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colleghi storici dell’arte e appassionati

Il #QUADRATOMAGICO di Dürer nasconde un segreto
un errore indotto che ne impedisce la decrittazione all’osservatore frettoloso

Conversando con gli amici @Lyon_ e C.B.
cercheremo di dipanarne il nodo
#AlbrechtDürer #SvelandoMelancolia ImageImageImage
Dürer rappresenta ambientazioni specifiche scientifiche,geografiche,paesaggistiche. sul modello del #LiberChronicarum
Letterato,scienziato,viaggiatore #agentediplomatico la densità della proposta grafica e geografica ci restituisce tratto e luce:la Sicilia
#SvelandoMelancolia ImageImage
Come già in #AntonelloDaMessina prima di lui
Dürer si confronta anticipando la pittura en plein air…

#SvelandoMelancolia ImageImage
Read 16 tweets
#IndiraPriyadarshini perpetuated immorality in the Nehru dynasty. Intellectual Indira was admitted in Oxford University but driven out from there for non performance. She was then admitted to Shantiniketan but, #RabindranathTagore chased her out for her bad conduct.
After driven out of Shantiniketan, Indira became lonely as father was busy with politics and mother was dieing of tuberculosis in Switzerland. Playing with her loneliness, #FerozeKhan, son of a grocer named Nawab Khan who supplied wines etc to Motilal Nehru's house in Allahabad!
He was able to draw close to her. The then Governor of Maharashtra, Dr. Shriprakash warned Nehru, that Indira was having an illicit relation with Feroze Khan. Feroze Khan was then in England and he was quite sympathetic to Indira. Soon enough she changed her religion!
Read 25 tweets
This is my mooncaster Eden Kia. She’s the daughter of Emmy and Yina Kia. Yina died before her birth so she was raised by Emmy in Glimmerbrook. She’s a master practical spellcaster and only recently, after Emmy passed away, she found out she’s a dormant wolf. #ShowUsYourSims
After learning about her dormant wolf gene Eden decided to research the history of werewolves and their connection to the magic. However, to her surprise, no books were to be found in Realm of Magic about the origin of werewolves
So she got past her pride and disagreements with Morgyn and asked them for help. However, the only thing they could tell her is that: “It all started in Moonwood Mill, better start your search there.”
Read 26 tweets
wi et par analogie ça rappelle ttes les contextualisations (nécessaires par principe, ms pr le meilleur et le pire en résultat) sur les H noirs ds rap, ms aussi intra communautaire, couples etc ms le refus absolu de contextualiser les F noires autrement q par "vendues aux blancs"
ça c'est la version prol mais en version sophistiquée (donc qui va passer mieux chez les intello là où la version prol ferait hurler - preuve que leur détestation des formes réac est avant tout un truc de classe) ça s'appellera plutôt "misandrie négrophobe" ou autre truc du genre
on parle de positions politiques qui se situent ds le champ de la contestation, donc à critiquer pr les mauvaises analyses/stratégies/réponses qu'elles offrent, ce n'est pas eux le problème principal (= l'hégémonie).
Read 12 tweets
Somewhere inside the hills of yore,
She sat beneath the shade of trees;
"I've waited long, I'll wait some more,"
Her sighs were lost in gentle breeze. 1/
Anjanā closed her eyes and saw,
A vision of that haunting day;
The monkey sage, a sight of awe,
She turned, alas, naughty and fey! 2/
In fiery rage the sage had cursed,
"You've dared disturb me, wretched girl!"
At that moment she feared the worst,
She knew not what the sage would hurl. 3/
Read 14 tweets
« Noël fanfarons, Pâques Omicron »
#AnEasterCovidMood #Covid
Le déni a pour bcp débuté à Noël, lassés et tous épuisés de 2 ans de pandémie nous avons remis nos souhaits dans les mains de tests qui répondaient à une question à laquelle ils ne sont pas censé répondre, « Suis-je négatif pour ne pas tuer Mamie bidule »…
(ça fait désordre autour de la bûche)
Read 8 tweets
Ce matin, je vous parle dans @LaLettreA du futur départ du patron de l’@ANSSI_FR Guillaume Poupard. C’est un important événement dans la cybersécurité: un petit thread pour marquer le coup ⤵️…
(Info d'abord partiellement mentionnée par @Challenges dans ses indiscrets qui relevait que le directeur général de l'Anssi n'allait pas demander le renouvellement de son mandat en 2023)
L’ingénieur général de l’armement était en poste depuis huit ans et incarnait la cyber française. Quel bilan peut-on faire de son mandat? Voici quelques idées en vrac, après échanges avec quelques acteurs du secteur.
Read 21 tweets
Less than a million years ago, a certain woman accused me of speculating on her #MentalHealth to an acquaintance of her's.

I don't know if I did or I didn’t. I DO know that I've known (or known of) the lady for more than a decade & that I'd probably speculate on Anybody's ...
... #MentalHealth during that time. I've sure as Hell speculated on my own.

We all have a #Shadow. When I take my shadow out of the #MetaphoricalBox in which I keep it hidden, and look it in the eye, I think: Gillard: You're as '#MadAsABoxOfFrogs!
Unlike my #FragileFriend who clearly thinks that anyone speculating on her #MentalHealth is an #Insult and a serious danger to her #reputation, I think #TheWholeBloodyWorldIsMad!

Has nobody read #Kafka, #Hesse, #DeSade, Sacher-Masoch or #LukeRhinehart?
Read 11 tweets
In a few cases, it is perhaps possible to discuss the 'value' of personal data in itself, e.g. data sets to train and validate ML models.

In many cases, however, the value an organization can extract from data depends on its capacity to directly or indirectly apply it to people.
I think, the value an organization can extract from personal data depends on its direct or indirect control over a sociotechnical system's capacity to *act on* individuals and groups, to decide about how to treat people, target them, mediate their choices or behaviors etc.
The most direct form of such a capacity to act on people based on personal data is the 'customer relationship', e.g. with loyalty program members, magazine subscribers, bank customers ...or users who registered at an online service, downloaded an app or bought a networked device.
Read 11 tweets
Reading the Ofsted maths review a bit more. I really think the categorisation of knowledge is very limited with declarative, procedural and conditional knowledge. The latter is not used a lot afaik but is metacognitive and strategic in nature (but metacognition not mentioned).
With Rittle-Johnson et al’s (and others) work on procedural and conceptual knowledge, I especially find the omission or rephrasing of ‘conceptual’ notable. The word ‘conceptual’ appears in sevral places….
… in relation to ‘fluency’.
… in the table under ‘declarative’ as ‘relationships between facts’ (conceptual understanding)
… ‘develop further understanding through applying procedures’
… in a table under ‘procedural’
Read 69 tweets
La no.3 républicaine de la Chambre et conservatrice ultra #LizCheney a donc fait 1 discours à la tribune de son assemblée pour déclarer qu'au nom de "l'Etat de droit", elle dénonçait #Trump comme 1 menace jamais vue auparavant contre la #démocratie…
2. #LizCheney a souligné, dans la Chambre assaillie le 6 janvier par les émeutiers pro-#Trump, que l'ex-président "menait 1 croisade pour saboter la démocratie US". Les choses sont posées clairement. Mais avec quel impact politique? Cela reste à déterminer…
3. Le vote pour virer #LizCheney de son poste de no.3 du groupe républicain à la Chambre débute aujourd'hui et sauf énorme surprise, ses collègues no.1 (McCarthy) et no.2 (Scalise) ayant fait campagne active contre elle, elle devrait être remplacée par Elise Stefanik élue de NY
Read 9 tweets
Samsung Smart Tag (#NRF52 based / #NoUWB) #Teardown thread ⤵️ <1/x>
#SmartTag 🥷 Image
As for the SmartTag+... we have a FCCID to check: #A3LEIT5300
This time, no UWB freq. And... soon more files will be made public, even we won't need it 👌 <2/x> ImageImageImage
Backside PCB: <3/x> Image
Read 14 tweets
#Thread #Faith #God #Christ #Salvation #Jesus #Church #Bible #scripture
1. Faith is meant for spiritual things.

Faith is misused and abused.

Using faith on earth w/o rigorous testing is damaging that what God gave you to connect you to Him.
2. Think of #Gambling...doesn't the house always win?

What is going through the mind of those who sit at the #SlotMachines?

Whoa!!!!!!! Think of the #Internet.

Shouldn't we #GuardYourHeart?

What of #Hope?

I often think of the #BookOfJob #OldTestament.
3. Are you tossed around by the wind and waves?

Ephesians 4:14
"Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming."
Read 4 tweets
#Hold_Up #BingeWatching #Chapter4 je n'ai plus que 5 radis. Comment tenir un week-end ? Ah, voilà les archives secrètes de la CIA. Ça manquait. Page 250...⬇️
#Hold_Up Rockefeller fait de la science-fiction. Il n'est pas très beau et il est très mort. Mais que vient-il faire là ? AAAAAAA Bill Gates. C'est donc ça !⬇️
#Hold_Up Bill, ce pull rose ne te va pas. Du tout.⬇️
Read 25 tweets
#Hold_Up #BingeWatching #Chapter2 AAAAA Raoult. J'étais pas prête. ⬇️
#Hold_Up ah mais voilà ! On a le propos ! "On nous fait peur avec des courbes faussées par des tests dévoyés." On tient un semblant de cohérence là. ⬇️
#Hold_Up et voilà le titre ! C'est merveilleux.⬇️
Read 25 tweets
“When it comes to privacy and accountability, people always demand the former for themselves and the latter for everyone else.” ― David Brin #PhilHealthCorruption
Let’s go on a trip down memory lane during the turning point in the PH’s history, #PeoplePower. Ferdie, the dictator not the typhoon, learned about RAM’s coup to oust him. #NeverForget #NeverAgain… Image
Our little general Ricky, Meldy’s chief security escort, read a prepared statement to reveal the plot he was part of. Nilaglag mo sina Honasan?… Image
Read 14 tweets
Ladies and gentlemen, the thread is set and we’re proud to roll out the red carpet for the #MutyaAtLakanNgKatarantaduhan, Princess Juliana Cladetta and Prince Erickus Yup Yup Yup
The Wormy World Part 1
#SB19LGDayxNight #IbalikAngABSCBN Image
Buckle up because we are torpedoing down south to the place known for the carabao mango, Davao Occidental. Princess Juliana Cladetta or Cladi the worm is born in the Royal House of Mangga.
#iKONonILOGU2Concert (sorry for hijacking this hashtag, this tale needs to be told)
Since her royal household has huge coffers, she and her old man donated 3M for medical frontliners. She really has a ❤️of 🪙. 👏👏🙌… Image
Read 11 tweets
Let’s go down further south to the land with a promising tomorrow, Cam Sur. In the town named after a famous nut, lived LRay the Prodigal Lice. He was groomed to be his father’s successor to rule the Royal House of Pili. Image
Luis The Grand Lice, thought it was the right move after all he was his son, believing that he would listen to his counsel but once the determined little lice tasted power, he wasn’t ready to share it with his old man ever again.…
Once he took the throne, he began purging the ranks. He eliminated all the loyal subjects of his father because he didn’t trust them. He wanted to chart his own mark without any residue of its former occupant.… Image
Read 18 tweets
With the ban on importation of maize. Growers need to pay attention to optimizing production of maize.
Attention needs to be paid to the following
1. Use hybrids seeds. OPVs will not cut it to get the yields that makes one profitable.
Leading brands in Nigeria for this are Seedco, Corteva and Dekalb.
2. Understand the fertilizer requirement for your land. If you do more than 5ha. It is recommended you carry out a soil test and have your fertilizer blended to fit. OCP Africa, Notore
And Golden Fertilizer are your plugin for this.
3. Land preparation must be properly done. If you miss this , it will hunt you in the 2nd to 6th week of the crop cycle.
4. Plant population is fundamental. You can not reap what you didn’t sow. .
Read 7 tweets
Ik heb de afgelopen dagen geprobeerd (met beperking dat ik in Warschau zit & nul connecties heb bij Tsjechische geheime diensten) dit bizarre verhaal uit te zoeken: een Russische spion zou naar Praag zijn gereisd om de burgemeester te vergiftigen🧵
Gerenommeerd weekblad @RESPEKT_CZ meldde zondag dat een Rus 3wkn geleden naar Tsjechië kwam met diplomatiek paspoort & *ricine* en 't gemunt had op 2 lokale politici. Vier alinea's zonder verheldering hoe plot zou zijn voorkomen en waar verdachte nu is…
Aanname in het nieuwsbericht was dat burgemeester Zdeněk Hřib zich toorn van Moskou op de hals haalde door recent het plein voor de Russische ambassade te hernoemen naar de vermoorde Boris Nemtsov (waarna de ambassade de brievenbus verplaatste)…
Read 19 tweets
1 petit #thread récapitulatif sur l'enquête en vue d'#impeachment sur #Trump de la Chambre démocrate qui prend un nouveau tournant aujourd'hui avec les 1ères auditions publiques et télévisées de témoins pour essayer de prendre de la hauteur sur 1 flux impressionnant d'infos… 👇
2) Déjà, de quoi s'agit-il? Rappeler que la Chambre à majorité démocrate a ouvert depuis le 24 septembre 1 enquête en vue d'#impeachment, c'est-à-dire de mise en accusation contre le président D.#Trump à propos de ses actions envers l'#Ukraine au printemps et à l'été 2019...
3)…cette enquête parlementaire en vue d'#impeachment de la Chambre démocrate a été ultérieurement codifiée par cette résolution votée par la Chambre le 31 octobre.L'enquête doit déterminer s'il y a motif(s) de mettre en accusation #Trump selon ces règles.…
Read 31 tweets
#IKnowAGuy Chapter II:

A while back I posted some of my photography gear on OLX, and I fell into the hands of some crazy robbery drama. And I ended up in so much trouble.


Getting out of it, was purely God's grace.

Lets go!
I needed to let go of some gear so I took them and share on my socials and my photography whatsapp groups and pages.

Total Cost: 420K.

There was little movement and conversation over it. And then someone told me, 'I know a guy who bought my stuff off OLX.' I was like, Bingo.
I was not new to OLX. I bought a camera grip off the platform. But while at agency, I worked extensively on OLX as a brand, developing campaigns, pushing recruitment, youth engagement, campus activations etc.

I'd heard stories of conmen on the app but I'd never experienced it.
Read 23 tweets
It’s that time of the year again! The 9 days of festivities, Navaratri is here! Celebrated in various parts of the country in various ways, the festival is special for several reasons. #Navratri #Navaratri2019 #Thread
From the familiar golu in TN to Navaratri fasting concluding with the grand celebrations of Dasami or Dusshera depending on which part of India you're in, the festival is filled with lore, legend and backstories found in Itihasas and Puranas.
#Navratri #Navaratri2019
Some of you may remember that last year during the 9 days of #Navratri, we spoke about 9 kritis of the Navavaranas dedicated to goddess Kamalaamba,composed by Muthuswami Dikshithar. Here’s the thread if you’d like to jog through it. #Navaratri2019
Read 157 tweets
En apprenant que les @PIXIES avaient écrit une chanson sur Saint Nazaire j'ai eu envie de créer une playlist "Les 100 plus grandes villes de France" sur Spotify. Voici son histoire.
Après un premier tour d'horizon je me suis aperçu que St Nazaire est la 69ème ville de France et qu'avant il y a Champigny-sur-Marne et St-Maur-des-Fossés qui vont me donner du fil à retordre. Je rebaptise la playlist "Les 69 plus grandes villes de France"…
#1 C'est parti. J'ai donc déjà la dernière chanson et pour la 1ère j'ai un paquet de choix. Je n'ai pas pris la plus connue mais bon pour commencer ça a le mérite d'être direct et dansant.
poke @brigittetheband
Read 26 tweets

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