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American Jewish Congress President @JackRosen's statement on President #Erdogan of #Turkey’s condolence call on terror attacks in #Israel, issued on 11 April 2023 as Jews and Muslims observed #Passover and #Ramadan2023 amid attempts to create tensions in #Jerusalem. Full text: /1 Image
Amid a clamor to condemn #Israel for taking firm action to keep #Muslim #Christian, and #Jewish holy sites safe and open to worshippers, and in the fog of disinformation that seeks to incite hate leading to terrorism, President Recep Tayyip #Erdoğan of #Turkey has reached out /2
to the Government and people of #Israel and offered condolences on the murder of two British-Israeli sisters and a young Italian lawyer who fell victim to senseless violence and hate. /3
Read 15 tweets
143.01/ Week one-hundred and forty-three, April 8-14, 2023 thread begins here.

Week 142 below. Happy #Passover everybody!
143.02/ #MotzeiShabbatMovieNight for Chol Hamoed: my parents are here (yay) and they've never seen The Emporer's New Groove! I know, right?! So that's being rectified as we speak.…
143.03/ It really seems like M*sk is doing everything possible to destroy the Bird Site. If he were a rational actor, then he's laser focused on sabotage. But he's a pathetic, fragile narcissist & so these are his *best* ideas.
Read 10 tweets
142.01/ Week one-hundred and forty-two, April 1-7, 2023 thread begins here.

Week 141 below.
142.02/ The Sunday after Shabbat HaChodesh is when you go Pesach shopping, the Sunday after HaGadol is when you turn your kitchen over. That's why those haftarot are on the calendar. Them's the rules.
142.03/ @pptsapper is an excellent read, especially when the neo-Confederates start to get puffy and arrogrant.
Read 21 tweets
140.01/ Week one-hundred and forty, March 18-24, 2023 thread begins here.

Week 139 below.
140.02/ This is pretty crazy. My school spirit is rising ;)
140.03/ All the cowardly bluster aside, a *botched* indictment would embolden TFG's supporters. Which is why, in my estimation, it has taken so long to bring one. It needs to be airtight and damning.
Read 25 tweets
(1/7) * Scriptural #NewYEar (#YomTeruah) falls on March 22, 2023 in the Gregorian calendar.

* #Passover (#Pesach) is on the evening of April 04, 2023

* First Day of the #FeastOfUnleavenedBread (#ChagHaMatzot) is on April 05
(2/7) * The Seventh Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Chat haMatzot) is on April 11, 2023 in the Gregorian calendar.


* A 24-hour “Day” is from dawn to dawn; or sunrise to sunrise; or from 06:00 to 06:00.
(3/7) * The first half of a 24-hour “Day” is daylight, from 06:00 to 18:00.
* The second half of a 24-hour “Day” is nighttime, or evening, from 18:00 to 06:00.
Read 8 tweets
#Purim's over; costumes are in the attic. With some trepidation, many Jews see the #Passover preparations & cleaning ahead.
Traditionally, this is a time to get Matza for the holiday.
125 y.a. students at Mikve Yisrael ag school were harvesting wheat. Why was a Rabbi there?
Making of Matza is very meticulous. No water can enter the process until the last minute, lest the grain, flour, or matza becomes leavened. Must complete the process from the second H2O is added to the flour, kneaded, rolled out & baked in under 18 minutes.
Rabbis supervise.
2 types of Matza made in the Ashkenazi world -- machine-made & hand-made. Below: Round hand-made baked in the UAE & machine-made in Haifa ~ 1920.
Workers had signs up to remind them to have intention to fulfill the mitzva of matza; it's not automatic.
Also a sign: don't smoke.
Read 5 tweets
93.01/ Week ninety-three, April 23-29, 2022, thread begins here. #ShavuahTov & Isru Chag Sameach

Week 92 below.
93.02/ Happy chametz-fressing for all who celebrate. Personally, I need to wait until 11pm for reasons passing all understanding. A box of donuts
Read 35 tweets
We visited a Ukrainian bakery that makes 700 pounds of #Passover matzo per day.

As Russian forces advance in Ukraine, Jews feel baking this sacred bread is more important than ever. 👇
Matzo, when handmade, is called shmura. This unleavened bread is an integral element for Jews celebrating Passover.

When Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union, Jews were jailed for making or even just eating matzo.…
Read 12 tweets
#Thread 🧵
Out of all #Egypt’s weekly news, the influx of Israeli tourists to Sinai for #Passover caught the attention of many Egyptians and triggered mixed responses. 1/
Qatar’s Al-Jazeera has published this clip about the long queue of Israelis waiting to enter #Egypt’s #Sinai.
As usual, many Al-Jazeera followers are full of prejudice, and they were not happy, even spouting replies with hints of anti-semitism 2/
To label Israelis, not by their nationality, but by their religion as “Jews”, is in my book antisemitism.
Never thought that some of them are Druze or Baha’i for example?! 3/
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92.01/ Week ninety-two, April 16-22 (17-21), 2022, thread begins here. #MoadimLiSimcha Happy #Passover #CholHaMoedLife

Week 91 below.
92.02/ This has been one of the busiest #CholHaMoed periods I've had in years. Many things are opening up again while I recognize the window may be closing again so we're doing errands (like getting drivers licenses, passports etc). I'm actually looking forward to yuntif to rest!
92.03/ This is very nice! #Disability accommodations are always a good thing. #LGM

Read 13 tweets
91.01/ Week ninety-one, April 9-15, 2022, thread begins here. (Third attempt)

Week 90 below.
91.02/ This is awful, tragic news to read right after Shabbas. How horrible. My deep condolences to the Haskins family.
Read 56 tweets
90.01/ Week ninety, April 2-8, 2022, thread begins here.

Week 89 below.
90.02/ Was not a fan of "Is it COVID or is it allergies or is it a cold" season the first two times and I can honestly say the third time is definitely not the charm.
90.03/ This is a really great thread, esp. re: translating vernacular thoughts into corporate-speak.

Read 59 tweets
89.01/ Week eighty-nine, March 26-April 1, 2022, thread begins here.

Week eighty-eight below.
89.02/ #NachasAlert: my son has a piece (pgs. 2-3) in his high school's Torah journal. The final draft was 3 pages long so this published version was cut down significantly. (Now I get to teach him the academic trick of publishing 'chapters' as articles).…
89.03/ This is such a good video, it can be played on an endless loop and it brings a big smile to my face whenever I see it. It's fine while silent but the sound makes it a masterpiece
Read 28 tweets
38/ #ReshetKeshet. From Sept. 5, 2021, a pre-#RoshHashanah thread about asking and giving #forgiveness.

16 Posts.

Starts here:

39/ From March 17, 2022, thread collecting my #Purim thoughts/posts. #ReshetKeshet.

16 Posts.


40/ Three threads about the #JOFA scandal & my recommendations for their path towards teshuva. First, the original and then 2 threads responding to criticism. #ReshetKeshet

part 1) 11 Posts.


Read 7 tweets
58a/ This is part 2 of my thread of threads. Weeks 001 to 0057 is here.

Week 58, Aug. 21-27, 2021, 36 posts:…
58a.2/ It's been so long, that I forgot my methodology. In addition to the thread, I need to post the first Tweet in the thread (especially if the threaders go kaput)

Week 58, Aug. 21-27, 2021, 36 posts:
58b/ From Aug 22, a travelogue of our family's Summer Trip to the Hudson River Valley.

32 Posts.

Starts here:

Read 62 tweets
29/ #ReshetKeshet.

About fear as a Jewish ethic and how it applies to many contexts.

45 posts.


31/ #ReshetKeshet thread about medical halakhah and the nature of tacit, subconscious, leadership.

11 Posts.


Read 14 tweets
In 1920, the "Nabi Musa" celebrations took place on April 4, coinciding with #Passover and the Greek Orthodox #Easter.
Amin al-Husseini, who was then at the beginning of his career, and Araf al-Araf stirred up the celebrating crowd with enthusiastic hate speech that day.
As a result, after the traditional prayer at the end of the holiday, the incited #Arab crowd marched from the mosque in the Judean Desert, 20 kilometers from #Jerusalem, to the homes of the #Jews in Old Jerusalem, shouting "Adbah al-Yehud" (Slaughter the Jews).
And a call that later turned out to be correct - "a-Daula Mana" ("The (British) government is with us").
The #Arab crowd shouted "Independence Independence" & sang: "#Palestine is our land - the #Jews are our dogs." During all this time, #Arab
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1/ #ReshetKeshet. An entry for the food issues on #Passover

Here's Rabbi Dr. Slifkin's 2021 post about the size of a k'zayit (olive) with links to a number of articles. IMO his sizes can be used b'shaat dachak…
2/ The seder is a locus for many issues in the #DisabilityShulchanArukh, esp. for every kind of eating issue.

Firstly, the food: allergies, alcohol issues, diabetes, obesity, sensory overload (smells/taste/texture). It's key to know levels of obligation.
3/ The four cups are rabbinic commands for the purpose of (1) freedom (2) joy & (3) remembering the miracle. D'rabbanans are neutralized through a second leniency & esp. if it countermands the original intent of the command

So we can't force someone to drink that violates 1 or 2
Read 11 tweets
37.01/ Week 37, March 29-April 2, 2021, thread begins here.

Week 36 is linked below
37.02/ This looks like a fruitful account. This particular entry has an intro that displays a kindred spirit IMO

37.03/ While I'm grateful that Coca-Cola has gone through the trouble to make their products kosher for #Passover, I cannot understand drinking Diet Coke willingly. Honestly, if unlabeled, I'd assume it was some drug-store's generic cola.

TL;DR: Diet coke is nasty.
Read 36 tweets
Today is #TransDayOfVisibility and this roughly marks the one year anniversary of when we realized that our youngest child is #Trans. It’s been a steep learning curve for us accompanied by fear & anxiety about how to best support him in a world that is not yet accepting. 🧵:
First let’s talk about the terminology that even as a doctor I only fully learned this year. #Trans is an ☂ term: the experience of having a gender identity that is different from your sex or the gender assigned at birth, includes non-binary.
#Trans is an adjective. It is NOT a noun. You are a #transgender *person*, just like you are a smart person or a short person.…
Read 11 tweets
Chag sameach, y'all. Happy Passover! #Passover2021
Dr. Neiman is an intellectual Jewish beast!

If you're interested n the historical roots of Passover check him out!

#Passover2021 #ChagPesachSameach

He's an excellent source 👏!
Read 9 tweets
"At the beginning of the year, I issued a call for countries to work together to ensure vaccination begins in all countries within the first 100 days of the year"-@DrTedros #VaccinEquity
"177 countries and economies have started vaccination. In just one month, #COVAX has distributed more than 32 million vaccines to 61 countries. COVAX works"-@DrTedros #VaccinEquity
Read 23 tweets
36.01/ Week 36 - March 20-26, 2021 - thread starts here.

Week 35, March 13-19, linked below:
36.02/ Last night, my wife showed me this NYTimes story about Jewish N*ziHunting ladies during WW2. It's a venn diagram of everything awesome!…
36.03/ Mentioned to my brother @acypess this morning that Biden has a superpower to (a) make his positions sound moderate & reasonable no matter what, which then (b) drives his opponents crazy in frustration. E.g. Putin & #MoscowMitch recently, challenging him to duels & whatnot.
Read 26 tweets

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