And you can honestly right here in the Western Hemisphere.
Assad the butcher who has used chemical weapons against innocent civilians. Maduro tighten his grip on his regime, starving Venezuelans in one of the most oil-rich countries in the world.
We have an emaciated State Department under this Administration.
Will you enable president Trump's worst instincts? Will you advocate for long-term strategies to protect us National Security and interests, or will you be lurching from crisis to crisis as we've seen under this current Administration?
Americans are scared that this President the Commander in chaos will lead them into war. This is not a time for taunts and tweets. The intelligence community and our military leaders have repeatedly stated to US abd allies security, yet
President Trump can't even bring himself to acknowledge the Russian threat. He says a court granted search warrant is an attack on our country but cannot call out Russian cyber attacks on our democracy.