In fact, it's constitutionally impossible for this to occur. UK has a double protection.
(a) the decision must be unanimous per Art. 42(2) of the European Union Treaty and
(b) any move to downgrade "unanimous" to QMV must be approved unanimously!

a) Turkey joined the CU in 1999 & began accession talks that year
b) Of the 34 chapters of accession talks, only 1 has been completed (2 more have been opened, but suspended)
The Armenian Holocaust is another huge obstacle to Turkish membership.
Ironically Turkey's greatest ally in joining the EU was the UK ... 🙄
Probability of Turkey joining? 0-5%?

There were control mechanisms for #FreeMovement which the UK, unlike other EU countries, didn't implement.
UK has always had full control of non-EU immigration, i.e. 2/3 of total.

In essence, it's a fake report about a putative "Lisbon Treaty 2022" (no such Treaty is in the works) with daft claims like #EUarmy, UK to join € & adopt EU flag by 2022.

The #LisbonTreatyHoax persists, despite being comprehensively debunked by Law Professor Steve Peers:
Did Prof. James Tilley mention any of this? Nope. Not a word about #Leave conspiracies.
Instead he claimed Remainers believing the economy was going badly post-Ref was a "conspiracy theory". 🤔
Pre-ref we were on track for 2.5% GDP growth, but that has fallen by 1%/yr since.
-UK was 5th largest economy, now 6th
-UK was fastest growing economy in EU & G7, now last
-Treasury GDP forecasts < 2% for every year in 5yr-period for 1st time ever
-UK workers experienced 12mth wage squeeze
-UK families £1500 worse off
Is it not rather the case that Prof. Tilley is playing semantics without informing the audience (badly vs "not as good")?
Academically, that's sloppy and not up to the rigorous standards I expect of Oxford Uni.
In Dec-2017, then ForeignSec Boris Johnson clashed with Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, over Russia's interference in #EURef - as reported by our newspaper of record The Times.

"The Russian government has sought to influence democracy in the United Kingdom through disinformation, cyber hacking, and corruption."
I expect better from Oxford Uni, but after disinviting MEP @catherinemep from a debate, I'm not hopeful.