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Jun 4th 2023

🕐Hoy es la jornada de votación en las elecciones de #Coahuila y #EstadodeMéxico

Te invitamos a revisar el material con datos relevantes del proceso electoral y a seguir todos los detalles en este hilo del #ObservatorioReformas

🔗… Image

➡️La recepción de la votación comienza a las 8:00 hrs. La jornada terminará a las 18:00 hrs [hora Estado de México y Coahuila] 🕐

#ObservatorioReformas Image

El @IEC_Coahuila comienza una Sesión Permanente para dar seguimiento a la jornada electoral. Puedes seguir la transmisión en


Read 110 tweets
Nov 28th 2022
“In school, I used to think, ‘what are the Olympics?’ I never thought I would participate in the Olympics”, #PTUsha once recalled in an interview.

#Olympics #WomenInSports #history #timelapse
PT Usha’s historic run in the 400 m hurdles final in the 1984 Olympics was a heartbreaking loss for India but one that turned out to be as much of an inspiration as a victory.
In the years to come, she went on to set the tracks ablaze for the next few years, winning golds at the Asian Games and Asian Championships, setting records and being the darling of the crowd wherever she went.
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Oct 27th 2022
Born in 1919, Debalina Mazumder and Manobina Roy were initiated into photography when they were just 13 by their father, Binode Behari Sen Roy, a school principal in the princely state of Ramnagar in the United Provinces. Image
At the time, staged and posed photographs were the norm. When lighter and portable cameras made candid photographs possible, they became adept at taking pictures that captured the warmth and humdrum of ordinary lives.
“After Debalina and Manobina got married, their photographic pursuits had to be accommodated within their growing responsibilities as wives and mothers amidst new households in Calcutta and Bombay. But there were occasions that brought respite and greater freedom.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 19th 2021
This week FC1 (Filter Cavity [mirror] #1) was installed in the @LIGOWA's new HAM7 vacuum chamber for the new @LIGO A+ Filter Cavity.
FC1 is a triple suspension mirror. This work was also installed in @LIGOWA's NEW "Mega Cleanroom"!
#GravitationalWaves #LIGO @NSF #NSF
Here the HAM7 #vacuum chamber is partially opened up. The FC1 suspension is shyly hiding inside it's protective cover as TJ (Lead Operator), Travis Sadecki (Operations Specialist), & Rahul Kumar (Suspension [SUS] Detector Engineer) prepare for installation.
FC1 Uncovered!
This @LIGO Triple Suspension currently has a "dummy weight" suspended at the bottom, this "dummy" will be replaced with its mirror next! TJ is in this photo.
Read 10 tweets
Jul 28th 2021
#DidYouKnow #TimeLapse
According to Kanailal Basu’s book 'Netaji: Rediscovered', the Azad Hind Bank was formed in Rangoon (now Yangon) in Burma (now Myanmar) in April 1944 for the purpose of organising funds to finance the war effort against the British. (1/11)
The bank printed Indian currency notes and managed contributions from Indians from across the world. (2/11)
In the 1980s, Ram Kishore Dubey, a retired contractor with the State Irrigation Department, discovered one of these note in his grandfather’s Ramayana book, but did not realise its historical significance till later. (3/11)
Read 11 tweets
Jul 1st 2021
Time to explore what this can do😃
#illustrationartists #illustration #art #drawing #withrepaper
This thing can record a #timelapse of the #drawing to upload later. So I can use this like a sketch book and add layers and everything! #Whoa
Heres my #LineQuality warm-ups
(w small circles cut short bc my favorite aunt kidnapped me for errand adventures 😁) #illustration #prac
Its VERY sensitive too. While it was downloading my sketch, I moved something on the table and made it shake a tiny bit. A warning screen popped up reminding to to keep it on a secure surface. 😳
It knew it was moving! #ItsAlive
Will reposition clips. I’m not a lefty.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 23rd 2021
Hoera! Eindelijk mag ik wat foto’s plaatsen van het #CPE #TIJD van #vmbo4 #handvaardigheid
Het eerste werk is eenvoudig. Maar less is more…. Een herinnering uit een andere tijd van deze leerling. Maar ook de verwijzing naar #vanitas door de kaars. 🕯1/n
Of dit werk. Gebroken. De zeggingskracht van dit werk grijpt je naar de keel. Het maken was spannend. Je werk breken wanneer het af is. Dan stoken en dan weer lijmen. De breuken blijven zichtbaar. #TIJD #CPE 2/n
Of dit werk. #sterrenbeelden #TIJD #CPE Elke leerling geeft zijn eigen gedachten weer bij TIJD.3/n
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Jun 10th 2021
#TimeLapse #DingkoSingh
In almost every conversation, boxing legend MC Mary Kom makes it a point to admit that her interest in the sport grew because of a certain Dingko Singh, who clinched a gold medal at the Bangkok Asian Games in 1998. (1/7)
And yet few Indians know about the Padma Shri man whose gold medal win as a 19-year-old sparked a boxing revolution in Manipur. (2/7)
Dingko was born on January 1, 1979, in a remote village called Sekta in the Imphal East District of Manipur. Born in crushing poverty, Dingko was raised at an orphanage where his dreams of becoming an athlete began to take shape. (3/7)
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May 22nd 2021
An #eruption of #Nyiragongo #volcano (#DRC) began in the evening of May 22. #Meteosat satellite data (from @CIRA_CSU) show a strong thermal anomaly appearing at 17:15 UTC, and a small #volcanic plume amidst widespread regional convection. Follow @CharlesBalagizi for updates.
If you're looking for background info on #Nyiragongo and its previous flank #eruptions in 1977 and 2002, there's a collection of papers in the Italian Acta Vulcanologica journal available here (with free PDFs):…
#Sentinel5P #Tropomi data on May 23 show SO₂ emissions from the #Nyiragongo #eruption. SO₂ to the SE over #Tanzania is at higher altitude (perhaps to tropopause level) and was emitted during the initial, more energetic phase of the eruption (17:00 UTC, May 22). @VirungaSupersit Image
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May 21st 2021
This #timelapse captures a whole night in the life of the volcano Villarrica in Chile. Photographer Cristián Aguirre spent around 10 hours recording the active volcano until dawn arrived.

🎥: Cristián Aguirre
Then he compressed 10 hours into a 20 second video that allows us to appreciate the light transitions, the movement of the clouds, a mesmerizing starry night backdrop, and a beautiful lava show.

Visit his website and check more of his work:
You should also head to Cristián Aguirre’s Instagram page to see more of his amazing time lapses and photos:…
Read 4 tweets
Oct 27th 2020
#DidYouKnow #TimeLapse
1/ According to Kanailal Basu’s book 'Netaji: Rediscovered', the Azad Hind Bank was formed in Rangoon (now Yangon) in Burma (now Myanmar) in April 1944 for the purpose of organising funds to finance the war effort against the British. (Contd.👇)
2/ The bank printed currency & managed contributions from Indians from across the world.
In 1980s, Ram Kishore Dubey, a retired contractor with the irrigation dept,, discovered one of these notes in his granddad’s book, but didn't realise its historical significance till later.
3/ “My grandfather, Praagilal, worked for Netaji in the Azaad Hind Fauj and passed away in 1958,” says Dubey.
“He used to stay away from the family for months on end working covertly for the INA in the Bundelkhand region on a recruitment drive for its Jhansi ki Rani Regiment..."
Read 6 tweets
Oct 4th 2020
We're awash with painting tutorials, here's one more! For fans of the forest and the moss. It's a thread. 😉#howto #landscapepainting #tutorials
When laying down the shadows, don't worry if the paint runs together a little. That can help make your painting look coherent. Just make sure your light layers are dry before adding the shadow.
Finally, here's a #timelapse of the whole thing. I hope this was helpful. Materials: Watercolor sketch book, Pencil, Cotman pocket watercolors, Holbein Gouache paints and various small flat brushes and round brushes. Happy to answer any questions or comments. 😊
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Sep 13th 2020
More and more riot police and military are coming to the Independence Square @tass_agency #StandWithBelarus #Belarus
Grushevka district resisted people in black uniforms. @nexta_tv #StandWithBelarus #Belarus
Detentions next to Grushevka district. @tutby #StandWithBelarus #Belarus
Read 205 tweets
Aug 29th 2020
I'd rather stare at a tree than...(insert most other activities) Here's a #timelapse of this painting, the first layers are acrylic so the yellow wouldn't muddy the other colors. There was a masking do people ensure a clean masking removal? #process
Materials: Paper Block B5 size, acrylic and gouache paint
Time: 5 hours
Feelings: Pleased that I was painting some trees (and making a gift for my sister)
Read 3 tweets
Aug 23rd 2020
After 6 months of #lockdown and #lab shutdown I spent a full day 9 am-8 pm in lab doing experiments! New #grad students in #lifesciences: There is always light 💡 and #fluorescent images at the end of the tunnel! Filing a #patent on my #invention from #phd work soon @OrganOnAChip
This is an Organ on a Chip platform that enables mimicking #tissues and #organs in a high throughput manner! The main focus will be towards developing #mucosal organs with tissue resident #immune cells and lining #epithelial cells for #testing #COVID19 treatments #covidvaccines
I recently gave a talk at #oooc2020 organized by @GVNlab at @Columbia. In the talk I demonstrated the #ease of fabrication, #functionality, and #modularity of this platform.
We’re open to #collaborate with interested #researchers! Interested to learn more:
Read 11 tweets
Aug 19th 2020
I'm on a roll! Or is it an invasion? Another small painting, soon to be a full artwork Process below... #fantasyart #fantasy #art #illustration #traditionalart #gouachepainting #giantsalamander #内陸線 #オオサンショウウオ Image
#process this painting style is greatly inspired by Studio Gibli and James Gurney. Daylight fantasies have a particular set of challenges, as there is not the option of hiding detail in the shadows. ... #gouache #traditionalart Image
So much appreciation to @GurneyJourney who shares his technique on youtube, so that I could get the hang of gouache painting this last year. To pass the inspiration on, I've also made a #timelapse of my painting.
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Aug 17th 2020
Painting of Summer in Northern Japan: a thread #Japan #tohoku
#gouachepainting #gouache #japanart Image
Apart from work, l love painting my local area #timelapse #painting #gouache
There's a gondola that's free in the summer. it's like a less fraught amusement ride. In the middle of nowhere. #summer #gondola #gouache #gouachepainting #Tohoku Image
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Apr 12th 2020
Baikonur (Kazajstán). Madrugada del 11 al 12 de abril de 1961. La inmensidad del Universo está ahí. Siempre. La vemos cada noche, y a veces nos sentimos pequeñísimos seres en esta pequeña roca sobre la que viajamos. #AbroHilo
Quizá esa reflexión, sumada al hecho de saberse elegido para la Historia de entre los 3.500 candidatos, sean motivos suficientes para que Morfeo no sea capaz de tumbarte rendido a sus pies (por mucho que digan que durmieron desde las 22h).
Yuri sigue despierto en la cabaña donde puede ser que pase su última noche -junto con Guerman Titov, su suplente y con quien empató a puntos en las pruebas-, esperando a que llegue el momento en el que vengan a buscarle.
Read 42 tweets
Jan 12th 2020
Después de mas de 40 años de relativa calma, el #volcán #Taal 🌋 en #Filipinas 🇵🇭 entra en erupción.
#hilo 👇

#TaalVolcano #TaalEruption
Este fin de semana el volcán #Taan experimento una fuerte erupción freatomagmática.
Por cierto el volcán #Taal se encuentra dentro de un lago del mismo nombre en la isla de norteña de #Luzon #Filipinas, a 70 km al sur de la capital #Manila. 🇵🇭

*Un curioso caso de isla interior dentro de otra isla.
Read 23 tweets
Oct 2nd 2019
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Or drawing. Inktober Day 1: Ring #inktober2019 #LOTR #lineasketch
Inktober Day 2: Mindless #InkTober #LineaSketch
Just thought up an idea for today’s Inktober ‘Bait’. Heeee.
Read 46 tweets
Apr 9th 2019
With my wife, we are building an extremely ecological self-sufficient house (made of straw, wood and earth), while being modern too.

The house is out of the grid for electricity & water, and there is no heating system.

The construction has finally started after 1.5 years.

1/3 ImageImage
We share our story on a blog, in French only so far (I will translate the story in English later).

Last week was the first day,…

And yesterday it has started for real,…

If you have any questions, please ask. Answers will land on the blog, but I will be happy to answer here now.


Read 53 tweets
Aug 15th 2018
Hi Everyone, meet Bruffles. He's the first NPC character being developed for @linethegame. How did we arrive at this design & how will we get him in-game? Well, gather 'round & watch this thread as I detail the whole process. (Bruffles concept by the amazing @FromHappyRock)
For development, Bruffles is being used as a target for look development & animation/character exploration. At his core he teaches the player how to hill-slide, since that's his favorite way of moving through the world. He also allows us to explore how diverse our designs can be.
The design for what would eventually become Bruffles started with a sketch(attached) from my good friend Scott Flanders: He was helping out by doing lots of character lineup exploration for Line over a year ago.
Read 25 tweets

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