And McCain is from the same political party as President Trump. Allegedly.
Ex-FBI chief James Comey’s FBI funded the bogus Trump dossier to the tune of $100K+ with the help of McCain who brokered the deal.
But now court documents and new source Intel raise suspicions that McCain may have chipped in financially with the FBI or privately funded the counterfeit research,
Regardless, the research firm of former spooks — Fusion GPS who commissioned the problematic report — could have been paid for the same report by the multiple entities:
The FBI, through a black-budget fund John McCain campaign
McCain’s foundation: Arizona State University’s McCain Institute for International Leadership
Hillary Clinton-backed campaign operatives who paid $1 million for the research
Ye olde triple dip by Fusion GPS. Smart profit model perhaps especially while
According to a court document (attached below) in a British lawsuit against the author of the Fusion GPS report, Christopher Steele, McCain
Kramer, a virtual mystery man before the election, previously worked for the State Department under Hillary Clinton. During the 2016 election, Kramer reportedly worked as senior director
McCain and Kramer shopped the damaging dossier to the U.S. media with hopes the press would jump on the opportunity to smear Trump. These included: The New York Times, The Washington Post, Yahoo News,
When the mainstream media balked, McCain shopped the dossier to Comey. According to True Pundit’s reporting, the FBI cut what now
Did McCain augment the FBI’s payment to Steele with his own cash? Did McCain push or vouch for the FBI’s payment to Steele? Or Did McCain, through his campaign coffers or shady foundation,
Or did all of this take place in an elaborate, much larger plot to discredit and unseat President Trump?
How was McCain the first person to obtain the falsified research if he didn’t in fact have a role in
The bogus dossier, after all, was used as a wedge to obtain what appears to be illegal wiretaps on Trump and associates. Evidence gathered from those taps is being employed now by
As the evidence mounts, all fingers point to McCain for colluding to smear Trump and cooking up the Russian narrative. We doubt that is being investigated by
We are talking about The Swamp after all.