Having looked at the opening remarks I have picked out highlights and links to some of the questions covered in our excellent #hustings last Saturday. #EUelections2019 #PeoplesVote

Julie Ward of @uklabour views areas of refugee policy and sharing responsibility for them and also online safety and security, holding the platforms to account as crucial work for the EU.
Question 1 What areas of of Policy are better coordinated at EU level rather than national leve?
Chris Davies of the @LibDems gives his particular view on this though .
You would probably not expect any particular party to recommend strategic voting but all the answers are interesting
Jessica Northey of @TheGreenParty here believes that we need more Green MEPs across Europe who believe in legislating at the highest levels in order to protect people & our environment
If the EU didn’t exist we would be inventing it
Sophie Larroque of UKEU points out these are EU elections not a referendum so their policy is simply to #remain in the EU
Sajjad Karim of Conservatives says they do not have a manifesto but he is continuing to campaign for a #peoplesvote.
Julie Ward discusses the need to change the language to a confirmatory vote which allows a unifying narratife and points out labour voted for a #peoplesvote 3 times.
The complete panel answers to Q4 here
Sajjad Karim tries to clear up the misinformation around this question.
(We have all come across the lies about the so called EU army haven’t we).
Full answers from the entire panel
#PeoplesVote #EUElections2019
Whilst exploring this question Sophie Larroque from @theukeuparty wonders why any brexiter would stand as MEP when they do not believe in the European Project
Complete answers from the panel
The panel is pretty much in agreement that no deal will be a disastrous outcome. Sajjad Karim says No-deal is off the table but Dan Price of Change UK feels this is still a great danger in Westmisnter
Full answers
Some interesting answers as to how together we can tackle this question but of course planning decisions are taken at a national level by necessity.
Some strong answers here. Dan believes populism is a symptom of austerity but if we let them win it will not go away, Julie sees the leave vote as a protest vote.
Sophie believes we have to press the issue that brexit will make us poorer
Jessica believes we need to address this on the doorsteps by listening to leavers
Dan Price of @ForChange_Now believes we have lots of strong influence still and we could champion EU reform for example as several members seem to want to talk about those possibilities.
Q11 - Can the UK rebuild its credibility and trust with EU partners and how? #EUelections2019