Aug 1st 2019, 5 tweets, 4 min read Read on Twitter
Orthodoxy made #Hindu Samaj non-inclusive and created deep faultlines for others to exploit. For orthodoxy, the 'mlechchh' is as much a non-Hindu as a Scheduled Caste person. #Orthodoxy never strengthens society or faith. Reject orthodoxy like Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar did. 1/n
Laughable that you can't accept food delivered by a non-Hindu because it is #Shravan. Does the food come certified that it has been cooked and packed by Hindus? A true #orthodox would cook his food, wash his utensils, carry his water. You are not even true to orthodoxy. 2/n
History tells us orthodoxy has inflicted incalculable harm to #Hinduism and #Hindu Samaj. Orthodoxy defended sati, child marriage, putrid casteism, purdah. #Orthodoxy opposed Hindu Code, women's education, equal rights, temple entry. Examples abound. 3/n
Orthodoxy across faiths subscribes to a dark, joyless world. There is little to differentiate #Hindu orthodoxy from #Muslim, #Christian, #Jewish orthodoxy. History is unforgiving. Swami Karpatri is not remembered. Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar is revered, so is Swami Vivekananda. 4/n
A last point. You do grave disservice to the world's greatest religion whose core is a well of depthless knowledge, bequethed to us by our incomparable civilisation, when you drag #Sanatan #Dharma into a bazar brawl with a two-cowrie food delivery service. Think about it. 5/n
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