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May 27th 2023
China's January to April industrial profit slid by 20.6 % y/y to 2.0329 trillion yuan.-NBS
1/ thread #China #industry #profit 🇨🇳
SOEs achieved a total profit of 757.98 billion yuan, -17.9% y/y
Joint-equity enterprise 1.49624 billion yuan, -22.0%;
Foreign-invested enterprises 467.99 billion, -16.2%;
Private enterprises 524.03 billion yuan, -22.5%.
2/ thread #China #industry #profit 🇨🇳 Image
From January to April, the total profit of the mining industry was 475.24 billion yuan, down 12.3% y/y;
The manufacturing industry was 1.37237 billion yuan -27.0%; Electricity, heat, gas, and water suppliers 185.27 billion, +34.1%.
3/ thread #China #industry #profit 🇨🇳
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May 4th 2023
📣 New EU Gas Exit Pathway: EU can halve its #fossilgas use by 2030 & completely phase it out by 2050, with less renewable #hydrogen than planned in #REPowerEU while fully ensuring security of supply, without disruptive behavioral changes. Findings ⬇️ 1/9
An accelerated #fossilgas phase-out is possible through structural demand reductions in #energy, #buildings & #industry➡️ key measures: a quick ramp-up of #renewableenergy, electrification and energy efficiency. 2/9 Image
In the power sector, the fastest way to reduce gas demand is by ramping up wind & solar. Aim: 70% renewables-based power generation by 2030 & 85% by 2040. Deep geothermal & large-scale heat pumps will also help reduce gas demand in district heating generation. 3/9 Image
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Feb 28th 2023
#AgeOfDeception: “#Washington is filled with politicians and organizations that hyperventilate about government #debt and the burden it imposes on our children, but they ignore the burdens imposed by #patent and #copyright monopolies granted by the government.” Image
“Suppose that we were spending another $50 billion a year on medical #research in order to replace #patent supported research, and all the findings were placed in the #public domain so that all #drugs were sold as #generics. ...
... The annual #deficit would be $50 billion higher due to the additional spending on research, but we would save $380 billion a year on drugs due to generic pricing.”
Read 5 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
1/19 @ttmygh of the wonderful Things That Make You Go HMMMM newsletter just wrote a scathing piece on the emerging #pension fund disaster in lagged marks from private #equity.
2/19 As he explains:
#PrivateEquity is taking down Pension Funds as they struggle to keep the game of hot-potato going. “Hot potato” being the business practice of selling slices of companies back and forth to one another at ever higher #valuations.
3/19 The “solution” appears to be PE firms building funds to buy #assets from themselves at possibly fraudulent valuations set by themselves.
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Jan 29th 2023
let's talk about #investment.

#capitalism and capitalists' fortunes are built on this practice. all the free-flowing #business and #finance propaganda, churned out in huge volumes for the edification of persons who've devoted themselves to #money, talks about _investing_.

the great bulk of money made in #capitalism goes only to the ownership class; the toilers below them get pennies. those unable to toil get *less* than nothing—capitalism wants such people to be liquidated, hence @charlesmurray and @EPoe187 cook up rationales for doing so.

ultimately this is *why* #eugenics and "scientific racism" exists at all: #capitalism needs some pseudointellectual justification for marginalizing and liquidating all human beings who are unable or *unwilling* to toil for capitalism. this is WHY @Quillette is well-funded.

Read 21 tweets
Jan 22nd 2023
THREAD: #Virology: Unmasking a 100+ Year Old Lie

Everything You Think You Know About Disease Is Likely Wrong.

#vaccinegenocide #vaccines #vaccinedeath #PfizerLiedPeopleDied #thread…
We Need To Base Our Understanding of Reality Upon Reality, Not Manipulation.

Everything You Think You Know About Disease Is Likely Wrong....
In order to understand the world around us as the truth about it is emerging from a 100+ year slumber, it’s going to be important to challenge ideas that have absolutely zero basis in reality.

I will start off by saying that we have been duped - ALL OF US.
Read 266 tweets
Jan 14th 2023
🌎 ¡Acabo de encontrar una serie de mapas increíbles realizados con #RStats! Desde mapas interactivos hasta diseños 3D, hay algo para todos los amantes de los datos espaciales
👇 ¡8 cuentas a las que definitivamente vale la pena darle un vistazo!🧵
#dataviz #maps #geospatial #gis
✅ Tyler Morgan-Wall @tylermorganwall

Mapa 3D giratorio con puntos de luz (mapa anterior)

La red de cable submarino de fibra óptica de la Tierra.

Utiliza #rayshader #rayrender #rayverse
#dataviz #maps #geospatial #gis
@tylermorganwall ✅ Milos Popovic @milos_agathon
Mapa % de empleados en la fabricación, datos Eurostat.

#dataviz #maps #geospatial #gis #rstats #DataVisualization #stats #DataScience
Read 9 tweets
Dec 26th 2022
#ChocolateProduction thread!

1/ #Chocolate is a beloved treat enjoyed by people around the world, but did you know that a few countries dominate global chocolate production?
2/ The top chocolate producing countries are the Ivory Coast, #Ghana, #Indonesia, and #Brazil. Together, these countries account for over 60% of the world's chocolate production. #ivorycoast
3/ The Ivory Coast is the largest chocolate producer in the world, with over 1.5 million tons produced annually. Ghana is a close second, producing around 1 million tons per year.
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Dec 26th 2022
#speakforskill #speakforkarnataka

What are the policy measures/ initiatives that the government should take to ensure Industry Participation in

A. Short-Term Skill Training Program (like PMKVY-CMKKY-DDU GKY etc)
B. Long-Term Training Program (like ITI - Polytechnic etc)
India Sill Report 2022 suggests that about 75% of employers had identified a skill gap in their workforce entering 2022. This signifies a lack of awareness among the skilled youth regarding the current job opportunities and trends. Industry - Institute Synergy is the
key to efficient and successful skill development programs. The youth are not only required to be trained but should be industry Ready hence, participation of industry in skill development becomes essential.
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Nov 24th 2022
(1/6) Real Participants envision, assert, and aid in the evolution of crypto markets!
The world’s largest #cryptocurrency #exchange @binance & CEO @cz_binance announces $1bn commitment to the #IndustryRecoveryFund as a part of their #industry building process✨🧵🔥
Read more:
(2/6) With the ongoing #FTX saga and call for i) #transparency, and ii) #support, #Binance came forward as the market leader. For transparency, Binance shared its wallet addresses with funds, and now announces its fund to “reduce further cascading negative effects of FTX” 💳💼🌐
(3/6) Since #FTX rapid winddown, market participants were found worried for crypto contagion which was affecting each corner of the industry. With initial flowing details, the aim of this fund is to prop up struggling players in the wake of FTX and affiliated #bankruptcies📈💎🛍️
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Nov 1st 2022
@mattyglesias let's count crises, shall we? @dick_nixon might have done the same. @mattyglesias isn't good at recognizing crises (or much else), so let's *help*.

1. #capitalism has wrecked the usual equilibrium of the Earth's carbon cycle, causing a growing excess in atmospheric CO2.

@mattyglesias @dick_nixon 1a. #capitalism profits from turning solid forms of carbon (fuels) into gaseous CO2, and the ordinary mechanisms of Earth's climate and geology are not able to "fix" enough gaseous carbon in order to correct for the man-made imbalance. hence, #GlobalWarming is occurring.

@mattyglesias @dick_nixon 2. #capitalism is addicted to #debt and unearned income made from collection of perpetually accruing interest payments. capitalists like one thing: bank accounts whizzing ever upwards. infinitely accruing interest gives the *appearance* of infinitely increasing #money.

Read 13 tweets
Oct 25th 2022
@LisaMWatki That @ukfuturehealth somewhat 'buries the lede' on its intention to construct a giant £212 million 👇 #DNA / #genomic database in its patient literature is somewhat concerning...… II.1.4) Short description  The scope of the procurement is r
@LisaMWatki @ukfuturehealth ...not to mention the £62.5 million+ they'll be spending taking people's #bloods, etc.:… A service provider(s) will be responsible for elements of iniv. Responsible for legal and compliance issues related to p
@LisaMWatki @ukfuturehealth Of course, #OurFutureHealth had to get its money from somewhere.

I'll give you one guess as to where...… Our Future Health has announced £150 million funding from l
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Oct 18th 2022
Today, @BloombergNEF published its annual #CCS Market Outlook. The tl:dr is that, based on current announcements, CCS capacity is set to grow 6x by 2030. That’s 44% higher than what we expected last year. And it’s before you take #IRA into account. 🧵 with some key results: Image
(2/10) CCS is diversifying. Most of the capture will be happening in #industry and #power, rather that natural gas processing. And most of the CO2 will be going in the ground, not to oil wells for EOR.
(3/10) We’ve been saying transport and storage infrastructure could be a bottleneck. *For the moment* it doesn’t look like a problem. There’s more unallocated capacity than capture projects looking for a home for their CO2. This can change quickly, given all that Midwest #ethanol
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Oct 17th 2022
The General Secretariat of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (#OIC) held a Consultative Meeting with the #African Group Member States in the #OIC, in Jeddah, on Monday, 17 October 2022.
The Meeting deliberated on the implementation of various #OIC projects and resolutions aimed at promoting economic cooperation among #OIC Member States in the #African continent.
At the beginning of the Meeting, H.E. the Secretary-General of the #OIC, Mr. #Hissein_Brahim_Taha said that the idea of convening this meeting is borne out of the urgent need to accelerate the pace and scale of
Read 8 tweets
Sep 25th 2022
New @RadiologyACR #Government #Relations comments in response to an @NIH #RFI on the feasibility of public private partnerships to address pediatric medical device needs ie lack of access to #healthcare #AI for pediatric patients

#ImageIntelliGently #radvocacy
Action is urgently needed since almost all #AI in radiology has been developed for #Adults and hasn't been shown to work for pediatric patients. Here's what is recommended 🧵
1. Advocate for funding to develop #Pediatric radiology datasets that could be used for training, testing, and validation of radiology #AI
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Sep 15th 2022
And the road to ⁦@MICCAI_Society⁩ ⁦@MiccaiS#Singapore has started! Cannot wait to present #ImagineQuant@YaleRadiology#BrainLesWorkshop 20 hrs travel totally worth it 😅😎❤️ to learn from the best #MICCAI22. ⁦@ujjwalbaid0408⁩ ⁦@SpyridonBakasImageImage
Goodbye #Newark #NYC, looking forward to #Tokyo in 12 hrs! Dreams do come true!!! #academiclife #neurorad Thinking of @hsairmd @sairaallapeikko @theASFNR #Maui just about now! Will have to finish that episode 13 soon! @MICCAI_Society @MiccaiStudents @WomenInMICCAI #ImagineQuant Image
Read 5 tweets
Aug 17th 2022
The solar flare coming made me make this graph. It represend cold matter falling down, mixing with rising red matter and finally escaping the suns gravity. It led me to some interesting insights, especially when combined with another graph I made yesterday!
One of the conclusions is that there are more reds rising to support blues, then there are reds actually escaping. That means the mass below slowly becomes bigger, as the sun cools and becomes denser reactivating its core until the situation reverses.
This reaction oscillates every 15 years, and every 300 years if I remember correctly. Thats an effect of all those layers having different "seasons" that take multiple of the others seasons before they change themselves. When it summer for all of them, the sun spews.
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Aug 16th 2022
62/bbr “The J curve of Institutional reform” (2020)… showed that anti-black money crusade can’t b sustained w/o Institutional reform. Corruption is a systemic problem in India(origin Bureaucratic Socialism) & can only b solved by policy+institutional reform
63/bbr This is encouraging, but more needs to be done wrt #EODB/#EORC and to translate the policy reforms announced during last 3 yrs into rules, regulations & simpler procedures for producers & exporters.…
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Jul 11th 2022
The #JobsReport came in at 372,000 jobs gained, the #unemployment rate at 3.6%, which was coupled with #wage growth of 5.1% year-over-year: all solid numbers in a historic context.
Still, when taken in the context of much of the #economic data coming in, last week’s #employment report reemphasized two key tenets of the economy and consequently of #investment markets: 1) the U.S., and indeed the global economy, is tangibly slowing…
…and 2) we are probably past the #employment peak and will likely witness #LaborMarket slowing in the back half of the year.
Read 11 tweets
Jun 27th 2022

"Our last video on #Japan's semiconductor industry ended with the industry at the very peak of its powers.

Taking place over the span of 30 years, the island country's rise to #semiconductor supremacy>
> shook the industrial foundations of the West.

The Japanese semiconductor #industry once seemed invincible. But what goes up must come down. In this video, we look at Japan's semiconductor decline." (publisher-blurb)
From the comment-section (by "Jim Golab"):
"I was at #Motorola Memory Division in the early and mid-80’s. The 1985 crash devastated the chip suppliers because right before it, the computer companies were selling into a boom and were so desperate for #DRAM, that
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May 17th 2022
Latest UPDATE on the #TFR (Travel Rule) trilogue:

EU institutions are working to finalise the #TFR text to implement the #travelrule in Europe. Please find below the latest details. The aimed-for deadline for conclusion is still the first week of June.

Key issues on table:

The provisions introduced by the @Europarl_EN requiring #verification of information for each transfer of assets, the additional requirements applied to transfers to #unhosted wallets and the #blacklist of non-compliant entities.

In the past weeks, the @EUCouncil has taken onboard the concerns from the blockchain & crypto #industry, as well as those of regulators and competent #authorities (!), that flagged the impracticality and unintended consequences these provisions would have.

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May 8th 2022
5 DevOps Projects that will get you a job

A Thread 🧵
1️⃣ Chatbot Deployment over cloud

▶️ You can create one voice bot using tools like RASA, CSML, Dialogflow or etc.

▶️ Start using command line to deploy it, Learn Linux apply it.

▶️ Use AWS/GCP services for App deployment like EKS/GKE, ECS, or AWS Lambda.

If you want one, DM
2️⃣ Application deployment

▶️ Learn about AWS services like EKS, ECS, Fargate clusters, Cloudformation, and many more.
🔅One of them is enough for project.

▶️ Create demo application like wordpress or owncloud deployment yaml file.

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Apr 21st 2022
As a member of @ScienceAU, Victoria's Science Society supports the #research sector's ten pledges, seeking commitments from candidates for the Australian Federal #Election2022. Let's run through them all, shall we? #auspol #ausvotes #AusVotes2022
Let's punch *at* our weight in #research funding, at least. It's a matter of investing in our brainpower as a resource for other sectors to draw on, & sustain tertiary #education as one of major exports. #auspol #ausvotes #AusVotes2022
We argue #research #translation is about "bench to #community" - #industry is a big part of that. Public funding established a world class research sector, but the private sector is where we need to build capacity to benefit from that resource. #auspol #ausvotes #AusVotes2022
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Apr 14th 2022
So I saw a bit of disagreement last week over the idea of whether #biology is #programmable in any meaningful sense. As someone who works with biology in an industrial context, I wanted to unpack the idea just a little more. 🧵
For some, the claim that 'biology is programmable' is childishly obvious. Others say it's a bad metaphor or that if we don’t have total #predictability that it doesn’t count as programming. I tend to think both are right.
In #biomaterials, and the synthetic biology field in general, we are hacking systems we don’t understand. We are “programming" them (through environmental or genetic changes), but struggle in the predictability domain because we don’t fully grok this alien #technology (aka life).
Read 12 tweets

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