Shout out to @DushanMandic, a true nostradamus for predicting concentration camps way back in 2016!

I will counter sue for false allegations and it will literally be free money for me since I personally took these screenshots archived each one myself.
It also just so happens that the tweets I screenshotted (that she lies and says are photoshop) on the 19-20th are now missing from her account.
Ain't that something? 🤔…

If she does get the archive links removed she can claim these are doctored but at that point anyone who believes her is a fool

And to @PoliticalKathy the offer is *always* open for you to come sue me.😘
Your family seems rich enough that I won't feel guilty relieving them of their money.
They should have raised a daughter on the correct side of the bell curve she loves so much.

@thedailybeast @dailykos @HuffPost @TYT @RightWingWatch @CNN @NewDay
I can only 100% vouch for screenshots in this thread tho.