#WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #FreeAssange #Assange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO #Injustice #HumanRights #freeSpeak #Liberty #Killers #WarCrimes #Liars #Democracy #TrueJournalists #Hipocrisy
US efforts to jail Assange for espionage are a grave threat to a free media
Washington Post: Two prosecutors connected to Assange case argued against espionage charges
Un expert de l’ONU préoccupé par le comportement de l’Équateur dans les affaires Assange et Moreno
"This case now represents a threat to freedom of expression and, with it, the resilience of American democracy itself." - New York Times editorial board on the Espionage Act indictment of Julian Assange
The U.S. Media Is in the Crosshairs of the New Assange Indictment
⏳#Unity4J Online Vigil 31.0 Video ⌛️
The🇺🇸Justice system's idea of "fair & appropriate"
Breaking down the new superseding US DOJ indictment with John Kiriakou @JohnKiriakou, Margaret Kimberly @freedomrideblog, and Joe Lauria @unjoe
Watch at:
⏳#Unity4J Online Vigil 31.0 Video ⌛️
The Vigil Panel discusses: Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard & Rachel Maddow all agree🇺🇸Constitution being violated.
@JohnKiriakou, @freedomrideblog,
Watch at:
Why the #Assange Prosecution Is Complete Bulls**t!
Nobody tells it quite like @jimmy_dore does. "We're a nation of Adult Children of Alcoholics. They're not mad at the guy abusing them, they get mad at the guy pointing it out"
The Vichy journalists of the MSM have finally taken fright that the monstrous🇺🇸charges against #Assange are now a threat to them.Yet the cowards at the NYT,the Guardian etc continue to smear this HeroicMan who shamed them by refusing to join their gatekeepers' club
Tide of Public Opinion is Turning in #Assange’s Favor consortiumnews.com/2019/05/27/tid…
Lawyer & organizer @KBZeese: with its indictment of Julian Assange, the US wants to send a message to journalists around the world that exposing its abuses will not be tolerated:
#NoExtradition #FreeAssange
My latest: Here are 17 legal abuses Assange has suffered over the past 9 years, demonstrating how normal procedures have been systematically violated by 🇸🇪, the🇬🇧 & 🇺🇸 – a fact the corporate media apparently never notices or comments on jonathan-cook.net/blog/2019-05-2…
We Must Defend Assange To Save Democracy From American Despotism
by Nozomi Hayase
@nozomimagine #WikiLeaks #JulianAssange @WikiLeaks

Good article on Lenin Moreno and his betrayal of Assange
(SHARE) Our interview with @Consortiumnews editor & chief Joe Lauria @unjoe who breaks down critical aspects of recent 17 indictments against #JulianAssange. Essential for anyone interested in this story...
#FreeAssange #WikiLeaks
Everything you don’t know about the #Assange case abuses because the media have been “hiding under a rock for the past decade...with a blind spot the size of Langley, Virginia” @WikiLeaks @Jonathan_K_Cook jonathan-cook.net/blog/2019-05-2… …
"With these new charges, the Trump administration is aggressively and explicitly seeking to obliterate the last reliable buffer protecting journalism in the United States from being criminalized"
Harvard radicals, Julian Assange and the right to 'liberate' the mail of the ruling class
latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/… …

[#Entretien] Andreï Makine: «Pour un grand prix international Julian-Assange» – par @AntoinePerraud #JulianAssange bit.ly/2I1NlZw
Julian Assange on DNC collusion with networks NBC and CNN in Part 3 of his speech at the 2016 Green Party convention
⏳#Unity4J Online Vigil 31.0 Video ⌛️
Chris Hedges @ChrisLynnHedges speaks on our Vigil Panel: "Once judicial precedence set it won't end with Wikileaks."
Watch at:
‘Free Assange’: Irish politician wears t-shirt supporting WikiLeaks founder as she becomes MEP - via @RT_com
⏳#Unity4J ACTION ⌛️
The time to support #JulianAssange is NOW!
Demand #NoUSExtradition!
Special thanks for to свобода 4all for creating this video.
Assange lawyer: “Assange’s health situation on Friday was such that it was not possible to conduct a normal conversation with him.”
1 week in🇺🇸“democracy”:
-Foreign journalist faces 175years in prison
-Humanitarian faces 20years in prison for giving migrants water
-Supreme Court to decide if Border Patrol can kill kids in other countries
-President might pardon soldiers who murdered civilians

Despite Assange’s ill-health, Swedish court rejects delay to hearing
WikiLeaks has grave concerns about the state of health of our publisher, Julian Assange, who has been moved to the health ward of Belmarsh prison. - See full statement:

Head of Russia Today Explains Why Assange Is the Greatest Journalist of Our Time
ALL world UNITED nas like Mr. Assange wanted, RESIST for him #FreeASSANGE 🐱🌍
Estado de saúde de Assange em situação “perigosa”
I'm going to put again « O que fizeram sete anos de prisão à saúde de Julian Assange? Desde 2012 que Assange não via a luz do Sol. Viveu fechado num quarto com 20 metros quadrados. O gato era a única companhia. » #FreeASSANGE 🐱🌍
#FreeASSANGE all WORLD must be unites and with mr. Assange 🐱🌍
Médico português que examinou Assange diz que “isolamento causa perturbações físicas e psicológicas”
Julian Assange is moved to hospital wing of Belmarsh prison after losing weight during his sentence for dodging justice with WikiLeaks saying they have 'grave concerns' for his health
Julian Assange: WikiLeaks reveal ‘GRAVE CONCERNS’ for ‘deteriorating health’ of co-founder
Lucharemos por Julian Assange así como David contra Goliat, afirma Baltasar Garzón
@DefendAssange @wikileaks @AssangeMrs @Unity4J
The best report to date on the state of health of Mr. Assange, perhaps now hear me and all united yes we will be all for Mr. Assange. Worth reading all🐱🌍
Assange Is Reportedly Gravely Ill, & Hardly Anyone’s Talking About It
Assange is reportedly so ill he can BarelySpeak & has BeenTransferred to Belmarsh's hospital wing. This is going AlmostCompletelyIgnored by the MSM & needs far MoreAttention.
Assange Is Reportedly Gravely Ill, and Hardly Anyone’s Talking About It consortiumnews.com/2019/05/29/ass…
When WarCriminals like John McCain or Bush Sr. die,Western Media whitewashes their crimes & can’t stop singing their praises, but when #JulianAssange, a hero who exposed🇺🇸war crimes to the🌍is gravely ill, the same media is completely silent. medium.com/@caityjohnston…
All reports indicate the current state of #JulianAssange's health is Now Critical. Simply, say a prayer for this man today & hope that there's someone within 🇬🇧prison system & security state who want to see him healthy & afforded every human right. #FreeAssange now.
US lawyer Eric Lewis: "the United Kingdom has discretion and indeed the responsibility to refuse to extradite Assange to the United States"
UK: tell your MP, the Home Secretary can protect #Assange from the US: defend.wikileaks.org/write-your-mp/
STATE SAVAGERY: It Appears That Life Itself Is Being Squeezed Out Of Imprisoned Journalist Julian Assange - theduran.com/is-julian-assa…

Assange's health "had already significantly deteriorated after seven years in the Ecuadorean embassy" in London "under conditions that were incompatible with human rights."
Julian Assange has been transferred to the health ward of Belmarsh prison in the UK due to his worsening health. #JulianAssange
“Ola is clearly now a political prisoner,” the @freeolabini campaign declared.
Short, clear, accurate UPDATE on my sons plight
Includes ignored doctors reports, warning how UKs 6 years illegal detention/ conditions (@UN) had seriously already damaged Julians health & put his life at furthur risk!