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Feb 28th 2023
1/19 @ttmygh of the wonderful Things That Make You Go HMMMM newsletter just wrote a scathing piece on the emerging #pension fund disaster in lagged marks from private #equity.
2/19 As he explains:
#PrivateEquity is taking down Pension Funds as they struggle to keep the game of hot-potato going. “Hot potato” being the business practice of selling slices of companies back and forth to one another at ever higher #valuations.
3/19 The “solution” appears to be PE firms building funds to buy #assets from themselves at possibly fraudulent valuations set by themselves.
Read 19 tweets
Dec 13th 2022
Neil, the IPOBase strategy you shared in your newsletter - which was shared by your friend - was popularized in India by my research which was published in March 2021. It is actually O'Neil's work, but had never been popularized here because no one ever did a #deepdive on it. (1)
But #IPOBase in not only about buying the high of the listing week. It is infact an extremely poor interpretation of the work.

A strategy is not only limited to a setup, what makes it effective is when you manage it according to its nature & potential. (2)
The entire fintwit community took the setup from my research - which was done on all IPOs listed since 2017 and parts of it was published on twitter - but didn't paid attention to the trade management rules which resulted into underperformance for them. (3)
Read 16 tweets
May 12th 2022
#AMCs are manufacturers and will offer a basket to select from. Would anyone have invested if they came with NFO in March 2020?

It is duty of #Advisors/#Investors to invest or ignore. Just because AMCs offer is no criteria to invest.

Need to introspect before blaming others
Same is the case with IPOs, their timings and their valuations. Companies also come with #IPOs when markets were on a roll.

Again, investors had a choice to invest or ignore.

They invested with GREED and FOMO and now blaming others for these IPOs bombing
Why can't #Investors respect market signals? When going was good, they ignored advice of following #AssetAllocation.

When markets are bleeding, looking at scapegoats for their own actions.

This is #SelfAttribution bias. All good - their skill, all bad - blame it on others
Read 4 tweets
Mar 13th 2022
Lot of #AMCs come up with different ideas, themes, sectors.

These are demands from #Investors as they have done well in recent past.

AMCs are manufacturers & will offer what is in demand.

Final choice to say YES or NO lies entirely with Investors based on their #NEEDs
What should investors choose and what should they ignore. A point by point guide on where and why to invest in certain #themes, #MarketCap bias, #Sectors, #AssetClasses etc.

What should be criteria for these selections and what should guide them to resist from Investing?
Lets start with #Debt:

Keep enough money as 1 year of your expenses as #EmergencyFunds in #LiquidSchemes

You already have enough exposure to debt as:

1. #PPF
2. #TaxFreeBonds
3. #FDs

No need for separate debt allocation if you are investing thru #AssetAllocation (AA) or #DAAF
Read 16 tweets
Feb 21st 2022
IPO Applicants Never Miss To Check These Six Points Before Applying For IPO To Avoid Regret Later.
For educational purpose.
RT for max reach
Thread 🧵 1/10, Read complete thread

#sharemarket #stockmarket #investing #nifty #StockMarketindia #stockmarkets #stocks #IPOs
1) IPO Grading: Credit rating agencies provide grading to IPO. IPO with grade above 4 is considered as good. This shows financial stability of the company. Grade 5- Strong Fundamental. Grade-4 above average fundamental, Grade-3 above average fundamental
2) Proportion of Fresh Issues and Offer for Sale (OFS) in IPO-
Fresh Issue: Means company is issuing new shares & selling to the investors via IPO. Money raised through sale of fresh issue shares in an IPO goes to company & utilized as mentioned in the IPO document.
Read 10 tweets
Jan 3rd 2022
2021 was a year like no other for FinTech deal activity!

Here are some of the most eye-popping stats, all using
proprietary data …

2021 established new records across global private FinTech company financing, M&A, IPOs and SPACs
Total capital raised by private FinTech companies was 3x higher than 2020 and nearly as much as the prior three years combined!
Read 13 tweets
Dec 9th 2021
I have a very logical strategy cum observation for those who like investing in IPOs but not getting allotment

And just watching the price of the IPO going up up and up

Typically what happens

The #IPOs which are very good are #oversubscribed and we don’t get any allocation
And those IPOs which are not so good then we get the location and then the #IPO get #listed at lower price..

So here is the simple logical observation cum strategy


1. Whenever a good company IPO get listed, just observation for next one month.. it should trade above the allocation price by 20-30%

2. Just after one month Anchor investors gets an opportunity to book their profits..

3. Observe the #stock price for next week

Read 9 tweets
Nov 23rd 2021
Have you earned any profits this IPO Season?

If yes, don't miss this thread!


#Investment #investing #IPOs
Did you know?🧐

Profit earned from shares is taxable based on your holding period!

- Short Term
- Long Term

Kya socha tha; poora paisa jeb mei jaayega? 😏

Read 5 tweets
Jul 4th 2021

Since we’re talking abt #TetragonFinancial:

Soon it’ll be 5 yrs since tht infamous Forbes clean slate/#altasset IPO article...

...and basically it’s been crickets since:…

So what’s the deal?!
Well, NO complaints from an operating perspective:

#TFG delivered 10% NAV returns in last 5 yrs & transitioned to a true #altasset mgmt firm...

...ignore rest of the portfolio, it’s jst surplus filler they’ve jammed into Polygon funds/addtl seed capital for its asset mgmt co’s.
And forget #redherrings like #Ripple...

...blame me, cos I pushed ‘em to add some #crypto #pixiedust to the portfolio, but I never expected it wd be Ripple! 😆

Bt this is MORE than balanced out by their asset mgmt jewel in the crown...

...#Equitix, now their largest hldg!
Read 22 tweets
Dec 30th 2020
2021 could finally be the year of India’s #TechIPOs as startups like @zomato, @delhivery, @policybazaar head for the public markets…

By @SanchDash
@zomato @delhivery @policybazaar @SanchDash Multiple Indian startups like @zomato, @delhivery @policybazaar, @FreshworksInc, @Flipkart, @MyNykaa are reportedly eyeing the public markets in 2021.

#TechIPO #IPOs
@zomato @delhivery @policybazaar @SanchDash @FreshworksInc @Flipkart @MyNykaa India’s market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) too is looking to ease norms to facilitate startup #IPOs in the country.

Read 10 tweets
Mar 2nd 2020
The @BIS_org has dropped their 'Quarterly Review'… for 2/3rds of it they have gone #CryptoNerd w. deep dives on #payments, #tokenization & Central Bank #DigitalCurrencies but it does hold plenty of other interesting #insights as well...some takeaways (1/11)
2/11 A look @ #PE, the state of #US public markets & murky #PrivateCredit dynamics..Co's increasingly avoiding the relative 'daylight' of public markets & #PE driving #IPOs as they take the #Exit..PE crew has been minting it in increasingly covenant lite private credit markets.. ImageImageImage
3/11 #VirusMarketWatch: Comparing front-load costs in key equity markets between Covid-19 & SARS.... Image
Read 11 tweets
Dec 3rd 2019
@niubi 🇨🇳 🇺🇸 #China Hints U.S. Blacklist Imminent in Threat to #Trade Talks - Bloomberg

@niubi 🇺🇸 🇨🇳 Here’s What Happens to Markets If U.S. Tariffs on #China Kick in Dec. 15 - Bloomberg…
@niubi 🇨🇳 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 #Huawei plans to shift research center to #Canada from U.S.: Globe and Mail - Reuters…
Read 219 tweets
Jan 30th 2019

Whether it was lost or stolen funds, feuds that broke-up friendships, innovations that went awry, everyone has a #BitcoinRegret.

Welcome to the next chapter of the #BitcoinAt10 multimedia series -
2/19 When… Prius?

While the #bitcoin industry is infatuated with Lambos, @Rassah couldn't care less about suicide doors and instead purchased a planet-saving Prius.

There's one catch – he did it when bitcoin was at $22. #BitcoinRegret
3/19 The ole' wiped the hard drive story

.@JosephFiscella is one of those – he mined #bitcoin in the early days, forgot about it and then reformatted his hard drive, erasing everything.

Don't worry, he's still holding out hope. #BitcoinRegret
Read 20 tweets

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