Iranian opposition coalition NCRI holding a press conference on the Sep. 14 attack on Saudi Arabia's Aramco oil facilities.
Decision for this attack made in the regime's Supreme National Security Council, chaired by @HassanRouhani.
@JZarif is also an SNSC member.

#Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei made the decision for this attack & top IRGC commanders were involved in the planning. Information revealed today was obtained by the Iranian opposition PMOI/MEK's network inside Iran.

Decision for the Sep. 14 attack made at a late July SNSC meeting. The details of the attack were worked out in the Chitgar aerospace base in Tehran.

The missiles used in the Sep. 14 attack on Saudi oil installations were ‘Ya-Ali’ cruise missiles, manufactured by the Thamen-ol A’emeh Industries situated in Parchin near Tehran.

In Khuzestan, military commanders were sent to the Omidiyeh base, 35km SE #Iran. This was previously the 5th interceptor base of Iran’s airforce. Units of the regular army air defense are stationed in the base. Not an official IRGC base, giving them good cover.

Missiles produced by the Thamen ol-Aemeh Cruise Missile group at Parchin, a very large military base near Tehran w/ 12 various sections dealing with different activities of Iran’s regime, including their nuclear weapons program. These cruise missiles were produced in sec 4.

IRGC chief Hossein Salami; Quds Force chief Qassem Soleimani; Gholam-Ali Rashid, comdr of the Khatam-ol Anbiya Central HQ; and IRGC Aerospace Force Amir-Ali Hajizadeh.
Operational HQ situated in Dastvareh base, located in Chitagar region, NW of Tehran.

IRGC Gen Rashid, head of the Khatam-ol Anbiya Central HQ, reviewed & approved the final operational plan. IRGC Aerospace Force operational commanders were deployed from Tehran to the Omidiyeh base in Khuzestan Province, SW Iran, on Sept 7, one week prior to the attack.