#Jammu #Dogri #DogriManyataDiwas #JaiDuggar #JaiDuggar

#Presentation of First Dogri Play ‘Bawa Jitto’ at Tikri in 1949.
#FirstDogriMiniature Paintings’Exhibition at Tikri in 1949
#Published its first Literary Magazine ‘Nameen Chetana’ in 1953.
#Played significant role in the establishment of ‘Dogra Art Gallery’ in 1954.
##Start of ‘Tilak’ examination in Dogri in 1964.
#Dogri Bhawan established in 1982.
#Introduction of Dogri at M.A. level in Jammu University in 1983.
#Introduction of Dogri in 9th-10th classes in 1983.
#Introduction Of Dogri at B.A. level in 1987.
#Introduction of Dogri in K.A.S examination in 1996.
#Introduction of Dogri at Primary level in 2002.
#Inclusion of Dogri language in the 8th Schedule of the constitution of India 22nd December, 2003.
#Published Comic books in Dogri in 2013.
#Played significant role for the creation of 49 posts of Assistant Professor in colleges in 2017.
#Introduction of Dogri as a compulsory subject in 9th-10th classes in 2017.