Trump and his lawyer Rudolph Giuliani didn’t just want an investigation of Biden.
They wanted a public announcement of it, to get news organizations to start treating the allegations seriously and help them create a whiff of corruption around Biden. #Propaganda

The biggest impeachment challenge?
Freedom takes work.
That’s the first and most important thing to remember.
It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
One has to remember why one wants to be part of a community of free and equal citizens.
Bill Barr’s Stupid Great Mifsud Conspiracy Story
Barr’s interest is all part of a broader effort pushed obsessively by Trump in an effort to prove, at least in the public mind, that he was the victim of a conspiracy in 2016 rather than the beneficiary of one
Former CIA Director Brennan: Votes were swayed by Russian influence operation
But he said there was no question there was some effect – possibly affecting the final result itself, which brought Republican Donald Trump to the presidency.

PBO urged people to be more compromising and accepting because "the world is messy, there are ambiguities, and people who do really good stuff have flaws."
In major shift, U.S. now exports more oil than it ships in, thanks Obama!
Timothy Morrison, a NSC aide, said a top diplomat close to Trump suggested a military aid package for Ukraine was conditioned on investigations into his political rivals.… via @NYTimes…
Trump and his lawyers would be allowed to participate more in the next steps of the inquiry……
But he said there was no question there was some effect – possibly affecting the final result itself, which brought Republican Donald Trump to the presidency.…
Department investigation into aspects of those Russia relationships and the bank’s handling of internal red flags is ongoing.…
Tim Morrison says he was concerned how call would ‘play out,’ though heard nothing he thought was illegal while also backing up testimony that linked held-up aid to Biden probe…
Freedom takes work.
That’s the first and most important thing to remember. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
One has to remember why one wants to be part of a community of free and equal citizens.…
Lev Parnas pointed to relationship with ex-New York mayor to show investors he could ‘get things done’……
Analysis: Once uncertain about holding an impeachment-related vote on the floor, the House speaker is moving to show evidence to the public.………
Elijah Cummings, chair of the House oversight committee, also alleges Ivanka Trump is not preserving all her official emails……
Re Tim Morrison’s Testimony
Gave rise to propaganda to undermine HRC…
The whistleblower stopped a covert psychological operation against the American public dead in its tracks…
This is why TeamTrump pressed the Ukrainians to publicly announce they were opening an investigation into the Bidens.
John Sullivan, the deputy secretary of state, told lawmakers he believed the president’s personal lawyer was involved in the plot to remove the ambassador to Ukraine.……………
Two days after rumors of a malware infection at the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant surfaced on Twitter, the plant's parent company confirms the security breach.…
He urged people to be more compromising and accepting because "the world is messy, there are ambiguities, and people who do really good stuff have flaws."……
The push to allow married men to serve as priests isn’t progress. It’s another form of misogyny.…
Eisenberg is one of two of the WH lawyers who reviewed intelligence documents gathered by Ezra Cohen-Watnick and leaked to Nunes.
Eisenberg, along with Michael Ellis, another White House Council lawyer who previously worked for Nunes.…
The former lawmaker, once in line to be House speaker and now a lobbyist, is said to have called the NSC about the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine.……
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October 31, 2019
Rest well #TeamPatriot #USVIA