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Ich habe diese Woche in Lausanne den Prozess gegen 6 Polizisten verfolgt, die im Februar 2018 #MikeBenPeter überfielen, traten, pfefferten und auf ihn knieten bis er einen Herzinfarkt erlitt und starb. Und ich muss sagen: Dieser Prozess ist ein Skandal. Warum? Ein kleiner 🧵.
1-Der Staatsanwalt müsste ermitteln, aber er verweigert quasi die Arbeit: 5 Jahre dauerte die Untersuchung. Ergebnis: minimal. Die beschuldigten Polizisten, die #MikeBenPeter getötet haben sollen, wurden nur 2mal einvernommen – Anfang u Mitte März 2018. Danach nie wieder.
2-Der Staatsanwalt suchte keine Zeug:innen und die, die sich selbst meldeten, interessierten ihn nicht. Auch vor Gericht nicht. Er ist den Anwält:innen der Polizisten näher als dem Privatkläger der Opferfamilie. Er fragt so gut wie nichts, und wenn, dann ungenau.
Read 14 tweets
You know how when you take a wrong turn, you need to go back and take the other turn?

I've decided I'm doing that with Critical Race Theory--I'm going back to before all the CRT hysteria and alarmism, back before the Anti-CRT Industry® took off, back before the book bans

1/🧵 Image
Back to 2016, when @drjjwilliams @TheWitnessBCC could say:

"evangelicals should be quick to listen and slow to speak on race when they do not understand the issues.

White supremacy and racism are complicated issues... such as...critical race theory..."… Image
2016, when @drjjwilliams @TheWitnessBCC could make basic observations:

"Contrary to certain evangelical Christians, critical race theorists and social scientists argue that racism is systemic, and is deeply ingrained in the structural fabric of the U.S"… ImageImage
Read 8 tweets
Britain’s equality watchdog, the Equality & Human Rights Commission (#EHRC), is supposed to be independent.

This #THREAD will show it isn't.

It's been “captured” politically & made a “tool of the culture wars”, with an agenda “based on what is useful to the Conservative Govt”.
Since 2020, experienced staff have been raising concerns about the ##EHRC’s independence, & forty of them made complaints, including bullying & harassment, about the Chair, Kishwer Falkner.

Consequently, staff are now wrongly demonised as "woke", & are now leaving in droves. Image
The media narrative, encouraged by the Board & the Govt, is partisan & reductive, & means Falkner cannot lose - if the investigation clears her, it will be portrayed as a victory against the “woke”. If she is not, she'll be portrayed as a victim.

They always use this playbook. Image
Read 44 tweets
Black Lives Matter (BLM) is headed for INSOLVENCY after plunging an $8.5M loss...!!!


#BLM #BlackLivesMatter… Image
1. Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation ran an $8.5 million deficit and saw the value of its investment accounts plummet by nearly $10 million in the most recent tax year, financial disclosures show.
#BlackLivesMatter Image
2. The group logged a $961,000 loss on a securities sale of $172,000, suggesting the charity weathered a staggering 85 percent loss on the transaction.
#BlackLivesMatter Image
Read 17 tweets
'Social justice' refers to the equitable distribution of resources, opportunities, and power within society, as well as the recognition and respect for the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their background or identity.
The evolution of activism, from class-based political movements to identity and social-issues-based activism, demonstrates the dynamic nature of political engagement and the ongoing struggle for social justice in Western democracies.
'Activism' involves various forms of collectivised efforts designed to promote or resist social, political, or environmental change. Dalton identifies two types of citizenship: firstly, active citizenship, which refers to the engagement of citizens in the democratic process.
Read 27 tweets

Starkey tells the National Conservatism conference that #BlackLivesMatter & #CRT are “attempts at destroying the entire legitimacy of thew Western cultural tradition... They do not care about black lives. They only care about the symbolic destruction of white culture.” Image
Starkey's, & ultranationalist misogynist provocateur & Proud Boys founder, Gavin McInnes's edicts, echo identitarian rhetoric, which seeks to sanitize hatred for brown immigrants & their liberal supporters by positioning them as a threat to modern "white culture" & tradition. Image
Rejecting any criticism, far-right populists claim to be fighting against against a ‘political correctness’ perceived as censorship. If criticized they stylize themselves as victims, often connected to the victim/perpetrator reversal strategy, aka DARVO.

Read 5 tweets
Some good news from the US: Democrat Donna Deegan has caused a major upset by beating Ron DeSantis backed Republican, Daniel Davis (who significantly outspent her) to win the mayor’s race in Jacksonville, Florida, becoming the first female mayor in Jacksonville history. Image
Her opponent had the backing of the Republican Party of Florida & the endorsement of Gov. Ron DeSantis.“Everybody said it could not be done in Jacksonville,” said Deegan, who said the campaign and its volunteers had worked for a year and a half ahead of the election.
Davis — a former legislator & CEO of the local Chamber of Commerce — & his allies strongly criticised Deegan over her participation in #BlackLivesMatter protests, & the local sheriff said she would install “radical policies” if elected.
Read 6 tweets
Our country is under attack, by the gouvernement of @Macky_Sall and @AFADiome. They kill us, they abuse us, they torture us, they imprison us and arrest us for no reason, just because we raise our voices. @AsstSecStateAF @FRANCE24 @BBCAfrica @NPR
This is the carceral system in Senegal. These are the people arbitrarily incarcerated, is an overcrowded cell. 250 "prisoners" are on hanger strike today. If Black Lives Matter in the USA, it should matter everywhere black people are abused, tortured and killed.#BlackLivesMatter
Read 4 tweets
È il turno di Rachel Meghan Markle e della favola dell'attrice che sposa un principe, sembra quasi un film vero?
Mi tocca deludervi, ma anche qui ci troviamo davanti una precisa regia.
Dopotutto lei arriva proprio dal mondo di Hollywood.
[1] ImageImage
Meghan è nata a Los Angeles e i suoi genitori si conobbero sul set di General Hospital.
Thomas Markle di origini tedesche, Dora Ragland afroamericana, divorziarono però quando lei era molto piccola.
[2] ImageImage
Nella famiglia Markle anglicismo di Merckel, vanno ricercati i legami con la Corona Britannica e non solo, anche ascendenze askenazite.
Tra Meghan ed Harry ci sarebbe inoltre una parentela, anche se molto alla lontana il loro antenato comune: Edward III
[3] ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Whether you're Left, Right, or Centrist, #GC, #TransRights, #BlackLivesMatter, #AllLivesMatter, pro-#NHS, anti-#lockdown, #Republican or #Monarchist, the Govt's draconian, antidemocratic, & anti-free speech Public Order Bill should concern #EVERYONE. 🇬🇧
GENEVA, 27/04/23:

The Public Order Bill, which has now been passed by the UK Parliament, is deeply troubling legislation that is incompatible with the UK’s international human rights obligations regarding people’s rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly & association.
“This new law imposes serious & undue restrictions on these rights that are neither  necessary nor proportionate to achieve a legitimate purpose as defined under international law.”
- UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk.
Read 11 tweets
Putin’s @GenFlynn is triggered and knows he’s losing.

Flynn posts an entitled “Truth Be Damned!” including an interview with Mike Lindell and another called “Gen. Flynn Exclusive: We’re Not Going to Win 2024 but the Governors Can Change Everything.”

He’s calling for civil war. ImageImageImage
Flynn goes after @BarackObama and says he was a “Marxist,” says “the United States as we know it is in its final phase,” and says @JoeBiden is a “senile, incompetent lifelong swamp creature who hid in his basement.”

This is antisemitic “Cultural Marxism” propaganda. ImageImageImage
Flynn is mad because the Supreme Court hasn’t completely destroyed separation of church and state, mad at the intelligence community, wants @POTUS impeached, attacks #BlackLivesMatter, and spreads QAnon propaganda about “global elites” and “sexualization of children.” ImageImageImageImage
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Important THREAD on UK’s Black woman MP @HackneyAbbott’s letter to @theobserver/@guardian and White Britain unleashing opportunistic attacks on the MP.
Buckle up🧵
#DianeAbbott #Racism #Antisemitism #WhiteSupremacy #WhitePrivilege #BlackLivesMatter #HierarchyOfRacism #CRT British Black MP Diane Abbo...
White British establishment has been way too racist and harsh towards #DianeAbbott (“DA”) among #BlackWomen—not denying many of their points—compared to others. Issues of DA erasing #GTR or #Holocaust memories or not—not denying the importance of it—is a separate issue than… 2/ Tweet from Siobhan Miller (...
…the main topic pointed out in the subject of the letter: White #HierarchyOfRacism that exists to date. Having worked as a London-based banker who was involved with diversity, I’ve seen Black was 9x more, Muslims up to 8x more discriminated at institutional & security levels…3/
Read 16 tweets
L'un des drames de la gauche viriliste en France, c'est de ne pas se nourrir de ce qui fonctionne ailleurs. Le chauvinisme jusqu'au bout...

Partout dans le monde, les images de contestation qui ont marqué, fut celles qui opposaient des femmes au virilisme des FdO.
Au Belarus: les femmes, fleur à l main, formaient des chaînes de solidarité.
Les virilistes étaient prié de la boucler.…
En Georgie, l'image qui a fait le tour du monde, c'est celle d'une femme tenant tête aux canons à eau, les hommes qui viennent en appuie.

En France, ils ricanent depuis leur chaise gamer devant le live Twitch.
Read 16 tweets
Congressional question for TikTok CEO:

1/ With such widespread influence bringing joy to people why has TikTok blocked videos about human rights in China—particularly those that on Xinjiang internment camps and Uyghur genocide—disabling accounts of users who post them?
2/ Why has TikTok down weighted posts deemed sensitive by the Chinese government and Chinese Communist Party, LGBTQ+ people, disabled people, and certain African-American hashtags?
3/ In February 2022, German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported that automatic subtitles in videos containing terms such as "reeducation camp," "internment camp," or "labor camp" were replaced with asterisks.

Read 6 tweets
A thread 🧵 on politics & politicians

List of all things that backfired on Joe Biden and his administration…

2.Energy Crisis
3.FTX implosion
4.FBI raid on Trump
5.Classified Documents
6.Hiding Hunter Laptop story
7.Dumping… Image
Joe Biden strangles Russia with worst sanctions…

Russia thrives, US banks collapse Image
Read 48 tweets

In March 2021, the Govt's 'Commission on Race & Ethnic Disparities' claimed that there was "no evidence" of institutional racism in the UK.

In light of the #Casey report, which confirms its continued presence in the MET police, this was an absurd & misleading claim.
This thread is about how the UK Govt systematically misleads voters. The Race Commission is just one example of how the @Conservatives, supported by the billionaire-owned press, deliberately & irresponsibly deploy a political strategy of misleading voters in order to divide us.
Stephen Lawrence was murdered on 22 April 1993. The 1999 inquiry by William Macpherson found the MET Police to be institutionally racist.

30 years after Stephen's murder, the Casey report finds the MET institutionally racist, misogynistic, & homophobic.…
Read 71 tweets

#CIVICUS is an international non-profit organisation, dedicated to strengthening citizen action & civil society around the world. It's focus is on regions where participatory democracy & freedom of association are at risk - now including Britain.…
The UK has joined Hungary, South Africa, & Poland, having been downgraded from ‘narrowed’ to ‘obstructed’, in a new report by the @CIVICUSMonitor, a global research collaboration that rates and tracks fundamental freedoms in 197 countries and territories.
According to the report, People Power Under Attack 2022, the government's introduction of a range of restrictive laws, particularly on protest, & the UK government's attempt to undermine human rights, led to the downgrade.…
Read 30 tweets
#FederalReserve is the largest central bank in the world.

Citizen vs. State: If you look at the original founding principle objectives of the federal reserve, you can’t find a single one which benefits the citizen. The fifth objective is clearly a great lie we’ve all been……
Just an FYI. I tweet from my readings and curated knowledge of the masses. I’m no banking contagion expert 😂 Image
Read 59 tweets
Was telling my students just 2 days ago in our pre-Oscars class how people don't realize what a massive amount of revenue for Disney comes from theme parks. A quarter of their revenue. In comparison, for Comcast, it's less than 10%.
Oh that is THE main point I make. unlike Hershey Park or Legoland or 6 Flags, Disney world is ridiculously expensive, remote, swampy, with nothing else much (other than Universal properties).

What are people paying this much for?

What they are paying for is the brand value and loyalty for Disney built for decades since you were born. The potential customer for Disney World is literally every single family in the world.

It is a singularly valuable brand relationship that starts when you're a toddler.
Read 31 tweets
A small but extraordinarily petty thing twitter has done.

#BlackLivesMatter and #BlackTransLivesMatter both used to have little icons when the hashtags were used (for quite some time). At some point in the past week, Twitter got rid of the one for BTLM (see: screenshot)
As you can see, I took this screenshot on the day the tweet was posted, so this is a change that Musk & Co. seems to have pushed through the removal of the icon within the last week, following the right-wing call to "eradicate transgenderism."

Unbelievably petty and gross, Elon.
Read 6 tweets
@FuzzyDanSo @DianeB528 @Rasmussen_Poll Wow

1924 not quite century ago😲

But now you're scraping barrel for straws to clutch by going back to 1919😱🤦‍♂️

Part of what #ScottAdams says is Blacks can't move forward if always focussed on past

And can AND WILL only move forward if #EducateYourself…
@FuzzyDanSo @DianeB528 @Rasmussen_Poll Talking of #EducateYourself

#RedSummer of 1919 caused 38 deaths in Chicago & 15 in Washington DC😲

That's a bad weekend in the Hood!😱🤦‍♂️

And partly fueled by elites using Blacks as strikebreakers

Partly by left-wing activists using Blacks as weapon to divide

No change there!
@FuzzyDanSo @DianeB528 @Rasmussen_Poll But hey

If your folks & you find the country that adopted you so horrible

You've got over 200 other countries to choose from

If the US is so bad why not emigrate again to somewhere better

Or are you looking for as good as can be in the circumstances for the time to destroy!😱
Read 16 tweets
@FuzzyDanSo @DianeB528 @Rasmussen_Poll YOU "dgaf" about what #ScottAdams ACTUALLY said or meant

Preferring to #VirtueSignal your #Woke credentials by joining racist "liberal" #CancelCulture #TwitterMob #DogPile on him

He ACTUALLY said "Choose Love instead of Hate"


Bravery over fear

Thoughtfulness over anger
@FuzzyDanSo @DianeB528 @Rasmussen_Poll #ScottAdams said he lived in a mixed neighbourhood

Next door to a Black man

And he said if you live in a neighbourhood (of any demographic) where up to 50% of the residents don't like you

And too large a proportion are criminals

Move out

And to judge people as individuals!🤦‍♂️
@FuzzyDanSo @DianeB528 @Rasmussen_Poll As I said to another #Woke #VirtueSignalling #ScottAdams #CancelCulture #TwitterMob #DogPile on #Troll

He's often said every local party goes to is very mixed race (& marriage)

Hasn't & didn't mean "Run Away"

He's a comic

It's a joke

Here's the demographics of where he lives
Read 28 tweets

Yesterday, at a 'counter-extremism' conference organised by the Govt appointed Commissioner for Countering Extremism, Robin Simcox, Suella Braverman predictably blamed 'political correctness' for 'Islamist terrorism', gaining a culture war front page in Murdoch's Times.

This is a #THREAD about how the Govt's divisive, misleading, & dangerously irresponsible rhetoric has been carefully choreographed over the last three years, by a Tory Govt which works hand-in-hand with a network of opaquely funded ideologically extreme right-wing 'think tanks'.
It centres on the background, ideology, & appointment of Robin Simcox, & William Shawcross's recently published highly partisan #PREVENT review.

Imho, important information about Simcox has been deliberately concealed from voters by the Govt & the billionaire-owned press. Image
Read 32 tweets

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