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Mar 30th 2023
Even though #marriage #registration is taken lightly in India, it is one of the most #Important things to be done once the rituals and the parties are over.

Here are the #Benefits of a #registered marriage in India

1. If a #spouse is working abroad and wants to take his or her partner along requires the #marriage #certificate.
The foreign #embassies abstain from issuing a work #permit in the absence of a marriage certificate.
2. #Legal proceedings in case of succession of property to the #spouse are easy.

3. The court requires a #marriage #certificate to transfer #property or #custody of children in case of legal separation.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 1st 2022
1/ Brief overview of the EU's #MiCA reg that passed Thurs evening. Applaud the effort to provide #clarity in the #crypto space - something we have been requesting for years. But more work to be done. Luckily, there is time to implement the technical text.…
2/ But first, note that both the Council & Parliament press releases contain quotes that call crypto the "Wild West" (🤦‍♀️). Puts you on notice about whether these standards actually allow for continued innovation. (Parliament ☝️ & Council 👇)…
3/ Before I dive in, note that the EU's drive to create crypto regulation was borne out of the #Libra idea, which caused consternation (panic??) across the globe. Much of #MiCA seems somewhat set in that time period-e.g., 2017 called & it wants its "whitepapers" back.
Read 12 tweets
Apr 7th 2022
Finally, the #GoldacreReview is published! (During Parliamentary Easter holidays, mid-ping-pong on the #HealthAndCareBill...)

It's 221 pages - each PDF page is a double page spread - so this could be a lo-o-o-ong [Thread].

Here goes...
First point to note, in the Terms of Reference (p5), is that this is about "access to #NHSdata by #researchers, #commissioners, and #innovators" - i.e. #Planning and #CommercialReUse - so it is directly relevant to the operation of millions of people's #NationalDataOptOuts... Terms of reference for the review  1. How do we facilitate a
"185 wide-ranging recommendations for us to explore", says @sajidjavid (p6). Gulp! Time for some coffee...

"systems that ensure #underrepresented groups are well represented" may (partly) refer to this "landmark review", which got off to a slow start:… The far-reaching independent review into potential ethnic bi
Read 159 tweets
Sep 17th 2021
Welcome back, George.

Now, about that "race-to-the-bottom" slashing of #data #protections...
...which, despite fine words about "maintaining high standards", is plainly the intent of @DCMS's proposed #DataProtection 'reforms':…

...which include the intent to (re)define "#ScientificResearch" 🤔🤔🤔
Of course, we understand #TIGRR's "enthusiasm for #digital", its eye on the value of "highly #profitable consumer data", and frustration with the pesky #protections and #safeguards of #UKGDPR...…
Read 6 tweets
Nov 30th 2020
1. come sempre #WikiLeaks ci fornisce informazioni uniche, anche quando i documenti risalgono a ben 12 anni fa. Leggete questo cablo su #Fakhrizadeh(inglese):…
2. se leggete cablo di #WikiLeaks scoprirete una cosa: contrariamente a come viene presentato in questi giorni, #OlliHeinonen,dell'#IAEA descrive #Fakhrizadeh così: "nell'establishment nucleare iraniano, ci sono altri scienziati altrettanto e anche più importanti di #Fakhrizadeh"
3. chiunque si sia mai occupato di #armiNucleari e #proliferazioneNucleare e conosca #IAEA sa benissimo che #OlliHeinonen era capo del più importante Dipartimento dell'#IAEA: quello delle #Safeguards,che conduce e coordina gli ispettori IAEA
Read 6 tweets
Jul 23rd 2020
Hmm. Now this is an... interesting move!

@ukhomeoffice is (unilaterally?) collapsing two Commissioner roles into one:…

While HO's excuse may seem superficially plausible, one shouldn't forget both @surcamcom and the #BiometricsCommissioner have been...
...critical of @ukhomeoffice's approach and lack of adequate #safeguards and #oversight of its use of #biometric tech.

Here's the #BiometricsCommissioner admonishing @metpoliceuk for misrepresenting him on #AFR:…

And @surcamcom has been a consistent...
...advocate for strong #independent #regulatory #oversight and against #SurveillanceCreep.

And as he - in fact both Commissioners - point out:

There are also significant practical issues, e.g. will @pritipatel resource this as one or two offices? And...
Read 4 tweets
Jul 20th 2020
A [Thread] on @CDEIUK's "Addressing trust in public sector data use" report:…

(Likely in bursts)

Good point on #evaluation. So why aren't ALL public sector & Government contractors under #FOI, and #required to provide such data? Hiding behind 'commercial confidentiality' shouldn't be allowed.

"Sharing" is a two-way activity!

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While it may be implicit, any 'sharing' of #PersonalData must above all be #lawful - which means #necessary (for a particular, specified #purpose) and #proportionate. Individual #consent may provide one lawful basis; the notion of "public consent" is rather more hazy!

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Jul 14th 2020
Oh, @ukhomeoffice has been working on it for quite some time!

Alan will no doubt remember the #UKBordersAct2007:… which at the time we (@NO2ID) said was the thin end of the wedge...
For years, @ukhomeoffice has resisted a proper #statutory framework, independent #oversight & #safeguards for its use of #biometrics. And its risible 2018 'Biometrics Strategy':… paved the way for it to spend hundreds of millions on its "#HOB"...
...(#HomeOfficeBiometrics programme) which is clearly not intending to stop at just #faces and #fingerprints 👇 Image
Read 4 tweets
Jul 30th 2019
You are worried about #facebook and #FaceApp, but use #Microsoft #Office every day? Time to be concerned! Did you know that Microsoft is processing lots of data about you without telling you about it? 1/n #GDPR #ePrivacy
Through its software and operating system, #Microsoft collects and stores personal data about user behavior, so-called #diagnostic data, on a large scale. Microsoft collects this data in various ways: 2/n
via system-generated logs of events on its servers and via the telemetry client in Windows 10, in Office 365 ProPlus, and in the mobile Office apps. These telemetry clients collect diagnostic data on your device and send this information to Microsoft's servers in the US. 3/n
Read 43 tweets

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