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Mar 6th 2023
🇫🇲🇫🇲🇫🇲 #Micronesia 🇫🇲🇫🇲🇫🇲

Este 7 de marzo, los Estados Federados de Micronesia votarán en elecciones federales para renovar los 14 escaños de su Congreso, los cuales eligen al presidente por el período 2023-2027.

#election2023 #FSM #Micronesia
Como su nombre lo indica, Micronesia es una federación compuesta por cuatro estados: Chuuk, Kosrae, Ponhpei y Yap. Todos se componen de una isla principal y atolones periféricos. Tiene una población estimada de 104 mil habitantes.
Micronesia es un país soberano, pero tiene acuerdos de "asociación" con los Estados Unidos (de quien fuera un "territorio en fideicomiso" hasta 1979) relativo sobre todo a los aspectos militares. Por ende, la influencia estadounidense en su sistema político es bastante elevada.
Read 19 tweets
Jan 14th 2023
A few interesting tidbits about #US and #Japanese security engagement with The Federated States of #Micronesia (#FSM) in the recent @POTFSM State of the Nation Address.

A #thread: 🧵
"Given the geopolitical atmosphere in the #Pacific. We are seeing increased attention from the US. Military. While most of the attention from the US Military has positive benefits to FSM, we should also begin to expect an increase in training exercises taking place in/around FSM"
"Of paramount importance is that our Nation’s citizenry be informed in advance when US #jets fly over the State of Yap, for example, or when the US practice firing anti-aircraft #missiles from the ground. These exercises will be increasing in frequency over next several years"👀 Image
Read 6 tweets
Sep 29th 2021
It’s #InternationalPodcastDay🎙️ & a big 🌏of #podcasts out there. We want to give a shout out to #PacificPodcasts that inspire, amuse, encourage challenge us every time we listen 🙌🏽 ❤️. Season 2 of #VosaPodcast kicks off soon, but in the meantime make sure you check out 👇🏽 1/ Image
The @DeepPacificPod covers cultural, political & social issues facing #Pasifika everywhere. By sharing great stories from across the #Pacific 🌊 it successfully manages to bring us all a little closer. Dive in: #InternationalPodcastDay🎙#PacificPodcasts 2/ Image
On Sistas Let's Talk, host @wayne_hilda has covered #Pacificwomen in business, sport, & love, while tackling #climatechange, #mentalhealth & #periodpoverty & its only S1 🙌🏽🥇.
Listen: @radioaustralia
Podcast:… #PacificPodcasts #InternationalPodcastDay🎙️3/ Image
Read 13 tweets
Feb 16th 2021
Fmr Director for #Oceania & #IndoPacific #Security Alex Gray:

"As a senior allied government official once noted to me, a map of Imperial #Japan’s #Pacific islands bases in 1941 could almost perfectly overlay #Beijing’s areas of most intense economic & political activity today."
"the 5 #Micronesian states have traditionally been the most skeptical of #Beijing & eager to work w/ #Washington & its partners.

...#Palau, Federated States of #Micronesia, & #MarshallIslands are bound to the US through #CompactsofFreeAssociation"…

"The #Biden administration has an opportunity, working closely with Australia & New Zealand & other interested partners like #Taiwan, Japan, & France, to signal America’s unwavering support for a #PIF that represents the voices of all #Pacific #islanders"…
Read 5 tweets
Apr 14th 2020
The #IMF says the "Great Lockdown" recession will likely be the worst since the Great Depression. Global economy projected to shrink by 3% in 2020. By contrast, in January, the IMF had forecast a global GDP expansion of 3.3% for this year. Details in chart below. Table: @IMFNews
IMF: Partial global rebound to 5.8% in 2021 “assumes the #pandemic fades in the 2nd half of 2020, & that policy actions taken by countries are effective in preventing widespread firm bankruptcies, extended job losses, & system-wide financial strains.” #WEO
How does your country fare in the latest #IMF projections for 2020 & 2021?… @IMFNews #economies #GDP #finance
Read 21 tweets
Jun 14th 2018
The #UnitedNations still has an unfulfilled promised to🇵🇸#Palestine, a commitment that was adopted 70 years ago at the General Assembly & has not materialized yet: the creation of its free & sovereign State.-🇧🇴#Bolivia's Amb. to the #UN, @SachaLlorenti
"70 yrs ago the #UN made 2 promises to the world
1st was to create a free & sovereign state of #Israel,the promise was fulfilled
2nd promise was to create a free independent & sovereign state of #Palestine
We're talking of more than 70yrs of an unfulfilled promise"#Bolivia UN Amb
"One of the parties has built checkpoints in occupied #Palestinian Territories,
an annexation wall along the #WestBank, illegal settlements,responsible for preventing the return of more than👉#6MILLION👈Palestinian refugees to their homes,..."@SachaLlorenti,#Bolivia's Amb. to #UN
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May 15th 2018
This retraction by @AlJazeera actually raises more questions than answers, and to my mind at least, brings to the fore, the fact that our Federal Republic of Anyhowness, has gone global...
Yesterday, asides @AlJazeera_World, other news outlets, including the Twitter only news outlet, @spectatorindex said that #Nigeria's ambassador had attended the opening of the American Embassy in #Jerusalem.
Isreali outlets such at @TimesofIsrael and @HamodiaIL also ran with the news. @haaretzcom actually went so far as to publish an infograph that included #Nigeria's name as one of the country's "celebrating with them" on the grand new opening...
Read 11 tweets

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