"The world came to realize that in 18 mos prior to the invasion of Iraq what
🌟Jonathan Landay
🌟Warren Strobel
🌟Joe Galloway
🌟John Walcott wrote was All True."
NYTimes apologized to its readers.
0 WMD found
17 ys US is still in Iraq
No Exit Plan
Bush President
Rumsfeld Sec. Defense
Chaney VP
Tenent CIA
(Collin Powell SecState) folded
Iraqi National Congress was a sham
Ahmed Chalabi, founder was a con artist
Let's also remember Blackwater partly own by Chaney and Erik Prince got fithy rich off the war.
Ride it Folks,
Hang on to what you know is true
Let the distraction, false naratives, propoganda pass you by
And not dissway you from the mission.