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Projects like $ERGO that continue to build in the bear market are likely to #100x in the future.

Here are some major milestones you may have missed during the festive season.

#ERGO #erg $erg Image
Although crypto markets and failing centralized exchanges continue to dominate the news, there are corners of the blockchain industry that are generating encouraging stories.
For those who have been active in the #Ergo ecosystem over the last year, you will no doubt be familiar with Chris Ray and his work on DeCo and EXLE.

DeCo continues to promote and educate the technology of Ergo to prospective students and developers.
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Ergo's incredible features, including it's price and market cap make it very attractive to investors.

The project continues to build and improve on existing technology.

Let's get some more insight in the thread🧵 below.

#ERGO #erg $erg $ERGO Image
#Ergo is backed by intense academic research, drawing on decades of blockchain development and integrating tried and tested mechanisms to build a solid blockchain foundation and implement newer, innovative cryptography.
The research found the $ERGO platform to have powerful fundamentals. Below, we’ve discussed some of Ergo’s top features.

Efficiency and Reliability- For investors looking for support in real-world financial transactions, #Ergo is the ideal platform.
Read 9 tweets
1) #SocialistSunday Can anyone hear me this morning? The #ToryBBC is at it again. 🤔🙄😟 Please reply & retweet or like the tweet below if you hear me... 👇🏿👇🏽👇🏼
2) Don't be fooled by Tory propaganda dirty tricks publicised by #ToryBBC now chief perpetrator of Tory misinformation, disinformation & lies.
3) The Chairman of @BBC Richard Sharp donated £400,000 to the Tory Party according to Electoral Commission records.
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Conservative Party has been split since the referendum. What the country and public are seeing is the ERG in action.#projectreality is now happening at a huge cost to the UK. It’s always everyone else’s fault and the ERG will always blame others for consequences of their actions
However moderate and blue worker Conservative MPs were not prepared to stand up to them when it mattered. They are reaping the consequences as is the nation. Attacking institutions is all ERG know. Europe, Parliament, Judiciary, OBR, Bank of England and on it goes
Meanwhile the croynism cult continues whether the rough awarding of contracts in #covid or #ethicsappointments or non appointments. #HouseofLords and unsuitable appointments. The decent fundamental values in the UK have been trashed for donations and loyalty to ERG.
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You've heard of $ERG but not sure what it is up to?

I'll make sure you know all about #ERGO and why is it gaining all this attention. 📈

Let's see what you could be missing out on with @ergoplatformorg! 🧵👇

#ERG $ERGO $ADA #Cardano
#Ergo is a next-generation layer 1 #blockchain that builds upon the UTXO model to serve as an efficient, decentralized, and secure, smart contract platform (without gas fees) and provides optional privacy.
Let's get some of $ERG's high praise out of the way, namely, the praise received from #Cardano $ADA (also a co-founder of Ethereum) founder Charles Hoskinson, who called $ergo a "technical marvel".
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Después de esta votación:

decidisteis que el próximo hilo fuese sobre #ERG, esto es todo un reto para mi porque #Ergo es algo tan extenso que me va a costar ordenar toda la información para que no sea un caos
probablemente tendré que hacer mas de 1 Hilo para terminar de Juntar toda la información
Ya os digo que no será facil, ergo, no es facil

🕚Tiempo de lectura: 8 minutos
📈Nivel de dificultad: Avanzado
Vamos a empezar por el principio para los mas nuevos
¿Que es #ERGO ?

Ergo es una Blockchain programable L1 PoW, pero tiene unas cuantas peculiaridades que los diferencian del resto de L1
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After 24 hours of researching about #ergo's security and privacy

Here are some impressive things you SHOULD know about #Ergo , privacy and it's blockchain 🧵

#Ergo $Erg
Considering the whole point of crypto is to not to make people only rich but also free.

#Ergo has been able to maintain it’s standard as a very secure network protocol

Lets take a quick dive into Ergo, the block chain and privacy.
It’s no secret that over the last couple of years, numerous reports from government regulators.

The mainstream media have painted a bleak picture of the cryptocurrency industry.

True crypto enthusiast are aware of the untruthfulness of this narrative.
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A New Era for #Ergo: EIP-27 EXPLAINED 🧵

#Ergo #erg #Ergonauts @ergoplatformorg
On the 21st of June marked an incredible milestone for the #ergo network and ecosystem.

Nearly 8 months ago, core developer, Alex Chepurnoy, proposed an adjustment to the emission schedule of $ERG.
Why ?

The reason for this is simple: extend the mining rewards beyond the original eight year schedule.

This would give the #ergo team more time to effectively develop the necessary crypto economic SECURITY for the long-term sustainability of the blockchain.
Read 11 tweets
#Ergo an AMAZING project that has been developing it's product

WITHOUT any VC's involved.

Could $Erg be one of the few alt's to jump into the top 10?

Let's find out 🧵

#ergo #erg $Erg @ergoplatformorg Image
What I'll cover in this thread

1️⃣ What is #Ergo
2️⃣ The team's background
3️⃣ What sigma protocol
4️⃣ Storage rent & NiPoPoWs
5️⃣ #Ergo's use case
6️⃣ Ergo's scalability
7️⃣ why UTXO
8️⃣ My closing thoughts

Let's dive in 🎯

#Ergo is a next-gen proof of Work smart-contract contract platform that enables new models of financial interaction.

It's underpinned by a safe and rich scripting language and flexible and powerful Zero-Knowledge proofs.
Read 17 tweets
Disaster capitalism and super-elitism. A 🧵 Let’s examine what is happening. Energy prices are out of control. An absent government. Brexit. Systematic corruption and plundering of the nations assets. NHS being made to fail, inflation out of control.
Workers earnings deliberately eroded and driven down over 12 years; citizen and workers rights taken away
Massive increases in Executive earnings. Huge payouts to shareholders…whilst some people in employment require state benefits and in some cases food banks to survive
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Conseguenze europee e globali dell’embargo petrolifero (navale) alla Russia

(l’#Italia potrebbe trovarsi priva del 26% di petrolio raffinato a livello domestico coinvolgendo 8mila #occupati)

il commento di Alberto Clò

Secondo i dati Eurostat, la Russia, sempre nel 2021, è stato di gran lunga il primo fornitore petrolifero dell’Europa con una percentuale in termini di volumi superiore al 25% seguita dalla Norvegia col 9%.

Lo è stato anche nel gas col 44,5% dei volumi importati

seguita anche qui dalla Norvegia (poco meno del 19%)

Nel gas vi è una differenza più marcata tra le % in volumi e in valori, riconducibile alle differenti tipologie di contratti d’acquisto.

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Nearly 2 years ago, on 31st Jan 2020, there was a dinner at Brown’s Hotel in London, organised by Telegraph columnist Allison Pearson. The assembled guests were jokingly labelled as The Brexit Batallion.

A short🧵 Image
When I first heard about this I was intrigued to see who had been invited. Some of the names we’re familiar to me, but many of them were not. I’ve been meaning to look into this for some time. Now I have. Let me share with you what I’ve found out. #GaslitNation
As that Orwell bloke pointed out, if you want to control a population, it helps to control the narrative. If all we see & hear, from multiple sources, is the same information, then it can only reinforce the feeling that “it must be right” & a majority will go along with it.
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Every MP who supports a watering down of the parliamentary standards requires closer scrutiny.
WHY? Because it seems likely that each and every one of them has either broken those rules or would like to!
#OwenPaterson #ThickAsThieves
#cashforquestions #expensesscandal
In the case of Owen Paterson, "No previous case of paid advocacy has seen so many breaches or such a clear pattern of behaviour in failing to separate private and public interests”.
#OwenPaterson #ThickAsThieves
#cashforquestions #expensesscandal…
Let's look more closely at those MPs supporting a watering down of parliamentary standards on expenses, payments, and paid lobbying, in case they, like Owen Paterson, have misused public office for personal gain.
#OwenPaterson #ThickAsThieves
#cashforquestions #expensesscandal
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For anyone who hasn’t realised just how deep the #BackToNormal lunacy runs, take a look at some of the “nearly 50” @Conservatives who are actively supporting @UsforThemUK’s dangerous & irresponsible campaign to make 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿schools #COVID19 MITIGATION-FREE!

The ring-leader is @SteveBakerHW, of #CRG AND #ERG fame. Neither he or his #CRG mate @Mark_J_Harper appear to have any understanding of #airborne viral transmission.
Mr Harper’s clearly also a fan of the unscientific & reckless #LivingWithCovid mindset.

But it’d be unfair to give @halfon4harlowMP ALL the credit for causing unnecessary harm & suffering.

Several other high profile @Conservatives are members of the @UsforThemUK support group.

Some of the “usual suspects”-
@MPIainDS @SirGrahamBrady @DesmondSwayne @EstherMcVey1

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The Government’s position on #Erasmus post #BrexitDeal is profoundly damaging to future relations. Such a lack of generosity shows Johnson to be mechanically transactional. It’s that base - the Government don’t want to educate Europeans, as more travel to UK than vice versa.
Unfortunately, the EU missed an opportunity to act with true grandeur and magnanimity by allowing gratis participation by British students - NI students not affected owing to different status.
Thus British students are further marginalised. The EU could have exercised soft power by making this unilateral offer, not contingent upon cost.
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#ergnews #erg #απεργια
Πέθανε σήμερα ο Cesare Romiti, μάνατζερ της Fiat για δεκαετίες και άρχισαν τα διθυραμβικά αφιερωματα στα ιταλικά ΜΜΕ. Σύνδεσε το όνομά του με τον πόλεμο των 35 ημερών κατά των εργαζομένων της φιατ το 80. Είχε προφητικά εισηγηθεί την απόλυση χιλιάδων Image
(αόριστα) απ τις εγκαταστάσεις της mirafiori, για την ανάκαμψη της φιατ. Κατάφερε να συσπειρωσει εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες εργαζόμενους, από διάφορους κλάδους σε μαζικές κινητοποιήσεις. Στην είσοδο κάθε εργοστασίου της φιατ, ήταν βαμμένη η προτομή του Μαρξ.
Ήταν ένα κίνημα όμως που προδοθηκε από το PCI και το psi, που αποδείχθηκαν αποζημιώσεις και λιγότερες εκείνη την περίοδο, απολύσεις, παρουσιαζοντας σαν νίκη του εργατικού κινήματος. Μέχρι το 86 απολύθηκαν πάνω από 60000 εργάτες, η παραγωγή μειώθηκε λίγο, η φιατ αύξησε
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#hotel_stories #τουρισμος #erg #ergnews
Την προηγούμενη εβδομάδα σε μεγάλη μονάδα (900 κλίνες), στην επαρχία Σητείας, η εργοδοσία ανακοίνωσε την περικοπή μισθού κατά 20%. Το ξενοδοχείο ΔΕΝ έχει επιχειρησιακο σωματείο και διαχρονικά αρνούνταν να υπογράψει την τοπική σύμβαση Image
εργασίας (καλύτερη απ την ΣΣΕ και άρα υπερισχύει). Οι κατεστραμενοι τώρα πια ξενοδοχοϋπαλληλοι, έκαναν καταγγελία στην επιθεώρηση για εργασιακά (ωράρια, δήλωση εργανη κτλ.) αφού κανείς δεν μπορεί να επέμβει για την σύμβαση. Έπεσαν πρόστιμα (ούτε ένας στις κουζίνες δεν ήταν σωστά
➡️Το συγκεκριμένο ξενοδοχείο, είναι αναφορά για Apollo, sentido κ.α., φέτος αφού κλείνοντας αλλά ξεν. της αλυσίδας έφεραν τον κόσμο εδώ.
➡️Το συγκεκριμένο έχει μόνιμη σχεδόν αγγελία για προσωπικό τα τελευταία χρόνια (και εδώ με τόση ανεργία γίνεται
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Οι ζωές των εργατών μετράνε;

Όταν είχαμε κάνει, μαζί με την Εύη Συγίζη και την Όλυ Τσουμάνη, τις καταγγελίες από το Εργατικό Κέντρο Άρτας για την εγκληματική αμέλεια της εταιρείας "Ήπειρος" που οδήγησε στον θάνατο του 29χρονου παληκαριού Χρήστου Ζορμπά εν ώρα εργασίας, Image
από διάφορες πλευρές ήταν για "ανθρώπινο σφάλμα".

Οι πληροφορίες πλέον μιλάνε για ηλεκτρολογικούς πίνακες χωρίς ρελέ και για πόρισμα της Επιθεώρησης που "καίει" την εταιρεία. 40 εκατομμύρια ευρώ ετήσιο τζίρο έχει η Ήπειρος και 20 εκατομμύρια ευρώ επενδυτικό πρόγραμμα o όμιλος
Optima. Και, παρ' όλα αυτά, δεν διέθεσαν τα ψίχουλα που χρειάζονταν για την ασφάλεια των εργαζόμενων.

Η εταιρεία ήδη επαναπροκήρυξε την θέση του Χρήστου. Ζητάει νέο ηλεκτρολόγο. Να περάσει ο επόμενος. Θέσεις εργασίας - παγίδες για φτηνές εργατικές ζωές.
Θ. Καμπαγιάννης, εφσυν
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#GE2019 #GeneralElection2019

Are you still #undecided?
Are you thinking of voting #LibDem? Think very hard: your vote may get you a very bad #Brexit.
You want to #Remain & that's why you're voting #LibDem?
But the #LibDems can't #RevokeArticle50 unless they win the election. In 2017 they won 12 seats. They need 326 MPs to win. How many do they need to claim a mandate to #Revoke?
Maybe the #LibDems can form a minority government?
Could a minority government #RevokeArticle50? Even for that the #LibDems would need at least 200 seats. And what other parties would they then need for success? The #SNP might vote to #RevokeArticle50, but would they be enough?
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We *can* have a new PM who properly treats 2016 as the advice of 26% and, #NowWeKnow, rejects that advice and buries #Brexit as the preference of extremists like the #ERG & @jeremycorbyn. We can and, despite the complex route, I believe we will. The insanity must end.
Source: Times.
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Today is possibly .@theresa_may's last day as PM, if .@BorisJohnson can command a majority (which is in some doubt...)

So it's a great opportunity to look back at some of the *highlights* of Mrs May's premiership in memes👇
13 JUL 2016: May was appointed as PM and named her Cabinet shortly thereafter, surprising many by giving 3 of the top #Brexit-related jobs to arch-brexiters Boris Johnson, David Davis & Liam Fox. Sheer folly, or genius in making them own what they'd sold? Sadly, the former😢
5 OCT 2016: With such a narrow result, the country could be forgiven for expecting May to propose a consensual solution, as Norway PM Erna Solberg had done in a similar situation. Most Remainers would've accepted #Norway.

May's #CitizensOfNowhere speech crushed all hope.
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When #NigelFarage left #UKIP he started to re-invent himself. He's not talking about immigration any more. He's talking about being the saviour of democracy, and leaving UKIP to be the extremists. He's trying to attract a more moderate voter. The polls seem to show this working
I wonder, if he does well if the #EuropeanElections2019 and the #Brexit mess in Parliament continues, it might give some #ERG members the confidence to cross the floor. Will they have confidence that they can re-elected on a #BrexitParty ticket.
That would then likely cause a general election as the government would not be able to pass anything. The #Conservatives would not have time to sort out a new leader so #TheresaMay could end up leading them into it. They could get slaughtered.
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More Old Bailey Sophistry from Codpiece Cox admitting that in order that today's vote is NOT an attempt to repeat #MV2 (to comply with Speaker Bercow's re-iteration of 1604 convention) it is also NOT a #MV in sense of #EUWA18 Section 13.1.b

#BBCpc #EUWAdebate #VictoriaLIVE #LBC
Attempt by Codpiece Cox to scare House into voting in a #MeaninglessVote for #WA (only) solely to secure the offered (actually only technical) extension of #BrexitDay from Apr 12 to May 22 sans guarantee of any other extension. Sophistry.

#BBCpc #EUWAdebate #VictoriaLIVE #LBC
Of course, if the House falls for Codpiece Cox's scare tactics, none of this will figure in future utterances by #TheresaMay's #Brexihadis - the headlines will scream 'Parliament approves #Brexit arrangements' (sans qualification or caveat).

#BBCpc #EUWAdebate
#VictoriaLIVE #LBC
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