Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #choléra

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Ich stelle da mal'ne steile #These auf und werfe die in den Raum:

Wer sich NICHT für #SaubereLuft in Innenräumen einsetzt, ne, der hat doch sicherlich auch kein Problem mit #Cholera , oder? #JustSaying

"Die Krankheit ist hoch ansteckend, kann sich daher schnell ausbreiten und zu einer #Epidemie entwickeln. Verunreinigtes #Trinkwasser und #Nahrungsmittel sowie mangelnde Hygiene, etwa in Folge von Überschwemmungen, sind Nährböden für Cholera-Bakterien.
Die Behandlung ist im Prinzip unkompliziert: Die Erkrankten erhalten eine sogenannte Rehydrierungslösung, die Traubenzucker, Kochsalz und weitere wichtige Elektrolyte enthält. Ziel ist es, den Flüssigkeits- und Elektrolytverlust der Betroffenen wieder auszugleichen.
Read 11 tweets
Bin dann also mal kurz weg: On my way nach #Nampula #Mosambik, um die Gesundheitsfolgen der #Klimakrise, die unser Team dort besonders beobachtet, zu dokumentieren. Wir @MSF_austria sind daher in der Provinz #Nampula im Norden des Landes im Einsatz. 1/7
#Mosambik ist unter den 10 Ländern, die weltweit am stärksten von den Auswirkungen der #Klimakrise betroffen sind. Aufgrund der geografischen Lage und der langen Küstenlinie ist es anfällig für extreme Wetterereignisse. 2/7
In den letzten Jahren war das Land mit klimabedingten Gefahren wie #Dürren, #Überschwemmungen und #Wirbelstürmen konfrontiert, wobei letztere an Intensität und Häufigkeit zunahmen. 3/7
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Warum es wichtig ist, sich ganz konkret mit den Gesundheitsfolgen der #Klimakrise zu beschäftigen?
Laut @WHO ist die Klimakrise die größte Gesundheitsbedrohung für die Menschheit.
Ein 🧵👇🏿 1/6…
Es ist also zu erwarten, dass künftig zunehmend mehr Menschen an den Folgen der #Klimakrise sterben werden - allein aufgrund steigender Zahlen von #Malaria, #Mangelernährung, Durchfallerkrankungen wie #Cholera oder Hitzeschlägen, die mit der Klimakrise verbunden sind... 2/6
Die #Erderhitzung führt zu Temperaturanstiegen & immer mehr Extremwetterereignissen, die gefährliche Auswirkungen auf Natur & Menschen haben. Wobei jene, die schon jetzt unter humanitären Krisen leiden, am stärksten von den Gesundheitsfolgen der #Klimakrise betroffen sind. 3/6
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In ein paar Jahren werden die Menschen zurückblicken auf 2023 und die #Fortschrittsverweigerer, die die Bevölkerung dauerhaft zum Einatmen kontaminierter, krank machender Luft verdammen wollen, statt aus #Pandemie, Infektionsschäden, #LongCovid-Katastrophe zu *lernen* und alle...
längst vorhandenen Tools zu nutzen, um unsere Atemluft systematisch und planvoll zu reinigen, etwa so bewerten wie diejenigen, die einst der Ansicht waren, der Pöbel könne ruhig weiterhin #Trinkwasser mit #Cholera-, #Typhus- und anderen Erregern konsumieren. #SaubereLuft muss...
ebenso selbstverständlich werden wie die regelmäßige Reinigung unseres Trinkwassers. Ausgehend von den Räumen, wo die meisten Infektionsketten entstehen, können wir #Corona ebenso wie andere gefährliche Viren weitgehend aus der Luft eliminieren und enorme, langfristige Schäden...
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LIVE: Media briefing on global health issues with @DrTedros…
"On Tuesday, #Tanzania confirmed its first known cases of #Marburg virus disease. So far, 8 cases have been confirmed, including 5 deaths. More than 160 contacts have been identified and are being monitored"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "National responders trained jointly by WHO and the @CDCgov have been deployed to the affected region to carry out further investigations, monitor contacts and provide clinical care"-@DrTedros #Tanzania #Marburg
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As the world faces an upsurge in #cholera, the Global Task Force for Cholera Control appeals to countries and the international community to take concrete action
💧 Safe drinking water
💧 Sanitation and hygiene
are the only long-term and sustainable solutions to ending this #cholera emergency and preventing future ones
Many #cholera outbreaks are linked to extreme climate events like droughts, cyclones, and floods. They disrupt access to water and force people into crowded settlements, increasing risks
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Today is #WorldWaterDay!

Over 2 billion people around the world use a drinking water source💧 that is contaminated with faeces 💩.

Countries must ensure that everyone has the right to safe drinking water & adequate sanitation. 🔗
Almost half of the world’s population use sanitation services 🚽 that leave human waste 💩 untreated.

Having good sanitation helps keep people healthy and protects the environment.🔗 #WorldWaterDay
Unsafe water & inadequate sanitation result in diseases like:


More info 🔗 #WorldWaterDay
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#Thread on


The #NepalSikhWar was a large scale military conflict in 1809 between the forces of
The #KingdomofNepal under
Amar Singh Thapa and
The #SikhEmpire under
General Dewan Mokham Chand of
Maharajah Ranjit Singh Ji

Pic 1 Dewan M Chand
Pic 2 AS Thapa
Nepal-Sikh War
Date:March 1809 – August 1809
Result: #Sikh victory
•Nepalese retreat to the Arki Fort

in Pic Kangra Fort

by Charles Stewart Hardinge
Maharaja RanjitSingh*
Amar Singh Thapa
Bahadur Shah
Bhimsen Thapa*
Nain Singh Thapa
10,000 Sikh imperialists of
The #SikhKhalsaArmy
16,000 #Gurkha warriors
1,000 #Sikh soldiers killed
12,000 #Gurkha soldiers killed
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🧵 A well-trained workforce is essential for reaching universal health coverage.

That is why we support training and capacity building for the whole spectrum of health professionals to achieve #HealthForAll.

#WHOImpact across the globe 🌎🌍🌏:
📌 Picture of community health workers at a training session in
In #Samoa 🇼🇸, WHO, @dfat 🇦🇺 & @MFATNZ 🇳🇿 supported the training of the Emergency Medical Team respond to the impact of cyclones. The group rehearsed setting up & operating mobile clinics.

📌 Picture of the Samoa Emergency Medical Team carrying out a t
WHO helped train 🇲🇷 #Mauritania’s new emergency-response teams to quickly locate & stop disease outbreaks before they can become epidemics.

Since August 2022, the teams have responded to 8 emergencies & stopped a Rift Valley fever outbreak.

📌 A picture of floods in Nouakchott, Mauritania, that coincide
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💥Deadly #cholera outbreak continues in Malawi.

According to WHO, there have been nearly 37,000 cases and over 1200 associated deaths.

Every distinct is affected.

In the face of the deadliest cholera outbreak in the country’s history, vaccines are in (too) short supply.

🧵 map of cholera outbreak
Prompted by a severe vaccine shortage, in Oct 2022, the International Coordinating Group on Vaccine Provision (ICG), which allocates cholera vaccines to affected countries, announced that it would provide a single-dose regimen instead of two. headline from WHO decision on one vs. two doses.
A long list of countries report cholera outbreaks.

🗺 Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burundi, Cameroon, DRC, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Iraq, Kenya, Lebanon, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Philippines, Somalia, Syria, and Tanzania.

❌There are not enough vaccines to go around. countries with cholera outbreaks
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LIVE: Media briefing on global health issues with @DrTedros…
"I want to start by expressing my deepest condolences to those affected by the earthquakes that hit Türkiye and the Syrian Arab Republic in the early hours of Monday morning."-@DrTedros
"So far almost 8,000 people have died, many thousands more are injured and we know these numbers will climb.
With the weather conditions and ongoing aftershocks, we’re in a race against time to save lives."-@DrTedros
Read 31 tweets
LIVE: Opening of 152nd WHO Executive Board meeting…
"Three years ago today, I declared a public health emergency of international concern over the global spread of #COVID19 – the highest level of alarm under the International Health Regulations, and for the moment, the only level of alarm"-@DrTedros #EB152
@DrTedros "As you know, on Friday the Emergency Committee met to consider whether that remains the case. The committee has advised me that in its view, #COVID19 remains a global health emergency, and I agree"-@DrTedros #EB152
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Les agences humanitaires de l'ONU intensifient la lutte contre le #choléra au Malawi après 800 décès.
Chaque année dans le monde, ce sont près de 3 millions de cas et plus de 95.000 décès (…).
Là encore les souches bactériennes responsables
nécessitent un suivi génomique.
🔹L'Homme est milieu de culture et moyen de transport pour le vibrion cholérique.
🔹Les fortes concentrations de population ajoutées à des conditions d'hygiène défectueuses sont des facteurs favorisant les épidémies (transmission oro-fécale).
🔹Plus de 75 % des infectés sont asymptomatiques.
🔹10 à 20 % font une forme sévère de la maladie, pouvant conduire les plus #fragiles (enfants, personnes âgées et individus fragilisés) à un décès rapide (en 1 à 3 jours).
🔹 Le traitement nécessite une réhydratation orale ou
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LIVE: Media briefing on #COVID19 and other global health issues with @DrTedros…
"Today marks the end of the #Ebola outbreak in 🇺🇬, 4 months after the first cases were reported. I congratulate the govt, the people of 🇺🇬 & 👩‍⚕️, some of whom lost their lives, for their leadership & dedication in bringing the outbreak to an end"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "We thank donors and partners for swiftly mobilizing resources, and vaccine developers for making candidate vaccines available in record time"-@DrTedros #Ebola #Uganda
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'#NATO using #ChemicalWeapons in #Bakhmut in order to stop the #Wagner groups | Jan 8, 2023.'

Timeline of #Chemical and #Biological #Weapons News Developments During Russia's 2022 Invasion of #Ukraine | Aug 2022…
Military Situation In #Bakhmut-#Soledar Region, #Ukraine, On Jan 7 (Map)
- Russian-led forces entered the Pidgorodne village;
Russian-led forces reached the central district of Soledar;
Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Bakhmut
#Documents Expose Barack #Obama Ordered Construction Of #Biolabs In #Ukraine To Create Dangerous #Pathogens | March 9, 2022
- Sensitive #biolabs documents deleted by #USEmbassy and published by GreatGameIndia.
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LIVE: Media briefing on global health issues with @DrTedros…
@DrTedros "2022 has been very challenging year for the health of the 🌍’s people:
-3rd year of the #COVID19 pandemic
-a 🌍 outbreak of #mpox
-#Ebola outbreak in 🇺🇬
-wars in 🇪🇹 & 🇺🇦
-cholera outbreaks
-drought & flooding in the greater Horn of Africa & Sahel
-flooding in 🇵🇰
@DrTedros "That’s not to mention the multiple other threats to health that people face year in, year out, in the air they breathe, the products they consume, the conditions in which they live & work, & in their lack of access to essential health services"-@DrTedros
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LIVE: Media briefing on global health issues with @DrTedros…
"In recent weeks, we have spoken about a surge in #cholera outbreaks around the world. The latest country to be affected is #Lebanon, which is now suffering a severe outbreak after nearly 30 years without cholera"-@DrTedros
"Since the first [#cholera] case [in #Lebanon] was confirmed just over one month ago, the outbreak has spread across the country. There are now more than 2,700 cases, with 18 deaths"-@DrTedros
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[Thread] Vous êtes désormais 50000 à vous informer sur mon compte : MERCI !
Je ne vous parle pas souvent de moi. Pourtant, j'ai fait un long chemin avant d'arriver en France. En 1990, j'ai fui la guerre du Liban.
32ans après, j'y suis retourné. Une vraie leçon de vie à partager👇 Image
[Electricité] Dès mon arrivée, je n'avais ni l'électricité, ni internet. Sobriété garantie !
Avec 6 heures d'électricité par jour, les libanais les plus aisés se sont munis de générateurs électriques et de panneaux solaires (à leur frais).
On est loin du confort français ! ImageImageImageImage
[Eau] Il n'y a plus l'eau courante, sécheresse ou pas (oui, vous avez bien lu). Au village, un camion citerne remplit notre cuve. Ici, on sait à quel point l'eau est précieuse et on ne s'en plein pas.
Je me lavais dans 30 litres d'eau, chaude ou pas.
Le #cholera est de retour. ImageImageImage
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1. Short thread from @WHO's weekly press conference. Covid-19 remains a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), the @WHO emergency committee decided at a meeting last week. Today @drtedros said he agrees.
2. The EC chair, Didier Houssin, said for the first time at this meeting, the committee talked about the possibility of terminating the PHEIC. But the committee concluded it was too early to do so. Among other things, they want to see how this winter goes in the NHemisphere.
3. @DrTedros revealed that @WHO and partners have decided to effectively ration #Cholera vaccines, because of a global shortage. Normally cholera vax is given in 2 doses but will be used as a 1 dose vaccine. This strategy has been shown to be effective before.
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LIVE: Media briefing on global health issues with @DrTedros…
"Last night I returned from the #WHS2022 in Berlin, 🇩🇪, which this year WHO co-hosted. I was very encouraged to see the level of commitment from leaders from government, civil society, academia & the private sector for addressing the most pressing health challenges"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "There was strong support for the international #PandemicAccord, which countries are now negotiating.

And yesterday, governments and philanthropic donors collectively committed 2.6 billion U.S. dollars to work toward ending polio"-@DrTedros #WHS2022
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LIVE: Media briefing on global health issues with @DrTedros…
@DrTedros "First to #Uganda, where WHO is continuing to support the government to respond to an outbreak of #Ebola disease in five districts. So far, there are 54 confirmed and 20 probable cases, with 39 deaths, and 14 people have recovered"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "Over 660 contacts are currently under active follow-up. Our primary focus now is to support the Government of #Uganda to rapidly control & contain this #Ebola outbreak, to stop it spreading to neighbouring districts, & neighbouring countries"-@DrTedros
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📍CHOLERA EMERGENCY—More than 60 people have died in the last 5 days (17 died just yesterday) of #cholera in a major overcrowded Haiti prison. People are reportedly “dropping like flies” while sharing just buckets for toilets. What a humanitarian disaster.… Image
2) “Without immediate evacuation and medical attention, more than three thousand people face near certain illness and may die.”
3) The cholera outbreak that began on Sunday, October 2, has now reached one of the world’s most notoriously overcrowded prisons, creating a lethal engine for the resurgence of cholera that had been thought vanquished from the country.
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WHO presser starts with @drtedros giving an update on Ebola outbreak in Uganda:
"So far 63 confirmed and probably cases have been reported including 29 deaths.
10 health workers have been infected and four have died", he says.
@DrTedros "When there is a delay in detecting an Ebola outbreak, it's normal for cases to increase steadily at the beginning and then decrease as life saving interventions and outbreak control measures are implemented", says @DrTedros.
@DrTedros "Several vaccines are in various stages of development against this virus, two of which could begin clinical trials in Uganda in the coming weeks pending regulatory and ethics approvals from the Ugandan Government" says @drtedros.
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LIVE: Media briefing on global health issues with @DrTedros…
@DrTedros "WHO is continuing to support the government of 🇺🇬 to respond to #Ebola outbreak in 4 districts. So far:
-63 confirmed & probable cases have been reported, incl. 29 deaths
-10 👩‍⚕️ have been infected & 4 have died
-4 people have recovered & are receiving follow-up care"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "WHO has released $2 million from Contingency Fund for Emergencies and we are working with our partners to support the @MinofHealthUG to strengthen the response by sending additional specialists, supplies, and resources"-@DrTedros #Ebola #Uganda
Read 34 tweets

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