the central lie is that "the markets" (i.e. the sum total of all monetary transactions by all money-seeking entities in #capitalism) are the best possible mechanism for fulfilling every conceivable human need.
if it's not "on the market", then you don't really need it.
it's supposed that the *reason* that capitalist markets are capable of imagining and satisfying every possible human need is thanks to the magic of #competition: it's assumed (falsely) that every human need can be "monetized", i.e. turned into a #profit-making #enterprise.
hungry #entrepreneurs, in this scenario, are thus bound to satisfy all human needs, because every human need (in the fallacious logic of #capitalism) is an #opportunity for #profits. therefore the eternal capitalist thirst for profit will somehow satisfy all human needs.
needless to say this is *objectively* false: #capitalism is manifestly _incapable_ of serving human needs.
in fact, the society built by capitalism is currently attempting to re-shape itself along racist and eugenicist lines into a society that *discards* human needs.
"race science" propagandists like @charlesmurray, @EPoe187, and the whole @Quillette crowd exist for this purpose: their business is cooking up any semi-coherent line of pseudointellectual babble that will justify the fascıst social imperative to *liquidate* human beings.
this is the failure state of #capitalism. because capitalist organizations devote themselves solely to hoarding money at *any* social cost, capitalist #management and #executive leadership recognizes no duty to supply any human needs other than the owners' profiteering.
the fascıst ideologies of @MattWalshBlog and @EPoe187 and the rest are merely the "intellectual" form of this failure state of #capitalism: by reducing human beings to mere cogs in a machine, ranked and sorted by their "productivity", the fascısts serve capitalist desires.
yes, there's plenty of "#competition" in capitalism, but it's of a very particular sort—it's not a competition to fulfill all human needs (which capitalists don't even *care* about fulfilling), but a mudfight over #profits and the easiest ways to make big piles of #money.
#cryptocurrency and those thousands if not millions of "competing" #blockchain thingummies are a perfect example of this sort of purely profit-driven competition. $BITC and $ETH and $BRB and $DOGE and all the rest of the #cryptocurrencies are in fact basically the same.
what separates @Bitcoin from @ethereum? mostly it's mere #branding. $BITC and $ETH are competing brands that have some minor technical differences between each other, but the *real* difference is that different corporations and different capitalists are running them.
Dennis Jarvis (@ogcryptoskier I think) of @Bitcoin, and @VitalikButerin of @ethereum, are typical heroes of #capitalism—i.e. they are profoundly avaricious and unethical men, marinated in the vicious culture of #business, and thus they're locked in combat with each other
they're not competing to serve any human need but their own avarice. yes, the executives (and fanbases) of @Bitcoin and @ethereum both have a prepared line of #sales patter about how they're "empowering" people—that's rather standard #marketing these days—but it's a lie.
it's a lie that @VitalikButerin and @andrei_verse and @jack and every other greedy nerd in #cryptocurrency might even *believe* sometimes; that's the nature of #marketing lies, lies intended for public consumption. they're more convincing if you sort of believe in them.
really it's the central lie of *avarice* itself: everyone's who's been poisoned by insatiable greed for hoarding wealth (@elonmusk, @saylor, @dalepartridge, whoever) is _constantly_ telling themselves that "it's for a good cause, I can do so much good with this #money."
that's true after a fashion; @elonmusk could do *good* with his #money, assuming that he has any—his "wealth" might all be creative accounting and debts and purely speculative "wealth" that could evaporate at any moment. but #ElonMusk has done no good with his hoard.
it's unlikely @elonmusk is ever going to *start* doing good; he's wasted enough time already and in any case there's a heap of "longtermist" and "effective altruist" frauds like @ESYudkowsky and @KerryLVaughan who specialize in telling rich people it's okay to be greedy.
the chief allure of #cryptocurrency is *pure greed*: it's the daydream of making a gigantic pile of money overnight, as if by magic—#programming magic. the #STEM Lord set (the @pmarca / @JeffDean boys) assist this process greatly; they're *inured* to "magical thinking".
they're used to thinking that #computers are miraculous, so turning #blockchain noise into a king's ransom must seem like *nothing* to them.
there's a million tech-savvy nerds out there—not just #computing and #programming nerds but #business and #finance nerds, indeed anyone who spends their whole life on a computer of some sort (@mtaibbi is probably one of them)—who think #cryptocurrency will make them rich.
and not just *rich* either, but *elite* rich. to go overnight from @mtaibbi-level money to @elonmusk- or @peterthiel-level money (and even higher) is the daydream of #crypto; it's the daydream of #capitalism.
it's a purely destructive daydream. "Crypto" is a destroyer.
the decades if not *centuries* of propaganda for #capitalism and the joys of wealth-hoarding (i.e. the joys of avarice) have pretended as hard as possible that making big heaps of money is *creative*. @BillyM2k and @APompliano think they're "builders".
one more rumination for tonight, I think. this one is about something that's been called "contrarianism"—a word that's been coined in some attempt to describe the perplexing behavior of celebrity 'influencers', specially the more toxic ones like @mtaibbi and @mattyglesias.
but the behavior is probably quite general. just about *all* of the #journalist and #media figures who have some privileged access to the press and to mass audience have learned to behave in this way on @Twitter and social media: they run away from challenging questions.
the blue-checked "influencers" of the @LPDonovan / @StevenTDennis / @JakeSherman sort (I've picked three names almost at random) are the people who have *benefited the most* from the #Internet-ization of #journalism. social media has amplified their social privilege.
the noisemakers at all levels of the #conservative noise machine, from the august @AEI propagandists (like "race scientist" @charlesmurray) to circus sideshows like @Timcast, try to blame "woke", but...
that "woke" game is extremely thin by now. really it's just rebranded Red Scare nonsense. in 1950, it was Commies who were "destroying our youth" with virulent ideas that right-wing ideologues didn't like, like abstract algebra; now @mtracey and @DouthatNYT blame "woke".
but ask any low-level right-wing expert on "woke"—ask @realchrisrufo or @ConceptualJames what "wokeism" actually *is*—and you'll get the word "Marxism" in no time: "woke" is, in other words, nothing new at all. it's the same old paranoia about pinko Rooskies in closets.
#capitalism requires what people call "magical thinking". it requires people to believe that impossible things aren't merely *possible*, but can be done routinely, and turned into a dependable cash flow. #AI / #AGI of the @fchollet / @JeffDean sort is a perfect example.
the very name "#AGI" gives the game away: the #programming boys daydream that they've invented a "general intelligence", a universal thinking machine capable of solving literally any problem—and #capitalism is willing to gamble on that. it's just what #business wants.
remember that the ideal corporation in #capitalism *does nothing*. it produces nothing, it provides no service, it solves no problems for anyone not in the ownership hierarchy—because producing things *costs money* and capitalists hate all expenditures for any reason.
more #cryptocurrency talk. it seems that there may be (another) #cryptocrash developing; there's been so many of them.
to reiterate my earlier point: the allure of #cryptocurrencies is instant #money in vast volumes, and that's why $BITC and @ETH have a million copycats.
#cryptocurrency (and the related #blockchain money-making gewgaw, the #NFT) are in a sense nothing new. there have been untold millions of #investment scams and #business tricks and other shifty clever ways that at least *pretend* they can guarantee an effortless #profit.
this is an artifact of the extreme #wealth inequality encouraged by #capitalism: once you've got a bunch of elite capitalists *hoarding* all the #money, that means you've got big enough piles to *steal*. all get-rich-quick schemes are ultimately acts of disguised _theft_.
I am not a #Christian; my friend Chara (who writes at @KrisAtLarge) is Catholic—albeit a heretical one—but I am no "believer". as I've said, I tend to leave religion to others.
all the same, it's tough *not* to have opinions about #Christianity—we're inundated with it.
in the United States especially, right-wing politics—which infallibly promotes an extremist and hyperpoliticized form of #Christianity—pours enormous effort and money into publicizing #Christian political demands.
@GOP politics and Bible-bashing are practically the same.
in fact, it seems like *all* public spokespersons for Christianity in the U.S. are political figures. #Christian@GOP politicians and activists and corporate executives proudly proclaim their purpose in public office to be the promotion of "Jesus" and "faith" and "values".
#geopolitical tedium is not for me. I like the world of ordinary matter and energy (and physics and chemistry and all of it) far too much. I like tools and instruments and equipment, and knowing how to use them. fretting about #Russia or #China is not my highest priority.
yet American #politics and political #media have completely inundated popular culture—because @jack Dorsey and #MarkZuckerberg permitted the politicization of #Internet#socialmedia. on specious grounds they kicked down the door between "public" and "private" online.