Seniors WHO officials blocked the DOS from issuing a statement condemning RU after Moscow seized Ukrainian ships in Nov 2018.
Trump boosted a tweet that alleges Amb Bill Taylor put fabricated info about about Firtash in a diplomatic cable.

"During my time at the NSC, I received multiple calls from lobbyist Robert Livingston, who told me that Amb Yovanovitch should be fired.
He characterized Amb Yovanovitch as an 'Obama holdover' and associated with George Soros," Croft said.🙄

Trump’s Tax Cut Underdelivers,
DEMs hope to make the economy, inequality & the middle class central to the 2020 election
Right-wing attacks on the loyalty and patriotism of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman backfired spectacularly Tuesday, even among Republican lawmakers.
Cohen’s Ex-Partner Gets Probation After Turning on Him
Evgeny A. Freidman, aka New York’s Taxi King, cooperated in the federal inv’n of Cohen.
Tim Morrison, the top Russia official will testify on Thursday, resigned his White House post

Vindman was instructed “at the last second” not to attend the debriefing, b/c Trump’s advisers worried it might confuse the president:
Trump believed that Patel (Nunes staffer- no UKR experience/expertise), was the NSC’s top UKR expert instead of Vindman.
J & J's own expert, working for FDA, found asbestos in Baby Powder
Juul accused of selling 1 million tainted vaping pods
Germany's Bayer (BAYGn.DE) is now facing 42,700 U.S. plaintiffs blaming its glyphosate-based weedkillers for their cancer.

Vatican cardinals linked to missing millions and financial scandal
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey backs cryptocurrency startup after turning down Facebook’s Libra
Russian Metals Plant (Daripaska’s Rusal) to Start Bitcoin Mining, because US sanctions.

Senate Republicans almost unanimously voted Wednesday to endorse Trump's sabotage of the ACA
@SenateGOP votes to allow insurers to discriminate against people w/ preexisting conditions.
Supplies of banknotes from Russia to east Libya accelerated this year -data
Please give this a listen, it came out some time ago, but it is interestingly relevant today, don’t you think @GOPLeader @senatemajldr?
cc @SpeakerPelosi @RepAdamSchiff
H/T @jprah1……
Firtash happens to have a long-standing beef with Joe Biden.…………
The settlement would also allow millions of dollars in fees to be paid to Low’s legal team. #1MDB #Flip?………
Israeli officials anticipate Russia will not be pleased with decision to extradite Aleksey Burkov to the US, to face cybercrime charges.
H/T @File411…
Szijjarto was speaking at a conference on the same day Putin is visiting Hungary, an important ally for Moscow within the EU which has sanctioned RU over its military intervention in Ukraine.……
New FARA records reveal foreign agents and lobbyists on the payroll of Livingston Group……
Christopher Anderson says then-national security adviser was concerned Rudy Giuliani ‘was a key voice with the President on Ukraine……
Read this — it will mushroom YUGELY…
Defense Dep’t officials told the WH that if the $250 million in security assistance was not released by August 6, it would not be able to spend it all by the end of the fiscal year.…
@SenateGOP votes to allow insurers to discriminate against people with preexisting conditions. #BlueWave2020…
Right-wing attacks on the loyalty and patriotism of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman backfired spectacularly Tuesday, even among Republican lawmakers.…
Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman also testified on Tuesday that the National Security Council staffer, Kash Patel, fed the president disinformation about Ukraine.……
But there’s another humanitarian crisis unfolding under Trump — one precipitated by his policy of requiring asylum seekers to remain in Mexico…
Pence appears determined to ignore the sworn testimony of senior officials who have since confirmed the quid pro quo that the WH claims doesn’t exist.
Pence will go down with the Trumptanic.…
"One would probably be more acceptable," he tells NPR. "The other would be a war crime."…………
Apologies in advance if I don’t respond to your reply- my notifications clog & don’t load. DM me or @ me again to get my attn if important. Thank you.
October 30, 2019
Rest well #TeamPatriot #USVIA