We were honoured to have Mathieu at @_TheFamily with @emiliebmaret!
Here are the key stories & learnings of this fireside chat 👇
#edtech #education #MOOC #onlinecourses

The courses were always free.
They monetized 1st through ads but it prevented people from learning.
So they focused on a subscription model.
They listened to people. When they wanted books, they did it. Projects? Mentorship? Diploma? They did it.
@m_nebra also always did things by himself (giving online courses, being a mentor).
The vision is how you implement your mission. It can change every 5-10 years.
To be serious about the mission you must be penalised, it’s a moral imperative.
@OpenClassrooms is all about accessibility. It can scale infinitely. It’s fully online, zero walls.
It’s something easy to fix. Make people pay 1000e & the rate is higher.
As it’s free, when you want to become a student, courses are not mandatory. Courses are like a bibliography. Completing projects & not courses - here is the value.
They regularly open their office to students 🤲
This provides huge value to understand their pain points & aspirations.
You have to ask people who you truly admire to become mentors.
It was super useful for @m_nebra. Finding the right one helps moving forward so much.
Just ask you never know. @stephanemaarek knows 😂
Hard to sell to government so try to avoid it.
Education is complex so don’t address 1 thing, be more global in your approach, address the whole process of your problem.
Education is long run.
The video is out, check the whole interview here