Dow Plummets Another 464 Points
-#TrumpShutdown Tomorrow?

Day 655 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 445 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injuring 546.
Although a bump stock ban takes effect in 89 days, Congress must take action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

Gun groups have already sued to block the ban on bump stocks from taking effect.
Congress must pass legislation to ban these dangerous devices.
Real-time U.S. gun violence numbers for 2018:
•14,085 gun deaths
•27,131 gun injuries
•645 children shot
•2,741 teenagers shot
•1,970 armed home invasions
•1,721 incidents of defensive gun use
•1,535 unintentional shootings
•334 mass shootings
Guns killed more children and adolescents in the U.S. in 2016 than, individually, pediatric cancers, drowning, poisoning, birth defects, asthma or drug overdoses.
"It’s disgusting that the Trump administration is sending some men and women in uniform home for the holidays without jobs simply because of their HIV status,” said Scott Schoettes, Counsel and HIV Project Director at Lambda Legal.
FYI: The Trump admin has quietly resumed separating immigrant families at the border.
At one agency, the children were put into temporary foster care and shelters with little or no indication that they arrived at the border with their parents: propub.li/2QcsPvY
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now almost 15,000 are in U.S. custody.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"
Jerry Nadler: "On what planet can a humane Democratic country deport parents without giving them the opportunity to have their children with them?"
"Mass kidnapping by the federal government is criminal."
Kristjen Nielsen admits she doesn't know exactly how many migrants have died at the border. Via CSPAN.
Luis Gutierrez to Kirstjen Nielsen: "You know what? It seems like you agree with Tucker Carlson, that immigrants only bring danger, and dirt, and division." Via CSPAN.
Hakeem Jeffries: If Mexico is supposed to pay for the border wall, why is the Trump & your department of Homeland Security petitioning Congress for 5 billion dollars in taxpayer money to pay for that same wall?
Nielsen doesn't really answer.
North Korea says it won't denuclearize unless the US removes its troops and nuclear umbrella from South Korea and Japan.
DPRK also accused the US and Trump of misleading the world about what was agreed to at the Singapore talks last summer.
U.S. voters say 3 to 1 that any president should face indictment, per @QuinnipiacPoll.
71–21%, including 49–38% among Republicans, believe any president should be subject to being charged with a crime while in office, rather than after a president leaves office.
The timing of the move raises the question of whether appeasing Erdogan in the aftermath of Khashoggi’s murder was a factor in Trump’s decision-making. washingtonpost.com/world/national…
Yesterday he said ISIS was defeated.
Today he says the fight will go on without the US.
Putin welcomes Trump’s announcement of a withdrawal of American troops from Syria, calling it “the right decision.”
The U.K., one of America's closest military allies, apparently only learned that the U.S. was pulling troops out of Syria when Trump tweeted about it, according to BuzzFeed.
Stephen Miller talking on CNN about how ISIS is the enemy of “other countries.”
This would be news to the Pentagon.
7 years ago to the day
Right after Mattis implored Trump not to withdraw from Syria
SPECIFIC ISSUES Mattis outlines in his letter:
- importance of NATO
-Treatment of US allies
-US leadership in the defeat-ISIS coalition
- Viewing China and Russia as ADVERSARIES, not allies
Officials said Mr. Mattis went to the White House on Thursday afternoon in a last attempt to convince Mr. Trump to keep American troops in Syria. He was rebuffed, and told the president that he was resigning as a result. nyti.ms/2GyFDIQ
Last fall, Corker said three men — Tillerson, Mattis & Kelly — “help separate our country from chaos.”
By February, all three will be gone.
Administration officials brace for a Trump announcement on Afghanistan cnn.it/2Cr6tyo
Russian agents sought secret Treasury records on Clinton backers during the 2016 campaign, weeks before the Trump Tower meeting.
Whistleblowers said Treasury officials were using a Gmail back channel with the Russian government.
Trump’s attorney general pick looks more and more like an anti-Mueller zealot washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/…
Acting AG Matt Whitaker has been told he does not need to recuse himself from overseeing the Mueller probe.
“This is a very dangerous moment for integrity of the Mueller investigation,” Sen. @ChrisVanHollen says.
Rod Rosenstein says oversight of the Russia probe has been “handled appropriately” under Acting AG Matt Whitaker and will continue to be handled appropriately if Trump’s pick to become attorney general, William Barr, is confirmed
WELL, it turns out ethics officials DID tell Matthew Whitaker to recuse.
Given that, real question whether they'll do the same for Barr.
Matt Whitaker assembled a group of advisers who disregarded a DOJ ethics office recommendation that he step away from the Mueller probe over the appearance of a conflict of interest. New from @DevlinBarrett & @mattzap washingtonpost.com/world/national…
House Intel votes to release the Roger Stone transcript and send to Robert Mueller, according to Mike Conaway, who said the vote was unanimous cnn.com/2018/12/19/pol…
Mueller is nearing the end of his investigation and is expected to submit a confidential report to the A.G. as early as mid-February, source says.
"They clearly are tying up loose ends," said a lawyer who has been in contact with Mueller's team.
Top advisor to Trump’s 2020 just criticized John McCain for refusing to answer questions about his role in the dossier.
He’s dead.
The Trump 2020 campaign is reportedly using a shell company to buy ads in coordination with the NRA, using the same potentially illegal techniques as the 2016 campaign, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
Trump: We need Congress to fund the wall to secure the border!
Also Trump:
1) The border is already secure
2) The wall is already being built
3) Mexico is paying for the wall
4) The military can just build it with existing funds
The Republican-led House has approved funding for Trump's border wall.
The bill now goes to the Senate, where it has almost no chance of passing, pushing the government closer to a partial government shutdown.
John Kelly's close aide, Zachary Fuentes, devised a plan to "hide out" for 6 months after Kelly leaves, remaining on the gov't payroll in a nebulous role, then retire early from the Coast Guard through a program Fuentes pushed DHS to reinstate. nytimes.com/2018/12/20/us/…
Agriculture secretary: Trump is restoring the ‘dignity’ of hungry people by taking away food stamps
This is awful
This growing imbalance in the Trump economy is a terrifying sign we’re heading towards a major crash j.mp/2GxQOS8
Dow sinks another 464 points as slowdown fears worsen
The market is now down 3,969 in past 11 weeks.
A senior national security official told @JoshNBCNews that the "wheels are coming off" tonight. @TheBeatWithAri
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
"Killer" to describe one who has befriended a Saudi prince who had an American resident murdered and dismembered
"[W]hen Trump broke America’s promise to the Syrian Kurds, he stained Mattis’s honor, too.
That, apparently, Mattis could not accept." Indispensable @davidfrum: