Are you still #undecided?
Are you thinking of voting #LibDem? Think very hard: your vote may get you a very bad #Brexit.
But the #LibDems can't #RevokeArticle50 unless they win the election. In 2017 they won 12 seats. They need 326 MPs to win. How many do they need to claim a mandate to #Revoke?
Could a minority government #RevokeArticle50? Even for that the #LibDems would need at least 200 seats. And what other parties would they then need for success? The #SNP might vote to #RevokeArticle50, but would they be enough?
We've seen #BorisJohnson's alarming & sinister attempts to close democracy down & force us into a #NoDealBrexit. He'd be scheming to get the #ERG's #WTO #Brexit by refusing to extend the transition. And now without #JohnBercow to protect us.
Yes. The result is out of your hands, & could easily be fatal. It could easily deliver a #Tory government which will push through a very #badBrexit. For us all to be safe, we must stop any possibility of another #Tory government.
There is only one way to do that. You must vote to elect a #Labour Government that will give you a chance to vote for #Remain in a new referendum.
There is only one way to do that. You must vote to elect a #Labour Government that will negotiate a sensible #Brexit & give you a chance to vote for that in a new referendum.
Whatever happens, #Brexit negotiations will go on for years. But do you want to lose our #NHS? Do you want to destroy jobs & help a few rich people get even richer? Just to speed up the first few weeks of negotiations?