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Mar 18th 2023
@UnrollHelper @IntlCrimCourt @FRANCE24 @threadreaderapp #Putin visits #Crimea on anniversary of its annexation from Ukraine |-3h
@UnrollHelper @IntlCrimCourt @FRANCE24 @threadreaderapp #US threatens to #arrest #ICC #judges if they pursue Americans for #Afghan #WarCrimes | 10/09/2018
- #WhiteHouse Nat Sec Advisor J. #Bolton called the #Hague-based rights body "unaccountable" and "outright #dangerous" to the #US, #Israel and other #allies… Image
@UnrollHelper @IntlCrimCourt @FRANCE24 @threadreaderapp #US #bars entry to #ICC investigators, says '#attacking #America's #RuleOfLaw' | 15/03/2019
- “The ICC is attacking America’s '#RuleOfLaw',” #Pompeo told reporters. “It’s not too late for the court to change course and we urge that it do so immediately.”… Image
Read 15 tweets
Feb 26th 2023
#Abkhazia is NOT #occupied
Today, Georgian propaganda is actively spreading the myth that "Abkhazia is occupied by Russia."
Today, Georgian propaganda is actively spreading the myth that "Abkhazia is occupied by Russia." Compared to small #Abkhazia, Georgia has powerful resources to convince the #world community of its "truth", however, we advise you not to become victims of any propaganda and
in the language of irrefutable facts and real life examples we would like to provide you with arguments why #Abkhazia is not #occupied.
Read 25 tweets
Nov 13th 2022
Ieri parlavamo del #greenwashing in ambito #portuale.
Nel nostro caso serve a nascondere il fatto che #IFumiDelleNaviCiUccidono, attraverso due diffuse #narrazioni mistificatorie, il #BlueAgreement e il #ColdIroning .
Oggi #13novembre partiamo dal primo.
"Quando un concetto viene espresso in inglese la fregatura è certa" diceva qualcuno.
Beh, il #BlueAgreement non smentisce questa affermazione.
Un #accordo volontario fra #armatori, #autorità portuali, #Capitaneria e #Comune che non prevede ahimè sanzioni in caso di violazione.
Un po' tutti i #porti #italiani hanno adottato lo stesso schema e ovviamente ogni #amministrazione ha voluto narrarlo come proprio merito esclusivo nella lotta all'#inquinamento #navale a difesa della #salute.
Anche quando è ancora meno efficace degli altri accordi, come vedremo.
Read 17 tweets
Nov 10th 2022
Ma perché insomma #IFumiDelleNaviCiUccidono ?
Come mai a #Civitavecchia chi abita entro 500 metri dal #porto ha il 31% di probabilità di morire di #tumore al #polmone e il 51% per una #malattia #neurologica ?(Studio del Dipartimento di #Prevenzione della #Regione #Lazio) . Image
Per spiegarlo, oggi #10novembre dobbiamo parlare di questa cosa qua sotto.
Una sostanza nera, viscosa, velenosissima che attraverso i #motori e le #ciminiere delle #navi si diffonde nell' #aria e penetra nelle nostre #case e nei nostri #polmoni .
E' il famigerato #bunker #oil : Image
Al pari degli altri #oli #combustibili, il #bunker #oil ("combustibile da cisterna") residua dalla #raffinazione del #petrolio alla fine del #ciclo di distillazione, cioè dopo la produzione di #gas, #benzina, #kerosene, #gasolio.
Subito prima dell' #asfalto, per capirsi. Image
Read 6 tweets
Apr 12th 2021
We live in an attention #economy & what #Tweetiatricians have known for decades (#Twitter started in 2006): importance of drawing attention to factual science-based information as compared to #misinformation & #disinformation, especially on #vaccines…
You have to be fast & prolific to play catch up to this. I have 77K tweets, a moderate sized band of 6K followers interested enough to tolerate my volume but use of hashtags allows reach across Twittersphere. Trending hashtags = better for riding a way for that attention economy
If is unclear if we are now so siloed that tweets are ineffective with anti-vaxx. But not all anti-vaxx are QAnon
Read 39 tweets
Jun 26th 2020
#Case: 26 y/o M presents to the ED after a syncopal episode. The patient lost consciousness for approximately 5 minutes. No tonic-clonic activity or urinary incontinence. Now experiencing generalized weakness, dyspnea, diaphoresis and palpitations.
PMHx: No prior PMHx or PSHx
Social Hx: Computer programmer – has been working 18 hour days x 1 month. Denies any alcohol, tobacco or illicit drug use.
Meds: None reported.
Case from:…
Brain Review of neurally-mediated, cardiac, and orthostatic induced syncopal causes.
Read More:…

Great flow chart from:
Read 22 tweets
Apr 1st 2020
Did #Triceratops use its #horns for #defense???

Um, #YES, and here is why:
Like most people, I was fascinated with dinosaurs as a kid. Heck, I still am, having 6 books and about 20 or so documentaries on them at home. I have a fascination with these scaled and feathered giants of old, those titans of horn and fang that dominated the earth before God
silenced their roars with a meteor 65 million years ago. Such realities are the stuff from which folklore, mythology and fantasy can derive, a true tale that can spawn the tall tales of tomorrow.

And such tall tales are not the purview of fiction novels.

Now and again,
Read 42 tweets
Sep 10th 2019
Just Impressionism
Custom printed Impressionist #art #posters, gifts, decor, cards, #iphone cases…

Still Life with Bouquet Pierre-Auguste Renoir Poster…
Woman with a Parasol Claude Monet Wood Wall Decor…
Read 9 tweets
Aug 13th 2019
The Rocks
Vincent Van Gogh Custom Glossy #Poster #Prints…
The Rocks
Vincent Van Gogh Case-Mate #iPhone #Case…

#VanGogh #art #iphonecase $AAPL
@threadreaderapp please unroll
Read 3 tweets
Aug 12th 2019
Circe Invidiosa by #Waterhouse Custom #Art Greeting #Card…
Circe Invidiosa
John William Waterhouse #Tissue #Paper…
Vintage Fine #Art
Circe Invidiosa
#Waterhouse WristWatch…
Read 7 tweets
Aug 10th 2019
John William Waterhouse #iPhone #Case…

#art $AAPL
John William Waterhouse Lovers #CoffeeMug Set…
Read 4 tweets
Aug 6th 2019
Flaming June
Frederic Leighton #Postcard…
Flaming June
Frederic Leighton Jelly Belly #Candy Tin…
Frederic Leighton
Flaming June OtterBox #Samsung #Galaxy S7 #Case…
Read 4 tweets
Aug 1st 2019
Tristan and Isolde
John William Waterhouse…

#preraphaelite #art
Tristan and Isolde by John William #Waterhouse #Label…
Tristan and Isolde
#Waterhouse OtterBox Samsung #Galaxy S7 #Case…

Read 4 tweets
Feb 21st 2019
Antique Ivory Paper Add Family Name Custom #Gifts Collection…
Add Family Name Vintage Ivory Paper Square #Stickers…
Add Family Name Ivory Textured #Coaster…
Read 13 tweets
Jan 29th 2018

1} My Dear Friend Geri,

With all due respect to current #NonProfits serving Refugees & Immigrants - their Branding & Messaging are #Tragically #Weak.

#OurAmericanKids🇺🇸 are BEING #SCAPEGOATED & #WE, the Liberals of #OurCountry we call the United States of America...
2} ...get OUR #Truthful-#Propaganda #LUNCH handed to us - #EVERY #DAMNED #TIME there's a watershed political issue.

My opinion as a 25-year #Duke MBA-trained-#Strategist, is that "Dreamers" is a well-intentioned, but desperately INEFFECTIVE MONIKER for #OurAmericanKids. Scapegoats for American Fascists
3} My dog #Sadie is a very #Active #Dreamer. Hitler #Dreamed about ruling an #AryanPlanet.

Un-@realDonaldTrump dreams of building a wall "SO fucking HIGH," that planes can't #LAND in #Texas without traveling 100-miles North of our Southern Border - just to pull a #giant U-ey✈️ Hitler Dreamed of an Aryan Planet-Earth.U-Turn in the sky
Read 22 tweets

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