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10 Most powerful women in ancient Hindu history

1_ Maa Sita


(Read till last) Image
2_ Draupadi

#Mahabharat Image
3_ Mandodari Image
Read 10 tweets
12 Greatest archer (धनुर्धर ) in the history of Bharat.

1. Prabhu Shri Ram

@LostTemple7 Image
2. Mahaveer Arjuna Image
3. Mahaveer Lakshman Image
Read 16 tweets
🧵#NamamiJagadgurum 008 on the #Jayanthi of Sri Sacchidananda Shivabhinava #Narasimha Bharathi #Mahaswamiji-33rd #Sringeri #Jagadguru

It may be fairly said without fear of contradiction that Sri Jagadguru had gone through every branch of #Sanskrit #Literature and retained

most of it in his memory. The most knotty points HH would unravel in a marvellously easy way to the intense admiration of his audience. The Sastras were Jagadguru’s playground & would revel in them as often and as much as he could. Besides, the Sastras HH was adept in Kavyas

and dramas also. It was a very favourite pastime with HH to repeat what are known as Antadi Slokas. More than a dozen Pandits may range together against the Jagadguru and still he would be a match to them all. HH would repeat from memory Slokas by thousands and all his

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The Ram Nama or name of Rama existed even before the birth of Prince Rama of Ayodhya. It is a sacred vibration which is full of bliss and has the power to control the mind and bring man back to his original divine nature. All karmas are burnt off with the Image
blazing power of the Rama Nama. Every being has a right to return back to his divine nature and thus every being has a right to chant the Rama Nama. Japa Yoga says that one must chant the name of God with Love and feeling. This is true. One must feel love for God and call out His
Name. And God responds even when we call His Name unknowingly and even in sleep. When we receive the Siddha Mantra of Ram and chant the mantra, we do not know or realise the meaning of the mantra or have great love for God in the beginning. But as we keep chanting, the powerful
Read 17 tweets
15. Divine places in Nashik which
every hindu should visit

1. Trimbakeshwar Jyotirling Mandir
2. Saptashrungi mata Mandir
3. Pandavleni Caves
Read 17 tweets
#Ramayana-Hindu Culture spread throughout Asia via the Rama Story.
It travelled by sea and land to China, Tibet, Turkestan, Java, Sumatra, Malaya, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines, Cambodia, Japan
#Thread Repost

Most countries have adapted Rama Story acc. to their own culture with a local setting; the Indian names are used for important towns, sites, mountains, rivers, and lakes.
The adoption of Valmiki Story in Asian countries was selective and influenced by local values

The Buddhist work Mahavibhasa (150ce) is oldest record of Ramayana. Hsuan Tsang stated "There is a book called the Rāmāyaṇa...[it] explains only two topics:
1. Rāvana carrying Sītā off by violence
2. Rāma recovering Sītā and returning."

Read 27 tweets
यत्र यत्र रघुनाथकीर्तनं...Ray of wisdom by #SriSri #Chandrashekara Bharathi Mahaswamiji:

On the occasions of #Srimad #Ramayana Parayana, HH used to cause a plank to be kept near the place of parayana and offer pooja before conclusion. Others could not understand why.. 1/4
Sri Jagadguru offered pooja to a vacant plank. When asked once, He remarked, "haven't you heard the Sloka we read in the beginning of Ramayana Parayana, which says - prostrate to #Hanuman, who is present in all humility wherever #SriRama is being worshipped, shedding 2/4
tears of joy?' Is it not our duty to offer a proper seat and offer poojas to Him, though He is invisible to the naked eyes?" Such was the unshakable faith, Sri Jagadguru had in the scriptures, such is the real Shraddha. 3/4
Read 4 tweets
#Ramayana-Hindu Culture spread throughout Asia via the Rama Story. It travelled by sea and land to China, Tibet, Turkestan, Java, Sumatra, Malaya, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia.

1/26 Image
Most countries have adapted Rama Story acc. to their own culture with a local setting; the Indian names are used for important towns, sites, mountains, rivers, and lakes.
The adoption of Valmiki Story in Asian countries was selective and influenced by local values

2/26 Image
In China, The Buddhist work Mahavibhasa (150ce) is oldest record of Ramayana. Hsuan Tsang stated "There is a book called the Rāmāyaṇa...[it] explains only two topics: namely Rāvana carrying Sītā off by violence and Rāma recovering Sītā and returning."
pic @CliosChronicles

3/26 Image
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Theerthamalai Mandir located in Dharmapuri Dist. TamilNadu
Also known as Theerthagireeswar (Theertha+Giri+Eshwar)
Theertha = Holy Water
Giri = Hill
Eshwar = Bhagwan Shiva.
There is a deep connection of this Mandir with #Ramayana
@LostTemple7 @Vadicwarrior
@LostTemple7 @Vadicwarrior @davidfrawleyved @tourismgoi @Voice_For_India @mariawirth1 @tntourismoffcl @incredibleindia @AnuSatheesh5 @MinOfCultureGoI When Sri Ram killed Ravana – to nullify his Brahma Hatya Pataka Dosha on Him he did Abhisheka to Mahadev Shiva. Unfortunately Sri Hanuman could not reach mandir on time with Ganga water, Thus, Sri Rama shot an arrow on a hill stone creating Rama Theertha & completed the Pooja.
@LostTemple7 @Vadicwarrior @davidfrawleyved @tourismgoi @Voice_For_India @mariawirth1 @tntourismoffcl @incredibleindia @AnuSatheesh5 @MinOfCultureGoI Rama Theertha is a tiny water fall spring about 9 meters high. The force will be same thru out the year even in hot summer, & no one could identify the source of tiny water fall coming from hill stone. List of Theerthams surrounding the hill mandir:
Read 6 tweets
We often discuss and refer to the Bhagavad Gita but we rarely discuss or highlight the short but meaningful conversations that took place between Shri Ram and Vibhishan (Ravan's half brother). In this thread, I will be throwing shade on one such insightful conversation.
When Shri Rama was fighting with King Ravana, he did not have a chariot. Vibhishan chimed in and stated that he will be unable to win against a powerful king like Ravan without a proper chariot.

That is when Shri Ram told Vibhishan about dharma(duty):
1) Bravery and patience are the two wheels of my chariot.
2) Truth is the flag of my chariot and strength, decisiveness, kindness and duty are the four horses and these horses are tied by the rope of forgiveness and equality.
Read 11 tweets
Did you know, #Hampi is the #Kishkindha of #Ramayana ?
In search of Sita ji #ShriRam & Lakshman ji reached Kishkindha.
This is the place where they stayed during the Chaturmas after Bali vadh, here is where #Hanuman ji met them in Brahmin roop.
This is the place of KishkindhaKand
#Shriram शरणम ममः
प्रभु इच्छा से ही उनकी सेवा मिलती है, @sharan_shivani और मुझे, राम चरित मानस जी के 14 वर्षों से निरंतर चल रहे अखंड पाठ के श्रवण का सौभाग्य प्राप्त हुआ 🙏🏻
Its Malyavanta Hills where HE stayed, so Krishnadevaraya built Raghunath Mandir here. #जय_श्रीराम
The huge Mandir Prangan has a Dvar mandap, large pillared Mandap, pillared hall, huge courtyard, 2 Gopuras, Garbhgrah with #ShriRam Lakshman,Sita #Hanuman ji’s Moortis carved out of one rock. ImageImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
CLAIM: #Rama is not known/ worshipped in Tamil Nadu (#Jothimani Congress MP)

REALITY: Incorrect, likely untrue and deliberate disinformation. Here is why👇

Thread on references to rāma/#rAmAyaNa in Tamil literature till 1000 CE prior to kamban (12-13th C CE)

#TamilNadu #Tamil
Puṟanāṉūṟu (5th C CE or earlier)
notes rAma, sIta & monkeys (vAnara). It refers to sIta’s abduction by the rAkShasa & her dropping jewels

கடுந்தெறல் இராமன் உடன்புணர் சீதையை
வலித்தகை அரக்கன் வெளவிய ஞான்றை
நிலஞ்சேர் மதர் அணி கண்ட குரங்கின்
செம்முகப் பெருங்கிளை

#puRanAnURu 378
aganaṉūṟu refers to the victorious rAma in dhanuShkOTi, studying vedas under a banyan tree

வென் வேற் கவுரியர் தொல் முது கோடி
முழங்கு இரும் பௌவம் இரங்கும் முன் துறை,
வெல்போர் இராமன் அரு மறைக்கு அவித்த     15
பல் வீழ் ஆலம் போல,
ஒலி அவிந்தன்று, இவ் அழுங்கல் ஊரே.

#aganAnURu 70
Read 60 tweets
Shri Hanumathe Namah
#hanumanjanmotsav #HanumanJayanti #Hanuman

Sundara Kandam of Ramayana is considered as the most important section of Ramayana and reading this is supposed to be very beneficial. Whenever possible, and during Navrati, it has been my endeavor to read this.
Reading it twice in a year might sound repetitive but every single reading enables me to refresh certain points about thought processes that, we as individuals, must engage in to have clarity.

As we all know, Bhagawan Hanuman, went to Lanka crossing the sea and landed there.
What did he thereafter? He did not launch himself straightaway into searching for Sita Devi. But, rather he thought through as to what is his mission in Lanka.
Read 19 tweets
Thread on controversial Sita's Agni-Pariskha (Sita's entering in the fire to prove her character or devotion to Ram), what Valmiki Ramayana says
#Ramayana #JaiShriRam
Soon after killing Ravana, Ram meets Sita in Vibhishan's palace and says - O fortunate one ! Having defeated the enemy in battle, you have been won back by me. I have thus achieved what could be accomplished through manliness. I have cleansed the oppression.
When you were alone, you were abducted by Ravana; that was a taint brought about by destiny. As a human, I have vanquished it. If a man doesn't use his energy to cleanse disrespect that has been shown to him, what is point of his manliness? Sita's eyes became full of tears
Read 21 tweets
Do you know how Lakshmana killed Indrajit, S/O Ravana
A fierce battle was going on between Lakshmana & Indrajit. Indrajith power was increasing rapidly & Lakshmana declining, so as per Vibhishan suggestion that Indrajith cannot be killed with any astra at last
Lakshmana started his own hymn/mantra on Sri Rama to create a new astra
धर्मात्मा सत्यसन्धश्च रामो दाशरथिर्यदि || ९०-६-७१
पौरुषे चाप्रतिद्वन्द्वस्तदेनं जहि रावणिम् |

Dharmatma satya sandhasya Ramo daasarathir yadi |
Paurushe cha apratidwandwam sarainam jahi Raavaneem ||
Meaning of this shloka:
Dharmatma - If Sri Rama followed 100% Dharma whole heartedly
Satya Sandhasya - If Sri Rama never lied in his life time
Ramo Daasarathir Yadi - If Sri Rama really born to king Dasaratha
Paurushe - Real warrior
Read 6 tweets
When Valmiki completed his Ramayana, Narada wasn't impressed. 'It is good, but Hanuman's is better', he said.

'Hanuman has written the Ramayana too!', Valmiki didn't like this at all, and wondered whose Ramayana was better.

So he set out to find Hanuman.

In Kadali-vana, grove of plantains, he found Ramayana inscribed on seven broad leaves of a banana tree.

He read it and found it to be perfect. The most exquisite choice of grammar and vocabulary, metre and melody. He couldn't help himself. He started to cry.

'Is it so bad?' asked Hanuman
'No, it is so good', said Valmiki
'Then why are you crying?' asked Hanuman.

'Because after reading your Ramayana no one will read my Ramayana,' replied Valmiki.

Hearing this Hanuman simply tore up the seven banana leaves stating
Read 9 tweets
We all know about Sri Ram & His family members. How many of us know Sri Rama ancestors? Let's go with a #Thread
According to Srimad Valmiki Ramayana, Vasishta Maharshi introduces King Dasharatha's Family Tree to King Janaka just before Sri Sita Rama Kalyanam.
@LostTemple7 We all know about Sri Ram & His family members. How many of
Lets learn Sri Rama's ancestors
From Bhagwan Brahma- Marichi
Marichi's son Kashyapa Prajapathi
Kashyap's son Vivsawan (Surya Bhagwan)
Vivaswan's son Manu
Among 10 son's of Manu 1 was Ikshwaku.
Ikshvaku made Ayodhya his capital & this way Ikshvaku generation came into existence. Lets learn Sri Rama's ancestors  From Bhagwan Brahma- Marich
Ikshvaku's son Kukshi
Kukshi's son Vikukshi
Vikukshi's son Baan
Baan's son Anranya
Anranya's son Pruthu
Pruthu's son Trishanku
Trishanku's son Dhundhumaar.
Dhundhumaar's son Yuvanshva
Yuvanshva's son Maandhaata
Maandhaata's son Susandhi
Susandhi had two son's-
Read 7 tweets
It's festive time in India with #Diwali on the way,I was reading about #Ramayana connection in South East Asia and came across this beautiful Miniature Sheet stamps from my collection released by #Indiapost on the ASEAN India summit in 2018,follow thread on each stamp #philately Image
Torana Gate is symbolic gateway in Kualalumpur,Malaysia to mark the friendship between India and Malaysia inaugaurated in 2015. The gateway is a inspired from Indo-Buddhist Architecture and identical to Great Stupa at Sanchi,Madhya Pradesh #infothroughstamps #stampcollection Image
Menyembah is a dance form from Brunei Darussalam which means in Malaya a custom of Worship Image
Read 12 tweets
@mqakhokhar Ancient Pakistan has only 75 yrs of history & Ancient India is more than 5000yr old.
#Ramayana, (Uttarakandam-XIV) refers Bharata,Hindu God Sri Rama’s brother,who built #Takkhasila(Taxila) and named it after his son Taksha,the first ruler. @KanwalSibal Image
#Mahābhārata :The Kuru heir Parikṣit (Arjuns's grandson)was enthroned at Takṣaśilā.Mahabharata was first recited at Takṣaśilā by Vaishampayana, to King Janamejaya,son of Pariksit & student of Vyasa,at the Snake Sacrifice/Ashwamedha yagna.#SatapathaBrahmana(R.Veda)cites Taxila. ImageImageImage
#Buddhist Jātaka tales(5th CE) mention Taxila as the capital of the Gandhara Kingdom & a great learning center.Chinese travellers like Fa Hian & Huien Tsang speak of Takshashila in their writings. Taxila was ruled by Ancient Indian dynasties Maurya,Shunga,Gupta & Kushana. ImageImage
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The Gomphotheriidae were a diverse taxonomic family of extinct elephant-like animals (proboscideans). Referred to as gomphotheres, they were widespread in North America during the Miocene and Pliocene epochs, 12–1.6 million years ago.
#Ramayana took place in the TretaYuga, according to Valmiki and other Puranas.

The great #hanumanji entered secretly Ravana's inner city which was equal to paradise, rendered noisy by neighing of horses and tinkling of ornaments, by chariots, vehicles and aerial-cars and
decorated by auspicious elephants and horses and great elephants with four tusks and by birds and animals in heat. It had beautiful entrances and was protected by thousands of rakshasas with great strength.
Read 5 tweets
Do you know how Lakshmana killed Indrajit (S/O Ravana)?
A fierce battle was going on between Lakshmana & Indrajit. Indrajith power was increasing rapidly & Lakshmana declining, so as per Vibhishan suggestion that Indrajith cannot be killed with any astra at last Lakshmana
started his own hymn on Sri Rama to create a new astra
धर्मात्मा सत्यसन्धश्च रामो दाशरथिर्यदि || ९०-६-७१
पौरुषे चाप्रतिद्वन्द्वस्तदेनं जहि रावणिम् |

Dharmatma satya sandhasya Ramo daasarathir yadi|
Paurushe cha apratidwandwam sarainam jahi Raavaneem||
Meaning of this shloka:
Dharmatma - If Sri Rama followed 100% Dharma whole heartedly
Satya Sandhasya - If Sri Rama never lied in his life time
Ramo Daasarathir Yadi - If Sri Rama really born to king Dasaratha
Paurushe - Real warrior
cha apratidwandwam - if he is supreme purusha of vedas
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At my talk earlier today on the Doha Ramayana, there were some questions we didn't have time to answer. So, a #THREAD of Q and A here.

Image is the opening page of this magnificent manuscript, now at the Museum of Islamic Art in Doha, Qatar. #Ramayana #Mughal #Persian Image
Q: Is there any evidence of struggle in translation from Sanskrit into Farsi. Are there cases when they couldn't find equivalents so used the Sanskrit words in Farsi?
A: There are lots of Sanskrit terms retained and transliterated in the Akbari Ramayan, including the Doha manuscript.

Usually, I think it was an aesthetic choice, to retain something of the flavor of the original (mediated through vernacular Hindi pronunciation).
Read 13 tweets
We all know about Sita Mata. How many of us know Sita Mata's family tree. Now we go thru Sita Mata's family tree
Let's go with a #Thread
After Vasishta's brief narration about Suryavamsa, Now King Janaka narrates the history of his dynasty-
consents to give Sita & Urmila in marriage to Rama & Lakshmana
Lets learn Sita Mata's ancestors -
There was a great man of religion King Nimi, strongest of men & well known in the three worlds by his own acts.
Nimi's son Mithi - who constructed Mithila. He was the first Janaka.
Mithi's son Udavasu
Udavasu's son Nandivardhana
Nandivardhana's son Suketu
Suketu's son Devarata who was righteous & powerful
Devarata's son Brihadradha
Brihadradha's son Mahavira who was heroic & powerful
Mahavira's son Sudhruti, who was armed with courage & the power of truth
Read 6 tweets
We all know about Sri Ram & His family members. How many of us know Sri Ram ancestors? Let's go with a #Thread
According to Srimad Valmiki Ramayana, Vasishta Maharshi introduces King Dasharatha's Family Tree to King Janaka just before Sri Sita Rama Kalyanam.
Lets learn Sri Rama's ancestors
From Bhagwan Brahma- Marichi
Marichi's son Kashyapa Prajapathi
Kashyap's son Vivsawan (Surya Bhagwan)
Vivaswan's son Manu
Among 10 son's of Manu 1 was Ikshwaku.
Ikshvaku made Ayodhya his capital & this way Ikshvaku generation came into existence.
Ikshvaku's son Kukshi
Kukshi's son Vikukshi
Vikukshi's son Baan
Baan's son Anranya
Anranya's son Pruthu
Pruthu's son Trishanku
Trishanku's son Dhundhumaar.
Dhundhumaar's son Yuvanshva
Yuvanshva's son Maandhaata
Maandhaata's son Susandhi
Susandhi had two son's-
Read 7 tweets

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