While #Mueller concluded there was no evidence of #RussianCollusion from the Trump campaign, some of the key people in creating the narrative have ties to #Ukraine. theepochtimes.com/ties-to-ukrain…
Serhiy #Leshchenko, a member of the #Ukraine's Parliament, was a common thread involved…
#Leshchenko, along with Artem #Sytnyk, was responsible for publicly disclosing the contents of the #Ukrainian “black ledger,” which implicated #Manafort, to the media.
In addition, Leshchenko served as a direct source of information for #FusionGPS—and their hired researcher—former @CIA contractor #NellieOhr.
When asked if any Fusion research was based off “sources of theirs,” Nellie…
When pressed, #NellieOhr said she recalled them “mentioning someone named Serhiy #Leshchenko, a #Ukrainian.”
She later admitted she knew of Leshchenko prior…
#NellieOhr said she wasn’t aware how the connection between #Leshchenko and Fusion was established, or if they were doing work…
Later in #NellieOhr’s testimony, #Leshchenko was briefly mentioned once again.

#PaulManafort, the former campaign chairman for Trump, would be famously implicated in the Black Box ledger scandal which would lead to his resignation from the Trump campaign.
Manafort’s work in #Ukraine was highlighted in late July…
The documents implicating #Manafort had been released by Serhiy #Leshchenko.
Leshchenko became the subject of an investigation in #Ukraine and in December 2018, a #Kyiv…
In late 2015, Chalupa expanded her research into Manafort to include…
According to @KyivPost, “Chalupa said she first came across Manafort after she organized a meeting with then-U.S. President Barack Obama’s National Security Council and leaders of Ukrainian-American organizations in January 2014…”
Notably, this theme would be picked up by the #Clinton campaign in the summer of 2016.
Just days prior to #Manafort’s hiring, @AlexandraChalup spoke with the #Ukrainian ambassador to the US, and told him of concerns she had regarding #Manafort.
The “Democratic operative” refers to @AlexandraChalup , while the “Ukrainian lawmaker” refers to #Leshchenko.
Mentioned in the same article was @AlexandraChalup, with whom @Isikoff had been working:

According to a March 20, 2017, report from @FoxNews, Leshchenko had spoken with Chalupa sometime in 2016: