'we could be looking at an epic extinction event, caused by ourselves, which could include exterminating our own species, or at least what we call “civilization,” in as little as nine years.'
'We are already facing mass extinction. There is no removing the heat we have introduced into the oceans, nor the 40bn tons of CO2 we pump into the atmosphere every single year. There may be no changing what is happening'
“We’re surprised at the rate of change in the Earth system. So much is happening at the same time and at a faster speed than we would have thought 20 years ago. That’s a real concern. We’re heading ever faster towards the edge of a cliff"
'there is a very big risk that we will just end our civilisation. The human species will survive somehow but we will destroy almost everything we have built up over the last two thousand years...'
'Catastrophic climate change is inevitable. Our technology and science will not save us. The future of humanity is now in peril. At best we can mitigate the crisis. We cannot avert it. We are fighting for our lives'
'We have to make decisions now which will literally determine whether organized human life can survive in any decent form.'
'self-reinforcing feedback loops could push the climate system into chaos before we have time to tame our energy system, and the other sources of climate pollution'
'The world must thrash out a new deal for nature in the next two years or humanity could be the first species to document our own extinction'
'scientists who revealed what caused the “greatest crisis in the history of life of Earth”, have called for immediate action to halt the further warming of the planet'
@chunkymark @Scientists4EU
'society will collapse in less than three decades due to catastrophic food shortages if policies do not change'
'it is a virtual certainty that we will inflict, thanks to climate change, the equivalent of 25 Holocausts on the world...25 Holocausts is our absolute best-case outcome
“We are locking in place a scale of suffering that has no precedent"
'The last time oceans got this A
Acidic this fast, 96% of marine life went extinct.'
“If the tropical forests go it will be yet another catastrophic failure of the whole Earth system,” he said, “that will feed back on human beings in an almost unimaginable way.”
'5 Billion People Could Have Poor Access to Water by 2050'
Simultaneous harvest failures in key regions would bring global famine - there is now a real risk.
#EcologicalEmergency #climatechange #Arctic #Antarctic #Greenland #methane #feedbackloops #tippingpoints #mitigation #adaptation #climatejustice

"We need a total rethink of our food and farming systems before it’s too late.”
Iron and steel production (4%)
Aluminium and non-ferrous metals production (1.2%)
Machinery production (1%)
Pulp, paper and printing (1.1%)
Chemicals production (4.1%)
Cement production (5%)
Other industry (7%)
“We are turning our farmland into a desert – the agriculture needs pollinators and the soil fauna. Without that, ultimately, we will die.”
Scientists who carried out a 16-year survey on the island described the figure as "mind-boggling".
#deforestation #logging #palmoil #mining #papermills
'More than half of the oldest trees — most of which were more than 1,000 years old & one that was nearly 2,500 years old — had either died completely or their oldest or largest stems had died since 2005.'
We're currently heading for 3.1 - 3.7°C (hell on earth; likely termination of civilisation...).
Professor Hans Joachim Schellnhuber asks rhetorically,
“What is the difference between two degrees and four degrees?”
“The difference, is human civilisation”.
'Some of the biggest fires that we've seen worldwide now are occurring in the subarctic. When I first saw the reports that came out from NASA … I thought, this is crazy. That just wasn't on the radar for me - We ain't seen anything yet."
Now is the time to act as a planetary emergency is already upon us. counterpunch.org/2018/11/02/reb…
Now the world's top 23,000 scientists agree: humans must reassess the role of an economy rooted in growth.