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Just a reminder amid all this unbreathable air that when most states had large amounts of unspent Covid relief funds, the Biden admin told them that instead of investing in upgraded air filtration or n95s to pass out to citizens, to give it to police departments instead.
Folks out here trying to rewrite history telling you it's simply not feasible to have safe air in schools or shared buildings because "where would that much money even come from?"

We literally gave states the money, and Biden told them to spend it on the police instead.
Wow. Some of y’all are up in my mentions just so SURE this is a lie made up to make Biden/the left look bad.

Like even the most basic of googles will provide you a link from almost any news source you can name, from CNN to PBS to even Fox News, all saying the same thing. Screenshot of Google result...Screenshot of Google result...Screenshot of Goggle result...Screenshot of Google result...
Read 17 tweets
I keep seeing people ask #StopCopCity activists the same question:

“bUt IsN’t MoRe TrAiNiNg A gOoD tHiNg?”

The short answer is, of course, NO! #AbolishThePolice

Let’s do a quick THREAD 🧵🪡 about the person who heads up training for Atlanta Police Department:

Fred Watson. Portrait photo of Fred Johnson
Major Fred Watson is the APD “Training Academy Director” in charge of all training for Atlanta Police. He is also on the GA POST advisory board.

Watson oversees the “Police Curriculum” sub-group for the South River Forest Cop City Task Force— he’s very involved in Cop City. Major Watson listed on the ...
Watson was an early member of the notoriously violent & corrupt RED DOG Unit, focused on narcotics.

Anyone who KNOWS about RED DOG knows this is a huge 🚩— it had to be disbanded in 2011.

RED DOG was similar to the SCORPION unit that killed #TyreNichols…
Read 14 tweets


If the American Left has a hit list—and they do—their Top 5 Most Wanted would be (in no particular order):

• Trump. This one is obvious. Ann Coulter said Democrats don’t fear Trump. I like Ann. But in this she is spectacularly wrong…. Image

Unrelenting media attacks and the weaponizing of the Department of Justice against him screams otherwise. I mean, I had barely left Mar-a-Lago last spring when the FBI decided to send their storm troopers in on a (literal) panty raid. (Yup, Melania’s. Because we all know… Image

…that’s where you hide nuke codes.)

• Ron DeSantis. Younger than Trump, charismatic, beautiful family, media savvy, politically astute, and a true conservative, he’s the heir apparent.

Where Trump is a force of personality, DeSantis combines that quality with a moral… Image
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Do not dismiss stories like this as merely being "not fair" or "crazy." Doing so suggests that this is happening by accident.

Make no mistake: Leftists' affinity for allowing criminals to run amok with impunity is entirely by design.

A thread🧵👇
It seems like every day there is a story about a Soros-backed Leftist prosecutor downgrading charges against a career criminal, dismissing charges altogether, or worse: going after innocent Americans for defending themselves against actual criminals.

There is a reason for this.
When the dregs of society are institutionally permitted to repeatedly commit crime and violate other people's rights without fear of prosecution, police intervention, or retribution by fellow citizens, they are being conditioned to believe there are no consequences to misdeeds.
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Fox News announces the Denver-area school where a shooting took place this morning is where @aacuna1's children go. One still a student, two graduates.

@johnrobertsFox: "On occasion the stories touch us personally and that has happened" with "our intrepid reporter Alicia Acuna"
Fox's @aacuna1 joined @AmericaRpts from her son & niece's Denver school where a shooting took place: "I have so many questions as do so many other parents here...I was...working on a different story & I started getting texts from my son saying...police officers everywhere"
Fox's @aacuna1: "I was one of the parents coming down here...[Y]ou were talking about this school safety plan that this suspect was under...[P]arents here had no idea that their kids were walking into the same school w/other kids...being patted down b/c there was enough concern"
Read 9 tweets
Wir nutzen den internationalen Tag gegen #Polizeigewalt für einen Blick auf die Spitze des Eisbergs des #Polizeiproblem der Polizei #Dortmund. Eine unvollständige Chronik von Vorfällen aus 2022. 🧵1/ Zwei Zivilpolizisten der Polizei Dortmund mit einer Maschine
Januar 2022: Die Polizei #Dortmund erhält nach einjähriger Pilotphase flächendeckend #Taser. Die Einführung dieser "Wunderwaffe" wird flankiert von massiven Einsätzen des "DEIG" und sehr viel Polizei-PR. 2/ #Polizeigewalt #copaganda_do… Screenshot Pressemitteilung Polizei Dortmund: "Lichtbog
Februar 2022: 2 Frauen werden auf der Wache Nord in #Dortmund von Polizisten sexistisch beleidigt & geschlagen. In beiden Fällen erstattet die Polizei Anzeige gegen die beiden Betroffenen. Konsequenzen für die Beamten sind nicht bekannt. 3/ #Polizeigewalt…
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Saru Jayaraman currently is the Co-Founder and President of a group called One Fair Wage in the US. In 2014 she was honoured as Champion of Change by the White House.
Purvi Shah is currently Founder and Executive Director of Movement Law Lab (MLL). MLL is a project of NEO Philanthropy which in turn is funded by Open Society Foundation, Ford Foundation, McArthur Foundation, Atlantic Philanthropies among others.

Anjali Vats is currently Associate Professor of Law at University of Pittsburg School of Law

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Wir haben immer noch Fragen! Wir haben immer noch Forderungen! Die Anklage gegen die #Polizei #Dortmund nach der Tötung von Mouhamed Lamine Dramé ist ein Erfolg - aber kein Grund sich auszuruhen! Ein🧵 #justice4mouhamed 1/ Flyer zur Anklageerhebung g...
Wir fragen: Warum wird nur ein Polizist wegen Totschlags angeklagt, wenn doch alle fünf nach einem gemeinsamen Plan und mit abgestimmten Rollen Mouhamed angriffen? #justice4mouhamed 2/
Wir fragen: Warum wird der Einsatzleiter, der den Einsatz der Maschinenpistole anordnete und dem Schützen sagte "Du bist unser last man standing" nur wegen Anstiftung zur gefährlichen Körperverletzung angeklagt? #justice4mouhamed 3/
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Was this #dogwalker a #whitewoman by any chance?

Because for the life of me, I do not get how all can ignore what happened to #myson #AmbroseGGBall in 8 solid years unless it was @MPSHaringey posting up all the wrong information, wrong days and dates,
the wrong locations, wrong description of clothing , the wrong Fox pub, all different times of the night, leaving out the vital information leading up to during and after my son went @missingpeople, did not response for 56 hours after all the calls myself and others had made over
Read 61 tweets
System Change, not Climate Change heißt auch:
#Polizei abschaffen! 👮‍♀️❌

Unser Kampf begrenzt sich nicht nur aufs Klima. Wir kämpfen für das gute Leben für alle. Das gibt es nur, wenn alle Menschen frei von Gewalt & Diskriminierung + in Sicherheit leben können.

🧵 (1/3) +EN
(2/3) Dafür wollen wir unseren Blick weiten & uns solidarisch an die Seite all jener stellen, die von alltäglicher insbesondere rassistischer #Polizeigewalt betroffen sind. Denn egal wen es trifft, gemeint sind wir alle.

#nojusticenopeace #solidarity #defundthepolice
(3/3) Danke an Anna & William vom @solimouhamed, dass ihr bei unserem Dorfspaziergang dabei wart & so mitreißenden Reden gehalten habt.
Gemeinsam werden wir weiter für echte #Klimagerechtigkeit kämpfen! ✊

#justice4mouhamed #ouryjallohdaswarmord #policebrutality

EN ⬇️
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Oh yeah totally, plus we have come at a very happening and tense time. We landed and heard Chapo's son had been arrested in a HUGE gun battle that killed 30. And Biden and Trudeau are here.

In fact the general opinion here is that he was arrested with the summit in mind. /1
Ovidio had been arrested years ago, and Sinaloa cartel responded by unleashing violence. Lopez-Obrador released him in 2019 to ostensibly reduce the violence. And it worked.

So this operation annoyed many common folks cos it seems designed to tout it to Biden. /2
Mexicans have a VERY different (and in my opinion correct) take on the drug war and the so called border problem than Americans.

They think the real problem isn't drugs going north but guns & dollars coming south. America has a huge appetite for drugs that are taken voluntarily.
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Patient Confidentiality as a Reproductive Justice Issue session by @prhdocs and @ifwhenhow

Speaker Alejandra Pablos shares her story #KeepAleFree and encourages others to do so too through @AbortionStories. She says her story of fighting deportation, being detained and says that fighting for abortion rights are an intuitive extension of her goals and values.

#SFP2022 Image
Dr. Perritt @Reprorightsdoc encourages the audience to center on their own positionality. We focus on disclosures in medicine, but positionality - where we grew up, who we are, how the world sees us - are probably more important in framing our actions.

Read 31 tweets
Heute, 19.10.2022 gab es das erste Todesopfer von #NRW Innenminister #Reul #Taser Aufrüstung der #Polizei in #Dortmund. Die Ini @NoCam_Do hat im Juli 2020 zur Einführung der angeblich "nicht tödlichen Waffen" vorweggenommen, was jetzt geschehen ist. Doku der Rede Part I
Über 1045 Taser-Todesfälle zählt die Website "Truth... Not Tasers" seit den 80er Jahren für die USA. Keine einzige der vielen US-Regierungsbehörde zählt die Taser-Toten. Fest steht jedoch, #Taser sind keine nicht tödlichen Waffen! Rede von @NoCam_Do Part II
Die tödliche Verdrängungs-, Bestrafungspolitik gegen die Verdammten der Städte, hört erst auf, wenn wir es nicht mehr zu lassen.
Raus auf die Straße am #do1911 #defundthepolice
Rede von @NoCam_Do Part 3
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Das #Taser-Pilotprojekt der #Polizei #NRW hat heute Nacht in #Dortmund das erste Todesopfer gefordert: Der Getötete war wohnungslos und befand sich in einem psychischen Ausnahmezustand. Er kollabierte, nachdem er von einem Taser getroffen wurde. 1/🧵 Die Spurensicherung der Pol...
Der Getötete hatte vorher in der Straße um Hilfe gerufen & Autos beschädigt. Anwohner*innen riefen die #Polizei. Bei deren Eintreffen gab es eine Auseinandersetzung, der Mann soll versucht haben, mit einem Streifenwagen zu fliehen, die Polizei setzte daraufhin den #Taser ein. 2/ Ein Streifenwagen der Poliz...
Der getötete Mann ist der erste Mensch, der in #NRW durch einen #Taser getötet wurde. Ein Szenario, vor dem viele auf Basis der Erfahrungen aus anderen Ländern vor der "Pilotphase" eindringlich gewarnt hatten. 3/
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Sources say the guy running to cut off your access to public lands and be the top government official in Idaho can't be bothered to follow the state's license plate requirements. #idpol Picture of the front of a truck with no visible license platPicture of the back of a truck with Ammon Bundy for Governor
Just days after he (or white nationalist Dave Reilly working on Ammon's behalf) burned an American flag for a self promotion video...
Read 8 tweets
13 Bills Passed By Democrats in The House but blocked by Republicans in The Senate.

Share this w/ everyone.

1.“The Women’s Health Protection Act”: Should women have a right to have an abortion in America?

Dems: YES 218, NO 1

Reps: YES 2, NO 208

2. “The Right to Contraception Act”. Should Americans have a legal right to purchase contraception?

Dems: YES: 220, NO 0

Reps: YES 8, NO 195

3. “The Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act”. Should the oil industry face penalties for price gouging?

Dems: YES 217, NO 4

Reps: YES 0, NO 203

Read 15 tweets
Yes yes @EWErickson. Let us all ignore a politically abusive, unheard of raid on a former POTUS.

This is after Dems IMPEACHED Trump over Ukraine and then went on to win the WH and Senate too.

Oh, they had won the house despite HARASSING/Obstructing Trump.
Erickson's big message plan for the GOP:

- Opposition to #DefundThePolice; a topic dead now but Dems won in 2020 when it was alive.

- Opposing Biden's #StudentLoanForgivness which wasn't a topic before today.

- To yell about the IRS that a House GOP has little power over.

In his tweets, @EWErickson failed to mention

- Inflation & Lawless Border.

- Strong Conservative SCOTUS rulings.

- Biden Corruption (Dems ran on Trump "Corruption" from Day One and won the House in 2018).

TBH. I don't have more stuff because the DC GOP is anyway useless. 🤡
Read 4 tweets
Vote D!ONNE Renée @OnElectionDay #Toronto!

Our platform remains the same as in previous Elections.

We march, advocate, peacefully protest; yet, we continue to be harmed trying to ensure that we all have the ability to live & thrive.

Together we succeed!
Save your dollars. This campaign doesn’t ask for donations.
Elections shouldn’t be about who can afford to buy Elections or how much wealth a Candidate has— that’s white supremacy tactic 101.2b.

Your efforts to share the message Vote D!ONNE Renée @OnElectionDay is what is needed
We won’t get what we need without you. Together we succeed!✅

#TORONTO #TOpoli #voteTO
Read 62 tweets
As a girl of 19, I was removed from my car at gunpoint, then brutally pistol whipped by a Los Angeles county Sherrif in plain clothes. The Officer never stated he was a cop. He had me walk to his car with the gun to my back. 1/2 #PoliceBrutality
Terrified, I pissed myself. I had been waiting for my bf in the pking lot of a club. It was the end of the night.I made the decision to be shot rather than get into his car. My screams were heard by other cops. Fucking ironic that they saved me from one of their own. 2/3
I was picked up off the ground with no kindness. This Off duty cop told them I had struggled for his gun and hit my head on the car. Later on forensics would prove that the 17 stitches right above my left eye was caused by blunt force trauma.
#PoliceBrutality 3/4
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Hey #AcademicTwitter, if you're teaching about the criminal justice system this fall and want to teach about community organizing and resistance, there are some GREAT websites full of resources! A thread 🧵 (1)
About #DefundThePolice. Includes budgeting tools ppl can use for campaigns, model legislation, organizing resources, and videos from organizers. (2)
About challenging surveillance. Includes a report, description of multiple key data systems, and a quiz you can take to learn about how your own personal information is stored or might be accessed. (3)
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And here we are. Right there on paper. A lot of people believe police don't have *enough* money. If an institution is not doing what you want, it must be because it's underfunded. Don't bother looking at the actual budget. Just get out the checkbook.
My new radical platform involves fixing policing by giving them even more money and then pleading with them to stop beating and murdering people. #OverfundThePolice
I know I just got here. But a cursory glance at history assures me that this revolutionary technique has never been tried before. I know! I was surprised to learn that as well. But it has to be true, because I saw it on Tik Tok. #OverfundThePolice
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Defunding IS different from reform. #DefundThePolice is an explicitly anti-reform platform. Reform usually results in more funds being allocated to police. Reallocate also leaves room for shenanigans. Defund the police. It means what it says.
That's why people hate it. That's why they're so sure it's a "terrible slogan". Precisely because it's harder to misinterpret, redirect, or water down.

You don't like it because you don't really want to defund the police. That's fine, but it ain't got shit to do with the name.
It IS an anti-cop movement. #DefundThePolice takes a very clear stance that reducing police interaction with the populace will result in less violence and less death. It also allows us to actually address the causes of crime through non-violent means.
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1/ @michaelpollan's highly-expected @netflix series #HowToChangeYourMind just premiered! 📺🍄 Despite near-universal praise, #HTCYM is rife with errors & borders on historical revisionism 🤥

A critique 🤔🧵 #LSD #MDMA #Peyote #Mescaline #Psilocybin #Mushrooms #Psychedelic @MAPS
2/ Before I get started, I'll give everyone a little bit of background information. @michaelpollan released a non-fiction work entitled "How to Change Your Mind" in May of 2018. Before the end of that year, his book about #psychedelic drugs became a @nytimes bestseller. Image
3/ @michaelpollan achieved massive coverage for this self-described "mental travelogue" of his #psychedelic experiences. Soon enough, Mr. Pollan became a prominent figure w/in the so-called "Psychedelic Renaissance". In the process, he gained a rather interesting reputation. Image
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Jayland Walker, de 25 años, negro, fue acribillado por la policía de Akron, Ohio, en la madrugada de este lunes. Recibió 60 tiros (si SESENTA) de los 90 que le disparaon mientras corría, escapando, de un control vehicular.
La versión policial (de la que siempre hay que dudar) indicó que intentaron frenar el auto de Walker pero no se detuvo. Supuestamente la víctima disparó. Sin embargo frenó y empezó a correr. Ahí lo acribillaron, de espaldas, con el argumento de que era "una amenaza mortal".
Este mismo lunes hubo manifestaciones en Akron para denunciar la violencia y el racismo policial, un problema estructural en el país. Los 8 agentes involucrados fueron suspendidos con goce de sueldo mientras se realiza una investigación.
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