We have arrived here in a way by stealth. By triggering Article 50 before we had any idea of the future shape. By trying to hide impact assessments or behind banalities. /1

We only reached here by quietly caving in on almost all of them.
And by setting a precedent that makes us likely to keep caving as we move to third party status before we know any more. /2
We arrived here by crying betrayal every time someone stepped behind the bunting. /3
We still have not resolved that. /4
We were told to shut up & believe the Prime Minister would protect us (a PM now seen to fold with the wind), without the letter of the law. /5
We arrived here because no dissent was allowed. These are the PM's own words.
This is called Taking Back Control. This is called the Will of the People. /6

And somehow, when they materialised, we magically moved on. The civil service was to blame. Traitors too. /7

We did this by allowing promises made in the referendum to be forgotten. Papered over.
That was then and is is now. /8
We arrive here today as Trump's unstable WH jumps into bed with Bolton, & EU offer strong solidarity over Putin.
We shout Global Britain & fling fish. /9

We have arrived here today by a referendum that solved nothing & leaders who huffed, puffed & blew our own house down. /10
Our MPs must stand up for our national interest. Twitter threads won't cut the mustard, pay the bills, or keep us safe.
We need to #ThinkAgain. It's almost, but not quite too late. We need a #FreeVote. We need a #FinalSayForAll