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Feb 17th 2023
@TheDemocrats @dccc need to up their game on checking out their political opponents before the election; legacy media don’t care about retaining their #1A special rights under Sullivan (1964) anyway.



“pregnant people,” not Women

“birthing person,” not Mother

full access to all Women’s spaces for all people with penises, over Women’s objections #SaveWomensSpaces

no exclusive Women-only athletic category #SaveWomensSports

Read 3 tweets
Jan 28th 2023
@GuyBoero @FrankMikeDavis1 Yes:


“Pregnant people,” not Women

“Birthing person,” not Mother

No exclusive Women’s athletic category #SaveWomensSports

Full access to all Women’s spaces for all people with penises, over Women’s objections #SaveWomensSpaces

@GuyBoero @FrankMikeDavis1 Also, @FloridaGOP supports year-round grass-roots operations, in particular in central Florida, to help our fellow Americans to relocate from Puerto Rico to the US mainland, especially Florida.

@FlaDems have zero accountability and simply don’t care.

@GuyBoero @FrankMikeDavis1 @FloridaGOP @FlaDems Just a few years ago, the Ds were very proud that they had added heritage - Cuban, Puerto Rican, Colombian, Mexican, etc. - to their voter file for Hispanics.

You mean, like, you didn’t do this long ago?

H e l - l o !

Sad !

Read 4 tweets
Dec 20th 2022
@CheeseWhiz @AndrewSolender @JohnLaprise To answer your question:

@TheDemocrats @DNC @DNCWarRoom @harrisonjaime @dccc @spmaloney chose to focus on:


“Pregnant people,” not Women

“Birthing parent,” not Mother

No exclusive Women’s athletic category

@CheeseWhiz @AndrewSolender @JohnLaprise @TheDemocrats @DNC @DNCWarRoom @harrisonjaime @dccc @spmaloney #SaveWomensSports

Full access to all Women’s spaces for all people with penises, over Women’s objections. #SaveWomensSpaces

Right, @AOC?

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Dec 10th 2022
@GregoryCyr @BrynnTannehill I’ll disagree with you on that.

It’s not true that, “they have us debating over minutia.”

Liberals and @TheDemocrats do plenty of that all by themselves.


“Pregnant people,” not Women

“Birthing person,” not Mother

@GregoryCyr @BrynnTannehill @TheDemocrats No exclusive Women’s athletic category

Full access to all Women’s spaces for all people with penises, over Women’s objections

Insisting that lacking romantic interest in transgender people constitutes transphobia


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Oct 10th 2022
As a Zapotec Professor, born and raised in Koreatown, I am appalled to hear LA City Council members blatant racial attacks. Many of us Indigenous Oaxacans, however, are not surprised to hear this racial violence from non-Indigenous Latinx and Mexicans! It happens EVERYDAY!
I began my research on Indigenous Oaxacan experiences in the US because of my family's and my pueblos (not "villages") transnational autonomous practices across #LosAngeles & #Oaxaca. I concentrate on women and children precisely because of the racial violence we have
endured by Latinx & non-Indigenous mestizo Mexicans, yet that remains invisible by most. Being called "Pinche India fea!," "India Maria Baja del cerro"... and the number of spitts from my Latinx peers growing up attending #LAUSD from elementary to h.s.
Read 8 tweets
Aug 27th 2022
Excellent piece by @Itzel03Luna for the @latimes about important work CSUF will be doing thanks to folks including profe @ajgradilla I’m quoted in this piece on the use of the term #latinx and enjoyed reflecting on where we’ve been and where we are going…
“The whole reason why people are drawn to major in Chicano studies is they want to feel a sense of belonging. The longer that certain folks argue about this, it’s going to push people away,” Sanchez said.
“There is space for multiple stories and multiple communities and the Latinx Lab is trying to do that.”
Read 10 tweets
May 27th 2022
#BeauOfTheFifthColumn takes on kops in #Uvalde:

Nothing but full pressure and full engagement was acceptable.
That warrior cop thing is just clothes.

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May 17th 2022
@pfaff4congress, I think it’s time to update your contribution statement via @actblue.

@WNC_Politico, I donated, no tip - again, just like @HillaryClinton and @HumaAbedin Chipotle Maumee Ohio Monday April 13, 2015.

Are @TheDemocrats trying to Win?



“Pregnant people,” not Women

“Birthing person,” not Mother

denying cisgender Women their own exclusive athletic competition category #SaveWomensSports

and similar nonsense.

If it’s very minor, why are they pushing it?

Common sense needed.

Thank you.

Read 3 tweets
Apr 20th 2022
@NoShirtFlipFlop Yes, unfortunately, @TheDemocrats and militant transgender activists just cannot stop:


“Pregnant people,” not Women

“Birthing person,” not Mother

Denying cisgender Women their own exclusive athletic competition category #SaveWomensSports

@NoShirtFlipFlop @TheDemocrats Labeling cisgender heterosexual men as transphobic if they are not interested in dating a pre-op trans woman.


Labeling cisgender gay men as transphobic if they are not interested in dating a pre-op trans woman or a trans man at any stage of gender transition.

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Apr 16th 2022
@SteveSchmidtSES @TimRyan @EvanMcMullin @JohnFetterman You are quite correct.

However, despite the desires of @PostOpinions to cede everything to militant transgender activists, the American people are rejecting their rejection of gender and sex, by voting Against @TheDemocrats:


“Pregnant people,” not Women

@SteveSchmidtSES @TimRyan @EvanMcMullin @JohnFetterman @PostOpinions @TheDemocrats “Birthing person,” not Mother

Denying cisgender Women their own exclusive athletic competition category #SaveWomensSports


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Apr 14th 2022
@WalshFreedom @WajahatAli, why are @TheDemocrats pushing:


“Pregnant people,” not women

“Birthing person,” not mother

Denying cisgender women their own exclusive athletic competition category #SaveWomensSports

@WalshFreedom @WajahatAli @TheDemocrats Not to mention @Abby4Iowa’s diverse campaign staff who messed up her petitions to get on the ballot.

Yes, varied demographics, life experiences, etc., but did anyone have a clue about petitions?

Do more than the minimum; that’s obvious.

@aravosis @sullydish

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Apr 11th 2022
@TheRickWilson On the other hand, #FL20 was vacant for almost a year and it’s not clear that anyone noticed.

Seriously, then-Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL-20) in January 2019 responsibility announced his pancreatic cancer diagnosis.

He should not have sought re-election in 2020.

@TheRickWilson @GovRonDeSantis’ character was already clear in mid-2019.

Maybe @FlaDems @browarddems @PBCDemParty urged him to retire, but in any event, he ran again in 2020, was renominated and re-elected, and, sadly, passed away in April 2021, less than 100 days in.

Not a surprise.

@TheRickWilson @GovRonDeSantis @FlaDems @browarddems @PBCDemParty So, a long delay in @GovRonDeSantis scheduling the Special Election; @BrowardVotes and @votepalmbeach should have matched the August primary and November general elections elsewhere in #Florida for simplicity.

And similarly for the state legislators who resigned to run.

Read 7 tweets
Mar 27th 2022
@johnpavlovitz Here’s what I am doing:

I am writing to @ReverendWarnock’s fundraiser to let her know why I am reluctant to go beyond my token contribution to his re-election campaign:

Because @TheDemocrats @DNC @harrisonjaime are doing everything they can to lose the elections:

@johnpavlovitz @ReverendWarnock @TheDemocrats @DNC @harrisonjaime #LatinX

“Pregnant people” instead of women

“Birthing person” instead of mother

Excluding cisgender women from their own athletic competition category #SaveWomensSports

Sorry, but we can kiss our democracy and our US Constitution good-bye.


Very sad

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Oct 23rd 2021
We have created this thread for our English-speaking supporters, partners, and followers.

Upon reaching the 6 month milestone, #MisiónLatinaLuterana (@ELCA, #spselca) we have been highlighting our impact in the community. 🧵1/
We spoke about the importance of making sacraments accesible, of honoring traditions —such as quinceañeras— and to provide opportunities for access to health via vaccination clinics on-site.

It all comes down to providing VISIBILITY

#ELCA #spselca
Our Latinx community often does not have the opportunity to express themselves publicly

When we become VISIBLE, we can help each other better

#ELCA #spselca
Read 13 tweets
Sep 29th 2021
#idweek2021 @IDSAInfo Implications of #COVID19 in African-American & Latinx communities by Dr Hewlett Jr #idtwitter #medEd
#idweek2021 @IDSAInfo #disparities
Implications of #COVID19 in #BLM African-American & #Latinx communities by Dr Hewlett Jr #idtwitter #medEd #pregnancy #obgyntwitter
#idweek2021 @IDSAInfo #disparities Implications of #COVID19 in #BLM African-American & #Latinx communities by Dr Hewlett Jr #idtwitter #medEd #diabetes #obesity #race #FrontlineWorkers vascular disease
Read 6 tweets
Feb 28th 2021
It was an amazing event that got almost 500 shots in the arms of #LatinX people. @LATIN19NC collaborated with La cooperativa Latina Credit Union, La Semilla, @CentroHispanoNC Southeastern healthcare @HumansOfPRN @Curamericas, @DukeHealth and @DukeRaleigh to make this happen.
We collectively made over 3000 phone calls and multiple TV, and Facebook live appearances to fight mistrust, answer questions, share stories and bring #latinx people from never making it into a list or multiple waiting lists to getting a #COVIDVaccine
Most people receiving the vaccine today were older than 65, a few were parents of children with complex needs,  some were health care workers and some were school employees. We followed @ncdhhs guidelines to register people for #VacunasCOVID19
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Dec 21st 2020
It took a while to digest the details of over 600 pages, but here is my review and comparative analysis of the #ACTT2 trial that compared #baricitinib vs. #placebo among patients receiving #remdesivir for #COVID19!

Some very interesting insights, I think!

Sit briefly and enjoy!
Will be mainly comparing #ACTT2 to #ACTT1, but also will get some insights and questions that come up when comparing #ACTT2 to the #dexamethasone #RecoveryTrial
The idea of using #baricitinib (aka Bari) for #COVID19 is in this commentary in .@TheLancet from Feb. when Peter Richardson & Co working .@benevolent_ai .@ucl searched drugs and noted that #bari could block inflammation & viral endocytosis.

Read 25 tweets
Nov 26th 2020
"This is our moment of opportunity! But how?"

This is a short thread on how "trusted #messengers" & technology ("#vaxbots"; "vaccine bots"; AI) will (most certainly) be utilized to mitigate/overcome vaccine hesitancy.

Vaccine Confidence Project, Nov 9 2020

A "Pro-vaccinate #movement"

"The big search for new, trusted messengers to reach the hesitant audiences (Kim Kardashian or the #NHS?)"

"#Health Providers are confused". In truth, many health providers are not confused. Rather, they are increasingly concerned.
"Increasing Confidence in the Flu #Vaccine among African Americans and Implications for #COVID19 vaccines"

"Building #trust"

"We have built many relationships and a high degree of credibility which means we can engage other researchers with our community partners."
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Nov 23rd 2020
We are so proud of receiving the Health and Science Award by @NCDiamanteInc Our success is rooted in being an interdisciplinary network that started meeting on March 18, 2020 to respond to the pandemic @GabrielaPedsMD @vivimbmd @ISLA_NC @DurhamPublicSch ImageImage
and went on to appear on many networks, facebook live, radio, and youtube sessions to inform the community in Spanish how to stay safe from #COVID19 @Duke_FamMed @dukeobgyn @DrBevGray @DukeHealth @StethoscopeOn ImageImageImage
Our biggest success is rooted in uniting clinicians, health departments, health systems and government together with the community in safe conversations to improve health. La importancia de identidad y dignidad ImageImage
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Aug 18th 2020
I’m seeing terrible hot takes about the word #Latinx. there are:

-Black Latinas saying that “Latinx” (but not Latina/o? 🤔) erases Blackness.
-white + non-Black Latinos complaining about destroying spanish.
-and ahistorical folks saying Latinx is too academic.

YES, of course Latina/o/x erases Blackness. the *literal entire project of Latinidad* is meant to flatten and erase Blackness. but be consistent. if you’re going to call yourself Afro-Latina/o, let trans, nonbinary, queer folks have langauge to describe our/their experiences.
we don’t care about “ruining” spanish with the x. I have no allegiance to spanish. it is the language of our colonizers and was forced on my ancestors through violent force. if we want to create more expansive language, GREAT.
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Jul 21st 2020
Dr. Grace Yeh speaks about the importance of knowing our histories as #AsianAmericans, but also the necessity of responsibility & care for other communities of color & indigenous peoples. #Ethnicstudies
I also love learning about Dr. Yeh and her work, like the "Filipino Love Stories" project to highlight immigrant lives on the central coast:…
Dr. Yeh talks about the history of #AsianAmerican studies, of ethnic studies, highlighting the solidarity in the early movement & work of the TWLF, their demands & that #ethnicstudies wasn't just about diversity & multiculturalism but power & empire
Read 26 tweets
Apr 15th 2020
I'm a #LatinX physician, taking care of #LatinX patients with #COVID19.

I've been so surprised at how people are surprised by data showing #COVID19 is disproportionately affecting marginalized communities that till now I didn't know how to respond.

Some thoughts:

2/The implications of these #disparities run far deeper than simple differences in rates of morbidity and mortality. I applaud all of those shedding light on these #inequities, but we need action, and we need it now. @valstonemd @drlouiseivers #COVID19 #SDOH
3/A majority of our #EssentialWorkers, our #FrontLineHeroes, come from minority communities; these are the individuals putting themselves at risk to do the invisible work without which our society would collapse. @JoiaMukherjee #COVID19
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Mar 29th 2020
Critical information in this report that needs to be shared as widely as possible: The Trump Regime's attempt to include a "Citizenship Question" in this year's census was rejected by the Courts. But its intended damage was already done and still remains.
The chilling effect on #Latinx communities of Trump's and the #GOPs attempts to corrupt the Census threatens a Census undercount that could defraud diverse states of Congressional representation and a fair share of Federal tax dollars.
The #Latinx and other groups working to defuse these fears and encourage participation could use support from the rest of us. Here's a Google list of links to outreach efforts across the country.
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Feb 25th 2020
1. Why am I going after @BernieSanders? I caucused for him in March 2016. Later, I spotted the Russians helping him and by July 2016 I posted what I saw. See my pinned Tweet. I never believed that Sanders and Manafort's partner Devine didn't know. They had to know if I did.
2. Then last week Sanders admitted he knew for the month he was moving up in the polls that the Russians were working to help him AGAIN and AGAIN he kept his mouth shut while they did their work. Fool me once. . . @JoeBiden @MikeBloomberg @PeteButtigieg @amyklobuchar
3. Our election has already been influenced by criminal foreign intelligence conspiracy. We can't afford to have zombie candidates elect a Russian asset. We appreciate the work and the policy focus of the folks who ran in @TheDemocrats nomination but only Biden and Bloomberg are
Read 8 tweets

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