#AI #Robotics #Anthropomorphism and #Ethics
“We can now build robots that look as though they care - but it’s a synthetic version of caring and it may well be manipulating us”
// HT Luke P @RadleyKSocial

And it is terrifically dangerous”
- EO Wilson

A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

These are principles for People not for the Robots themselves
- Killing
- Compliance
- Commoditisation
- Transparency
- Legal Responsibility

HT @J2Bryson

- Dr Rob Wortham, University of Bath

Part of the issue here is that we have no #TheoryOfMind for Robots…
We need #Robots to explain what they are thinking…”

But they can’t predict function from form
Indeed, disembodied AI offers us no useful mental model. This makes us naïve
Furthermore #AIs are not stable over time - they are dynamic and therefore unpredictable. Which makes us ever more naïve.”

This weakens human decision making
… and makes us ever more passive consumers
The lack of transparency & understanding - and the shift of decision-making - leads to a loss of human accountability.

… and the shift toward a #TransactionalSociety reduces human-human contact and leads to a low-compassion Society

“Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence” - Obama Administration - (NSTC Oct 2016)

BSI and IEEE standards
See: P7001 - Transparency of Autonomous Systems
But these systems must be designed and utilised in such ways that they respect #HumanRights, holistically increase #WellBeing & empower all people inclusively”
#Diversity #Ethics
They rejected the proposals which might have allowed companies to take less legal responsibility for the systems they had developed
Cats - which are considered autonomous
and Dogs - which are held to be the responsibility of their owner

#EdTech #AI

“Dedicated to understanding human and animal intelligence through the use of simulation and modelling”
You can find out more about the work being done at Bath by the AMONI group here: