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It's been a preprint for a while but a much improved version of our paper is out in @GenomeMedicine

"Landscape and selection of vaccine epitopes in SARS-CoV-2"…

With @ChristofCSmith1 @KOimmuno @BenjaminGVincen + many others


In Feb 2020 SARS-CoV-2 still felt far away, a twitter feed of China + isolated cases in other countries (remember #ncov2019?)

I was driving to NC to start my new job at @UNC_Lineberger and was thinking about making a peptide vaccine for SARS-CoV-2...

Why a peptide vaccine? It was honestly the primary approach I had experience with from my work with @BhardwajLab / @OpenVax on the PGV trials at @IcahnMountSinai. I had seen that peptides+poly-ICLC could get strong T-cell responses *and*...

Read 26 tweets
All early studies on Chlorhexidine (CHX) had used

1. very low concentration of CHX (0.01- 0.02% w/v)
2. only as a surface disinfectant
3. Tested against viruses other than SARS-COV-2.

This had given an erroneous impression that CHX may not be useful against SARS-COV-2.
But that was only till March 2020.

Latest evidence 1:

1. Lancet journal study (in vitro) published (April 2020) by Hong Kong university researchers showed that Chlorhexidine inactivated the virus at 0.05% w/v…
2. Korean study (clinical study in patients as a mouthwash, May 2020) showed that Chlorhexidine reduced #SARSCOV2 viral load in saliva for 2 hrs. After 2 hrs viral load in saliva began to rise. This low viral load phase is important in clinic & community.…
Read 9 tweets
Ingredients for a successful approach in managing pandemic:
1. Value Field experience
2. Utilise knowledge and skills
3. Abundant Precautions in communication
4. Unbiased analysis
5. Use Common sense

#2019nCoV #leadership #coronavirusindia
6. Ethics should be as integral as epidemiological principles in the strategy

7. Ensuring Equity is the goal, not an accessory. Think of vulnerable before thinking of self preservation

2ofN #COVID__19 #pandemic #MigrantWorkers
8. Be open. Do not close doors to Ideas

3ofN #2019nCoV #TheWHO #Asymptomatic
Read 6 tweets
#celebratethevictories #DefeatTheVirus
🔆Crónica de una victoria “atípica”

Ella es mi nonna, se las presento. La mujer más increíble que conozco.
Le dieron su alta médica después de derrotar a este terrible virus.
Tiene 99 años y está historia #Covid
Todo empezó con una visita al médico para tratar un tumor de piel en la nariz.
Fue un miércoles, fuimos con todas las precauciones posibles.Esto fue por allá del 18 de marzo
4 días después de la nada,fiebre ligera y tos.Pensamos que podía ser una infección urinaria ¿pero la tos?
⛔️Al día siguiente, el lunes 23 mucha tos y mucha fiebre. La llevamos con mucha angustia a consulta con un excelente Dr. Neumologo
Los rayos x mostraban una neumonía complicada, con infiltraciones bien definidas.
TODOS los síntomas clínicos coinciden con #SARSCoV2 #Covid19
Read 25 tweets
The role of police in public health is very limited and can be counter-productive. Most successful programs in India (smallpox & polio eradication) and almost zero involvement of the police. It is time #publichealth workforce, methods and strategies are given focus than force.
With force, people may conceal, fear or stigmatize. Instead, empowering people with information by interpersonal communication from health workers promotes trust; very important in ensuring long term success. Community participation and solidarity has helped Kerala's success.
Using public health methods and resources takes longer and involves people who know how to prevent the spread of diseases; you get the desired results in the long run. Not same with quick, short term fixes such as policing & border control strategies (between wards, districts).
Read 4 tweets
Some questions to proponents of #HerdImmunity

What proportion of people will have IgG that can protect against every subtype of #nCoV2019 ?

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Some questions to proponents of #HerdImmunity

How long does this protection due to infection from #nCoV2019 last?

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Some questions to proponents of #HerdImmunity

In public health, we believe in #beneficence, minimizing risks and justice. How any of these principles are served when we say it is ok that a few % of people die, let the virus run its course.

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Read 3 tweets
1. I received this from a person incarcerated in HMP Erlestoke. This is one of many accounts of an escalating situation. I need help sharing these accounts and for people to take action. @WarrCriminology @OwenJones84 @psn_ldn @novaramedia @netpol @zoeconway1 @AmnestyUK
2. ‘They’ve got prison officers going into cells spinning (searching), going into people’s self distancing space, touching all their sides and surfaces with the same gloves, or bare hands after they’ve just spun the first man’s cell on the same wing, or previous wings.’
3. ‘So that person’s gloves are contaminating from cell to cells, from wing to wing, and on top of that, in the hope of what? A phone? So you’re going to risk someone’s health/life for a phone?’
Read 19 tweets
#COVID19 for the Nephrologist- Real life experience from Italy @caioqualunque Webinar now available on the ISN Academy
@caioqualunque Thank you for sharing your experience with the ISN community. On the panel ISN President @vjha126 Moderator @arvindcanchi. ISN education highlights by @gag_aggarwal
@caioqualunque STORY OF THE EPIDEMIC-Feb14 38yr old Italian starts with symptoms after being asymptomatic for weeks->Feb 20 only 3cases->fast forward to 2 weeks later the country is in lockdown #COVID #COVID2019italia #COVID2019india #COVID2019 #nCoV2019 #Covid_19
Read 39 tweets
Really pleased to hear that #nCoV2019 testing will be ramped up in the UK - it wont be easy but it will be worth it.
Heard some concerns about how well a nose/throat swab will work.
But I think that those concerns can be allayed by thinking about where most of the viral replcaition is taking place in different presentations/stages of the disease.
In a hospital setting (where initial concerns were raised about the sensitivity of the testing and sampling), the admissions will have pneumonia so most replication will likely be happening deep in the lungs - a throat swab might not be great
Read 7 tweets
A thread on #COVID19

Just a question on the Coronavirus: How can we know the accurate death rate if until about a week ago there was no accurate test (or ANY tests)? Also, there is still no accurate means of determining the number of people ACTUALLY infected...
1) virologists and health experts tell us that most of the people infected with #nCoV2019 show few or no symptoms whatsoever.

Doesn't this mean that the 'death rate' percentage cited by a breathless media is based on a woefully incomplete dataset, and...

...the ACTUAL death rate would therefore be MUCH lower than the figures being touted?

Also, if the death rate WAS higher than SARS, MERS, and H1N1- wouldn't there already be a massive amount of deaths in the US? So far in the US, the number of deaths is <100.

Read 10 tweets
as long as corona virus doesn't cross throat it isn't serious

once it infects lungs, most (except children, pregnant women) develop cytokine storm immune reaction

Old, sick people will suffer. Need lots of Oxygen (ventilators & emergency care etc)

Hope govt paying oxygen bills

This is doctors in America trying to learn from experience of Italy


This will impact old people, sick/immune compromised people & vulnerable people without access to medical care

Only preventive option is SOCIAL DISTANCING

Read 36 tweets
The Novel Coronavirus 2019 Epidemic and Kidneys ca. 2020

“Postulated” mechanisms:
👉🏼 Sepsis leading to cytokine storm syndrome
👉🏼 Direct cellular injury due to the virus

#nCoV19 #nCoV2019 #COVID2019 #COVID19 #CoronaKidney
👉🏼… ImageImage
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): FAQs for Transplant Recipients from @AST_info
#nCoV19 #COVID19 #COVID2019 #CoronaKidney
📌 Last updated March 9, 2020
👉🏼… ImageImageImageImage
COVID-19 Information for Providers of Dialysis Services from @ASNKidney
#nCoV19 #COVID19 #COVID2019 #CoronaKidney
Read 150 tweets

Over 60 million Italian citizens under lockdown as #Coronavirus incidences surge. Over 9000 confirmed cases in Italy & rising.

The unfortunate consequence are the associated ethical concerns regarding resource allocation.

More Below

#COVID19 #nCoV2019 #2019nCoV

Incessant rising in cases warrants the question: are hospitals prepared for the associated influx of patients?

Further admissions require beds, PPE, ventilators, staff etc. What happens when resources run out, ventilators are all in use, or there aren’t enough staff?

Ultimately, scarcity of medical resources may pressure healthcare practitioners to decide who receives care. This is NOT a question anyone should ever have to answer.

Resources should never be the limiting factor of care

Read 6 tweets
I wanted to preface future bits of science with some personal perspective. I've been using Twitter as "science blog" for years and was posting observations on #nCoV2019 from Jan 11 (). 1/5
"Science Twitter" is a wonderful place and there has been fantastic dialog between scientists since January (shoutout to @arambaut, @cmyeaton, @K_G_Andersen, @richardneher, @MarionKoopmans, @RELenski, @firefoxx66, @AdamJKucharski, @SRileyIDD, @C_Althaus, @rozeggo). 2/5
My initial dialog with scientists has spiraled somewhat out of control and I now find myself with ~100k followers and rather than a dialog it's become more about reporting / outreach. This is intimidating but I'll do my best to with it. 3/5
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One if the reasons we should all do our bit is tgat here in the UK, according to this study:
There is 1 critical care (ICU/IDU) bed per 10,000 people.
There are approximately 65M people living in the UK. None of whom will have immunity to #nCoV2019 (except the tiny fraction that have already been infected).
The estimates for the number of people that could be infected in the first wave of the epidemic is impossible to predict, but let’s take a conservative estimate of 30%. Thats 65M x 0.3 = 19.5M. If it was lower, say 10% then that would be 6.5M
Read 5 tweets
Infographic and FAQ sheet with Information for Screening and Management of COVID-19 in the Outpatient Dialysis Facility from @ASNKidney
#nCoV2019 #COVID19 #COVID2019 #DialysisDirector
👉🏼 Infographic…
👉🏼 FAQ… ImageImageImageImage
The Novel Coronavirus 2019 Epidemic and Kidneys ca. 2020 from @Kidney_Int @vjha126

“Postulated” mechanisms:
👉🏼 Sepsis leading to cytokine storm syndrome
👉🏼 Direct cellular injury due to the virus

#nCoV19 #nCoV2019 #COVID2019 #COVID19 #Nephpearls
👉🏼… ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Two Chinese scientists published a now deleted paper on ResearchGate that we were able to retrieve. It claims #COVID2019 / #nCoV2019 may have originated from accidental Wuhan Center of Disease Control and Prevention leakage due to high risk behavior and bad operational security. ImageImageImageImage
We make no assertions about the veracity or validity of the claims in this report, but present it here in full.
Roughly an hour before the paper was published, Chinese state media began talking about the need for stronger biosecurity laws and regulations. ImageImageImage
Read 11 tweets
New analysis from me & @mandl suggests that preprints might have driven global discourse about #nCoV2019 (#COVID19) transmissibility prior to the publication of relevant peer-reviewed studies. Find our preprint here […] as well as an explainer thread below!
@mandl Assuming representativeness, we first collected Google search trend interest & MediaCloud news volume data on #nCoV2019 (#COVID19) transmissibility. We then curated relevant studies from Google Scholar & four popular preprint servers. (Discovery specs are noted in our preprint.)
@mandl After plotting search interest & news media volume, we overlaid when each of the relevant studies were published. We found that both search interest & news media RE: the transmissibility potential of #nCoV2019 (#COVID19) peaked before publication of the first peer-reviewed study.
Read 11 tweets
עדכון על המצב בסינגפור: מתוך 47 שזוהו עם הנגיף, 9 התאוששו ושוחררו לבתיהם, 7 נמצאים בטיפול נמרץ.
לגבי 10 מתוך ה-47 עדיין לא ידוע מקור ההדבקה.
כ-600 נבדקו ונמצא ללא הנגיף.…

#nCoV2019 #COVID19
סינגפור: עד כה נתגלו 50 נשאים. מתוכם 15 החלימו ושוחררו, 8 בטיפול נמרץ.

בכתבה מוזכרות ישראל ודרום קוריאה כמדינות היחידות עד כה שהמליצו לאזרחיהן לא להגיע לסינגפור.…
יש עניין מיוחד בחולים בסינגפור כיוון שמערכת הבריאות שם מתקדמת ויש מעקב הדוק מאוד על חולים, נשאים, ואנשים בסיכון.
עבור 50 הנשאים שהתגלו עד כה, הגיל החציוני הוא 41.5. הצעירים ביותר בני חצי שנה, שנתיים, ו-17.
30 גברים, 20 נשים.
Read 7 tweets
Let's talk seasonality and #covid19 #nCoV2019 #coronavirus.

There is an element of seasonal roulette with emerging viral diseases.

I have previously said #OnHere that China had a stroke of bad luck to have emergence in December, just as the flu season was getting underway.
The reason I mentioned before was that flu competes for space in hospitals, and causes Dx problems.

But there is another reason: flu and *all* respiratory viruses spread more in the wintertime.

Even measles — a rash, but which has respiratory transmission — is winter-dominant.
By emerging at the start of the N Hemisphere winter, the coronavirus #covid19 #nCoV2019 has all the advantages (to it) of the winter season. Not just confusion with flu, but the enhanced transmission that the winter brings to respiratory viruses.
Read 13 tweets
Your morning #nCoV2019/#2019nCoV #coronavirus update:

1) Global case count is ~43,100 (via @JHUSystems/ WHO).……

1,018 deaths/~4,300 recovered. 7,333 of ~42,600 cases in mainland 🇨🇳 are considered in serious condition. Image
@JHUSystems 2) @HelenBranswell and @meggophone dive into how fluctuating funding and flagging interest has hurt #coronavirus research for years.… via @statnews #nCoV2019/#2019nCoV
Read 4 tweets
#JUSTIN A total of 5 residents in Block 7 of Hong Mei House, Tsing Yi showed symptoms have all been tested negative for #nCoV2019, said CHP director Wong Ka-hing.
All 34 households have been notified and asymptomatic residents were sent to quarantine camps.
Prof KY Yuen said in the best case, Hong Mei House residents can return home for Valentine's Day if no more infection. But if more infection among residents is confirmed, all of them will have to be quarantined for 14 days.
#LATEST Hong Kong confirmed 7 more cases today, bringing the total to 49. No. 44 is a colleague to a member of the hotpot family cluster. No. 48 and 49 are son and daughter-in-law of Hong Mei's second confirmed case. #46 is the father of the daughter-in-law.
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Microbiologist Yuen Kwok-yung is meeting press at 12.45am with CHP Director Dr Wong Ka-hing and deputy secretary for environment Tse Chi-wan.
Prof KY Yuen: Residents of block 7 of Hong Mei House in Cheung Hong Estate were evacuated tonight. The situation at the moment doesn't look like Amoy Garden in 2003 at all, because the U-shaped pipe's design is not problematic.
The evacuation was triggered by a leak found on the vent pipe that connects to the sewage pipe in the building. The leak exists in the toilet of a flat resided by a newly confirmed #nCoV2019 patient. She lives downstairs to patient no.12. Their confirmations are 10 days apart.
Read 9 tweets

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