#WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #FreeAssange #Assange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO #Injustice #HumanRights #freeSpeak #Liberty #Killers #WarCrimes #Liars #Democracy #TrueJournalists #Hipocrisy
FreedomOfExpression is a lot+than the right to echo whatever nonsense you heard last night [o]n CNN. The right to FreedomOfExpression is the right to have access to All ReliableInformation so that you can make your OwnJudgement.
Prof. de Zayas
Breaking: Julian Assange has been charged w violating the Espionage Act in a new,18-count superseding indictment: washingtonpost.com/local/legal-is…
This is the first time a journalist has been charged under the Espionage Act & an unprecedented attack on the First Amendment
"The new charges carry with them a maximum possible sentence of 170 years in prison."
This is madness. It is the end of national security journalism and the first amendment.

Assange and Wikileaks helped Trump get elected with the Democratic party revelations, now look what Trump's dept does. This says something about his character. Plus he recently said he knows nothing about #WikiLeaks.
The US espionage act charges against Julian Assange for publishing leaked classified information showing US war crimes is a massive attack on media freedoms and free speech.
The poison is out - we always knew this was what we were really fighting.
Countless organizations confirmed that Julian #Assange is a journalist. It is undeniable. A journalist, registered. A publisher, awarded. The case against @wikileaks is a threat against investigative journalism, globally.
Julian Assange charged under Espionage Act in unprecedented attack on First Amendment

The Department of Justice just declared war––not on Wikileaks, but on journalism itself. This is no longer about Julian Assange: This case will decide the future of media. nytimes.com/2019/05/23/us/…
Up to 170 yrs in prison: US slaps Julian Assange with 17 more charges under Espionage Act — RT World News rt.com/news/460117-us… … @Unity4J @wikileaks #FreeJulianAssange @DefendAssange @xychelsea #Free ChelseaManning
“Publishing something because someone handed you a document is not a violation of the law.”
Worthwhile explainer from @KimIversenShow
The Truth About the Charges Against Julian #Assange
The making of a “rapist”, by Pamela Anderson pamelaandersonfoundation.org/news/2019/5/20…
The war on #Assange is now a war on all. Eighteen absurd charges including espionage send a burning message to every journalist,every publisher.The target today is #Assange.Tomorrow it will be you on the NewYorkTimes,you on the BBC.Modern fascism is breaking cover.
BREAKING: For the first time in the history of our country, the government has brought criminal charges under the Espionage Act against a publisher for the publication of truthful information. This is a direct assault on the First Amendment. nytimes.com/2019/05/23/us/…
These charges are an extraordinary escalation of the Trump administration's attacks on journalism, establishing a dangerous precedent that can be used to target all news organizations that hold the government accountable by publishing its secrets.
The charges against Assange are equally dangerous for US journalists who uncover the secrets of other nations. If the US can prosecute a foreign publisher for violating our secrecy laws, there’s nothing preventing China, or Russia, from doing the same.
Put simply, these unprecedented charges against Julian Assange and WikiLeaks are the most significant and terrifying threat to the First Amendment in the 21st century.
Our statement at @FreedomofPress: freedom.press/news/trump-adm… …

What a crazy world we live in. #JulianAssange faces up to 170 years in prison on 17+charges merely for exposing🇺🇸war crimes to the world
Meanwhile, those who invaded #Iraq on a pack of lies not only still walk free,but are planning new wars against Venezuela & Iran
1. He 'encouraged sources'
Admission Assange did NOT crack password. P. 37:
"..had Manning retrieved the full password .. Manning may have been able.."
Julian: "no luck so far"
2. Charge of unredacted material
Re: "Guardian journalist has negligently disclosed top secret WikiLeaks' decryption passwords to hundreds of thousands of unredacted unpublished US diplomatic cables."

3. Classification of information; limitations.
law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/28/17 …
"(d) Information shall not be classified in order to conceal inefficiency, violations of law,"
There's no question that the 'collateral murder' video is a violation of law.

4. Exec Order 13526 §1.7
Sec. 1.7.Classification Prohibitions & Limitations.(a)In no case shall
information be classified,continue to be maintained as classified or fail
to be declassified in order to:
(1) conceal violations of law,inefficiency or administrative error;

5. Bill Binney, NSA whistleblower, talks about the corruption in Washington
Including item 4 above.
"The🇺🇸is struggling to maintain its dominance (information, technological & cultural). @Wikileaks has presented an EXTRAORDINARY hurdle...
Julian Assange should be HERO NO.1" 🔥
-John Pilger
FULL Interview:
Huawei and Kaspersky
means no
NSA,CIA tools on your hard and software.
#WikiLeaks #Anonymous #TERREG
#Unity4J #FreeAssange #ProtectJulian
No matter your thoughts on #Assange,the latest indictments—under the outdated EspionageAct—are a disgrace.If you support the indictments out of hate for him,you're giving Trump a WeaponToRestrictThePress.The charges should be dropped & the EspionageActRepealed.
Of course they WouldClaim #Assange is not a journalist,how else would they strip him of any LineOfDefence. It is the same for PeopleEnslavingOthers,they de-humanise them to strip them of the most BasicRights of DefenceNatural to EverySociety. politico.com/f/?id=0000016a…
“The final decision on Assange’s extradition rests with the UK Home Secretary, [@sajidjavid] who is now under enormous pressure to protect the rights of the free press in the UK and elsewhere. "
When🇺🇸sought extradition of Assange,🇺🇸🇬🇧govts & media insisted 5years would be his maximum sentence. Now,🇺🇸unveils 17new charges for which he reportedly faces 175years in prison &which directly challenge the rights of journalists everywhere
'His judge was also my judge and #Snowden’s judge and [CIA whistleblower] Jeffry #Sterling’s judge who reserves every national security case for herself' - ex- CIA analyst
But actual WarCriminals like Bush,Cheney,Blair,Obama,Hillary,Netanyahu,Cameron & Sarkozy who actually MurderedMillions of human beings in IllegalWars, face Zero Accountability for Their Crimes & Atrocities?
Sickening isn’t even the🌍#Assange
🇺🇸twitter LastNight was horrifying.
Hillary supporters prepared to burn the FirstAmendment to fuel their ParanoidDelusion that #Assange has a link w Russia & that caused their loss rather than an obnoxious WallStreet owned candidate who ran a useless campaign.
Seems @amnestyusa drank the DeepState toxic brew:
"When it comes to #Assange & Manning, AI holds no authority to account, RemainsSilent in the face of outrageous HumanRightsViolations & helps to magnify the govt-media smear machine."
It's more than sad to see the way organisations like @amnestyusa - born of strong anti-war, human rights & free speech affirming values - have swallowed the Deep State KoolAid.
Was it the carrot or the stick that caused this?
Amnesty International by does'nt defend Julian Assange, by not recognizing its status as a political prisoner, proves that it does'ntt defend human rights. This association must disappear and all genuine democrats must disassociate.
17 counts of Espionsge for PRACTISING real journalism in an age where "#War is #Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength! "*Jesus wept! *Stand with #JULIANASSANGE NOW, before they come for you and yours NEXT!
Can this political persecution get any+transparent?
✅🇪🇨 gets $Bill4 #IMF loan!
✅Lets🇬🇧drag Julian out of Embassy Asylum/hands possesions to 🇺🇸!
✅🇬🇧throws in prison!
✅🇺🇸ally 🇸🇪revives old dropped 'rape' fitup!
✅🇺🇸issues 17 indictments under Espionage Act!
Lone🇺🇸senator decries use of Espionage Act against Assange as establishment keeps mum
Thank you for being brave and honest @RonWyden 👏
From @wikileaks
"The #DOJ wants to imprison #Assange for CrimesAllegedly committed outside of the🇺🇸This extraterritorial application of🇺🇸law is explicit throughout the indictment..thereby classifying AnyTerritory in the🌍as subject to🇺🇸law.”
"Was anyone prosecuted for War Crimes & corruption exposed by #Wikileaks?
How is it + important to prosecute a journalist for exposing factual information that was to warn citizens of what their govts are secretly up to?"
defend.wikileaks.org #FreeAssange

18 Ways Julian Assange Changed the World | Truthdig by @LeeCamp
There is no way to dodge the direct implications of the Assange indictment for every journalist who covers military, diplomatic or intelligence affairs. Read this thread on why "this is a worst-case, nightmare, mayday scenario."
Chelsea Manning's lawyer: "This signals a real shift, and sets a new precedent for the federal government’s desire to chill and even punish the vigorous exercise of the free press."

NoMatter your thoughts on #Assange, the LatestIndictments—under the outdated Espionage Act—are a disgrace.If you SupportTheIndictments out of hate for him, you're giving TrumpAWeapon to restrict the press. The charges should be dropped & the Espionage Act repealed.
This is not "justice", this is a witch hunt. All serious investigative journalists and publishers should be afraid, very afraid. @wikileaks
You want freedom of press to end up like this? Publishing information is not a crime. Protect Julian Assange, WikiLeaks and freedom of press. #FreeAssange
The dangerous precedents Assange’s arrest has set—not just for journalism, but also for national sovereignty and international law—are staggering.
Caitlin Johnstone: "How Many Times Must Assange Be Proven Right Before People Start Listening?" southfront.org/caitlin-johnst…
With Julian Assange’s indictment, President Trump’s administration “has moved well beyond dangerous insults to strike at the very foundation of the #freepress in the United States,”writes the New York Times editorial board.
nytimes.com/2019/05/23/opi… @DefendAssange
The prosecution of sources is a crisis in journalism right now. The @nytimes & @washingtonpost editorial boards should follow @PittsburghPG's lead. post-gazette.com/opinion/editor…
BREAKING: Trump’s Justice Dept has charged WikiLeaks publisher w violating the Espionage Act for publishing secret🇺🇸documents from ten years ago.
This strikes at the heart of the First Amendment & puts all journalists in extreme danger. thedailybeast.com/us-charges-wik…
Put simply, the Trump admin's unprecedented charges against #Assange & WikiLeaks are the most significant & terrifying threat to the First Amendment in the 21st century.
Our statement on the shocking news out of the Justice Department: freedom.press/news/trump-adm…

Anyone who cares about press freedom, and the ability of journalists to publish classified government in the public interest, should wholeheartedly condemn the charges against Julian Assange freedom.press/news/trump-adm… @DefendAssange
Strong and important statements on the Trump admin's dangerous new indictment of Julian Assange, from the executive editor of the New York Times @deanbaquet and the editor-in-chief of the Washington Post @PostBaron.

The fascist nature of the charges against #Assange is demonstrated by those that relate to documents about Guantanamo Bay & "CIA detainee interrogation videos"--torture📹. If the courts in Britain do not stop this grotesque charade, justice will lose all meaning.
RECIPROCITY: If Western Corporate Media and their favorite stringer Bilal Abdul Kareem can promote & lionize Al Qaeda terrorists in #Syria, then Julian Assange should be allowed to expose Western War Crimes... globalnews.ca/video/5309162/…
Por @MintPressNews
Los peligrosos precedentes que ha establecido el arresto de Assange, no solo para el periodismo, sino también para la soberanía nacional y el derecho internacional, son asombrosos.
Por @HorvatSrecko
¿Quieres que la libertad de prensa termine así? Publicar información no es un delito. Protección a Julian Assange, WikiLeaks y la libertad de prensa. #FreeAssange
There needs to be a free #JulianAssange campaign that rivals the "Free Huey" campaign on 1968.
These charges are outrageous and anyone with any moral compass needs to speak out.