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Aug 10th 2022
⚫️ 1 Boot mit ~80 Pers. aus dem #Irak und #Afghanistan ist bei #Rhodos🇬🇷 gesunken. Das Boot war bei starkem Wind in Schwierigkeiten geraten. Es gibt viele Vermisste: Bislang konnten nur 29 Menschen lebend geborgen werden.

@EFSYNTAKTON via @Refugees_Gr…
⚫️ Bootsuntergang bei #Rhodos: Berichte sprechen von 30 bis 50 Vermissten - auf diese gefährliche Route 🇹🇷->🇮🇹 gezwungen aus Angst vor den brutalen #Pushbacks in der Ägäis. Die Suche nach weiteren Überlebenden verlief bislang ohne Erfolg.

via @enikos_gr…
Bergung von Überlebenden bei #Rhodos in der Nacht durch einen Hubschrauber.

🎦 via @HCoastGuard
Read 4 tweets
Nov 25th 2021
Am 27.11. eröffnen 2 weitere Hochsicherheitslager auf den Inseln #Leros und #Kos, 100% von der #EU-Kommission finanziert & vom griechischen Migrationsministerium umgesetzt. Am Montag kündigte Generalsekretär für Einwanderungspolitik, Patroklos Georgiadis, in Rundschreiben an...
...dass alle Geflüchteten, die von nun an über den Landweg nach #Griechenland einreisen (63% im letzten Jahr), nicht mehr in Athen oder Thessaloniki einen Asylantrag stellen können, sondern auf die Ägäischen Inseln übersetzt werden sollen, in eines der Hochsicherheitslager, (...) dort einen Asylantrag stellen zu können. Wird dies umgesetzt, bedeutet das, dass die Ägäischen Inseln nun auch für Menschen, die zuvor auf dem Festland waren, zu isolierten Pufferzonen vor dem Europäischen Festland werden, in denen sie auf unbestimmte Zeit festsitzen.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 1st 2021
Thursday's #Coronavirus megathread starts here with the best #Covid19 global analysis and round up available on Twitter.

First a little quiz, answer in the next Tweet:
Do you know which country has had the most recorded cases of Covid19 as a percentage of population?
So I hope there was no cheating... I'll leave some blank lines here too in case some later viewers don't want the answer just yet...
So the nation with more #Covid19 cases than any other based on population is highly vaccinated #Seychelles at more than 20% infected.
Today I spent quite a long time being filmed/interviewed by @bbcturkce about #Covid19 and #Turkey. Not sure how much they will use, let's see.

Coincidentally the cameraman Efe, just happened to be in Kyiv as one of those using Ukraine for a 10 day stop off to avoid hotel prison!
Read 45 tweets
Sep 1st 2021
Wednesday's #Coronavirus megathread starts here, with all the data, news and analysis as #Covid19 continues to cause problems.

Slightly less mega today on the thread as I am working abroad and struggling for time and internet. Doing my best!
Starting with the case numbers from the islands of #Greece which I couldn't publish yesterday.

Broadly heading in the right direction, with exceptionally good numbers from #Crete again and #Zante

#Mykonos surges again and is still the most infected island.
2/3 #Covid19 cases Tuesday on the islands of #Greece

#Crete 196 (-148)
#Corfu 53 (-15)
#Andros 1 (-9)
#Chios 24 (+8)
#Ikaria 11 (-10)
#Ithaca 2 (-1)
#Kalymnos (-1)
#Karpathos (-1)
#KeaKythnos 1 (+1)
#Kefalonia 9 (-1)
#Kos 10 (-2)
#Lefkada 24 (-9)
#Lemnos 2 (-3)
#Lesbos 33 (+1)
Read 30 tweets
Aug 31st 2021
The daily #Coronavirus megathread for Tuesday starts early, from Manchester airport.

Because of the early start I missed a few countries from yesterday's thread, first I'll update these #Covid19 totals. Tweets during the day may be delayed due to travel & connectivity issues
1/3 #GreekIslands - yesterday cases nudged lower again in #Greece and there were some very promising data from the islands too.

#Crete cut new cases of #Covid19 by 43% while for #Corfu it was a 48% fall and #Rhodes saw a reduction of 38%.

#Samos and #Chios need watching...
#Greece - #Covid19 on the islands yesterday vs previous week

#Crete 129 (-98)
#Corfu 26 (-24)
#Andros 2 (-1)
#Chios 22 (+11)
#Ikaria 3 (+1)
#Kalymnos 4 (-6)
#Kefalonia 4 (-4)
#Kos 9 (-4)
#Lefkada 5 (-7)
#Lemnos 4 (+3)
#Lesbos 19 (-4)
Read 40 tweets
Jul 23rd 2021

A partir das 08h, ao vivo na Globo, SporTV e BandSports!
#Tokyo2020 #JogosOlímpicos
20 MINUTOS! Bruno e Ketleyn já estão no preparo!

📸 Christian Dawes/COB
Read 101 tweets
Jul 19th 2021
TW: Self-harm
In the beginning of the month, detainees at the #Corinth pre-removal detention centre, about 85km west of #Athens, have protested against the he deplorable living conditions in the building. Protests were also aimed at the limited access to medical care. /1
Last week a resident harmed himself badly in an attempt to see a doctor for a medical condition but was denied access.

On March 24th Diabate Macky from Guinea-Conakry, had died in #Kos detention center after his requests to be taken to hospital had repeatedly gone ignored. /2
The functioning of the approx. 6 pre-removal facilities has been prolonged until 31 December 2022 under a Joint Ministerial Decision issued at the end of 2018. The estimated budged set our for the prisons was over 80,000,000€. /3
Read 4 tweets
May 30th 2021
Hello! It's a super sunny Sunday in (almost) all of #UK, enjoy the BBQ & don't worry too much about #Covid19

This is the daily #Coronavirus megathread and soon I'll make my predictions about🚦travel review.

To my anonymous donors💚just sorry I can't thank you personally.
Late on yesterday's thread some alarming news from #Bahrain, and also on there data from #Argentina and #Brazil

But today in the next 2 tweets, I'll start by taking a look at the infection situation which can go a long way to determining🟢🚦countries

Europe's most #Covid19 infected nations (7-day rate AD/M)
Same top 10. NL slow getting cases down

1 #Sweden 188
2 #Netherlands 182
3 #Lithuania 177
4 #Latvia 168
5 #Denmark 167
6 #Belgium 164
7 #Greece 154
8 #Andorra 148
9 #France 139
10 #Slovenia 135

Read 46 tweets
May 29th 2021
Saturday's #Coronavirus megathread starts here.

Thanks so much for everyone who contributed yesterday, if you have no idea what I'm on about here's another sneaky link to my crowdfunder!

It's a quite start today following the flurry of news last night..…
So a lot of data and a couple of new stories came in during the last hour or so of Friday, including South America data.

You can catch up on #Argentina #Brazil #Colombia #Bulgaria #Norway stats, and some #OlympicGames news by clicking and scrolling ⬇️

Now more very concerning news from #Bahrain, one of the most vaccinated territories on the planet.

#Covid19 cases are still rising there - more worrying is the real increase in deaths too.
Second highest daily number of new cases & deaths in the latest update
graph @Worldometers Image
Read 24 tweets
May 28th 2021
Finally, here is Friday's #Coronavirus megathread

🚦review imminent, I'm getting a lot of questions.
I reply to everyone but it's so time consuming
I'm now working on 7-day rates for EVERY Greek island.

No obligation but if my efforts are worth £1, thx…
I'll continue to post free advice and data, so nothing will be hidden from anyone, so please don't be angry or upset! And yes you can still ask questions!

So the big news in UK today is that the single shot Jansen (J&J) #Covid19 vaccine has been approved…
The big #Covid19 data news overnight is that #Argentina smashed its own record again, topping 40,000 cases in a day for the first time.

41,080 new cases to be precise, up around 15% on last week's total.
Another 547 new deaths
Read 45 tweets
Mar 16th 2021
@SCCorinthiansCD @siga_zaqueu Mais um escândalo #negacionista, @arthurlira_ @rpsenador?

Até quando serão coniventes com tantas #mortes?

Na #inação, não é dever constitucional do @STF_oficial refutar isto?
@SCCorinthiansCD @siga_zaqueu @ArthurLira_ @rpsenador @STF_oficial @SF_Moro @YouTube "Em outubro de 2016, ainda elogiamos o Brasil pelo progresso na implementação de nossas recomendações (#anticorrupção). Nossas sérias #preocupações começaram em 2019, quando o @SenadoFederal brasileiro aprovou um projeto de lei que, em nossa opinião, poderia servir como um...
Read 36 tweets
Jun 9th 2020
now up @NYTimesAtWar the 3rd dispatch from my long term reporting project following several families from #Syria rebuilding their lives in Europe (currently in year 5)
His Family Fled Syria. He Didn’t Cry Until He Heard About His Sisters.…
I met Yousef, his mother, and 2 sisters in #Kos #Greece after they crossed the Aegean Sea in an over stuffed rubber dinghy of folks mostly from #Iraq and #Syria - Yousef was 13. This picture is from when they made it safely ashore after stalling adrift Image
His single mother sold off everything to fund their journey from #Syria - to help, Yousef offered up what he had of value - a PlayStation 2. Their plan was to reunite with his other sister who had asked for asylum in the #Netherlands
Read 13 tweets
Jan 22nd 2020
Thread 1.| Protests and strikes today in #Lesvos, #Chios, #Samos, #Leros, #Kos against the presence of #hotspots and the plans for new closed reception and detention centers. All the trade associations and local authorities call for the protest. #OpentTheIslands #Refugeesgr
2. The main tone is that the local population is angry with the situation and the negligence of the government. In ##Chios & in Lesvos a lot of people participated in the protests. The officials' speeches were pointing the need to stop the new centers and this inhuman situation
3. The general atmosphere from the published texts seems to be mainly against #refugees, strengthening #racism and #xenophobia, although there are also voices with a #humanitarian approach like the union of Chios Psychiatrists…
Read 7 tweets
Feb 9th 2018
Kosovo’s name is derived from the Serbian word for this bird, kos.

Answer: blackbird!
Bonus info: Kosovo has one of only two national flags that uses a map as a design element. The flag of Cyprus is the other.

Want more info on Kosovo? Check out #CIAWorldFactBook…

#OpeningCeremony Image
How many questions did you get right? Ready to jump into more facts?

Check out our #CIAWorldFactBook:…

#PyeongChang2018 Image
Read 3 tweets

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