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Oct 2nd 2022
1) In today's market it's increasingly difficult to select high quality cryptocurrencies.

Most fade away and as such we need to search for the best fundamentals.

A thread on $VRA and why you should take a look at this cryptocurrency.

Read on 🧵👇

@verasitytech #Verasity #Vra Image
2) The last 17 years we have seen an immense explosion of video-sharing platforms.

Since the start of YouTube countless others like Tiktok or Twitch have entered the market.

This opened the door to an entire new industry that we couldn't imagine living without anymore.
3) Like any other industry in today's market these are owned by centralized corporations.

This means they ALWAYS profit the most from other people's work.

Creators get small compensations, advertisers get exposure and the corporations keep most of the money.
Read 21 tweets
Sep 15th 2022

Here are 7️⃣ crucial statistics to show why & how Veraviews by #Verasity solves a really important problem 👇 #VRA
1. What is Veraviews?

Based on Verasity's patented "Proof of View" (PoV) fraud detecting technology, VeraViews is a blockchain-powered ad-stack.
2. $100B Dollars

By 2023, advertisers’ total loss to ad fraud could skyrocket to $100 billion. $VRA #VRA #Verasity
Read 6 tweets
Jan 9th 2022
Seguramente hayas hecho staking más de una vez pero...¿sabes si lo has hecho de forma centralizada o de forma descentralizada?
¿Sabes cuál es más seguro?¿Sabes los riesgos de uno o de otro?🧐

Y más concretamente, ¿sabes cómo es el staking de #vra?👀
Te lo explico 👇
✅El staking descentralizado es el realizado en casi todas las plataformas DeFi: se hace directamente a través de un smart contract.
Cuando quieres ingresar o retirar fondos, tan solo tienes que interactuar con dicho smart contract sin necesidad de requerir a un tercero.
En estos casos, si el smart contract está bien desarrollado nada puede impedir que retires tus fondos. Lo máximo que puede ocurrir en estos casos es que se quede sin fondos para repartir los beneficios correspondientes.
En ocasiones puedes tener periodos establecidos.
Read 9 tweets
Oct 10th 2021
#Bitcoin - Most of us probably know, some of us don't:
#BTC Dominance is a measure of how much of the total market cap of crypto is comprised of Bitcoin
🔹If BTC Dominance increases #altcoins lose value against BTC
🔹When BTC Dominance decreases #alts gain value against BTC
To keep it plain and simple; If #BTC dominance rises, #Bitcoin will outperform #altcoins, if it decreases vice versa. Seeing $BTC dominance drop can be an indication of an incoming 'alt-season'. Atm dominance is rising. As you might have noticed, your #alts look weak..
..while #bitcoin shows strength. This is (for now) nothing to worry about. Money flowing into the #crypto market finds #BTC first. Sooner or later, this money will find #altcoins. This is the moment #altcoins will start to outperform $BTC and dominance drops.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 6th 2021
Only right we kick start the new $VRA #NFT collection with a custom Lamborghini Sian for @cryptojm99 !! Check it out! 💎📈…
At $1 $VRA he will be able to drive this for real!!! @cryptojm99 👌 Drive safe bro! #VRA #NFT #nftcollector Image
Read 5 tweets
Sep 2nd 2021
#VRA (Verasity)

Análisis de situación.

Hoy os traigo, a petición de muchos, mi análisis simple de VRA contra USD (Depende del precio de Bitcoin)

Destaco que VRA viene desde principios de agosto, apoyado por el precio de BTC en una subida constante, dentro de un canal alcista y respetando unos niveles marcados desde los primeros días del mes.
Ha alcanzado su mayor nivel desde abril, lo que ha chocado directamente con las órdenes de venta masivas situadas en la zona de los 0.04$, ampliamente superan a la demanda, por lo que de momento, tiene una dura batalla para poder avanzar a ese nivel y establecerlo como "soporte".
Read 12 tweets
Aug 18th 2021
HILO, Crypto Populismo.

Leo muchos MD preguntando sobre cuándo monedas como #VRA en 3$, 5$.

Bueno, siento decir claramente que no va a ser, mucho menos a medio plazo ni largo, quizá a muy largo hay posibilidad.

No sé quién vende humo diciendo eso pero.. vamos a demostrarlo👇🏼
Supongamos que Bitcoin no bajará.

#VRA tiene:

* MC: 144M$

* Supply: 10.400.000

* Supply Actual: 6.500.000

Si consideramos que con todo el supply activo, valiese 3$ y 5$su Market Cap seria de:

31.500.000.000$ a 3$

52.500.000.000$ a 5$

Ahora bien, en precios actuales 👇🏼
Quitando a Bitcoin y Ethereum, las siguientes monedas en MC son:

#BNB 61.500.000.000$

Si vale 3$ debería superar a DOT, y estar a la par de Doge en MC.

A 5$, superaría a Ripple e igualaría a BNB.
Read 7 tweets
Aug 17th 2021
Want to know what’s in the new John Lewis VRAA but don’t have time to read 65 pages of dense and complicated legislative text? Check out this 🧵!

#VRA #redistricting #SCOTUS #VotingRightsAct
The VRAA is an ambitious bill that would respond to SCOTUS’s decisions in Shelby County and Brnovich. One huge difference between this VRAA and other, post-Shelby County VRAAs is that it amends Section 2, the permanent and nationwide ban on racial discrimination in voting. 2/x
The VRAA clarifies that laws passed with discriminatory purpose, not just discriminatory results, are prohibited under Section 2. To be sure, laws enacted with racist intent violate the 14th and 15th Amendments and some lower courts have interpreted Section 2 accordingly. 3/x
Read 31 tweets
Jun 2nd 2021
$VRA Deep Dive, just my research and general thoughts on the project. There is quite literally so much to this that I anticipate not being able to cover everything.

This will be enough to get you to DYOR on #Verasity.
First above all else...Data.

Gaming Site:
White Paper:…

Proof of View (Patent Allowed 16/023,354) - Protocol Layer
Max Supply: 10,356,466,695 $VRA
Circulating Supply: 4.15B $VRA
Current $VRA Price: $0.01961

Staking Features:
Program status: Active
Current APY: 25.55%
Staking end: March 31, 2022
Staking pool
Total capacity: 2,500,000,000 $VRA
Available capacity: 14,788,354 $VRA
Read 27 tweets
May 10th 2021
My sights are set on the next target,
@verasitytech. Let's gather intel on #Verasity in this 27 part thread to decide whether or not to pull the trigger. #VRA 1/27
𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗜𝘀 𝗩𝗥𝗔? - 𝗢𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗶𝗲𝘄
Verasity is a #blockchain project reforming online advertising for all video platforms. By utilizing its patented 'Proof of View', Verasity increases advertising revenue for video publishers on any platform by a large margin. $VRA 2/27
𝗢𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗶𝗲𝘄 𝟮
Verasity is both a protocol and product layer platform for video entertainment and Esports. One of their many working products, Proof of View, is the first and only protocol-layer patented ad technology for #blockchain. 🥇 $VRA 3/27
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Apr 14th 2021
✅Vamos a profundizar en la patente de #VRA @verasitytech que se llama
Tiene una grandísima importancia para los espectadores , creadores de contenido , anunciantes y marcas.✅

Teniendo en cuenta el hecho de que estamos en la era de Internet, nunca ha habido más contenido disponible y producido. Entonces, ya sean actualizaciones de noticias o videos, el contenido aumenta exponencialmente a nivel mundial.
Curiosamente, muchos usuarios en línea no se han dado cuenta de que lo que se les presenta como resultados de búsqueda se está manipulando entre bastidores. Sí, varias empresas y personas manipulan el sistema solo para ganar dinero o aumentar su visibilidad con vistas falsas.
Read 17 tweets
Mar 2nd 2021
I'll be providing live commentary in today's Supreme Court oral argument in Brnovich v. DNC. It starts in thirty minutes. See this thread for more details about the case and updates...


Brnovich is the first time ever that SCOTUS will hear a vote-denial claim under Section 2 of the VRA. Prior cases involved gerrymandering rather than the right to cast a ballot. It's also the first time in 20 years that the Court will address the 15 Amendment's substantive scope.
And because the Ninth Circuit found that Arizona intentionally discriminated against minority voters, this case raises the prospect of "bailing-in" Arizona to the VRA's preclearance regime and restoring the process lost in Shelby County.
Read 137 tweets
Feb 14th 2021
Yesterday’s #Acquittal of Fmr. President Trump (by senators representing barely 1/3 of the country) underscores the urgent need to repair American democracy, beginning with swift passage of the landmark #ForThePeopleAct (a/k/a #HR1 and #S1)…
#HR1 includes the most ambitious expansion of voting access for eligible voters since the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Automatic + same day voter registration. Restoration of voting rights to the formerly incarcerated. Expanded early + mail voting. A commitment to restore the #VRA
Never forget that the #CapitolInsurrection was spurred by lies about “voter fraud” that have driven increasingly brazen #VoterSuppression efforts, primarily targeting Black and brown Americans. Trump harnessed these lies to try an overturn the election, but he didn’t invent them.
Read 18 tweets
Dec 24th 2020
THREAD: So...Newsom appointed @AlexPadilla4CA to be our next Senator.

We were part of a campaign pushing for a progressive appointment. Part of that campaign was sending prospective candidates questionnaires, and Padilla (well, a surrogate), filled his out

Here's what we got:
Padilla claims to support decisive climate policy such as #GND2030, banning fracking, ending development of the fossil fuel infrastructure, and direct emission regulation. Padilla views climate change as ‘an existential crisis’.
What did @AlexPadilla4CA say on voting rights? Priorities include: a constitutional amendment to overturn #CitizensUnited, reinstating the #VRA, banning photo ID laws as well as dramatically expanding early/vote by mail options.
Read 15 tweets
Dec 9th 2020
The Voting Rights Act was passed in 1965 in an effort to end the widespread and systematic disenfranchisement of Black voters across the United States.

It was extremely effective.

But in 2013, the Supreme Court gutted it. 🧵
In a 5-4 decision in a case called Shelby County v. Holder, the Supreme Court decided that key protections granted in the #VRA were no longer needed, in part because the VRA had so effectively reduced voter disenfranchisement
They gutted a provision called *preclearance.*

Preclearance required jurisdictions with a history of discrimination to obtain approval before changing voting rules.

It acted as a safeguard against lawmakers that sought to disenfranchise voters.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 26th 2020
#VoteNoOn1 Why? It has fatal flaws. 1st: 4 individuals have concentrated power - the leaders from each political party in the House & Senate. This gang of 4 have their hands on every single one of the 16 commissioners - whether they’re a legislator or citizen commissioner. 1/5
The gang of 4 choose the legislators who will represent their parties on the commission, and they also choose which citizens to bring forward to the panel of judges that will select the citizen commissioners. 2/5
And 4 of the 5 judges are picked by that same gang of 4. A representative democracy shouldn’t have to depend on your access or relationship with the powerful elite. 3/5
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Jul 1st 2020
THREAD on the Joe Biden "n-word" video smear that's been going around. It's obvious he's quoting someone, this is the passage it was clipped from. He was grilling a Reagan nominee about pre-clearing an obviously racist redistricting plan.
Biden first brought up the quote the day before, but the video was jacked up, there's only audio. He was reading from a memo that the nominee William Bradley Reynolds saw BEFORE he precleared the racist plan.
Biden absolutely GRILLED the guy on this case, a grilling I present here in parts. Part 1:
Read 13 tweets
Jun 25th 2020
A 🧵:

7 years ago, in a 5-4 decision, #SCOTUS handed down Shelby Co. v. Holder, effectively gutting the Voting Rights Act. Since we’re in the “most unprecedented election year,” let’s talk about voting rights and fighting voter suppression. #VRA #ShelbyCountyvHolder 1/X
100 years post-Civil War, the VRA guaranteed the right to vote for Black folx. VRA became the most important piece of civil rights legislation that century and one of the transformational laws in history. 2/X
VRA suspended literacy tests, authorized Dept of Justice to file lawsuits to challenge poll taxes, sent federal observers to monitor elections, and, VRA§5 forced states w/ the worst history of discrimination to clear electoral changes with the fed govt. 3/X
Read 22 tweets
Mar 7th 2020
#OTD in 1965 brave activists attempted a 54-mile march from Selma, AL to Montgomery, AL for #votingrights.

But upon crossing the Edmund Pettus Bridge, state troopers with billy clubs & tear gas assaulted the men & women.

This day became known as #BloodySunday. ImageImageImageImage
Even injured, they were committed to completing the march.

The heinous violence led @NAACP_LDF to file & win a lawsuit against the AL Governor, which afforded the marchers federal protection for a subsequent march.

You can read the march plan here:…
#BloodySunday, the protected march that took place weeks later, & the fearless leaders of the civil rights movement are credited for the passage of the #VotingRights Act of 1965.

The #VRA tore down the barriers to the ballot box for Black Americans. 🗳️
Read 6 tweets
Mar 3rd 2020
Doesn’t look good for the @TexasGOP out here, I’m in a respectably long line to vote at 2 PM CT in a majority-minority district in Sugar Land. Bless y’all’s hearts. 😘 #SuperTuesday2020
Whew chile I made it out in 50 minutes. Line was just as long when I left as it was when I got there so I feel for the folk who are gonna show up after 5.... 😬
Here’s more background on how the voting process works in states that hold “open” primaries and don’t tie party affiliation to voter registration.…
Read 53 tweets
Jan 30th 2020
Tested it out with this new KY map. Based on 2016-2019 results, intrigued how it would do in 2020. The #KY04 (R+7 PVI) seems more competitive than the real #KY06 (R+9), with the movement in the Cincinnati and Lexington suburbs. 2/27…
However, I also did a bunch of Democratic gerrymanders after 2012 redistricting to compare with the real Republican ones. Thought I’d review how my designs performed in light of 2016. The contrast shows just how much of a difference partisan control makes (spoiler: a lot). 3/27
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Jun 8th 2019
Replace "oligarchy" and "authoritarianism" with T-R-U-M-P and people might actually listen.
Cue all the folks who hate Bernie claiming that socialism is bad when at least half their daily lives are *stops to get mail and also remembers I'm on Internet* filled with small s socialism.
#Bernie is his own worst enemy with his incessant buzzwords.
The FACT is, we need Dem Socialism desperately as a modality, but the #GOP has so tainted the word "socialism" that people forget what it really means.

Our MOST socialist prez was #LBJ, who gave us the #VRA, #CRA, #Medicare, #Medicaid, #SNAP, #NEA, ##PBS, #NPR.'s doable.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 25th 2018
On this fifth anniversary of the #ShelbyCountyvHolder decision and today's ruling in #AbbottvPerez—another voting rights decision that comes at a "serious cost" to our democracy—take some time to read our "Democracy Diminished" report: #RestoreTheVote
In the #ShelbyCountyvHolder decision, #SCOTUS gutted Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. Section 5 acted as a crucial checkpoint for democracy, "stopping discriminatory voting laws before any election." #RestoreTheVote…
Since #ShelbyCountyvHolder, LDF has been monitoring state & local threats to voting, paying close attention to the states & localities that previously had to seek pre-approval of any voting changes as had been required by a fully-functioning #VRA. #RestoreTheVote
Read 7 tweets

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