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Sep 19th 2022
I created this reel to tell my story of viral-triggered #MECFS and why I fight for a national emergency declaration with @MEActNet for #MECFS and #LongCovid :…

Here's a thread of each still photo telling my story, for accessibility purposes: 1/
3,087 days ago I got a virus and I never got better.

2/ #MillionsMissing #MECFS Alison is a white woman wit...
Years later, I was diagnosed with #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. At that time (pre-pandemic), it was estimated up to 2.5 million Americans had ME/CFS.

3/ #MECFS Alison is a white woman wit...
Read 16 tweets
May 9th 2021
🇯🇵Japan’s Special Advisor to the Cabinet @YoichiTakahashi shows utter disregard to more than 10,000 deaths suffered, comparing the statistics with major countries saying, “Japan’s only a ‘RIPPLE’. To call off #Tokyo2020 for this lol” causing uproar asking the Cabinet to fire him.
A hashtag #高橋洋一内閣官房参与の更迭を求めます calling for his replacement is trending now in Japan with over 30,000 tweets in less than a day. Opposition parties are likely to raise this incident in the parliament to question if the Cabinet shares the same perception.
WHO Western Pacific reports that as of 7 May 2021, 🇯🇵Japan has recorded 4,871 cases in the last 24 hours, 620,994 cumulative confirmed cases, and 10,589 deaths. The number of new cases and deaths are dwarfed only by 🇵🇭The Philippines, ranking SECOND WORST in the region.
Read 9 tweets
Apr 24th 2021
"Each day, the government reports more than 300,000 new infections, a world record, & #India is now seeing more new infections than any other country by far, almost half of all new cases in a global surge."… #CovidIndia
1. "Millions of people refuse to even step outside — their fear of catching the virus is that extreme. Accounts from around the country tell of the sick being left to gasp for air as they wait at chaotic hospitals that are running out of lifesaving oxygen."
2. "The sudden surge in recent weeks, with an insidious newer variant possibly playing a role, is casting increasing doubt on India’s official Covid19 death toll of nearly 200,000, with more than 2,000 people dying every day."
Read 21 tweets
Apr 15th 2021
USA haben neue Sanktionen gegen Russland eingeführt.
Eigentlich nichts neues. In RUS sorgt das mittlerweile nur für Lacher oder Langeweile.
Und doch ist es dieses Mal etwas anders, denn #Biden hat hierfür allen ernstes den nationalen Notstand ausgerufen
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Demnach wolle Washington mit dem nationalen Notstand besser auf die "russische Bedrohung" reagieren.
Details zu den Sanktionen:
- 10 rus. Botschaftsangehörige werden ausgewiesen,
- 16 rus. Firmen und Personen werden mit Sanktionen belegt,
- Einschränkungen im Finanzwesen.
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Heute Abend will #Biden außerdem eine Rede halten, um seine weitere Russland-Politik darzulegen.
Mit dieser Erklärung des nationalen Notstandes (national emergency), um Sanktionen gegen RUS einzuführen, übertrifft #Biden jedenfalls so ziemlich alle seine Vorgänger.
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Read 4 tweets
Dec 18th 2020
In this thread, I'd like to provide to you some #FACTS then calls for the brave of our #POTUS in this fight for #ElectionIntegrity and how @realDonaldTrump can prevent #ForeignInterference in upcoming elections
Read 160 tweets
Apr 15th 2020
In early 2009, #ObamaBiden were so busy watching the #FederalReserve shovel #funnymoney to cover the #BushRecession, while moving troops from Iraq to Afghanistan, and resetting relations with Russia & Ukraine, they barely had time to ignore the emerging #H1N1SwineFlu pandemic.
In the spring of 2009, a novel influenza virus emerged. It was detected first in the United States & spread quickly across the United States & the world.
#CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases, 274,304 hospitalizations, & 12,469 deaths in the U.S. alone due to the virus.
#CDC estimated up to 575,400 people worldwide died from #H1N1SwineFlu virus infection during the first year the virus circulated.
Since 2009, the H1N1 virus has circulated seasonally in the U.S. causing significant illnesses, hospitalizations, & deaths.…
Read 20 tweets
Mar 14th 2020
1/ It’s presidential #primary season, and we’re in the middle of a #pandemic. President Trump has declared a #NationalEmergency, sports seasons are postponed, and yet voters may be forced to line up at crowded polling locations to #vote. 4 states still have #primaries next week!
2/ There’s a bill in the Senate right now that would make it possible for all Americans to #VoteAtHome, keeping everyone safe while ensuring the 2020 elections continue. Add your name to send a message to your Senators, urging them to pass the bill:…
3/ If passed, this bill (S.3440) would require all states to allow voters to request absentee ballots if a widespread emergency made voting in person unsafe. #CommonSense #coronavirus
Read 5 tweets
Mar 13th 2020
When Pres. Obama declared a National Emergency in allowed gov to "temporarily waive or modify certain requirements of the Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children's Health Insurance programs... throughout the duration of the public health emergency in response to H1N1"
Awaiting a major announcement from President Trump at 3:00 from the White House Rose Garden. He’ll be addressing the #CoronavirusOutbreak #NexstarDC Image
Running a few minutes behind here. POTUS coming out to address the country any minute now -the expectation is that he’s going to declare a national emergency for the #Coronavirus #nexstarDC Image
Read 15 tweets
Dec 25th 2019
2019 in Review📅Article by @charlottecuthbo (Thread👇)

#BorderCrisis Peak, #Mexico Cooperation, and Judicial Wrangling

The year began with President Trump declaring a #NationalEmergency at the southern #Border.…
The #BorderCrisis escalated, and in May, nearly 133,000 #IllegalAliens were apprehended by #BorderPatrol, with a further 11,000 presenting at ports of entry without legal documentation.

By the end of fiscal 2019, almost 1 million people had entered the US illegally.
Over 600,000 of them were either individuals within a family unit or unaccompanied minors—both vulnerable populations that often arrived sick and required more care than #BorderPatrol was set up to provide.
Read 23 tweets
Oct 30th 2019
@ianbassin 12/11/17: A Letter to Congress from Concerned Mental Health Experts. Prof. @BandyXLee1: “A group of us put our concerns into a book #TheDangerousCaseOfDonaldTrump… there are 1000's of us, ready to communicate our case to you, should you choose to hear us”…
@ianbassin @BandyXLee1 A Warning to the Nation. By Prof. Judith Herman and Prof. @BandyXLee1: “When a person poses a danger because of mental disturbance, psychiatrists are mandated to report, to incapacitate and to take steps to protect the public.” (1/25/2018)… @DangerousCase
@ianbassin @BandyXLee1 @DangerousCase "Once established as a shared worldview, the narcissism of minor differences leads to an easy dehumanization of The Other, entrenched in racism and other forms of prejudice. It culminates in mob actions, gang violence, terrorism, and…" – @yourauntemma
Read 11 tweets
Aug 5th 2019
The past week has been shocking: #DaytonShooting #ElPasoShooting #GilroyShooting #BrownsvilleShooting. We've all got to do our part on #gunviolence in America. That starts by learning about the problem and solutions. Over the past year & a half, I've devoted myself to this cause.
Season 3 of my podcast @ISIHpodcast has covered #gunviolence in America. In our first chapter, we tackled the unique history that produced America's gun culture. In our second chapter, we delve into how race and gender intersect with guns and gun violence.
@ISIHpodcast In the third chapter of Season 3 of @ISIHpodcast we focused on #guns themselves: do more guns lead to more vs less crime... what does it look like when people use guns in self-defense... instrumentality... & the impact of Australia's gun buyback.
Read 7 tweets
May 16th 2019
Today, 19 former Republican members of Congress filed a brief supporting our lawsuit against @POTUS’s #NationalEmergency declaration. The President cannot be allowed to usurp Congress’s constitutional powers.…
We are grateful to the co-signers for speaking out against executive overreach. A #NationalEmergency does not permit the President to hijack Congress’s power of the purse. Our system of checks & balances exists for a reason.
Learn more about our lawsuit & read the case documents here:…
Read 3 tweets
Mar 23rd 2019
Trump: Day 791
-Posts Record Monthly Budget Deficit
-Raised Debt $500B in 5 Months
-Economic Fears Drop Dow 460 Pts
-Nominates Moore 2 Federal Reserve
-Reverses Sanctions on North Korea
-FEMA Data Breach Exposed 2.5M
-Mueller Submits Report to AG Barr
-230th Day at Trump Property
Day 896 since Donald Trump *bragged* and joked about sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 747 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 76 tweets
Mar 22nd 2019
Trump: Day 790
-McCain Family Did Offer Thanks
-Rejects Request for Putin Comms
-Shifted $1.3M From Donors 2 Self
-Staff Used Private Emails and Apps
-Kushner Routinely Uses WhatsApp
-Ivanka Violated Pres Records Act
-Pushing Sale of 60 Jets 2 Taiwan
-Stone Invokes 5th Ammendment
Day 895 since Donald Trump *bragged* and joked about sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 746 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 67 tweets
Mar 20th 2019
Trump: Day 788
-Sold $2.9M Condo to Mystery Buyer
-Exaggerated Net Worth by $2 Billion
-Golf Course Hosts PayDay Lenders
-Economists Say 3% Growth Unlikely
-DeVos Blurring Church/State Lines
-Misses DDL 2 Turn Over Documents
-Hosting 5 Gov't Leaders at Golf Club
Day 893 since Donald Trump *bragged* and joked about sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 744 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 69 tweets
Mar 19th 2019
Trump: Day 787
-Robbing $3.6B From DoD for Wall
-Accused of 2 Personality Disorders
-Calls Joe Biden "Low IQ Individual"
-Requests Over $85B for Spy Budget
-Feds Raid Fundraiser Broidy's Office
-Nadler Collects Thousands of Docs
-Proposes Defunding PBS and NPR
Day 892 since Donald Trump *bragged* and joked about sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 743 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 59 tweets
Mar 15th 2019
Trump: Day 783
-Emergency Declaration Disapproved
-Rebuked by 12 Republican Senators
-Plans 2 Televise Veto Signing Friday
-Issues Concealed Threat of Violence
-Not Immune From Zervos Civil Suit
-Stone Trial Scheduled November 5th
-Remington Must Face Newtown Suit
Day 888 since Donald Trump *bragged* and joked about sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 739 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 67 tweets
Mar 14th 2019
The vote on the #NationalEmergency gave #Republicans a clear choice: put the Constitution first, or put @realDonaldTrump first.

The Founding Fathers granted the Congress the power of the purse to decide how to allocate funds.
Yet many #Republicans will raid funds appropriated by Congress to our armed forces to pay for @realDonaldTrump’s Big Dumb Wall.

This creates precedent for a future Democratic president to act unilaterally on real crises, like mass shootings and #climate change.
Next it will be up to #Republicans in Congress to decide how to respond to a presidential veto.

We will see where they stand in this contest between #Trump and the #Constitution.

Read 3 tweets
Mar 14th 2019
Trump: Day 782
-Forced to Ground Boeing 737 Jets
-Manafort to Serve 43 More Months
-Manhattan DA Indicts Paul Manafort
-DOJ Investigating Malaysian Donor
-Whitaker Didn't Deny SDNY Prying
-House Democrats Targeting Ivanka
-Declaration 2 Be Disapproved Thurs
Day 887 since Donald Trump *bragged* and joked about sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 738 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 77 tweets
Mar 8th 2019
Trump: Day 776
-Denies Campaign Finance Illegality
-Manafort Sentenced to 47 Months
-Judge Rules Wilbur Ross Broke Law
-Kushner Met Privately With Saudis
-US Trade Deficit Hits 10 Year High
-General Sz ISIS Fight 'Far From Over'
-Taps Military Pay & Pensions 4 Wall
Day 881 since Donald Trump *bragged* and joked about sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 732 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 67 tweets
Mar 7th 2019
Trump: Day 775
-Lawyers Edited Cohen False Claims
-Don Jr Implicated in Nefarious Acts
-Family Employed 33 Undoc Workers
-Posts Record $891.2B Trade Deficit
-Nielsen Lied About Child Separation
-Ends Stating Civilian Drone Death #
-Made 60 False Claims During CPAC
Day 880 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 731 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 83 tweets
Mar 6th 2019
Border Hearings on The Hill today, as Customs & Border Patrol say the system is at the Breaking Point! Yet, Democrats & some GOP RINOs oppose Border Security and are fighting the National Emergency after Congress failed to do their job!
Do your JOB, @SenateGOP & @SenateDems! @SecNielsen just testified that the US is predicted to have OVER 1 MILLION ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT BORDER CROSSINGS IN 2019! IT IS A CRISIS!
LIVE: Sec. Nielsen testifies on border security before House Homeland Security Cmte.

@SecNielsen said the US is predicted, based on the current numbers, to have over 1,000,000 illegal immigrant border crossings in 2019!
Read 4 tweets
Mar 6th 2019
Trump: Day 774
-Rejects Request 4 Kushner Docs
-Cobb Calls Mueller "American Hero"
-T-Mobile Spent $195K at D.C. Hotel
-Fed Deficit Grew By 77% in One Year
-FDA Commissioner Gottlieb Resigns
-Org Insurance Policy Under Scrutiny
-NK Rebuilding Nuclear Launch Site
Day 879 since Donald Trump *bragged* about sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 730 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 77 tweets
Mar 5th 2019
Trump: Day 773
-Told 9,014 False/Misleading Claims
-Ordered Block of AT&T/TW Merger
-Fox News Killed Hush Money Story
-Given Questions Ahead of Debates
-Tells FEMA to Give AL A+ Treatment
-Nadler Sent 81 Doc Request Letters
-Whitaker Leaves Justice Department
Day 878 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 729 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 71 tweets

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