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Ho letto tutto e il contrario di tutto in merito al blocco da parte del #GarantePrivacy dei servizi #OpenAI #ChatGPT qui in #Italia a garanzia della #privacy
Da sottoscrittore pagante del servizio #ChatGPTPlus dopo aver accettato sotto mia responsabilità la #policy sono indignato: trovo lesi i miei #ConsumerRights
Ad ogni modo, per chiunque si trovasse nella mia medesima situazione, posso consigliare, di usare il browser #Opera e il suo servizio #VPN integrato che seppur limitato in velocità, per #ChatGPT è più che sufficiente.

@ThreadReaderApp please, unroll
Read 3 tweets
Nous sommes actuellement sur le boulevard des Italiens. La tension monte. #manif23mars #manifestation #Greve23Mars #paris #ReformeDesRetraites
La police fait usage de grenade de désencerclement place de l’#opera . #Greve23Mars #manifestation #manif23mars
Les tensions montent place de l’Opera ! #greve23mars #Manifestations #paris #manif23mars
Read 16 tweets
Et de neuf. Nouvelle journée de #manifestation à #Paris contre la #réformedesretaites. Cette fois-ci, le cortège partira de la place de la #Bastille en direction d'#Opéra. Pour connaître le parcours en détail c'est ici ➡️…
Pour cette #manifestation, je serai dans le cortège avec @Olivio_Ko
et @Camille_Ducrocq animera le direct sur @actufrparis (…). Quant aux réseaux sociaux, ils seront aux mains de @JB__Morel ⤵️
.@math_caill aka La danseuse pour le climat est de retour avec son crew dans le cortège d'@Alternatiba_. Le cortège est très très dense sur le boulevard Beaumarchais ⤵️
Read 39 tweets
𝐉𝐚𝐤 𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚̨𝐜́ 𝐫𝐳𝐚̨𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐚̨ 𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐮𝐫𝐞̨? 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐲 𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐤 𝐤𝐫𝐨𝐤 𝐩𝐨 𝐤𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐮

Strona „Najwyższego CZASu!” została zablokowana przez "tajemne siły". Niektórym z Państwa strona działa, jednak większość użytkowników nie ma do niej dostępu

🧵 1/17
𝐉𝐚𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐳̇𝐥𝐢𝐰𝐞, 𝐳̇𝐞 𝐧𝐜𝐳𝐚𝐬.𝐜𝐨𝐦 𝐣𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐲𝐦 𝐝𝐳𝐢𝐚ł𝐚, 𝐚 𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐦 𝐧𝐢𝐞?

Nałożona na nczas blokada jest na poziomie serwerów DNS. DNS tłumaczy przeglądarkom „ludzkie” nazwy adresów na adresy „komputerowe” - IP docelowego serwera.

W praktyce każdy, kto używa domyślnych ustawień polskich serwerów DNS, nie wejdzie na Dopiero zmiana konfiguracji DNS w przeglądarce pozwala normalnie korzystać z Internetu.

Read 18 tweets
Et je n'ai pas eu le temps de partager avec vous ces vidéos prises depuis la pointe de l'île dAustvågøy ! Au loin la statue de la femme du pêcheur de Svolvær
Read 98 tweets
1/ Daily Report:
Despite endless media appearances, #SBF unlikely to testify on 13th.
Over 15.4 million ETH is locked in #Ethereum's staking contract.
3. SBF Concedes Alameda Enjoyed Special Privileges With #FTX.
2/ Daily Report:
SBF: Alameda Has The Highest FTX Borrowing Limits.
Uzbekistan Approves Rules for Issuance and Circulation of #Crypto Assets.
#Uniswap's On-Chain Vote on Fee Switch Proposal to Go Live in 14 Days.
3/ Daily Report:
Return of the #CEX : Binance Trade Volume Market Share Surges.
#Opera Crypto Browser to unlock instant #NFT publishing with Alteon LaunchPad.
#ENS price surges due to this metric, however there was a decline in…
Read 6 tweets
How to sing a performance of Orfeo tonight at English National Opera North( @Opera_North ) when it's parent company being eviscerated on 20 weeks notice by @DCMS @ace_national @ace__london. Nicholas Serota needs resign in honourable protest & not hide when #ENO
which is slap bang CENTRAL to the Arts Ecosystem in this nation is being destroyed. There will BE no artists to tour to or perform in all UK regions if this 92 yr old company, founded for UK artists /audiences is lost.
ENO develops every single artist:-singers, conductors, designers, directors, librettists,repetiteurs, casting directors, agents , you name it ..ALL in one way or another in their lives in the UK opera arts music community.
Read 10 tweets
The ROH (& ballet) is a flagship company bringing mostly international artists in most disciplines of the art form. It is not our NATIONAL opera company. Not in terms of ambitions of education, price entry level, outreach, audience demographic, innovation,artists or identity.
ENO is/has always been these things. That is why it created English National Opera North which tours the smaller cities / venues in midlands & up to Newcastle. Why axe the National company in our capital where larger audiences for every production will only be sustainable there
due to population/travel accessibility/ being the cultural hub? Every large European city sustains its international house & home house for its own creatives & tours from there.
You can't find a year round audience in any region outside the capital for rep theatre/ musical so
Read 10 tweets
🎶🎵 Enregistrements sonores, partitions, gravures, affiches, vidéos, presse spécialisée… A l’occasion de la #FeteDeLaMusique découvrez la musique sous toutes ses formes dans Gallica !
A dérouler ↩️
Les fonds sonores vous poussent à monter le volume !
Archives de la Parole, voix des Femmes, disques illustrés pour enfants, ou encore chants et musiques de Noël, plongez dans la variété de ces fonds.
Des #partitions ! De la musique médiévale en notation carrée jusqu'aux œuvres symphoniques du XIXe siècle, de l'air d'opéra à la chanson de rue, découvrez le fonds de partitions par genre musical ou par compositeur.
Read 6 tweets
#Odesa #Opera opened tonight for the first time since the Russian full-scale invasion on 24 February. It was the most moving performance I have ever been to. Got lucky, no air raid. #SlavaUkraine 🇺🇦
Verdi, Puccini, Bizet, Ukrainian opera. I will write about the Gala concert for the Ukrainian Army and the theater with bombshells but really want to share a few snippets now.
Half-empty theatre which never happens in Odesa. People standing up for the national anthem. Whispering along.
Read 4 tweets
Hace 5 días este👇🏼era el reclamo airado en las calles de #Sevilla de los trabajadores para #llegarafindemes ¿ha cambiado algo? Vamos al @mercado_triana para ver si el alza de precios sigue ahí ¿vienes?🍅🥑🥩🥛🧀
La prensa dice que falta merluza y otros pescados del norte; en las carnicerías escasean productos de caza y se disparan los precios de la verdura. Pero Ana asegura que que aquí en #triana no hay desabastecimiento y los precios🐟están donde mismo. Y eso que y viene Semana Santa
Costo de vida en Sevilla
Mensual estimado para una familia de 4 personas: €2.731
Mensual estimado para una persona sola: €1.324…

Teresa es madre de dos 👩‍👧‍👦y le cuesta #llegarafindemes
Read 14 tweets
Thanks @CNN for sharing this story on @UCLAHealth's collaboration with @LAOpera! In this program, opera performers lead #COVID19 survivors through breathing and singing workshops - it's an innovative (and fun!) adjunct to pulmonary rehab.…
What does #opera have to do with pulmonary rehab? Well, would it be surprising to know that some of the work we do in pulmonary rehab is quite similar to the #breathing exercises opera singers do? The opera stars just happen to be doing them on an elite level.
For example, diaphragmatic breathing, which we use as a technique to help increase tidal volume, is also used by singers to increase endurance and help them sing longer on a single breath.
Read 5 tweets
🗓 Efemérides musicales: 12 de mayo

1842: #TalDíaComoHoy nace Jules Massenet compositor francés del Romanticismo conocido principalmente por sus óperas.
#JulesMassenet #Composer #MúsicaClásica
1753: #TalDíaComoHoy nace Giovanni Viotti, violinista, compositor y pedagogo italiano.
#GiovanniViotti #Violín #Composer #MúsicaClásica
1845: #TalDíaComoHoy nace Gabriel Fauré, compositor, pedagogo, organista y pianista francés, uno de los compositores franceses más destacados de su generación.
#GabrielFauré #Composer #MúsicaClásica
Read 4 tweets
(1/10)🧐Ready to switch from $BSC or $ETH over to $FTM and wondering how to get started?

📙Here is everything you need to successfully start interacting on the #Fantom network and enjoying <1s TTF and near free transactions.

Let's get started 👇
(2/10) The first thing you will need to do is to add the $FTM opera network to your metamask🦊 extension.

I'm assuming of course that you already have @MetaMask on your Browser

✅Here are the exact settings you need as well as a step by step tutorial put out by @FantomFDN
(3/10) Network Name: Fantom Opera
New RPC Url:
ChainID: 250
Symbol: FTM
Block Explorer URL:…
Read 15 tweets
1. Hello all! This time the thread goes to @AlchemixFi ! A genius idea, which makes DeFi move one more step forward! Let's start, and as always I'm going to try to explain it as easy as I could!
2. Let's start with the real centralized banks and what they do.
You deposit money, they give interest to you, and you'll be able to get more money after 1 year.

For example:
3. You have 1000 $.
Bank has %1 interest rate.
You deposit 1000$ today, and get 1010$ next year. You earned 10$ just for depositing, and bank probably earned more with giving loans/credit etc.
Read 10 tweets
1. As promised, this is a thread about @AaveAave and #flend! AAVE is a lending/borrowing protocol that evolved the #defi ecosystem to the next step! It's gonna be a long thread, let's start!
2. In order to understand the decentralized way, we first need to understand the traditional way.
As always i'll try to make it as easy as it can be!

So we first need to understand how banks make money.
3. Let's say you have 1000$ in your pocket and you want to deposit your #money to a #bank, because they give some #interest to you. Let's say your bank gives %1 interest rate for 1 year lock.
Read 20 tweets
1. Hello again! I've been thinking for a while to write this thread and this is time!
My thoughts about #crypto ecosystem, what it looks like to me and what can happen in the future! It's gonna be huge thread, so fasten your belts!
2. I previously wrote a thread about #ren, and how it is similar to silk road 1500 years ago. And it feels like we are building cities. But not as traditional cities, we are building cities on internet.
3. In those cities we have our own #currencies, our own #governance, our own #banking systems, our own economical features, our own communities. And with the development of internet, we don't need land or place for social gatherings.
Read 19 tweets
🎵To understand range and tessitura, look at standard vocal repertoire by master composers, such as An Die Musik by Franz Schubert.


1. The vocal range is an octave plus a perfect forth, much more conservative than the entire possible range of a professional classical singer, which is 2-2 ½ octaves or more. Most art song fits within a vocal range of no more than an octave plus perfect fifth.
2. Schubert doesn’t use the most extreme high or extreme low notes of the singer. The notes fit into the medium low zone of a singer’s range.
Read 8 tweets
Composers always ask me…

*How can I write music singers will love?
*What’s a safe range for a singer where I can write whatever I want?
*My mezzo friend told me she has a high B-flat but then I wrote one and she said she can’t sing that word on it. What’s going on? Image
*Why can’t I understand the words in my own piece?

*Why do I need to worry about text setting when I’m writing experimental music using noises and vowel sounds?

Here’s the thing…
Here’s the thing:

Unlike instruments, singers perform TEXT—combinations of vowels and consonants that require different movements of the lips, teeth, tongue, jaw…the SPACE in our mouths.

That means there are SO MANY DIFFERENT WAYS to sing EVERY SINGLE PITCH in a singer’s range
Read 9 tweets
#Vendredi #OperaChinois #VendrediOperaChinois 🎭 Opéra Han « Le haut fonctionnaire entremetteur » 汉剧《状元媒》剧照

🎭Le 31 octobre, nous avons déjà présenté l’opéra Han de la province Hubei. Ce soir, appréciez quelques photos de la pièce « Le haut fonctionnaire émetteur ». ImageImage
📃Synopsis :

Cette histoire se déroule sous la dynastie Song (960-1279).

Alors que le roi et sa fille la princesse Chai Mei sont partis chasser à l’arc aux frontières du pays, ils se font capturer par les Liao.

#costume #maquillage #opéra #théâtre #wuhan ImageImage
Yang Yanzhao qui passait par Tongtai les sauve et les libère. Or, à ce moment là, Fu Dingkui, le fils du ministre Fu Long, était aussi arrivé pour les sauver.

#costume #maquillage #opéra #théâtre #wuhan ImageImage
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#VendrediOperaChinois Opéra Puxian « Le récit du Lapin blanc » 莆仙戏《白兔记》

🎭Le #théâtre Puxian (l’#opéra Puxian), vieux de plus de mille ans et surnommé le « fossile vivant des opéras chinois » est l’un des quatre grands théâtres du Sud.

👇Synopsis de la pièce en bas
Il permet l’introduction dans le #Fujian des cent opéras déjà en vogue dans la plaine centrale. Le répertoire traditionnel compte plus de cinq mille pièces, parmi lesquelles quatre-vingts des Song et des Yuan ont été conservées.

#opera #theatre #spectacle #chine #tradition
Les personnages, vivants et émouvants, manifestent les aspects singuliers des représentations du théâtre du Sud de l’époque. La musique est riche et raffinée, la langue lyrique se rapproche de la poésie Tang.

#opera #theatre #spectacle #chine #tradition
Read 17 tweets
#VendrediOperaChinois🎭 升平署脸谱

🎭Ce week-end, nous allons vous présenter la version numérique de l’un des deux volumes du catalogue d’images en couleur des visages d’opéra de Pékin « Registre des figures d’opéra du Bureau Shengping ».

#maquillage #opera #chine #culture
Cet album inclue 46 images de personnages issus des 5 pièces « Cité Sizhou » « Pont Taiping » « Stratagème de la cité vide » « Sonorité de jade » « Lac Luoma », pour conduire à la découverte du charme des visages et costumes de l’opéra de Pékin.
#maquillage #opera #chine #culture
Dans chaque publication, nous allons vous présenter le synopsis d’une pièce citée ci-dessus ainsi que les personnages principaux de la même pièce.

#maquillage #opera #chine #culture
Read 13 tweets
1/ #YouKeepUsingThatWord “production,” what does it mean? Operas, like movies and plays, need directors and set designers. They can be same person, as when Zeffirelli directed opera, or a team, like @MetOpera’s great Nat Merrill/Bob O’Hearn.
2/ Director ≠ conductor. Latter is responsible for the orchestra. When Wieland Wagner (composer’s grandson), as director, developed the “neo-Bayreuth” style at that Festival in ‘50s, some said his austere stage pictures and tight, Greek-drama-style character movements were....
3/ out of step with the yearning romantic style of Bayreuth’s conductors if that era (all of whom btw inexplicably had surnames that started with K). Well, director & conductor can have diff esthetics; that’s ok. But maybe this is why, when Bayreuth planned....
Read 13 tweets
THREAD: #OperaDiversity

Taking @GarrettMcQueen's comments (Quote Tweeted below) as a point of departure.

I may add to this from time to time, so this is going to be an open-ended thread. But first a few caveats.

1.0/ THREAD: #OperaDiversity

#Opera #ClassicalMusic #WAM
When I say "Opera Diversity" I'm talking about <<Diversity OF Opera>> not <<Diversity IN Opera>>. These are two very different ideas and I articulate that a bit in this piece:…

2.0/ THREAD: #OperaDiversity Caveats

#Opera #ClassicalMusic #WAM
One of my other research projects is compiling a list of First Language Operas: a catalogue of the first time languages are used in the libretti of Operas historically. Many examples here will pull from that list.

2.1/ THREAD: #OperaDiversity Caveats

#Opera #ClassicalMusic #WAM
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