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#انواع_البروتوكولات_في_الشبكات :

البروتوكولات هي مجموعه من القواعد التي تحدد طريقه الاتصال بين جهازين او اكثر وتضمن مجموعه من الآليات التي تجعل الاجهزه تتصل ببعضها البعض اضافه الى ذلك طريقه حزم البيانات في الرسائل المرسله والمستلمة

#بروتوكول_IP بروتوكول الانترنت
بروتوكول الانترنت internet protocol address او كما يعرف باسم IP adress هو البروتوكول الاساسي في حزمه بروتوكولات TCP/IP التي تستخدم لربط الاجهزه الحاسوبيه سويا ضمن الشبكه وهي ايضا مسؤوله عن اعطاء كل جهاز اسمه الخاص
#بروتوكول_TCP بروتوكول التحكم في النقل
احد اهم البروتوكولات في الاتصال وهو الذي يتحكم في نقل البيانات بين الطرفين المرسل والمستقبل حيث يقوم بتامين نقل البيانات بين الطرفين على شبكه الانترنت ويعمل مع بروتوكول IP كثنائي معروف باسم TCP/IP حيث يقوم بتامين اتصال الاجهزه مع بعضها وبعض
Read 7 tweets
#ثريد جديد
🔰 مــاهــو GIT و GITHUB

تابعني للمزيد من التغريدات .
#برمجة Image
🔹 أولاً ما هو نظام التحكم في
الإصدار ؟
هو نظام يسمح لك بتسجيل التغييرات على الملفات بمرور الوقت، ويمكنك عرض إصدارات معينة من هذه الملفات لاحقاً.
يُتيح للمطورين الإطلاع على التغييرات التي تم إجراؤها، ومن قام بالتغييرات، متى تم إجراء التغييرات، وسبب إدخال التغييرات.
🔹 مـا هـو Git ؟
هو أحد أنظمة التحكم بالملفات، تم تطويره عام 2005، وهو نظام تحكم في الإصدارات شائع للغاية ويحتوي مجموعة متنوعة من المشاريع عالية المستوى.
من مميزاته أنه سريع الإستجابة، مجاني ومفتوح المصدر، وسهل الاستخدام.
Read 5 tweets
#capitalism requires what people call "magical thinking". it requires people to believe that impossible things aren't merely *possible*, but can be done routinely, and turned into a dependable cash flow. #AI / #AGI of the @fchollet / @JeffDean sort is a perfect example.

the very name "#AGI" gives the game away: the #programming boys daydream that they've invented a "general intelligence", a universal thinking machine capable of solving literally any problem—and #capitalism is willing to gamble on that. it's just what #business wants.

remember that the ideal corporation in #capitalism *does nothing*. it produces nothing, it provides no service, it solves no problems for anyone not in the ownership hierarchy—because producing things *costs money* and capitalists hate all expenditures for any reason.

Read 25 tweets
let's talk about #investment.

#capitalism and capitalists' fortunes are built on this practice. all the free-flowing #business and #finance propaganda, churned out in huge volumes for the edification of persons who've devoted themselves to #money, talks about _investing_.

the great bulk of money made in #capitalism goes only to the ownership class; the toilers below them get pennies. those unable to toil get *less* than nothing—capitalism wants such people to be liquidated, hence @charlesmurray and @EPoe187 cook up rationales for doing so.

ultimately this is *why* #eugenics and "scientific racism" exists at all: #capitalism needs some pseudointellectual justification for marginalizing and liquidating all human beings who are unable or *unwilling* to toil for capitalism. this is WHY @Quillette is well-funded.

Read 21 tweets
I do feel there's something more to be said (while the iron is hot, so to speak) about #cryptocurrency and the question of how presumably intelligent #computer and #programming professionals (not to mention the @elonmusk / @mtaibbi crowd) could possibly have fallen for it.

the *allure* is obvious enough; it's the same allure that's in looking for legendary pirate treasure, or prospecting for gold. you're hoping for more than just some #money—you're hoping that for enough to *set you up for life*. all monetary worries, permanently erased.

that's one of the reason that it's so important to interrogate the #ElonMusk crowd about Musk's blood-emerald dealings, and what the *truth* was about Musk's family striking it rich—it's likely that Musk simply lost the ability thenceforth to think in realistic terms.

Read 33 tweets
at some point, *someone* is going to have to investigate THE question of the age, which is...

...just *why* is @elonmusk as disastrous as he is?

why is #ElonMusk a phenomenon? how on Earth did practically everyone in corporate #media and #journalism fall for this man?

@mtaibbi or @lhfang might have inquired into this matter, at some hypothetical time in the past when they cared about #journalism rather than careerism and selling out to whoever offered the sparkliest vision of the future—maybe that time was *never*, truth be told.

what does it even mean to be a "real journalist"? how can that be defined? one can be tolerably certain, at any rate, that whatever @mtaibbi or @lhfang or @Timcast or @bariweiss ever *used* to be in the past—if that dream was ever noble, it's long ago dissolved into smoke.

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@BharathamJaya @sanjeevsanyal 🧵OMFG!!!

Either it's too late & I'm tired

I've had one too many sherries

I've gone mad

Or I've #BrokenChatGPT

I tried some tests on the points you raised & it wouldn't play ball

Then it melted down or I've gone mad when I tested it on the #AtlanticSlaveTrade

Which is it😱
@BharathamJaya @sanjeevsanyal HELP! @Elonmusk @ScottAdamsSays

Am I too tired

Had one too many sherries

Gone mad

Or have I #BrokenChatGPT

Or was #ChatGPT already broken

Have I pushed AI into a #CognitiveDissonanceMeltdown

More to the point has this AI been taught to Lai?!

#Woke #CRT indoctrination!😱🤦‍♂️
@BharathamJaya @sanjeevsanyal @elonmusk @ScottAdamsSays #TwoMoviesOnOneScreen (#Computer)


Am I going insane?!😂🤣🤦‍♂️

Has #ChatGPT caused me to have a #CognitiveDissonanceMeltdown😯

Or have I caused it to blow a fuse & meltdown itself?😮!

Did #IBrokeChatGTP!!!😲

#ChatGPTBroke #GetWokeGoBroke😱

Can AI lai?!🤦‍♂️
Read 5 tweets
I'd done my best to try to gauge and predict the #future —that may sound outlandish, but I feel like it's been forced upon me (and the whole Pnictogen Wing). the pace of human events has grown antic and absurd to a degree I never imagined possible even *ten years ago*.

in its characteristic doublethinkful way, Western society both *disparages* fortune-telling as complete rubbish AND makes an enormous #profit off the game of pretending to tell the #future. most of #business and #finance and #investment propaganda is about fortune-telling.

they call it "economic forecasting"'s fortune-telling. it's pretending to have a "scientific" or "objective" grasp of how the future is likely to unfold, based on sophisticated #computer models which people like @JeffDean and @fchollet believe *more than reality*.

Read 15 tweets
the ideal economy, under #capitalism, produces absolutely nothing.

this may sound ridiculous, but it is no more ridiculous than the central assumptions of capitalism, which begin with the assumption that only people who *own* factories ought to make any money from them.

capitalism is absurd, but in a sense that's been a boon for capitalists: because it's impossible to make sense of things that are fundamentally absurd no matter how much energy you expend on trying to explain them, #capitalism's absurdity helps generate its own propaganda.

it is rather like attempting to defend the British monarchy on rational grounds. the monarchy is a vestigial horror, an open wound in the side of the British body politic‚ an endless drain on the public coffers and an ongoing publicity nightmare—but that's also a *plus*.

Read 24 tweets
the last twenty or thirty years have seen a remarkable intellectual phenomenon: #computer technicians, people whose sole area of expertise is computer #programming and #software engineering and other related disciplines, have come to be regarded as "Renaissance Men".

the "#STEM Lord" is an artifact of this phenomenon. while "STEM" is supposed to comprise mathematics and engineering and mathematics, the typical "STEM Lord" is not well-versed in any of these things—the typical "STEM Lord" is in #computers. they are a *technician*.

that is to say, #computer professionals are people with *limited* educations, who are devoted solely to mastering the intricacies of a certain sort of machinery, namely the modern computer.

men like @fchollet, @JeffDean, @antoniogm, and @ID_AA_Carmack typify the class.

Read 17 tweets
of *course* @sama's fake ChatGPT miracle relies upon an army of underpaid workers just out of sight! of _course_ it does! this is the work of modern #programmers, people without any known sense of ethics—and people stupid enough to believe their own lies.

the corporate #AI debacle deserves a proper dissection. the situation is appalling: people like @sama and @demishassabis make promises about their marvellous universal thinking machines that are *just shy* of outright fraud. and they program the machines with their own inanity.
that's the real problem here: @sama and @fchollet and all the other computer technicians who make grandiose promises and proclamations about #AI and "intelligence" are, to put the matter bluntly, completely incompetent at judging *anyone's* intellect, least of all their own.
Read 12 tweets
ah, here it is! we were trying to remember this: the tweet in which @fchollet eloquently demonstrated their incompetence at understanding how perception works, on a fundamental level.

this mountebank thinks that expectation precedes perception.

to put it more bluntly, @fchollet thinks that perceiving things starts with knowing what you want to perceive first. there's a word for this sort of perception: it's called BIAS. Chollet has, in his tweet, described *perceptual bias*: applying filters to one's perceptions.

why would @fchollet make such an elementary blunder? well, likely Chollet (in common with most #computer professionals these days) is hideously biased about most things. the high-tech field, especially in the higher echelons of management, is sodden with bias and bıgotry.

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the most important technological development since the days of the Second World War has undoubtedly been the elaboration of the *semiconductor*. the raw might of electricity—its power to move motors, cause lights to glow, and so forth—was now subject to minute control.

"semiconductor" means only "half-conductor", hence the name is somewhat misleading. while it's true that semiconducting materials tend not to be as electrically conductive as pure metals, partial conduction of electricity is not the distinctive feature of semiconductors.

what distinguishes semiconductors, and makes them useful, is the mode of electrical conduction—the way that the electrons move through the material.

in metallic conduction, electrons move through a continuous "sea" of electron density, shared by all atoms in the metal.

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how does the locked-in rigidity of the social structures established by #Christianity and #capitalism play out on an *individual* level? face-to-face, person to person?

Western society applies the values of *social dominance* to individual interactions and conversations.

the central principle is very simple: whenever two people interact, one of the two is *socially superior*, and the other is *socially inferior*. person A, interacting with person B, is in some unspoken way "better" than person B: they are the *socially dominant party*.

there's an unspoken ranking, or value of social credit, attached to every single person in Western society; this social-credit score might be thought of as equivalent to an Elo ranking in #chess--a single number that ranks *all chess players* from superior to inferior.

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this amusing image passed our way this morning; it's a rendered image (like most of @elonmusk's publicity materials) of that hideously low-polygon @Tesla truck that will probably never reach market.

I would like to offer a speculation as to why it looks so ugly.

the hideousness of the $TSLA truck is baffling, even taking into account the mind-numbing effects of being in @elonmusk's quasi-religious faction. it's the sort of thing that makes you wonder: "didn't *anyone* of importance denounce this thing during the design process?"

but that question should be the first clue: quite possibly there *was* no real design process. it's possible that @elonmusk really did "design" the appearance of the @Tesla truck the same way Homer Simpson "designed" his perfect car by idly scrawling on bits of paper.

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You must have read some books or have heard from many #yogis about #Chakras. But, do you know what chakras are? How do they work? In the #Sanskrit language, chakra means wheel. Here, the #spiritual meaning of chakra is “a wheel of flowing energy” in the body.
Out of the 114 Chakras, two of them are outside the physical body. In reality, we can only work on 108 chakras from the remaining 112 Chakras. However, we only need 21 chakras to be active in our body to live a full-fledged life. Due to the three dimensions of #energy, Pingala,
Ida and Sushumna, these 21 Chakras form 7 sets, each of them with three functioning Chakras that work as one. Therefore, you will be complete if your 21 chakras are functioning physically, psychologically, and #emotionally. Besides, the rest of the chakras need to be activated
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we aren't sure how it happened or when, or how broad is the scope of the problem, but it seems as though #capitalism and corporate #management decided that there's power in *cult leadership*.

look up "corporate cult" and you'll find a lot! e.g.

Mr. @elonmusk is a public and visible example of this phenomenon of corporate bosses ruling their companies as though they were Jim Jones or L. Ron Hubbard—demanding *personal loyalty* from all their associates, accumulating followers whose faith in their leader is total.

the #ElonMusk cult is unusually prominent and well-promoted; many reactionary-bıgot celebrities like @ggreenwald and @mtaibbi have been furnishing Musk with lavish *service*.

but it can't be doubted that Mr. @elonmusk is only one of a huge crop of corporate cult leaders.

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🧬🧵here is a Twitter thread explaining #Bioinformatics in simple terms:🧬🧵
#Bioinformatics is the field that uses computational tools and methods to analyze and interpret #biological #data.
This can include analyzing #DNA and #protein #sequences, predicting the structure and function of #molecules, and modeling biological systems.
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[1/15] Die News rund um #FLR/#SGB und @FlareNetworks reißen nicht ab! Soeben noch über #FIP.01 geschrieben, postet (FlareN.) $FLR / $SGB jetzt über die neue Partnerschaft mit @GoogleCloudTech

Meine kurze Einschätzung und ein Blick auf den GoogleCloud Blogeintrag in einem 🧵👇
[2/15] Fangen wir damit an die Größe der "#Cloud" einmal zu quantifizieren und in Zahlen einzufangen:

• Welche Player sind auf dem Markt?
• Welche Infra. hat wieviel % vom Kuchen?
• Wie Groß ist der Kuchen und wird er noch größer?
• Was wird angeboten? Source: https://cdn.statcdn...
[3/15] 👉 Wer sitzt am Tisch?

Wenn wir ganz ehrlich sind gibt es nur 3 namenhafte Anbieter, die heute ihre Anwendung finden.

Dazu gehören:
#AWS (Web/Email-Server, Dev-Tools, ML, Container)
#MS #Azure (Interne Firmen- u. Netzwerkinfra.)
#GCP (VM, AI, Storage, IaaS) Source: https://intellipaat...
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The #EthereumMerge made everyone an expert on the subject of the different consensus mechanisms.👑

But the discussion revolves more around proof of work (#PoS) and proof of stake (#PoW).🚀

Shining light on others like proof of burn (#PoB) and proof of activity (#PoA):⚡
A consensus mechanism is the set of rules under which the #blockchain operates.✨

These rules dictate who gets to mine new crypto and the conditions for it.💎

1. Proof of activity (#PoA):💸

Proof of activity is the hybrid of #PoW and #PoS.💰

This consensus mechanism is used by @EspersCoin and @decredproject.

In #PoA, the first step is mining the blockchain in a traditional PoW way.👇
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Warum gibt es eigentlich
immer wieder in der Geschichte
diese Ko-Evolution
von #Psychologie & #Technologie?
Freud - Mensch als #Damfkessel
Behaviorismus - Mensch als #Automat
Kognitive Wende - Mensch als #Computer
Und ist damit jetzt Schluss?
Fragt: Thomas F., HL, 39 Jahre.
Oh - ich finde übrigens - next station wäre:
X - Mensch als Quanten...(?)

Also ich glaube die nächste Stufe im #ComplexityGame ist ziemlich klar:

1. Wir beschreiben/identifizieren mehr quantenphysikalische Mechanismen in lebenden Organismen
2. Wir lernen durch #Quantenphysik...
... 'intelligente' Maschinen auf ein neues Leistungslevel zu heben.
Also konkret:
Wir realisieren, dass KI mit integrierten quantenphysikalischen Effekten eine viel performantere 'Denkleistung' schafft.
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das, was dazwischen ist


das myzel ist das #internetz des waldes

das #internetz ist die kommunikative verbindung von menschen und ihren maschinen
#sprache hat die interaktion von menschen komplexer gemacht.

- das wurde als lösung von einem dramatischen sozialen problem gesehen.
#schrift hat die interaktion von menschen komplexer gemacht.

- das wurde als lösung von einem dramatischen sozialen problem gesehen.
Read 8 tweets
aufgabe damals: schreibe in 30min ein manifest: 1st draft:

10 #MetaKommunikation ist #ethik unter der bedingung von #computer.

(7) The Next Organization Will Not Be Organized. #TNOWNBO

(8) There Is No Such Thing As A Next University. #TINSTAANU
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