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[1/🧵] I've been reading a lot about #XRPL #scalability recently.

Let me quickly go through how #XRPL performs and #scales on these metrics:

▶️ Scale up "vertically"
▶️ Scale out "horizontally"
▶️ High volume & High value TX
▶️ High value & Low speed Source:
[2/17] 👉 Asynchronous TX speed—Scale up "vertically"

In contrast to #DAG-based systems, which operate in "chaotic order" and execute transactions in parallel, the #XRPL validates transactions in canonical transaction order—one Ledger at a time.

. . .
[3/17] . . .

❓ The approach for #DLT/#Blockchain-based systems such as #XRPL:
☑️ "Payment Channels"

🧐 It's a sophisticated feature for transmitting "asynchronous" #XRP #payments that may be broken into extremely small amounts and paid in total order afterwards.
. . . Source:
Read 19 tweets
🧵🧵 THREAD: 10 reasons why #bioinformaticians should use #Nextflow 🧵🧵
1. #Nextflow is an open-source platform for #bioinformatics #pipelines and #workflows, designed to make them #scalable, #reproducible, and #portable.
2. #Nextflow allows #bioinformaticians to write their #pipelines and #workflows in a simple and expressive domain-specific language, called #Nextflow Script.
Read 11 tweets
We did a comparative study of #MultiTenancy solutions for #Kubernetes, comparing single namespace, hierarchical namespaces, virtual #cluster, Loft cluster, Loft Kiosk, and Clastix capsule.

Check out the thread ⬇️to learn which solution we found best 👌
And our winner was... 🥁

#Capsule. For our use case, sharing a single cluster with multiple teams was the best fit.

Capsule offers the right mix between isolation, security and usability.

More details to follow ⬇️
#Testing for #UseCaseSharing a #SingleCluster with multiple teams: hierarchical namespaces

⛔️Limitations: #ResourceQuota are inherited by subnamespaces➡️each new namespace grants additional quota.

✅What we loved: self-service, tenant administrators can create subnamespaces.
Read 9 tweets
Hello hello London! 👋🏻 We’re at IET Savoy Place, London for DSS London 2022 by #YugaByteDB. It’s gonna be super interesting tech session starting at 2 pm today! Don’t miss my #Live #Tweets in this #thread! 🤩🧵
@Yugabyte #DSS22 #DistributedSQL #PraveenScience ImageImageImageImage
Yes, the setup is going on for the grand presentation of the #Tech #Track. The master is teaching the student here! #JustKidding Say hi to Julie Wise and Dave Roberts from #YugaByteDB! 👋🏻

@Yugabyte #DSS22 #DistributedSQL #PraveenScience ImageImage
We’ve got our Social Media / Content Director @rachel_pescador from #YugaByteDB here, who’s busy at work and got some cool #swag! 🤩

@Yugabyte #DSS22 #DistributedSQL #PraveenScience ImageImageImage
Read 19 tweets
Most CS undergrads go through four years without learning how to prepare for jobs in #Cloud Dev firms.

They learn OS, DBs, languages like #Javascript, #C++, #python, etc. but little on Cloud-related topics.

Colleges/Universities should consider incorporating these 10 topics.👇
1.History and evolution of Distributed Computing to Cloud computing
-#Grid computing
-#Parallel computing
-#Cluster computing
-Utility computing
-Service orientation
while talking about performance, robustness, high availability, delivering SLAs
2. Why Cloud Apps?
- Types of Cloud (Public, Private, VPC, Hybrid, Multi-Cloud)
- Types of offerings (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)
- Service level objectives (SLOs) and Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
- Regulatory issues, Sovereign Clouds, Cloud Security
Read 11 tweets
NEW: US now assesses 90% of #Russia's pre-staged combat power has entered #Ukraine, per senior US defense official

"Heavy bombardment in the cities to the north & to the east...#Kyiv, #Chernihiv & #Kharkiv" per official

BUT Russian forces in the north still "largely stalled"
US unable to confirm #Kherson has been taken by #Russia, per senior US defense official

#Mariupol still holding out despite #Russia|n attempts to encircle the city, per official
"We assess the #Ukrainian air & missile defense system remains intact & remain effective" per senior US defense official

#Ukraine also able to fly its own jets as airspace over the country remains contested
Read 23 tweets
1/52 #thread Μετά τον μίνι μαραθώνιο μήπως και βγει υλικό για ανάλυση της υπόθεσης με τους θανάτους των τριών παιδιών στην #Πατρα (ty 2 all of you) λέω πάμε για ανάλυση της συνέντευξης της #μενδώνη_παραιτήσου σχετικά με τον #Λιγναδης... και τσουπ πετάγεται στο TL o #cancel_rouvas
2/52 τα DMs κουδουνάνε από το μεσημέρι σχετικά αλλά δεν έχω προλάβει να τσεκάρω... όλα για το ίδιο βιντέακι () να ζητάνε θρεντάκι... και φυσικά...challenge accepted...ειδικά όταν πρόκειται για το #metooGR #MeToo
3/52 Μέσα από την ανάλυση από αυτό το 2λεπτο βιντεάκι θα δούμε αν ο #Ρουβάς πραγματικά πιστεύει αυτά που λέει η τα λέει για να εξυπηρετήσει άλλους σκοπούς, αν όντως το body language του δείχνει αγάπη και θαυμασμό για τον #Λιγνάδης ή το στρες και το deception υπερτερούν...
Read 52 tweets
Après twitter, c’est au tour des média locaux (@LaCoteJournal, #LFM) de se faire écho du #cluster de #covid19 en cours dans une école (5H-8H) de notre village d’#Etoy. J’aimerais profiter de cette occasion pour vous faire part de quelques observations et considérations.

Le virus se répand facilement dans une population d’enfants et suit en tous points la stratégie cantonale d’immunisation naturelle des moins de 12 ans, où l’absence de mesures en milieu scolaire est justifiée par la croyance que «le virus ne passe pas des enfants aux adultes».
Or, plusieurs adultes ont été infectés à leur tour. Ces adultes font partie de la cellule familiale ou ont travaillé au contact des enfants. On pourrait avancer que rien ne prouve que le virus ait été ramené de l’école à la maison, mais les coïncidences sont plus que troublantes.
Read 19 tweets
Why it is important to equip day-care centres and #schools with mobile #air #filters: #Aerosol researchers launch position paper!

The scandal about the still insufficient equipment of day-care centres and #schools with #mobile #air #filters suggests that…
decision-makers in the ministries and administrations have still not understood how infections with the #coronavirus occur. The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (#DFG, German Research Foundation) is now countering this
with an information paper that explains the correlations in simple terms.
It clearly states that it is ⚠️#negligent to rely solely on window ventilation in educational institutions.⚠️
Read 31 tweets
Le saviez-vous ? #LeSaviezVousCOVID

Il semble que les premiers symptômes soient à type de céphalées, fièvre et tb digestifs

Mais les formes graves 🫁commencent à apparaître et touchent aussi les jeunes SANS aucun facteur de risque
#VaccinezVous 🙏🏽
👇🏽26 ans sous O2
Il faut aussi regarder les indicateurs Digestifs qui pourraient nous alerter précocement sur la présence de #cluster

Diarrhée ou vomissement + fièvre 🥵
sont des signes évocateurs également

Et pour ceux qui ont du mal avec les images de scanner voici en rose les zones atteintes

Read 4 tweets
1/x #THREAD – Με την #απεργια_10Ιουνη σε εξέλιξη, κάθε μέρα προκύπτουν νέα στοιχεία για την στυγερή δολοφονία της #Καρολάιν στα #Γλυκά_Νερά, ακολουθεί ανάλυση των συν/ξεων της "ψυχολόγου" στις εκπομπές του Αυτιά και της Χρηστίδου
2/x disclaimer 1:Τα παρακάτω δεν αποτελούν επιστημονική/τεκμηριωμένη γνώμη παρα μόνο προσπάθεια ανάγνωσης της γλώσσας σώματος και της λεκτικής επικοινωνίας του συνεντευξιαζόμενου.Δεν είναι σκοπός της παρακάτω ανάλυσης να υποκαταστήσει σε καμία περίπτωση την δουλειά της αστυνομίας
3/x disclaimer 2:Το μόνο που κάνει είναι να παραθέσει παρατηρήσεις και να αξιολογήσει ενδείξεις σε κλίμακα παραπλανητικής συμπεριφοράς.Οι αντιδράσεις κάθε ανθρώπου,ειδικά όταν μιλάμε για ακραίες καταστάσεις,μπορεί να είναι μοναδικές και να παρεκλίννουν από τις αναμενόμενες
Read 41 tweets
(1) Bericht aus einem kleinen #Krankenhaus in #Sachsen (Freiberg, Erzgebirgsrand): 1. Inzwischen drei Stationen nur für #COVID19 2. über die Hälfte des Personals krank 3. bereits letzte Woche starben an einem Tag ALLE 8 Intensiv-COVID-Patienten - gegen 14 Uhr Station wieder voll
(2) 4. zwischendurch bereits nicht mehr an Notrufzentrale angebunden 5. Bericht ist nun wieder drei Tage alt - vermutlich heute schon wieder schlimmer. #CoronaSN ist außer Kontrolle! #Triage bald zwingend. Und das sind noch die Patienten bei Fallzahlen von ca. 20.000
(3) bei den jetzigen gut 30.000 also nochmal Steigerung um 50% in wenigen Tagen! Was tun @MPKretschmer @MartinDulig? Einfach abwarten? Wegen Weihnachten werden die Zahlen im Januar in den Krankenhäusern noch schlimmer - wie kann man dabei einfach zusehen? #abwarten
Read 6 tweets
Meanwhile in #France,
"the peak of this second wave is over"

(according to the President in his Adress to the Nation):
Wait... "the peak is over" doesn´t mean "it´s back to normal"!

Confinement will only fall on December 15,
if there´s less than 5.000 new cases a day.
(today it´s ~9.000).

France is disappointed.🙁

Although they certainly can make it happen.
Meanwhile in #Switzerland:
(excess mortality of the second wave is significant)

Good news: fastest decrease in infections happens in the worst hit areas now.
Read 2817 tweets
Und während der #Cluster „Freizeit“ noch eine gewisse Berechtigung haben könnte, dient die Schaffung eines #PseudoCluster-s „Haushalt“ bestenfalls als Beweis 💯%iger Unwissenschaftlichkeit bei der @agesnews. Das hat nur wert als #Propaganda.

Die zur tatsächlichen Verlangsamung der #COVID19at Ausbreitung notwendige Information ist nicht die 🤷🏻 extra #triviale Erkenntnis, dass - sobald eingeschleppt - Infektionen innerhalb desselben Haushaltes nahezu unvermeidbar sind.

Sondern, WO erfolgte die ursprüngliche Infektion, also aus Sicht des Haushaltes, wo hatte sich der #PatientZero das Virus geholt.

Dort wäre der Ansatzpunkt, weitere #COVID19 Ereignisse zu verhindern, nicht der „Haushalt“.

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#OTD 30 years ago: 6 October 1990, the joint ESA/NASA #Ulysses spacecraft was launched by the Shuttle #Discovery from @NASAKennedy. Ulysses was the first mission to study the environment above and below the poles of the Sun 👉… @esascience @NASAhistory
During its 17.5 years in space, ESA/NASA #Ulysses rewarded scientists with the unprecedented depth and breadth of its results, not just about the Sun and its influence, but also with surprising insights into the nature of our galaxy and the Universe 👉…
ESA/NASA #Ulysses was designed to last for five years but the mission was extended four times, allowing Ulysses to pass over the Sun's poles for a second and third time, and spending more than 17 years in space.
Read 9 tweets
Endlich kam ich dazu, diesen Artikel komplett zu lesen. Absolut grandioser Text– wer Englisch kann und eine halbe Stunde Zeit hat: LESEN!

Wieso war die #Pandemie in manchen Regionen so verheerend, in anderen eher harmlos? Was ist backwards tracing, warum ist es so wichtig? 1/
Und wieso ist die Frage, ob „#COVID19 exponentiell wächst“ oder nicht weder sehr aufschlussreich noch neu?

All diese Fragen hängen in ihrem Inneren mit einer verrückten Eigenschaft des neuen #Coronavirus #SARSCoV2 zusammen, der sog. Überdispersion- häufig Faktor „k“ genannt. 2/
Viele kennen vermutlich den Faktor „R0“, der bei Infektionskrankheiten die zu erwartende Anzahl an Personen angibt, die ein Infizierter im Durchschnitt ansteckt. Bei der Grippe z.B. ist das tatsächlich halbwegs homogen, bei anderen Erregern, wie eben ganz extrem bei SARSCoV2, 3/
Read 30 tweets
We have now released an important Orderflow Indicator called the Bar Statistics

A Bar Statistics provides a tabular view of the important Orderflow metrics at a candle level in a time series format while each of the footprint provides a cohort view of the similiar metrics Image
To activate this particular indicator, please choose Bar Statistics from Inidcators menu on the top bar under Orderflow section

#Orderflow #Footprint #Cluster #NSE Image
The Bar Statistics indicator in GoCharting is fully loaded with 21 Orderflow metrics to choose from (no kidding!!!)

Will try our best to explain each one of them. We may go crazy in the future and add more to this list Image
Read 4 tweets
2). Wir möchten an dieser Stelle auf unseren 2. offenen Brief an @die_regierung hinweisen, in dem wir explizit #Containment-Maßnahmen forderten, die über die #Containment-Maßnahmen des
1. offenen Briefes hinausgehen: Image
Read 99 tweets
Point of Control (POC) on Footprint aka Cluster chart shown by the red squares

#Cluster #POC Image
It does not get any more surgical than this.
Maybe this added annotation will help drive the point Image
Read 3 tweets
New OFFICIAL Classification of Diseases: #Migraine is not chronic 2ndary pain ("a symptom of an underlying condition") but chronic primary pain ("disability or emotional distress" not "accounted for" by a condition of “known etiology or established pathophysiology") >thread
#Migraine & #cluster are now officially classified as chronic primary pain (disability & emotional distress not accounted for by an underlying condition), not chronic secondary pain "where pain may at least initially be conceived as a symptom secondary to an underlying disease."
>>See @IASPpain: #migraine/#cluster as chronic primary pain (no underlying condition)…

>>chronic secondary head/face pain (underlying condition, but NOT migraine, cluster, or ICHD-3 primary headaches)…
Read 13 tweets
.@IASPpain: Migraine #pain is "accounted for" by migraine.

My colleague Dr @NitaGhei & I direct @headsUPmigraine. Could you direct us to your rationale for classifying #migraine & #cluster as "chronic primary pain characterized by disability or emotional distress"? Image
Researchers can study #migraine in genetically altered mice because it's a physical disease, not "emotional distress."

In fact, migraine is caused by genetic mutations in the brain & is both an "anatomically specific pain state" & "a paroxysmal disorder of pan-sensory gain." Image
#Migraine is the #1 cause of working-age disability worldwide. WHO uses objective metrics to determine disease burden. Severe migraine ranks in the highest category alongside terminal-stage cancer.

There's no debate: migraine is a profoundly disabling disease. @headsUPmigraine Image
Read 3 tweets
Analysis: #NASDAQ $ERI

Case 383 #Eldorado_Resorts Inc.

Special follower request: @AliTheTrader1

DISCLAIMER: The analysis is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation to trade.

#ERI 1/4
Chart 1
Weekly Chart: The huge breakdown seen in Mar. 2020 saw all gains from 2015 wiped out. Price, eventually, found support on the #Fib. 0.942 and bounced strongly back into the old trading channel. .....

ERI 2/4
..... A #cluster sits above the #SMA 200 and 2018 #pivot at 34.88/55 respectively with slowing #momentum.

ERI 3/4
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Analysis: #NASDAQ $KNDI

Case 375 #Kandi_Technologies Group Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The analysis is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation to trade.

#KNDI 1/4
Chart 1
Weekly Chart: The Mar. 2020 low found #support at the 2007 #trendline and has bounced and is attempting to close above the SMA 200 4.87. Conditions are messy and a little overstretched with immediate .....

KNDI 2/4
..... #resistance at 8.02 (2015 trendline). Further up #pivot resistance at 9.53 - a 2 week close above #cluster base at 12.15 is required for long term #bullishness.

KNDI 3/4
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Analysis: #NYSE $SPCE

Case 374 #Virgin_Galactic_Holdings, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The analysis is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation to trade.

#SPCE 1/4
Chart 1
Daily Chart: Pivots and #Fibonacci levels are almost in perfect synchronisation. #Momentum is flat and the 5 month range dominates, price is currently unable to close above #Fib. 0.618 at 20.69 but ideally a close above the Feb. 11 .....

SPCE 2/4
..... #pivot at 21.94 is required to get things moving. A close above 29.02 will target synthetic #resistance, sloping at 36.83 and above #cluster top 37.35.

SPCE 3/4
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