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Feb 20th 2023
1/ In context of #globaldemographics, 4 #megatrends are often referred to: population growth, population ageing, international migration and urbanization.

Here is a thread diving into these.

(Most charts are from ‘Our World in Data’. Some from UN.)
2/ To begin, for historical context, this chart

The 20th century began with 1.65 billion people in the world. It closed with 6 billion people.

This growth saw its ripple effects across the world – from economic growth to environmental impact of the century. Image
3/ Another chart for historical context – where have most of the people been living through history? Image
Read 19 tweets
Jan 26th 2023
1/ #Bitcoin has been praised for its decentralized nature, which allows for greater freedom and autonomy for users. One group that can particularly benefit from the use of Bitcoin is refugees. #bitcoin #refugees
2/Refugees often find themselves in a difficult situation when it comes to accessing financial services. Bitcoin, as a decentralized digital currency, does not require identification documents or bank accounts to use. #decentralized #financialservices
3/ Bitcoin allows for greater financial privacy and security. Transactions on the blockchain are recorded, but the identities of the parties involved are not. This can be especially important for refugees, who may be concerned about persecution. #privacy #security
Read 6 tweets
Aug 29th 2021
آئیں آپ کو بتاتے ہیں کہ عمران خان کی 3 سالہ حکومت نے آپ کیلیے کیا کیا ہے؟

2018 سے پہلے کا پاکستان بمقابلہ 2021 کا پاکستان

2018 سے پہلے تک 20.5 ارب ڈالر رہ جانے والی #برآمدات 2021 میں 25.3 ارب ڈالر تک آ چکی ہیں جس میں مسلسل اضافہ جاری ہے


نوازشریف اور آصف زرداری کے دس سالہ دورِ اقتدار میں ٹیکسٹائل کی برآمدات کبھی 14 ارب ڈالر تک بھی نہیں پہنچی تھیں لیکن آج 2021 میں ٹیکسٹائل کی وہی برآمدات 15.4 ارب ڈالر تک پہنچ چکی ہیں اور اس میں الحمد للہ روز بروز اضافہ ہو رہا ہے


انفرمیشن ٹیکنالوجی کے میدان میں 2018 تک ہماری برآمدات صرف 1.06 ارب ڈالر تھیں جو آج 2021 میں الحمد للہ 2.12 ارب ڈالر تک پہنچ چکی ہیں اور ان میں بھی مسلسل اضافے کا رحجان ہے

Read 17 tweets
Aug 17th 2021

#Cryptocurrency has cross-border promise as more and more people are using #crypto to send money to family and friends abroad

@MorningBrew @haydenfield
$540 billion in remittances flowed to low- and middle-income countries in 2020, per the #WorldBank

Most #remittance payments are made via wire transfer or bank transfer

Watch how #CBDCs could change this
Some of the biggest players in the money transfer space, like #WesternUnion and #MoneyGram, are beginning to team up with #crypto firms

With #crypto, you’re using a bank; with traditional, you're using an exchange/or holding company

Read 4 tweets
Apr 6th 2021
10 Things You May Not Know But Need to Know About #Telcoin / $TEL TODAY!
I've exchanged more than 100 DMs with members of #Telfam already this month.

Most have NO CLUE what #Telcoin is doing, what it's done and what it will do.

Impatience and misinformation are your enemies.

It's time to $TEL it like it is.
1. Good Decisions Are Being Made

#Telfam was angry last fall when #Telcoin made the right decision to delay launch until early 2021 so that iOS & Android $TEL wallets could launch at the same time.

This was a prudent business decision that has paid off beautifully.

How so?
Read 21 tweets
Feb 13th 2020
Lets talk about #Gold #Mining in #SouthAfrica. Specifically, lets talk about #AngloGold's exit from South Africa & its impact on say, #Lesotho #Migrant #Mine workers...
The latest #news in the #SouthAfrican #Mining #Industry is that #AngloGold Ashanti, the world’s third-largest gold miner, has sealed a deal to sell its last remaining SA asset as it exits the country after 22 years on the #JSE...
I will not be talking about the "WHY" aspect of #AngloGold's exit from the #SouthAfrican #Mining #Industry. Rather, my focus will be on the consequences of such a move for #Labour, #Migrant labour to be precise. Labour from #Lesotho, specifically...
Read 12 tweets
Mar 29th 2019
Importance of #Remittances is significant.
@POTUS @RealDonaldTrump has previously floated the idea of partial to complete #Confiscation or #Tariff on monetary #Remittances to #Mexico and other Latin American/Caribbean Nations from within the US. by illegal immigrants. (1) .
Monetary #Remittances to #Mexico and other Latin American/Caribbean Nations from US. by illegal immigrants by % #GDP in 2016:
Honduras and El Salvador-20%
@Potus can strike at the heart of these nations influx of cash by allowing illegals to send $ home. (2)
Monetary #Remittances to #Mexico and other Latin American/Caribbean Nations from US. by illegal immigrants make up a significant portion of money going to some of the most corrupt governments in the hemisphere. Foreign aid... (3)
Read 6 tweets
Nov 7th 2018
Today we release our annual @wiiw_news Autumn #Forecast Report, with macroeconomic projections for #CESEE out to 2020. Below, a thread on the highlights 1/13
#Growth still looks quite good for most, notable upgrades this time for #Poland, #Serbia, #Hungary. But downgrades for several #EU members, plus #Turkey, #Macedonia and #Belarus. 2/13
Over the #forecast period we expect best growth performance in #EUCEE and #WesternBalkans, although both will slow by 2020. Outlook for #CIS & #Ukraine weaker. 3/13
Read 14 tweets

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